Tones in Statements 4221 New Curriculum 2024 I Tones in Statements Class Nine English 4.2.2 c

Class 9 English 4.2.2 Question Answer | Class 9 English 4.2.2 | Tones in Statements Class 9  

Class 9 English 4.2.2 | Tones in Statements Class 9 | Class 9 English 4.2.2 Question Answer

This lesson discusses questions and answers on page 49 of class 9 english 4.2.2 lesson. This  lesson is intended for the students of Bangladesh  who are in class 9. This content provides solutions to exercise 4.2.2 on page 49 where students will answer some questions based on activity 4.2.1. We've discussed class nine English chapter 4, "Tones in Statements" based on the 2024 class nine English book published by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB).

Class 9 English

Here is the answers of the above questions

a. Every statement has its own tone - Do you agree? If yes, why?

Yes, I agree that every statement has its tone. Tone expresses the attitude or emotion conveyed by a written or verbal statement. Each statement conveys a particular mood or atmosphere through its choice of words and the way it presents its subject matter. For example, the statement "Joining a club or extracurricular activity can help you develop new skills and make friends" has a persuasive tone, as it aims to convince the reader of the benefits of joining clubs or activities.

b. Do you think authors convey their own moods or feelings through their writings? Explain answer with an example.

Authors often convey their moods or feelings through their writings. They may do this intentionally to create an atmosphere or emotional response in the readers. For example, a writer might describe a scene from their childhood with vivid detail and sentiment, evoking similar feelings in the readers. Likewise, if an author writes a heartfelt poem about love and loss, their own emotions and experiences may influence the tone of the poem, evoking similar emotions in the reader.

c. While doing the activity, how do you identify the writer's mood or feelings in the statements?

When identifying the writer's mood or feelings in the statements, I can analyze the choice of words and overall tone of the writing. For instance, if a statement contains words like "wonder" or "curious," it suggests that the writer is expressing curiosity or interest. Similarly, in statement (b), the tone is inspirational as it encourages the reader to view mistakes positively as opportunities for growth. This positive and uplifting message reflects the author's optimistic outlook or happy.

d. Have you ever experienced the tone of the writer while reading any text/literary work? If yes, describe with an example how you know the writer's tone.

Yes, I have experienced the tone of the writer while reading various texts. For example, when reading the story "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen, I could sense the writer's critical, sarcastic, and mocking tone toward Mr. Collins. It is evident through the use of phrases such as "deficiency of nature," "self-conceit of a weak head," and "mix of pride and obsequiousness." Such language conveys a sense of disapproval and irony in depicting Mr. Collins' character.

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