Unit Eight: Relationships || Lesson 3 A Mother in Mannville|| Textbook page 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139 & 140 || English first paper || Bangla meaning, line by line Bangla meaning, text questions and solution , short questions and summary ||

Unit Eight: Relationships ||  Lesson 3 A Mother in Mannville|| Textbook page 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139 & 140 || English first paper || Bangla meaning, line by line Bangla meaning, text questions and solution , short questions and summary ||

Lesson 3 

A Mother in Mannville

A Mother in Mannville
About the author

Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings was born on August 8, 1896, in Washington, D.C. A writer from an early age, she won a prize of $2 for a short story published in the Washington Post in 1907. She attended the University of Wisconsin where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English. She married Charles Rawlings, also a writer. The couple moved to New York, where they worked as journalists for various newspapers.

In 1933, the couple divorced. In 1941, she married Norton Baskin, a hotel owner from St. Augustine, Florida, and lived with him until her death in 1953. Rawlings was considered a writer of local or regional literature which focuses on a particular geographical setting of rural, Southern USA. Although her stories are based on the seemingly simple lives of rural people, her themes are universal.
Rawlings continued to write until her death from a cerebral hemorrhage on December 14, 1953.

নিচে প্রতিটি লাইনের বাংলা অনুবাদ দেওয়া হলো:

  1. Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings was born on August 8, 1896, in Washington, D.C.
    মারজোরি কিনান রলিংস ৮ আগস্ট, ১৮৯৬ সালে ওয়াশিংটন, ডি.সি.-তে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন।

  2. A writer from an early age, she won a prize of $2 for a short story published in the Washington Post in 1907.
    ছোটবেলা থেকেই তিনি একজন লেখক ছিলেন; ১৯০৭ সালে ওয়াশিংটন পোস্টে প্রকাশিত একটি ছোটগল্পের জন্য তিনি ২ ডলার পুরস্কার পান।

  3. She attended the University of Wisconsin where she received her Bachelor of Arts degree in English.
    তিনি উইসকনসিন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে পড়াশোনা করেন এবং সেখান থেকে ইংরেজিতে ব্যাচেলর অব আর্টস ডিগ্রি লাভ করেন।

  4. She married Charles Rawlings, also a writer.
    তিনি চার্লস রলিংসকে বিয়ে করেন, যিনি নিজেও একজন লেখক ছিলেন।

  5. The couple moved to New York, where they worked as journalists for various newspapers.
    দম্পতি নিউ ইয়র্কে চলে যান, যেখানে তারা বিভিন্ন সংবাদপত্রে সাংবাদিক হিসেবে কাজ করেন।

  6. In 1933, the couple divorced.
    ১৯৩৩ সালে দম্পতির বিবাহবিচ্ছেদ হয়।

  7. In 1941, she married Norton Baskin, a hotel owner from St. Augustine, Florida, and lived with him until her death in 1953.
    ১৯৪১ সালে, তিনি ফ্লোরিডার সেন্ট অগাস্টিনের একজন হোটেল মালিক নর্টন বাসকিনকে বিয়ে করেন এবং ১৯৫৩ সালে মৃত্যুর আগ পর্যন্ত তার সঙ্গে বসবাস করেন।

  8. Rawlings was considered a writer of local or regional literature which focuses on a particular geographical setting of rural, Southern USA.
    রলিংসকে স্থানীয় বা আঞ্চলিক সাহিত্যের একজন লেখক হিসেবে বিবেচনা করা হয়, যা মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের দক্ষিণের গ্রামীণ অঞ্চলের নির্দিষ্ট ভৌগোলিক পরিবেশকে কেন্দ্র করে লেখা।

  9. Although her stories are based on the seemingly simple lives of rural people, her themes are universal.
    যদিও তার গল্পগুলো আপাতদৃষ্টিতে গ্রামীণ মানুষের সাধারণ জীবনকে কেন্দ্র করে লেখা, তবে তার থিম বা বিষয়বস্তু সার্বজনীন।

  10. Rawlings continued to write until her death from a cerebral hemorrhage on December 14, 1953.
    ১৪ ডিসেম্বর, ১৯৫৩ সালে মস্তিষ্কে রক্তক্ষরণজনিত কারণে মৃত্যুর আগ পর্যন্ত রলিংস লেখালেখি চালিয়ে যান।

Warm up: Discuss in pairs.
A. What is an orphanage? What kinds of feeling do orphans have to deal with?

Answer Question No. A

An orphanage is a residential institution where children who have lost their parents or have been abandoned are cared for and raised. These institutions provide shelter, food, education, and other basic needs for orphans until they are adopted or become independent.

Feelings that orphans may experience include:

  1. Loneliness – They may feel isolated without a family.
  2. Sadness and Grief – They mourn the loss of their parents or family.
  3. Abandonment – They may feel unwanted or rejected.
  4. Longing for Love – They often desire affection and belonging.
  5. Fear and Insecurity – They might worry about their future.
  6. Hopefulness – Some orphans remain hopeful about being adopted or building a better life.

B. Pre reading tasks
1. Point of view: A story can be told from a first person point of view or a third person point of view.
When a story is told from the first person point of view, the narrator uses words such as 'l' and 'we' and is a witness to, or part of the action. When a story is told from a third person point of view, the narrator is not involved in the action and uses 'he', 'she', 'they' instead of 'T' and 'we'.

As you read A Mother in Mannville', decide which point of view is used by the narrator.

2. Setting: The setting of a story or novel is the place and time in which the actions take place. Authors often use descriptions of time, season, weather, landscape, the natural surroundings etc. to establish the setting of a literary work.

As you read the story, note down as many descriptions as possible used by the author to create the setting.

You may use the following table to organise these descriptions.

C. Now read an abridged version of the story A Mother in Mannville' and then. do the activities that follow.

A Mother in Mannville

The orphanage is high in the Carolina mountains. I was there in the auturın. I wanted quiet, isolation, to do some troublesome writing. I wanted mountain air to blow out the malaria from too long a time in the subtropics. I was homesick too. for the flaming of maples in October, and for corn shocks and pumpkins and black-walnut trees.... I found them all living in a cabin that belonged to the orphanage, half a mile beyond the orphanage farm. When I took the cabin, I asked for a boy or man to come and chop wood for the fireplace.....

I looked up from my typewriter one late afternoon, a little startled. A boy stood at the door and my pointer dog. my companion, was at his side and had not barked to warn me. The boy was probably twelve years old, but undersized. He wore overalls and a torn shirt, and was barefooted.

He said, "I can chop some wood today." ...."You? But you're small."

"Size don't matter, chopping wood," he said. "Some of the big boys don't chop good.

I've been chopping wood at the orphanage a long time."

"Very well. There's the ax. Go ahead and see what you can do."

I went back to work, closing the door....

He began to chop. The blows were rhythmic and steady, and shortly I had forgotten him, the sound no more of an interruption than a consistent rain. I suppose an hour and a half passed and I heard the boy's steps on the cabin stoop.... The boy said, "I have to go to supper now," he said. "I can come again tomorrow."

I said, "I'll pay you now for what you've done," thinking I should probably have to insist on an older boy....

We went together back of the cabin. An astonishing amount of solid wood had been cut.... "But you've done as much as a man." I said. "This is a splendid pile."

I looked at him, actually, for the first time. His

Lesson 3
hair was the color of the corn shocks and his eyes, very direct, were like the mountain sky when rain is pending gray, with a shadowing of that miraculous blue.... I gave him a quarter.

"You may come tomorrow afternoon," I said, "and thank you very much." He looked at me, and at the coin, and seemed to want to speak, but could not, and turned away....

At daylight I was half wakened by the sound of chopping. Again it was so even in texture that I went back to sleep. When I left my bed in the cool morning, the boy had come and gone, and a stack of kindling was neat against the cabin wall. He came after school in the afternoon and worked until time to return to the orphanage. His name was Jerry.... he had been at the orphanage since he was four. I could picture him at four with the same grave gray-blue eyes and the same independence? No, the word that comes to me is "integrity".... It is bedded on courage, but it is more than brave. It is honest, but it is more than honesty. The ax handle broke one day. Jerry said the woodshop at the orphanage would repair it. I brought money to pay for the job and he refused it.

"I'll pay for it," he said. "I broke it. I brought the ax down careless."
"But no one hits accurately every time," I told him. "The fault was in the wood of the handle. I'll see the man from whom I bought it"

It was only then that he would take the money. He was standing back of his own care-lessness. He was a free-will agent and he chose to do careful work, and if he failed, he took the responsibility without subterfuge.

And he did for me the unnecessary thing, the gracious thing, that we find done only by the great of heart. Things no training can teach, for they are done on the instant, with no predicated experience. He found a cubbyhole beside the fireplace that I had not noticed. There, of his own accord, he put kindling and "medium" wood, so that I might always have dry fire material ready in case of sudden wet weather. A stone was loose in the rough walk to the cabin. He dug a deeper hole and steadied it, although he came, himself, by a shortcut over the bank. I found that when I tried to return his thoughtfulness with such things as candy and apples, he was wordless. "Thank you" was, perhaps, an expression for which he had had no use, for his courtesy was instinctive. He only looked at the gift and at me, and a curtain lifted, so that I saw deep into the clear well of his eyes, and gratitude was there, and affection, soft over the firm granite of his character....

He became intimate, of course, with my pointer, Pat. There is a strange communion between a boy and a dog. Perhaps they possess the same singleness of spirit, the same kind of wisdom. It is difficult to explain, but it exists. When I went across the state for a weekend, I left the dog in Jerry's charge.... My return was belated and fog filled the mountain passes so treacherously that.... it was Monday noon before 1 reached the cabin. The dog had been fed and cared for that morning. Jerry came early in the afternoon, anxious.

"The superintendent said nobody would drive in the fog," he said. "I came.... last night and you hadn't come. So I brought Pat some of my breakfast this morning. I wouldn't have let anything happen to him."

.... I gave him a dollar in payment, and he looked at it and went away. But that night he came in the darkness and knocked at the door.

"Come in, Jerry," I said, "if you're allowed to be away this late."

"I told maybe a story" he said, "I told them I thought you would want to see me."

"That's true." I assured him, and I saw his relief. "I want to hear about how you managed with the dog."

He sat by the fire with me.... and told me of their two days together. The dog lay close to him and found a comfort there that I did not have for him.... "He stayed right with me," he told me, "except when he ran in the laurel.... There was a place where the grass was high and I lay down in it and hid. I could hear Pat hunting for me.... When he found me he acted crazy, and he ran around and around me, in circles."

We watched the flames.

"That's an apple log," he said. "It burns the prettiest of any wood." We were very close.

He was suddenly impelled to speak. "You look a little bit like my mother," he said. "Especially in the dark, by the fire."

"But you were only four, Jerry, when you came here. You have remembered how she looked, all these years?"

"My mother lives in Mannville," he said.

For a moment, finding that he had a mother shocked me... I did not know why it disturbed me. Then I understood my distress. I was filled with a passionate resentment that any woman should go away and leave her son. A son like this one The orphanage was a wholesome place, the food was more than adequate, the boys were healthy.... Granted, perhaps, that the boy felt no lack, what blood fed the bowels of a woman who did not yearn over this child's lean body that had come in parturition out of her own?

"Have you seen her, Jerry lately?" I asked.

"I see her every summer. She sends for me."

I wanted to cry out. "Why are you not with her? How can she let you go away again?"

He said, "She comes up here from Mannville whenever she can. She doesn't have a job


His face shone in the firelight.

"She wanted to give me a puppy, but they can't let any one boy keep a puppy. You

remember the suit I had on last Sunday?" He was plainly proud. "She sent me that for

Christmas. The Christmas before that he drew a long breath, savoring the memory-

"she sent me a pair of skates.... I let the other boys use them, but they're careful of them."
What circumstance other than poverty-?

"I'm going to take the dollar you gave me for taking care of Pat," he said, "and buy her a pair of gloves."

... I hated her. Poverty or not, there was other food than bread, and the soul could starve as quickly as the body. He was taking his dollar to buy gloves for her big, stupid hands and she lived away from him, in Mannville, and contented herself with sending him skates.

"She likes white gloves," he said. "Do you think I can get them for a dollar?" "I think so," I said...

And after my first fury at her we did not speak of her again, his having a mother, any sort at all, relieved me of the ache I had had about him... He was not lonely. It was none of my concern.

He came every day and cut my wood and did small helpful favors and stayed to talk. The days had become cold, and often I let him come inside the cabin. He would lie on the floor in front of the fire, with one arm across the pointer, and they would both doze and wait quietly for me. Other days they ran with a common ecstasy through the laurel, and he brought me back vermilion maple leaves, and chestnut boughs dripping with imperial yellow. I was ready to go.

I said to him, "You have been my friend, Jerry. I shall often think of you and miss you. Pat will miss you too. I am leaving tomorrow."

He did not answer... and I watched him go in silence up the hill.

I expected him the next day, but he did not come... I closed the cabin and started the car... I stopped by the orphanage and left the cabin key and money... with Miss Clark. "And will you call Jerry for me to say good-bye to him?"

"I don't know where he is," she said. "I'm afraid he's not well. He didn't eat his dinner this noon. One of the other boys saw him going over the hill into the laurel... It's not like him"...

I was almost relieved... it would be easier not to say good-bye to him.....

I said, "I wanted to talk with you about his mother why he's here but I'm in more of a hurry than I expected to be. It's out of the question for me to see her now, too, But here's some money... to buy things for him at Christmas and on his birthday. It will be better than for me to try to send him things. I could so easily duplicate skates, for instance." She blinked her honest spinster's eyes. "There's not much use for skates here," she said. Her stupidity annoyed me."What I mean." I said. "is that I don't want to duplicate the things his mother sends him. I might have chosen skates if I didn't know she had already given them to him." 

She stared at me."I don't understand," she said. "He has no mother. He has no skates."

Here are some important word meanings in Bangla along with synonyms and antonyms:

  1. Orphanage - অনাথ আশ্রম

    • Synonym: Shelter (আশ্রয়), Home (বসতি)
    • Antonym: Family (পরিবার), Household (গৃহস্থালী)
  2. Cabin - কুটির

    • Synonym: Hut (ঝুপড়ি), Cottage (কুটির)
    • Antonym: Mansion (অট্টালিকা), Palace (রাজপ্রাসাদ)
  3. Isolation - বিচ্ছিন্নতা

    • Synonym: Solitude (নিঃসঙ্গতা), Seclusion (একাকিত্ব)
    • Antonym: Togetherness (একত্রতা), Inclusion (অন্তর্ভুক্তি)
  4. Malaria - ম্যালেরিয়া

    • Synonym: Fever (জ্বর), Disease (রোগ)
    • Antonym: Health (স্বাস্থ্য), Wellness (সুস্থতা)
  5. Homesick - গৃহাতুর

    • Synonym: Nostalgic (স্মৃতিকাতর), Lonely (একাকী)
    • Antonym: Comfortable (আরামদায়ক), Content (সন্তুষ্ট)
  6. Flaming - প্রজ্বলিত

    • Synonym: Blazing (জ্বলন্ত), Burning (পোড়ানো)
    • Antonym: Cold (শীতল), Dark (অন্ধকার)
  7. Undersized - খর্বাকৃতি

    • Synonym: Small (ছোট), Short (খাটো)
    • Antonym: Tall (লম্বা), Big (বড়)
  8. Overalls - জাম্পসুট

    • Synonym: Work clothes (কর্মপরিধান), Uniform (ইউনিফর্ম)
    • Antonym: Formal wear (আনুষ্ঠানিক পোশাক), Suit (স্যুট)
  9. Rhythmic - তালযুক্ত

    • Synonym: Musical (সুরেলা), Cadenced (ছন্দোময়)
    • Antonym: Unsteady (অস্থির), Irregular (অনিয়মিত)
  10. Splendid - চমৎকার

    • Synonym: Magnificent (বিস্ময়কর), Excellent (উৎকৃষ্ট)
    • Antonym: Poor (দরিদ্র), Inferior (নিম্নমানের)
  11. Integrity - সততা

    • Synonym: Honesty (সততা), Morality (নৈতিকতা)
    • Antonym: Dishonesty (অসততা), Corruption (দুর্নীতি)
  12. Courage - সাহস

    • Synonym: Bravery (বীরত্ব), Boldness (সাহসিকতা)
    • Antonym: Cowardice (কাপুরুষতা), Fear (ভয়)
  13. Subterfuge - প্রতারণা

    • Synonym: Deception (প্রতারণা), Trickery (চাতুরতা)
    • Antonym: Truth (সত্য), Honesty (সততা)
  14. Cubbyhole - ছোট গর্ত

    • Synonym: Nook (কোণ), Cranny (ফাটল)
    • Antonym: Open space (খোলা স্থান), Hall (হল)
  15. Steady - স্থির

    • Synonym: Stable (স্থিতিশীল), Firm (দৃঢ়)
    • Antonym: Unsteady (অস্থির), Shaky (কোমল)
  16. Gracious - দয়ালু

    • Synonym: Kind (দয়ালু), Courteous (ভদ্র)
    • Antonym: Rude (অসভ্য), Unkind (নিষ্ঠুর)
  17. Instinctive - স্বাভাবিক

    • Synonym: Natural (প্রাকৃতিক), Inherent (সহজাত)
    • Antonym: Learned (অর্জিত), Artificial (কৃত্রিম)
  18. Affection - স্নেহ

    • Synonym: Love (ভালবাসা), Fondness (আসক্তি)
    • Antonym: Hatred (ঘৃণা), Indifference (উদাসীনতা)
  19. Communion - সংযোগ

    • Synonym: Connection (সম্পর্ক), Bond (বন্ধন)
    • Antonym: Separation (বিচ্ছেদ), Division (বিভাগ)
  20. Treacherous - বিশ্বাসঘাতক

    • Synonym: Dangerous (বিপজ্জনক), Untrustworthy (অবিশ্বাসী)
    • Antonym: Safe (নিরাপদ), Loyal (বিশ্বস্ত)
  21. Belated - বিলম্বিত

    • Synonym: Delayed (বিলম্বিত), Late (দেরি)
    • Antonym: Early (আগে), Prompt (তাৎক্ষণিক)
  22. Relief - স্বস্তি

    • Synonym: Comfort (সান্ত্বনা), Ease (সহজতা)
    • Antonym: Distress (দুঃখ), Pain (যন্ত্রণা)
  23. Memory - স্মৃতি

    • Synonym: Recollection (স্মরণ), Reminiscence (স্মৃতিচারণ)
    • Antonym: Forgetfulness (ভুলে যাওয়া), Oblivion (বিস্মৃতি)
  24. Contented - সন্তুষ্ট

    • Synonym: Satisfied (পরিতৃপ্ত), Happy (সুখী)
    • Antonym: Dissatisfied (অসন্তুষ্ট), Unhappy (অসুখী)
  25. Poverty - দারিদ্র্য

    • Synonym: Destitution (নির্বাসন), Scarcity (অভাব)
    • Antonym: Wealth (সম্পদ), Prosperity (সমৃদ্ধি)
  26. Treasure - ধন

    • Synonym: Wealth (সম্পদ), Fortune (ভাগ্য)
    • Antonym: Loss (ক্ষতি), Poverty (দারিদ্র্য)
  27. Careless - অসতর্ক

    • Synonym: Reckless (অবিবেচক), Negligent (অমনোযোগী)
    • Antonym: Careful (সতর্ক), Responsible (দায়িত্বশীল)
  28. Duplicate - নকল

    • Synonym: Copy (অনুকরণ), Replica (প্রতিলিপি)
    • Antonym: Original (আসল), Unique (অনন্য)
  29. Honest - সৎ

    • Synonym: Truthful (সত্যবাদী), Sincere (বিশ্বস্ত)
    • Antonym: Deceitful (প্রতারক), Dishonest (অসৎ)
  30. Lonely - একাকী

    • Synonym: Isolated (বিচ্ছিন্ন), Alone (একা)
    • Antonym: Social (সামাজিক), Friendly (বন্ধুত্বপূর্ণ)
  31. Hunger - ক্ষুধা

    • Synonym: Starvation (অনাহার), Appetite (ক্ষুধা)
    • Antonym: Fullness (পরিপূর্ণতা), Satisfaction (সন্তুষ্টি)
  32. Stubborn - একগুঁয়ে

    • Synonym: Obstinate (একগুঁয়ে), Rigid (কঠোর)
    • Antonym: Flexible (নমনীয়), Yielding (সহনশীল)
  33. Generous - উদার

    • Synonym: Kind (দয়ালু), Benevolent (উদার)
    • Antonym: Stingy (কৃপণ), Selfish (স্বার্থপর)

Here is the line-by-line Bangla meaning of the passage:

  1. The orphanage is high in the Carolina mountains.
    অনাথাশ্রমটি ক্যারোলাইনা পাহাড়ের উপরে অবস্থিত।

  2. I was there in the autumn.
    আমি সেখানে শরৎকালে ছিলাম।

  3. I wanted quiet, isolation, to do some troublesome writing.
    আমি নির্জনতা ও শান্তি চেয়েছিলাম, কিছু কঠিন লেখা লিখতে।

  4. I wanted mountain air to blow out the malaria from too long a time in the subtropics.
    আমি চেয়েছিলাম পাহাড়ি বাতাস আমার শরীর থেকে দীর্ঘদিনের উপক্রান্তীয় এলাকার ম্যালেরিয়ার প্রভাব দূর করে দিক।

  5. I was homesick too.
    আমি বাড়ির জন্যও মন খারাপ করছিলাম।

  6. For the flaming of maples in October, and for corn shocks and pumpkins and black-walnut trees...
    অক্টোবর মাসে ম্যাপল গাছের লালচে রঙের জন্য, ভুট্টার গাদা, কুমড়ো এবং কালো আখরোট গাছের জন্য...

  7. I found them all living in a cabin that belonged to the orphanage, half a mile beyond the orphanage farm.
    আমি এগুলো সবই পেয়েছিলাম অনাথাশ্রমের একটি কেবিনে, যা অনাথাশ্রমের খামারের আধ মাইল দূরে ছিল।

  8. When I took the cabin, I asked for a boy or man to come and chop wood for the fireplace...
    যখন আমি কেবিনটি নিলাম, আমি অনুরোধ করলাম যেন একজন ছেলে বা পুরুষ এসে আগুনের জন্য কাঠ কেটে দেয়...

  9. I looked up from my typewriter one late afternoon, a little startled.
    এক বিকেলে আমি আমার টাইপরাইটার থেকে মাথা তুললাম, একটু চমকে উঠলাম।

  10. A boy stood at the door and my pointer dog, my companion, was at his side and had not barked to warn me.
    দরজায় একটি ছেলে দাঁড়িয়ে ছিল, আর আমার পয়েন্টার কুকুর, আমার সঙ্গী, তার পাশে ছিল এবং আমাকে সতর্ক করার জন্য ঘেউ ঘেউ করেনি।

  11. The boy was probably twelve years old, but undersized.
    ছেলেটির বয়স সম্ভবত বারো বছর, তবে আকারে ছোট ছিল।

  12. He wore overalls and a torn shirt, and was barefooted.
    সে ওভারঅল এবং একটি ছেঁড়া শার্ট পরেছিল এবং পায়ে কিছু ছিল না।

  13. He said, "I can chop some wood today."
    সে বলল, "আমি আজ কিছু কাঠ কাটতে পারি।"

  14. "You? But you're small."
    "তুমি? কিন্তু তুমি তো ছোট।"

  15. "Size don't matter, chopping wood," he said.
    "কাঠ কাটতে গায়ের আকার বড় হওয়া দরকার নেই," সে বলল।

  16. "Some of the big boys don't chop good."
    "অনেক বড় ছেলেরাও ভালোভাবে কাঠ কাটতে পারে না।"

  17. "I've been chopping wood at the orphanage a long time."
    "আমি অনেক দিন ধরে অনাথাশ্রমে কাঠ কাটছি।"

  18. "Very well. There's the ax. Go ahead and see what you can do."
    "ঠিক আছে। ওখানে কুড়াল আছে। এগিয়ে যাও এবং দেখো তুমি কী করতে পারো।"

  19. I went back to work, closing the door...
    আমি দরজা বন্ধ করে আবার কাজে বসে পড়লাম...

  20. He began to chop.
    সে কাঠ কাটা শুরু করল।

  21.  The blows were rhythmic and steady, and shortly I had forgotten him, the sound no more of an interruption than a consistent rain.

ঘাটির আঘাতগুলি ছন্দবদ্ধ এবং স্থির ছিল, এবং অল্প সময়ের মধ্যেই আমি তাকে ভুলে গিয়েছিলাম, শব্দটি আর কোনো বিঘ্ন মনে হচ্ছিল না, বরং একটানা বৃষ্টির মতো স্বাভাবিক মনে হচ্ছিল।

22. I suppose an hour and a half passed and I heard the boy's steps on the cabin stoop....
আমার মনে হয় দেড় ঘণ্টার মতো কেটে গিয়েছিল, এবং আমি কেবিনের বারান্দায় ছেলেটির পায়ের শব্দ শুনলাম....

23. The boy said, "I have to go to supper now," he said. "I can come again tomorrow."
ছেলেটি বলল, "আমাকে এখন রাতের খাবার খেতে যেতে হবে," সে বলল। "আমি আবার আগামীকাল আসতে পারব।"

24. I said, "I'll pay you now for what you've done," thinking I should probably have to insist on an older boy....
আমি বললাম, "আমি তোমাকে এখনই তোমার কাজের জন্য টাকা দেব," ভাবছিলাম হয়তো আমাকে একজন বড় ছেলেকে কাজের জন্য নিতে হবে....

25. We went together back of the cabin. An astonishing amount of solid wood had been cut....
আমরা একসঙ্গে কেবিনের পেছনে গেলাম। বিস্ময়কর পরিমাণ শক্ত কাঠ কাটা হয়েছিল....

26. "But you've done as much as a man," I said. "This is a splendid pile."
"কিন্তু তুমি একজন মানুষের মতোই কাজ করেছ," আমি বললাম। "এটা একদম চমৎকার কাঠের স্তূপ।"

27. I looked at him, actually, for the first time.
আমি সত্যিই তাকে প্রথমবারের মতো ভালো করে দেখলাম।

28. His hair was the color of the corn shocks and his eyes, very direct, were like the mountain sky when rain is pending gray, with a shadowing of that miraculous blue....
তার চুল ছিল পাকা ভুট্টার রঙের মতো, এবং তার চোখ, খুবই তীক্ষ্ণ, পাহাড়ের আকাশের মতো ছিল যখন বৃষ্টি আসার অপেক্ষায় থাকে—ধূসর, এবং তাতে সেই আশ্চর্য নীল রঙের ছায়া ছিল....

29. I gave him a quarter.
আমি তাকে পঁচিশ সেন্ট দিলাম।

30. "You may come tomorrow afternoon," I said, "and thank you very much."
"তুমি আগামীকাল বিকেলে আসতে পারো," আমি বললাম, "এবং তোমাকে অনেক ধন্যবাদ।"

31. He looked at me, and at the coin, and seemed to want to speak, but could not, and turned away....
সে আমার দিকে এবং কয়েনের দিকে তাকাল, মনে হলো কিছু বলতে চায়, কিন্তু বলতে পারল না, এবং ঘুরে চলে গেল....

32. At daylight I was half wakened by the sound of chopping.
ভোরে আমি কাটা-কাটির শব্দে আধা ঘুম ভেঙে উঠলাম।

33. Again it was so even in texture that I went back to sleep.
আবারও শব্দটি এতটাই ছন্দময় ছিল যে আমি আবার ঘুমিয়ে পড়লাম।

34. When I left my bed in the cool morning, the boy had come and gone, and a stack of kindling was neat against the cabin wall.
সকালের ঠান্ডা বাতাসে যখন আমি বিছানা ছাড়লাম, তখন ছেলেটি এসে চলে গিয়েছিল, এবং কেবিনের দেয়ালের পাশে সুন্দর করে সাজানো কাঠের স্তূপ ছিল।

35. He came after school in the afternoon and worked until time to return to the orphanage.
সে বিকেলে স্কুলের পর এল এবং অনাথ আশ্রমে ফিরে যাওয়ার সময় পর্যন্ত কাজ করল।

36. His name was Jerry....
তার নাম ছিল জেরি....

37. he had been at the orphanage since he was four.
সে চার বছর বয়স থেকে অনাথ আশ্রমে ছিল।

38. I could picture him at four with the same grave gray-blue eyes and the same independence?
আমি তাকে চার বছর বয়সে কল্পনা করতে পারতাম—সেই একই গম্ভীর ধূসর-নীল চোখ এবং একই রকম স্বাধীনতা নিয়ে?

39. No, the word that comes to me is "integrity"....
না, আমার মনে যে শব্দটি আসছে তা হলো "সততা"....

40. It is bedded on courage, but it is more than brave.
এটি সাহসের ওপর ভিত্তি করে, কিন্তু এটি শুধু সাহসের চেয়েও বেশি কিছু।

  1. It is honest, but it is more than honesty.
    এটি সৎ, কিন্তু এটি সৎতার থেকেও অনেক বেশি।

  2. The ax handle broke one day.
    একদিন কুঠারটির হ্যান্ডেল ভেঙে গেল।

  3. Jerry said the woodshop at the orphanage would repair it.
    জেরি বলল যে, অনাথালয়ের কাঠশিল্পের দোকান এটি মেরামত করবে।

  4. I brought money to pay for the job and he refused it.
    আমি কাজের জন্য টাকা এনেছিলাম এবং সে তা প্রত্যাখ্যান করল।

  5. "I'll pay for it," he said.
    "আমি এর জন্য টাকা দেব," সে বলল।

  6. "I broke it. I brought the ax down careless."
    "আমি এটি ভেঙেছি। আমি কুঠারটি অবিচ্ছিন্নভাবে নামিয়েছিলাম।"

  7. "But no one hits accurately every time," I told him.
    "কিন্তু কেউ প্রতিবার সঠিকভাবে আঘাত করে না," আমি তাকে বললাম।

  8. "The fault was in the wood of the handle. I'll see the man from whom I bought it"
    "দোষ ছিল হ্যান্ডেলের কাঠে। আমি সেই ব্যক্তিকে দেখব, যার কাছ থেকে আমি এটি কিনেছিলাম।"

  9. It was only then that he would take the money.
    তখনই সে টাকা নেবে।

  10. He was standing back of his own carelessness.
    সে তার নিজস্ব অবহেলার পেছনে দাঁড়িয়ে ছিল।

  11. He was a free-will agent and he chose to do careful work, and if he failed, he took the responsibility without subterfuge.
    সে একটি স্বাধীন ইচ্ছাশক্তির অধিকারী ছিল এবং সে সযত্নে কাজ করতে চেয়েছিল, এবং যদি সে ব্যর্থ হত, তবে সে কোন ছলনা ছাড়াই দায়ভার নিত।

  12. And he did for me the unnecessary thing, the gracious thing, that we find done only by the great of heart.
    এবং সে আমার জন্য একটি অপ্রয়োজনীয় কাজ করেছিল, একটি সুশীল কাজ, যা আমরা কেবলমাত্র মহান হৃদয়ের মানুষদের দ্বারা করা দেখতে পাই।

  13. Things no training can teach, for they are done on the instant, with no predicated experience.
    এমন কিছু, যা কোন প্রশিক্ষণ দ্বারা শেখানো সম্ভব নয়, কারণ এগুলি মুহূর্তেই করা হয়, কোন পূর্ব অভিজ্ঞতা ছাড়া।

  14. He found a cubbyhole beside the fireplace that I had not noticed.
    সে একটি আলমারি খুঁজে পেল যা চুল্লির পাশে ছিল, যা আমি খেয়াল করিনি।

  15. There, of his own accord, he put kindling and "medium" wood, so that I might always have dry fire material ready in case of sudden wet weather.
    সেখানে, নিজের ইচ্ছায়, সে শুকনো কাঠ ও "মাঝারি" কাঠ রাখল, যাতে আমি হঠাৎ বৃষ্টির সময় শুকনো জ্বালানি প্রস্তুত পেতে পারি।

  16. A stone was loose in the rough walk to the cabin.
    একটি পাথর কুঁড়েঘরের কাছে অসমতল পথে ঢিলে ছিল।

  17. He dug a deeper hole and steadied it, although he came, himself, by a shortcut over the bank.
    সে একটি গভীর গর্ত খনন করে পাথরটি স্থির করল, যদিও সে নিজে বাঁধের উপর দিয়ে একটি সংক্ষিপ্ত পথে এসেছিল।

  18. I found that when I tried to return his thoughtfulness with such things as candy and apples, he was wordless.
    আমি লক্ষ্য করলাম যে, যখন আমি তার সদিচ্ছার প্রতিদান দিতে মিষ্টি ও আপেল দিয়েছিলাম, সে নির্বাক ছিল।

  19. "Thank you" was, perhaps, an expression for which he had had no use, for his courtesy was instinctive.
    "ধন্যবাদ" হয়তো একটি এমন অভিব্যক্তি ছিল, যা তার কোনও কাজে আসেনি, কারণ তার সদাচারণ ছিল স্বাভাবিক।

  20. He only looked at the gift and at me, and a curtain lifted, so that I saw deep into the clear well of his eyes, and gratitude was there, and affection, soft over the firm granite of his character....
    সে শুধু উপহারটি এবং আমাকে দেখেছিল, এবং একটি পর্দা উন্মোচন হয়েছিল, যাতে আমি তার চোখের পরিষ্কার কুয়োর গভীরে দেখতে পেরেছিলাম, এবং সেখানে ছিল কৃতজ্ঞতা, এবং অনুভূতি, তার চরিত্রের শক্তিশালী গ্রানাইটের ওপর কোমল...

  1. He became intimate, of course, with my pointer, Pat.

    • সে, অবশ্যই, আমার পয়েন্টার প্যাটের সাথে ঘনিষ্ঠ হয়ে ওঠে।
  2. There is a strange communion between a boy and a dog.

    • একটি ছেলে এবং একটি কুকুরের মধ্যে এক অদ্ভুত সম্পর্ক রয়েছে।
  3. Perhaps they possess the same singleness of spirit, the same kind of wisdom.

    • হয়তো তাদের মধ্যে এক ধরনের একক মানসিকতা, এক ধরনের জ্ঞান রয়েছে।
  4. It is difficult to explain, but it exists.

    • এটি ব্যাখ্যা করা কঠিন, তবে এটি অস্তিত্বমান।
  5. When I went across the state for a weekend, I left the dog in Jerry's charge....

    • যখন আমি সপ্তাহান্তে রাজ্যের অন্য দিকে গিয়েছিলাম, আমি কুকুরটিকে জেরির দায়িত্বে ছেড়ে গিয়েছিলাম....
  6. My return was belated and fog filled the mountain passes so treacherously that....

    • আমার ফিরে আসা দেরি হয়েছিল এবং কুয়াশা পাহাড়ি পথগুলো এত বিপজ্জনকভাবে পূর্ণ ছিল যে....
  7. it was Monday noon before I reached the cabin.

    • সোমবার দুপুরে আমি কেবিনে পৌঁছেছিলাম।
  8. The dog had been fed and cared for that morning.

    • কুকুরটিকে সেদিন সকালে খাওয়ানো এবং যত্ন নেওয়া হয়েছিল।
  9. Jerry came early in the afternoon, anxious.

    • জেরি বিকেলে তাড়াতাড়ি এসেছিল, উদ্বিগ্ন ছিল।
  10. "The superintendent said nobody would drive in the fog," he said.

    • "সুপারিনটেনডেন্ট বললেন, কেউ কুয়াশায় গাড়ি চালাবে না," সে বলেছিল।
  11. "I came.... last night and you hadn't come.

    • "আমি এসেছিলাম.... গত রাতে এবং আপনি আসেননি।
  12. So I brought Pat some of my breakfast this morning.

    • তাই আমি আজ সকালে আমার প্রাতঃরাশের কিছু প্যাটকে এনে দিয়েছিলাম।
  13. I wouldn't have let anything happen to him."

    • আমি তাকে কিছু হতে দিতাম না।"
  14. .... I gave him a dollar in payment, and he looked at it and went away.

    • .... আমি তাকে এক ডলার দিয়েছিলাম এবং সে সেটা দেখে চলে গিয়েছিল।
  15. But that night he came in the darkness and knocked at the door.

    • কিন্তু সেদিন রাতে সে অন্ধকারে এসে দরজায় নক করেছিল।
  16. "Come in, Jerry," I said, "if you're allowed to be away this late."

    • "এসো, জেরি," আমি বললাম, "যদি তোমাকে এত রাতে বাইরে থাকতে দেওয়া হয়।"
  17. "I told maybe a story" he said, "I told them I thought you would want to see me."

    • "আমি হয়তো গল্প বলেছিলাম," সে বলল, "আমি তাদের বলেছিলাম, আমি ভাবি তুমি আমাকে দেখতে চাও।"
  18. "That's true." I assured him, and I saw his relief.

    • "এটি সত্যি।" আমি তাকে নিশ্চিত করলাম, এবং আমি তার প্রশান্তি দেখলাম।
  19. "I want to hear about how you managed with the dog."

    • "আমি শুনতে চাই যে তুমি কুকুরটির সাথে কিভাবে সামাল দিলে।"
  20. He sat by the fire with me.... and told me of their two days together.

    • সে আমার সাথে আগুনের পাশে বসেছিল.... এবং আমাদের দুই দিনের অভিজ্ঞতা শেয়ার করেছিল।
  1. The dog lay close to him and found a comfort there that I did not have for him.... কুকুরটি তার কাছে শুয়ে ছিল এবং সেখানে একটি শান্তি পেয়েছিল যা আমি তার জন্য অনুভব করতাম না....

  2. "He stayed right with me," he told me, "except when he ran in the laurel.... "সে আমার সাথে ঠিক ছিল," সে আমাকে বলেছিল, "যতক্ষণ না সে লরেল গাছের মধ্যে দৌড়েছিল...."

  3. There was a place where the grass was high and I lay down in it and hid. একটি জায়গা ছিল যেখানে ঘাস উঁচু ছিল এবং আমি সেখানে শুয়ে ছিলাম এবং লুকিয়ে ছিলাম।

  4. I could hear Pat hunting for me.... আমি প্যাটকে আমাকে খুঁজতে শুনতে পাচ্ছিলাম....

  5. When he found me he acted crazy, and he ran around and around me, in circles." যখন সে আমাকে খুঁজে পেল, সে পাগলের মতো আচরণ করেছিল, এবং সে আমার চারপাশে চক্কর কাটছিল।"

  6. We watched the flames. আমরা শিখাগুলি দেখছিলাম।

  7. "That's an apple log," he said. "It burns the prettiest of any wood." "এটা একটি আপেলের লগ," সে বলেছিল। "এটা যে কোনও কাঠের চেয়ে সুন্দরভাবে জ্বলতে পারে।"

  8. We were very close. আমরা খুব কাছাকাছি ছিলাম।

  9. He was suddenly impelled to speak. হঠাৎ করে তাকে কথা বলতে উদ্বুদ্ধ করা হল।

  10. "You look a little bit like my mother," he said. "Especially in the dark, by the fire." "তুমি আমার মায়ের মতো একটু দেখতে," সে বলেছিল। "বিশেষ করে অন্ধকারে, আগুনের পাশে।"

  11. "But you were only four, Jerry, when you came here. "কিন্তু তুমি তো তখন মাত্র চার বছর ছিলে, জেরি, যখন তুমি এখানে এসেছিলে।

  12. You have remembered how she looked, all these years?" তুমি কি এই সমস্ত বছর ধরে মনে রেখেছো, সে কেমন দেখতে ছিল?"

  13. "My mother lives in Mannville," he said. "আমার মা ম্যানভিলে থাকে," সে বলেছিল।

  14. For a moment, finding that he had a mother shocked me... এক মুহূর্তের জন্য, জানতে পেরে যে তার মা আছে, আমাকে চমকে দিয়েছিল...

  15. I did not know why it disturbed me. আমি জানতাম না কেন এটা আমাকে অস্থির করেছিল।

  16. Then I understood my distress. তারপর আমি আমার দুশ্চিন্তা বুঝতে পারলাম।

  17. I was filled with a passionate resentment that any woman should go away and leave her son. আমি একটি প্রবল ঘৃণায় পূর্ণ হয়ে গিয়েছিলাম যে কোনো মহিলা তার সন্তানকে ছেড়ে চলে যেতে পারে।

  18. A son like this one. এমন একটি ছেলে, যেমন এই।

  19. The orphanage was a wholesome place, the food was more than adequate, the boys were healthy.... অরফানেজ একটি সুস্থ স্থান ছিল, খাবার যথেষ্ট পরিমাণে ছিল, ছেলেরা সুস্থ ছিল....

  20. Granted, perhaps, that the boy felt no lack, what blood fed the bowels of a woman who did not yearn over this child's lean body that had come in parturition out of her own? হয়তো, ছেলেটি কোনো অভাব অনুভব করেনি, তবে কি রক্ত এমন এক মহিলার অন্ত্রে পৌঁছেছিল, যে তার নিজের সন্তানটির শীর্ণ দেহের জন্য আকাঙ্ক্ষা করেনি?

  1. "Have you seen her, Jerry lately?" I asked.
    "তুমি কি, জেরির মা'কে দেখেছ?" আমি জিজ্ঞাসা করলাম।

  2. "I see her every summer. She sends for me."
    "আমি তাকে প্রতি গ্রীষ্মে দেখি। সে আমাকে ডাক sends করে।"

  3. I wanted to cry out. "Why are you not with her? How can she let you go away again?"
    আমি চিৎকার করতে চেয়েছিলাম। "তুমি তার সাথে কেন নেই? সে কীভাবে তোমাকে আবার চলে যেতে দেয়?"

  4. He said, "She comes up here from Mannville whenever she can. She doesn't have a job now."
    সে বলল, "সে যখনই পারবে, ম্যানভিল থেকে এখানে আসে। তার এখন কোন কাজ নেই।"

  5. His face shone in the firelight.
    তার মুখ আগুনের আলোতে চকচক করছিল।

  6. "She wanted to give me a puppy, but they can't let any one boy keep a puppy.
    "সে আমাকে একটা পাপি দিতে চেয়েছিল, কিন্তু তারা কোন ছেলে একা পাপি রাখতে দেয় না।

  7. You remember the suit I had on last Sunday?" He was plainly proud.
    "তুমি কি মনে করো যে আমি গত রবিবার যে স্যুটটা পরেছিলাম?" সে স্পষ্টভাবে গর্বিত ছিল।

  8. "She sent me that for Christmas. The Christmas before that he drew a long breath, savoring the memory—
    "সে আমাকে সেটা ক্রিসমাসে পাঠিয়েছিল। আগের ক্রিসমাসে সে দীর্ঘশ্বাস ফেলল, স্মৃতিটা উপভোগ করে—

  9. "she sent me a pair of skates.... I let the other boys use them, but they're careful of them."
    "সে আমাকে একটা স্কেটের জোড়া পাঠিয়েছিল.... আমি অন্য ছেলেদের ব্যবহার করতে দিয়েছিলাম, কিন্তু তারা সেগুলি সতর্কতার সাথে ব্যবহার করে।"

  10. What circumstance other than poverty—?
    প poverty ছাড়া আর কোন পরিস্থিতি—?

  11. "I'm going to take the dollar you gave me for taking care of Pat," he said, "and buy her a pair of gloves."
    "আমি প্যাটের যত্ন নেওয়ার জন্য তুমি যে এক ডলার দিয়েছিলে তা নিয়ে যাব," সে বলল, "এবং তার জন্য একটি দস্তানা কিনব।"

  12. ... I hated her. Poverty or not, there was other food than bread, and the soul could starve as quickly as the body.
    ... আমি তাকে ঘৃণা করতাম। দরিদ্রতা থাক বা না থাক, রুটি ছাড়া আর খাবার ছিল, এবং আত্মা শরীরের মতো দ্রুত ক্ষুধার্ত হতে পারে।

  13. He was taking his dollar to buy gloves for her big, stupid hands and she lived away from him, in Mannville, and contented herself with sending him skates.
    সে তার ডলারটি নিয়ে যাচ্ছিল তার বড়, নির্বোধ হাতের জন্য দস্তানা কিনতে এবং সে তার থেকে দূরে, ম্যানভিলে থাকত, এবং তাকে স্কেট পাঠিয়ে নিজেকে সন্তুষ্ট করত।

  14. "She likes white gloves," he said.
    "সে সাদা দস্তানা পছন্দ করে," সে বলল।

  15. "Do you think I can get them for a dollar?"
    "তুমি কি মনে করো আমি এক ডলারে সেগুলি পেতে পারব?"

  16. "I think so," I said...
    "আমি মনে করি," আমি বললাম...

  17. And after my first fury at her we did not speak of her again, his having a mother, any sort at all, relieved me of the ache I had had about him...
    এবং তার প্রতি আমার প্রথম রাগের পর আমরা আর তার কথা বললাম না, তার একটি মা ছিল, যেকোনো ধরনের, যা আমাকে তার সম্পর্কে যে কষ্ট ছিল তা থেকে মুক্তি দিয়েছিল...

  18. He was not lonely.
    সে একা ছিল না।

  19. It was none of my concern.
    এটি আমার কোনও চিন্তা ছিল না।

  20. He came every day and cut my wood and did small helpful favors and stayed to talk.
    সে প্রতিদিন আসত এবং আমার কাঠ কেটে দিত এবং ছোট ছোট সাহায্যকর কাজ করত এবং কথা বলার জন্য থাকত।

  21. The days had become cold, and often I let him come inside the cabin.
    দিনগুলি শীতল হয়ে গিয়েছিল, এবং প্রায়ই আমি তাকে কেবিনের ভিতরে আসতে দিতাম।

  22. He would lie on the floor in front of the fire, with one arm across the pointer, and they would both doze and wait quietly for me.
    সে আগুনের সামনে মাটিতে শুয়ে থাকত, এক হাত পয়েন্টারের ওপর রেখে, এবং তারা দুজনই ঘুমোতো এবং আমাকে চুপচাপ অপেক্ষা করত।

  23. Other days they ran with a common ecstasy through the laurel, and he brought me back vermilion maple leaves, and chestnut boughs dripping with imperial yellow.
    অন্য দিনগুলোতে তারা একটি সাধারণ আনন্দের সাথে লরেল গাছের মধ্যে দৌড়াত, এবং সে আমাকে ফেরত নিয়ে আসত ভার্মিলিয়ন ম্যাপল পাতা, এবং সেসমূহ শ্যাম্পেন রঙের হলুদ দিয়ে ভিজে থাকা শসা শাখা।

  24. I was ready to go.
    আমি যেতে প্রস্তুত ছিলাম।

  25. I said to him, "You have been my friend, Jerry. I shall often think of you and miss you. Pat will miss you too. I am leaving tomorrow."
    আমি তাকে বললাম, "তুমি আমার বন্ধু, জেরি। আমি প্রায়ই তোমার কথা ভাবব এবং তোমাকে মিস করব। প্যাটও তোমাকে মিস করবে। আমি আগামীকাল চলে যাচ্ছি।"

  1. He did not answer... and I watched him go in silence up the hill.
  • সে উত্তর দিল না... আর আমি চুপচাপ তাকে পাহাড়ের উপরে যেতে দেখলাম।
  1. I expected him the next day, but he did not come...
  • আমি পরের দিন তাকে আশা করেছিলাম, কিন্তু সে এল না...
  1. I closed the cabin and started the car...
  • আমি কেবিন বন্ধ করে গাড়ি চালু করলাম...
  1. I stopped by the orphanage and left the cabin key and money... with Miss Clark.
  • আমি এতিমখানার কাছে থামলাম এবং কেবিনের চাবি ও টাকা মিস ক্লার্কের কাছে রেখে এলাম...
  1. "And will you call Jerry for me to say good-bye to him?"
  • "এবং তুমি কি জেরিকে আমার পক্ষ থেকে বিদায় বলতে ফোন করবে?"
  1. "I don't know where he is," she said. "I'm afraid he's not well. He didn't eat his dinner this noon.
  • "আমি জানি না সে কোথায়," সে বলল। "আমি ভয় পাচ্ছি সে ভালো নেই। সে আজ দুপুরে তার খাবার খায়নি।"
  1. One of the other boys saw him going over the hill into the laurel...
  • অন্য এক ছেলে তাকে পাহাড়ের ওপরে লরেল গাছের দিকে যেতে দেখেছিল...
  1. It's not like him"...
  • এটা তার মতো নয়...
  1. I was almost relieved... it would be easier not to say good-bye to him...
  • আমি প্রায় নিশ্চিন্ত হলাম... তার সাথে বিদায় না বলা সহজ হবে...
  1. I said, "I wanted to talk with you about his mother why he's here but I'm in more of a hurry than I expected to be."
  • আমি বললাম, "আমি তোমার সাথে তার মায়ের সম্পর্কে কথা বলতে চেয়েছিলাম, কেন সে এখানে আছে, কিন্তু আমি যে পরিমাণ তাড়াহুড়ো করেছিলাম, তার চেয়ে অনেক বেশি তাড়াহুড়ো হচ্ছে।"
  1. It's out of the question for me to see her now, too, But here's some money... to buy things for him at Christmas and on his birthday.
  • এখন তাকে দেখা আমার পক্ষে অসম্ভব, তাও আমি কিছু টাকা রেখে যাচ্ছি... ক্রিসমাস এবং তার জন্মদিনে তার জন্য কিছু কিনে দিতে।
  1. It will be better than for me to try to send him things.
  • এটি আমার পক্ষ থেকে তাকে কিছু পাঠানোর চেয়ে ভাল হবে।
  1. I could so easily duplicate skates, for instance."
  • আমি যেমন স্লেটগুলি সহজেই নকল করতে পারি, উদাহরণস্বরূপ।"
  1. She blinked her honest spinster's eyes.
  • সে তার সৎ অবিবাহিত চোখে পিটপিট করল।
  1. "There's not much use for skates here," she said.
  • "এখানে স্কেটসের খুব একটা ব্যবহার নেই," সে বলল।
  1. Her stupidity annoyed me."
  • তার বোকামি আমাকে বিরক্ত করেছিল।"
  1. "What I mean," I said, "is that I don't want to duplicate the things his mother sends him.
  • "যা আমি বলতে চাই," আমি বললাম, "অথবা আমি চাই না তার মা যে জিনিসগুলো তাকে পাঠিয়েছে তা আমি আবার পাঠাই।"
  1. I might have chosen skates if I didn't know she had already given them to him."
  • আমি হয়তো স্কেটস বেছে নিতাম যদি জানতাম না যে সে ইতোমধ্যেই তাকে সেগুলি দিয়েছে।"
  1. She stared at me.
  • সে আমার দিকে তাকাল।
  1. "I don't understand," she said. "He has no mother. He has no skates."
  • "আমি বুঝতে পারছি না," সে বলল। "তার কোনো মা নেই। তার কোনো স্কেটসও নেই।"

D. Choose the meaning of each word that is closest to the meaning in the context of the story.

1. accurately

a. inexactly  b. precisely  c. independently

2. duplicate

a. repeat  b. fool  c. lie

3. ecstasy

a, happiness  b. desire c. disagreement

4. impelled

a. rejected  b. turned  c. forced

5. integrity

a. wholeness b. trustworthiness  c. interest

6. intimate

a. secretive b. quiet c. friendly

7. isolation

a. privacy b. companionship c. dislike

8. puppy

a. tie  b. dog  c. lamb

9. stack

a. pile b. log  c. stick

10. treacherously

a. repetitiously  b. unhappily c. faithlessly

Answer Question No. D

Here are the correct answers based on the context of the story:

  1. accuratelyb. precisely
  2. duplicatea. repeat
  3. ecstasya. happiness
  4. impelledc. forced
  5. integrityb. trustworthiness
  6. intimatec. friendly
  7. isolationa. privacy
  8. puppyb. dog
  9. stacka. pile
  10. treacherouslyc. faithlessly

E. True-false: Some of the statements below are true and some are false. In pairs, choose the false statements and discuss why they are false.

1. The author was homesick for the subtropics.

2. The author expected to find a large pile of wood after the boy's first day of work.

3. Jerry could chop wood as well as a man.

4. Jerry paid to have the ax repaired.

5. Jerry did other jobs around the cabin without being asked.

6. The author's dog was fed and cared for while she was away.

7. The dog had tried to run away from Jerry in the high grass.

8. The author sympathizes with Jerry's mother.

9. Jerry did not stop by the cabin to say good-bye to the author.

10. Miss Clark told the author that Jerry had no mother.

Answer Question No. E

Here are the true and false statements with explanations for the false ones:

  1. False – The author was homesick for the Carolina mountains, the flaming of maples in October, corn shocks, pumpkins, and black-walnut trees, not the subtropics.

  2. False – The author originally thought Jerry was too small to chop much wood and expected that she would need to hire an older boy. However, she was astonished by the large pile of wood Jerry had chopped.

  3. True – Jerry could chop wood as well as a man, as stated by the author: "But you've done as much as a man."

  4. False – Jerry initially refused the money, saying he would pay for the repair himself because he broke the ax. The author had to insist before he finally accepted the money.

  5. True – Jerry did extra work, such as stacking kindling in a cubbyhole and fixing a loose stone in the walkway, without being asked.

  6. True – Jerry took care of the dog, even feeding him part of his own breakfast when the author was delayed.

  7. False – The dog was playing with Jerry, not trying to run away. Jerry hid in the high grass, and the dog searched for him excitedly, running around in circles when he found him.

  8. False – The author resented Jerry’s mother, feeling angry that she had abandoned him and only sent him gifts instead of raising him herself.

  9. True – Jerry did not come to say goodbye, and the author later learned that he had gone into the laurel, possibly because he was upset.

  10. True – Miss Clark confirmed that Jerry had no mother and had never received skates, proving that Jerry had lied about having a mother in Mannville.

F. Fill in each of the blanks (a-e) with a word from the box that best completes a sentence.

confidence predicated missed subterfuge betrayed

At first the relationship between the author-narrator and Jerry is (a) --------- on Jerry chopping wood well. But soon a real bond develops between them because Jerry has (b) ---------  his mother's love in his life and needs the affection and support of a mother figure. The narrator has (c) --------- in Jerry's character when she sees his integrity. Jerry's only (d) --------- is to say he has a mother. The narrator feels (e) --------- when Jerry tells her he has a mother.

Answer Question No. F

Here are the correct words to fill in the blanks:

(a) predicated
(b) missed
(c) confidence
(d) subterfuge
(e) betrayed

So the completed sentences would be:

At first, the relationship between the author-narrator and Jerry is predicated on Jerry chopping wood well. But soon a real bond develops between them because Jerry has missed his mother's love in his life and needs the affection and support of a mother figure. The narrator has confidence in Jerry's character when she sees his integrity. Jerry's only subterfuge is to say he has a mother. The narrator feels betrayed when Jerry tells her he has a mother.

Answer Question No. G

Here are the correct matches for the questions and answers from the table:

  1. Why does the writer’s pointer dog not bark at Jerry?
     b. He senses that Jerry is a friend.

  2. Why does the narrator think Jerry will not be able to chop the wood effectively?
     a. He seems too small.

  3. Why is the narrator shocked when Jerry says he has a mother in Mannville?
     c. She feels the mother should not have deserted such an adorable boy.

  4. Why does the narrator think Jerry has integrity?
     d. Jerry is committed to the tasks he does and is honest and trustworthy.

  5. Why does Jerry disappear from the orphanage at the end of the story?
     e. Jerry did not want to say goodbye to the author.

H. From your reading of the story, complete the following sentences. (Use only one word in each blank).

a. The narrator wanted to be alone to do her writing. Another way to say alone is ---------

b. Jeny came every day to chop wood. He was very---------

c. The narrator likes Jerry and what he stands for. She says he has--------- because he always does the right thing even before he is asked.

d. When the narrator left for the weekend, she left plenty of food for the dog. In other words, she left ............... food for the dog.

e. The narrator was unable to return on time to the cabin after her weekend trip because the roads were snowy and icy. They were --------

Answer Question No. H

a. isolated
b. hardworking
c. integrity
d. adequate
e. treacherous

I. Answer the following questions

a. Describe Jerry's physical appearance. Try to include the descriptions that the narrator used.
b. In what ways does Jerry show integrity?
c. What does the narrator mean when she says that Jerry "was a free-will agent"? How does the narrator feel toward Jerry?
d. Why do you think that Jerry made up the sories about his mother and his skates?

Answer Question No. I


a. Describe Jerry's physical appearance. Try to include the descriptions that the narrator used.

Jerry was a small, undersized boy, probably around twelve years old. He had corn-shock-colored hair and gray-blue eyes like the mountain sky when rain is pending. He wore overalls, a torn shirt, and was barefoot when he first met the narrator.

b. In what ways does Jerry show integrity?

Jerry demonstrates integrity in several ways:

  1. Hard Work and Honesty: He chops wood diligently and does as much work as a grown man without complaint.
  2. Taking Responsibility: When the ax handle broke, he initially refused the narrator’s money, believing it was his fault and wanting to pay for it himself.
  3. Thoughtfulness and Kindness: He prepared firewood for the narrator in case of sudden bad weather and fixed a loose stone in the pathway, even though he did not need to.
  4. Devotion and Loyalty: He took care of the narrator’s dog, Pat, during her absence and even shared his own food with the dog to ensure it was well-fed.

c. What does the narrator mean when she says that Jerry "was a free-will agent"? How does the narrator feel toward Jerry?

When the narrator says Jerry was a "free-will agent," she means that he was independent in his actions and moral decisions. He did not do things because someone told him to but because he believed in doing the right thing. He took responsibility for his mistakes and chose to be thoughtful and caring without expecting anything in return.

The narrator feels deep admiration and affection for Jerry. She respects his strong character and is touched by his kindness. At times, she even feels protective of him, especially when she believes he has a mother who has abandoned him.

d. Why do you think that Jerry made up the stories about his mother and his skates?

Jerry likely made up the stories about his mother and the skates because he longed for love and belonging. Since he had no real mother, he created one in his imagination—someone who cared for him, sent him gifts, and thought about him. This fantasy may have helped him cope with the loneliness of being an orphan.

Additionally, he may have wanted to present himself as someone who was loved and valued, rather than someone who was alone. His invented stories suggest a deep emotional need for connection, even if it meant creating a fictional version of reality.

J. Write about a relationship you have had with an adult who was not a family member. What memories do you have about him/her?

Answer Question No. K

Here’s a possible solution to the crossword puzzle based on the given clues:


  1. Malaria (Disease transmitted by mosquitoes)
  2. Driven (Same as given in the clue)
  3. Bit (A little)
  4. Abnormal (Same as given in the clue)
  5. Diffuse (Spread throughout)
  6. Absent (Absent-minded)
  7. Maimed (Mutilated, crippled)
  8. Oleander (Shrub with pink, white, or purple flowers)
  9. Scarlet (Bright red)


  1. Hemlock (Poisonous plant with small white flowers)
  2. Kindling (Small pieces of dry wood used to start a fire)
  3. Labor (Childbirth)
  4. Precariously (Dangerously)
  5. Cover-up (Plan to hide the truth)

To create your own storyboard for A Mother in Mannville, follow these steps:

Answer Question No. L

To create your own storyboard for A Mother in Mannville, follow these steps:

Steps to Create a Storyboard:

  1. Select Key Scenes: Choose important moments from the story that best convey its theme and emotions. Examples:

    • The narrator meets Jerry, the orphan boy.
    • Jerry helps with chores and shows his honesty.
    • Jerry talks about his "mother."
    • The narrator discovers that Jerry has no mother.
    • The narrator leaves, feeling sad for Jerry.
  2. Plan Your Frames: Divide the chosen scenes into panels. Each panel should depict an action or dialogue.

  3. Draw or Use Digital Tools: You can sketch the scenes on paper or use digital tools like Canva, Storyboard That, or PowerPoint.

  4. Add Captions and Dialogue: Include brief text to explain the scenes and use speech bubbles for dialogues.

  5. Display Your Storyboard: With your teacher's help, arrange your storyboard in the classroom for discussion.

Text questions and solutions on A Mother in Manville 

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