Unit Eight: Relationships ||Lesson 2 Warmth in Relationships || Textbook page 129, 130 & 131 || English first paper || Bangla meaning, line by line Bangla meaning, text questions and solution , short questions and summary
A. Discuss the following questions in pairs.
1. What do you see in this picture? What is the weather like?
2. What do you do on weekend mornings sleep a little longer or go to work?
3. Do you like to wake up early every morning?
4. Do you like to study on weekends?
Answer Question No. A
Here are my answers based on the image and questions:
What do you see in this picture? What is the weather like?
I see a beautiful house covered in snow, surrounded by trees in a winter setting. The lights inside the house make it look warm and cozy. The weather appears to be cold, as there is snow on the ground and on the trees. -
What do you do on weekend mornings – sleep a little longer or go to work?
On weekend mornings, I prefer to sleep a little longer and relax. It’s a great time to rest after a busy week. -
Do you like to wake up early every morning?
I like to wake up early because it gives me a fresh start to the day. However, on weekends, I might wake up a bit later to enjoy some extra rest. -
Do you like to study on weekends?
It depends. If I have important studies or exams coming up, I do study on weekends. Otherwise, I like to take a break and spend time doing things I enjoy.
B. Now read the poem and do the activities that follow.
Those Winter Sundays
-------- Robert Hayden
Sundays too my father got up early
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
then with cracked hands that ached
from labor in the weekday weather made
banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.
I'd wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking. When the rooms were warm, he'd call,
and slowly I would rise and dress,
fearing the chronic angers of that house,
Speaking indifferently to him,
who had driven out the cold
and polished my good shoes as well.
What did I know, what did I know of
love's austere and lonely offices?
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Here are some important word meanings from the poem Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden, along with their Bangla meanings, synonyms, and antonyms:
Sundays – রবিবার
- Synonym: Weekend (সাপ্তাহিক ছুটি)
- Antonym: Weekday (সপ্তাহের কর্মদিবস)
Father – বাবা
- Synonym: Dad (বাবা), Parent (অভিভাবক)
- Antonym: Mother (মা)
Early – সকালে
- Synonym: Soon (শীঘ্র), Promptly (তাৎক্ষণিকভাবে)
- Antonym: Late (দেরিতে)
Clothes – পোশাক
- Synonym: Attire (পরিধান), Garment (বস্ত্র)
- Antonym: Nakedness (নগ্নতা)
Cold – ঠান্ডা
- Synonym: Chill (শীতলতা), Frosty (বরফশীতল)
- Antonym: Hot (গরম), Warm (উষ্ণ)
Cracked – ফাটা
- Synonym: Broken (ভাঙা), Damaged (ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত)
- Antonym: Smooth (মসৃণ), Whole (সম্পূর্ণ)
Ached – ব্যথা পেয়েছে
- Synonym: Hurt (কষ্ট পাওয়া), Pain (যন্ত্রণা)
- Antonym: Comfort (সান্ত্বনা), Relief (আরাম)
Labor – পরিশ্রম
- Synonym: Work (কাজ), Toil (পরিশ্রম)
- Antonym: Rest (বিশ্রাম), Leisure (অবসর)
Weather – আবহাওয়া
- Synonym: Climate (জলবায়ু), Atmosphere (পরিবেশ)
- Antonym: Stillness (স্থিরতা), Dryness (শুষ্কতা)
Banked – স্তূপ করা
- Synonym: Piled (আস্তরণ করা), Arranged (সজ্জিত)
- Antonym: Scattered (বিক্ষিপ্ত), Dispersed (ছড়িয়ে পড়া)
- Blaze – আগুনের শিখা
- Synonym: Fire (আগুন), Flame (শিখা)
- Antonym: Extinguish (নেভানো), Darkness (অন্ধকার)
- Thanked – ধন্যবাদ দেওয়া
- Synonym: Appreciated (প্রশংসা করা), Grateful (কৃতজ্ঞ)
- Antonym: Ignored (উপেক্ষা করা), Insulted (অপমানিত)
- Splintering – খণ্ড-বিখণ্ড হওয়া
- Synonym: Shattering (ভেঙে পড়া), Breaking (ভাঙা)
- Antonym: Mending (মেরামত করা), Unifying (একত্রীকরণ)
- Fearing – ভয় পাওয়া
- Synonym: Dreading (আতঙ্কিত হওয়া), Afraid (ভীত)
- Antonym: Courage (সাহস), Confidence (আত্মবিশ্বাস)
- Chronic – দীর্ঘস্থায়ী
- Synonym: Persistent (অবিরত), Long-lasting (দীর্ঘকালীন)
- Antonym: Temporary (অস্থায়ী), Short-term (স্বল্পকালীন)
- Indifferently – উদাসীনভাবে
- Synonym: Uncaringly (অযত্নসহকারে), Apathetically (উদাসীনভাবে)
- Antonym: Attentively (মনোযোগীভাবে), Concernedly (উদ্বিগ্নভাবে)
- Driven – পরিচালিত করা
- Synonym: Motivated (উদ্দীপিত), Forced (বাধ্য করা)
- Antonym: Halted (বন্ধ করা), Stopped (থেমে যাওয়া)
- Polished – চকচকে করা
- Synonym: Shined (উজ্জ্বল করা), Refined (পরিশীলিত)
- Antonym: Dull (নীরস), Rough (রুক্ষ)
- Austere – কঠোর
- Synonym: Severe (গম্ভীর), Strict (কঠোর)
- Antonym: Gentle (নরম), Luxurious (বিলাসবহুল)
- Lonely – একাকী
- Synonym: Isolated (বিচ্ছিন্ন), Solitary (একলা)
- Antonym: Accompanied (সহচার্য), Sociable (সামাজিক)
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Here is the line-by-line Bengali meaning of Robert Hayden’s poem "Those Winter Sundays":
Sundays too my father got up early
রবিবারগুলোতেও আমার বাবা ভোরে উঠতেন।
and put his clothes on in the blueblack cold,
আর গাঢ় নীল-কালো ঠান্ডার মধ্যে পোশাক পরতেন।
then with cracked hands that ached
তারপর ফাটা ও ব্যথা পাওয়া হাত দিয়ে,
from labor in the weekday weather made
যা ছিল সাপ্তাহিক পরিশ্রমের ফলে ব্যথিত,
banked fires blaze. No one ever thanked him.
তিনি আগুন জ্বালিয়ে রাখতেন। কিন্তু কেউ তাকে কখনও ধন্যবাদ দেয়নি।
I'd wake and hear the cold splintering, breaking.
আমি জেগে উঠতাম আর শুনতাম ঠান্ডা ভাঙছে, চূর্ণ হচ্ছে।
When the rooms were warm, he'd call,
যখন ঘর গরম হয়ে যেত, তিনি ডাক দিতেন।
and slowly I would rise and dress,
আর আমি ধীরে ধীরে উঠে পোশাক পরতাম।
fearing the chronic angers of that house,
সেই বাড়ির দীর্ঘস্থায়ী রাগের ভয় নিয়ে।
Speaking indifferently to him,
আমি তার সাথে উদাসীনভাবে কথা বলতাম।
who had driven out the cold
যিনি ঠান্ডা দূর করেছিলেন,
and polished my good shoes as well.
এবং আমার ভালো জুতাগুলোও চকচকে করতেন।
What did I know, what did I know of
আমি কী জানতাম, কী-ই বা জানতাম
love's austere and lonely offices?
ভালোবাসার কঠোর ও নিঃসঙ্গ দায়িত্ব সম্পর্কে?
এই কবিতাটি একজন সন্তানের দৃষ্টিকোণ থেকে বাবার নিঃস্বার্থ ত্যাগ ও কঠোর ভালোবাসাকে উপলব্ধির গল্প বলে। তরুণ বয়সে সন্তান বুঝতে পারে না বাবা তার জন্য কতটা ত্যাগ স্বীকার করেছেন, কিন্তু পরবর্তী সময়ে সেই উপলব্ধি গভীর হয়।
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Answer Question No. C
Here is the correct matching of the words with their meanings based on the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden:
- blueblack → a kind of deep black color with a hint of blue
- banked → something protected with a wall around it, made of stones or bricks perhaps
- chronic → ongoing and persistent, like an illness without cure
- indifferently → without emotional engagement
- austere → unadorned and plain, and also without pleasure
- offices → duties and responsibilities
D. Read the poem in a small group and discuss what the following phrases suggest.
Line 5: "banked fires blaze"
Line 6: "the cold splintering, breaking"
Line 7: "the rooms were warm"
Line 11: "driven out the cold"
Answer Question No. D
Here’s an interpretation of the phrases from Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden:
"banked fires blaze" (Line 5)
- This phrase suggests how the father carefully maintained the fire, ensuring warmth for his family. "Banked fires" refers to fires that were set up to burn slowly, and "blaze" indicates that he made them burn brightly, symbolizing his quiet, dedicated care for his family despite the lack of appreciation.
"the cold splintering, breaking" (Line 6)
- This imagery suggests the intense cold of winter mornings and how the warmth from the fire gradually overcame it. "Splintering" and "breaking" evoke the sharp, harsh nature of the cold and how it is physically felt, emphasizing the contrast between cold and warmth, as well as the father's efforts to provide comfort.
"the rooms were warm" (Line 7)
- This suggests not only the literal warmth in the house but also the father’s love and care, which went unnoticed. It highlights the father’s silent sacrifices, as he made sure the house was comfortable before the rest of the family woke up.
"driven out the cold" (Line 11)
- This phrase has both a literal and figurative meaning. Literally, it refers to the father warming up the house by making the fire. Figuratively, it suggests his role in protecting and caring for his family, despite their lack of appreciation. It can also symbolize how love and duty can overcome hardship, even when not openly acknowledged.
Overall, the poem reflects on unrecognized parental love and sacrifice, showing the father’s quiet acts of care and the speaker’s later realization of their significance.
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E. There are good examples of alliteration used in the poem. According to Cambridge English Dictionary alliteration is the use, especially in poetry, of the same sound or sounds, especially consonants, at the beginning of several words that are close together. In this poem alliteration is first used in lines 2 and 3, with the harsh /k/ sounds in "clothes," "cold," and "cracked."
Find more examples of alliterations used in the poem following the clues given below.
Line 4: "w", "w"
Line 5: "b", "b"
Line 7: "W", "w", "w"
Line 14: "P", "I"
Answer Question No. E
Here are the examples of alliteration found in the poem Those Winter Sundays by Robert Hayden, based on the given clues:
- Line 4: "weekday weather" (repetition of the "w" sound)
- Line 5: "banked fires blaze" (repetition of the "b" sound)
- Line 7: "When the rooms were warm" (repetition of the "w" sound)
- Line 14: "Polished my good shoes as well." (Possible focus on "p" and "i" sounds, though alliteration is less prominent here)
These examples show how Hayden uses alliteration to enhance the rhythm and mood of the poem. Let me know if you need further clarification!
F. Discuss the following questions in pairs.
1. Who is the speaker in the poem?
2. What is meant by the phrase "Sunday too"?
3. Do you think that the speaker's father lived a life of toil? Which lines in the poem help you to answer this question?
Answer Question No. F
Here are the answers based on my understanding of the poem "Those Winter Sundays" by Robert Hayden:
Who is the speaker in the poem?
The speaker is an adult reflecting on his childhood memories, specifically about his father. He realizes how hard his father worked and how his efforts were not appreciated at the time. -
What is meant by the phrase "Sundays too"?
The phrase "Sundays too" means that even on Sundays—traditionally a day of rest—the speaker’s father still woke up early to work hard. It emphasizes his dedication and sacrifice, showing that he never took a break from caring for his family. -
Do you think that the speaker's father lived a life of toil? Which lines in the poem help you to answer this question?
Yes, the speaker's father lived a life of toil. The lines that support this are:- "then with cracked hands that ached from labor in the weekday weather made banked fires blaze." – This shows that his hands were damaged from hard labor, indicating physical suffering.
- "No one ever thanked him." – This suggests that his sacrifices went unnoticed and unappreciated.
- "who had driven out the cold and polished my good shoes as well." – This line highlights how the father not only worked hard but also took care of small details for his child, despite his struggles.
The poem conveys a deep sense of regret and realization about the sacrifices parents make out of love. Would you like to discuss the poem further?
G. What is the main theme of the poem? Discuss in pairs. Then complete the paragraphs below that describe the main theme of the poem.
perspective regretful sacrifice appreciate childhood
The speaker of the poem realizes from his adult (a) ----------- that he took his father for granted. Now in adulthood, he more fully understands what it means to make (b) ----------- for others. Now, he can look back on his (c)----------- and appreciate the way his father was carrying out his duties and responsibilities. Most children can't fully (d)----------- their parents because they haven't had to be responsible yet for another human being. "Those Winter Sundays," then, has a kind of sadness to it that is equal parts nostalgic and (e) ----------- The speaker knows he can't travel back in time and show his gratitude to his father, but that he can at least record it in the poem.
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Answer Question No. G
Here is the completed paragraph with the correct words filled in:
The speaker of the poem realizes from his adult (a) perspective that he took his father for granted. Now in adulthood, he more fully understands what it means to make (b) sacrifices for others. Now, he can look back on his (c) childhood and appreciate the way his father was carrying out his duties and responsibilities. Most children can't fully (d) appreciate their parents because they haven't had to be responsible yet for another human being. "Those Winter Sundays," then, has a kind of sadness to it that is equal parts nostalgic and (e) regretful. The speaker knows he can't travel back in time and show his gratitude to his father, but that he can at least record it in the poem.
About the poet: Robert Hayden was born into a
poor family in Detroit in USA in 1913 and had a difficult childhood beset by eyesight problems. He was raised in part by foster parents and missed a father's caring love. But in the sonnet, which is about a childhood memory, he writes about a father - probably his own who is harsh and often angry, but does love his son in his own way. Hayden, a black American, wrote about black experiences and history. He died in 1980.Text questions and solutions of Unit Eight: Relationships Lesson 1 Family Relationship
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