Class eleven and twelve || Unit one: Education and Life || Lesson 3 Children in School || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary || textbook page 17,18 & 19
Class eleven and twelve || Unit one: Education and Life || Lesson 3 Children in School || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary || textbook page 14,15 & 16
"This gate's growing," said Totto-chan. "It'll probably go on growing till it's taller than the telephone poles!"
The two "gate posts" were clearly trees with roots. When she got closer, she had to put her head to one side to read the name of the school because the wind had blown the sign askew.
"To-mo-e Ga-ku-en."
Totto-chan was about to ask Mother what "Tomoe" meant, when she caught a glimpse of something that made her think she must be dreaming. She squatted down and peered through the shrubbery to get a better look, and she couldn't believe her eyes.
"Mother, is that really a train! There, in the school grounds!"
For its classrooms, the school had made use of six abandoned railroad cars. To Totto-chan it seemed something you might dream about. A school in a train!
The windows of the railroad cars sparkled in the morning sunlight. But the eyes of the rosy-cheeked little girl gazing at them through the shrubbery sparkled even more.
"I like this school!"
A moment later, Totto-chan let out a whoop of joy and started running toward the "train school," calling out to Mother over her shoulder, "Come on, hurry, let's get on this train that's standing still." Startled, Mother began to run after her. Mother had been on a basketball team once, so she was faster than Totto-chan and caught hold of her dress just as she reached a door.
"You can't go in yet." said Mother, holding her back. "The cars are classrooms, and you haven't even been accepted here yet. If you really want to get on this train, you'll have to be nice and polite to the headmaster. We're going to call on him now, and if all goes well, you'll be able to go to this school. Do you understand?"
Totto-chan was awfully disappointed not to get on the "train" right away, but she decided she had better do as Mother told her. All right," she said. And then added, "I like this school a lot."
Mother felt like telling her it wasn't a matter of whether she liked the school but of whether the headmaster liked her. But she just let go of Totto-chan's dress, took hold of her hand, and started walking toward the headmaster's office.
All the railroad cars were quiet, for the first classes of the day had begun. Instead of a wall, the not very spacious school grounds were surrounded by trees, and there were flower beds full of red and yellow flowers.
The headmaster's office wasn't in a railroad car, but was on the right-hand side of a one-storey building that stood at the top of a semicircular flight of about seven stone steps opposite the gate.
Totto-chan let go of Mother's hand and raced up the steps, then turned around abruptly, almost causing Mother to run into her.
"What's the matter?" Mother asked, fearing Totto-chan might have changed her mind about the school.
Standing above her on the top step, Totto-chan whispered to Mother in all seriousness, "The man we're going to see must be a stationmaster!"
Mother had plenty of patience as well as a great sense of fun. She put her face close to Totto-chan's and whispered, "Why?"
Totto-chan whispered back, "You said he was the headmaster, but if he owns all these trains, he must be a stationmaster."
Mother had to admit it was unusual for a school to make use of old railroad cars, but there was no time to explain. She simply said, "Why don't you ask him yourself! And, anyway, what about Daddy? He plays the violin and owns several violins, but that doesn't make our house a violin shop, does it?"
"No, it doesn't," Totto-chan agreed, catching hold of Mother's hand
Word | Meaning (Bangla) | Synonym | Antonym |
Abandon | ত্যাগ করা | Leave, Forsake | Retain, Keep |
Ability | সক্ষমতা | Capability, Skill | Inability, Incapacity |
Abundant | প্রাচুর্যপূর্ণ | Plentiful, Ample | Scarce, Insufficient |
Accept | গ্রহণ করা | Receive, Approve | Reject, Deny |
Achieve | অর্জন করা | Accomplish, Attain | Fail, Lose |
Admire | প্রশংসা করা | Appreciate, Adore | Criticize, Disapprove |
Agree | সম্মত হওয়া | Consent, Concur | Disagree, Oppose |
Allow | অনুমতি দেওয়া | Permit, Authorize | Forbid, Deny |
Ancient | প্রাচীন | Old, Antique | Modern, Recent |
Anger | ক্রোধ | Rage, Fury | Calmness, Peace |
Beautiful | সুন্দর | Lovely, Attractive | Ugly, Hideous |
Begin | শুরু করা | Start, Commence | End, Finish |
Big | বড় | Large, Huge | Small, Tiny |
Brave | সাহসী | Courageous, Bold | Cowardly, Timid |
Bright | উজ্জ্বল | Shining, Luminous | Dull, Dim |
Care | যত্ন | Attention, Concern | Neglect, Ignore |
Change | পরিবর্তন | Alter, Modify | Preserve, Maintain |
Clean | পরিষ্কার | Neat, Tidy | Dirty, Messy |
Clear | পরিষ্কার | Transparent, Obvious | Cloudy, Ambiguous |
Create | সৃষ্টি করা | Build, Invent | Destroy, Ruin |
Danger | বিপদ | Peril, Risk | Safety, Security |
Dark | অন্ধকার | Dim, Gloomy | Bright, Illuminated |
Deep | গভীর | Profound, Intense | Shallow, Superficial |
Difficult | কঠিন | Hard, Challenging | Easy, Simple |
Early | প্রাথমিক | Initial, Premature | Late, Final |
Empty | খালি | Vacant, Bare | Full, Occupied |
Fast | দ্রুত | Quick, Rapid | Slow, Sluggish |
Friend | বন্ধু | Companion, Ally | Enemy, Opponent |
Happy | সুখী | Joyful, Cheerful | Sad, Miserable |
Honest | সৎ | Truthful, Sincere | Dishonest, Deceitful |
নতুন স্কুলের গেট দেখে টোটো-চ্যান থেমে গেল। তার আগের স্কুলের গেটে ছিল সুন্দর কংক্রিটের স্তম্ভ, যেখানে বড় বড় অক্ষরে স্কুলের নাম লেখা ছিল। কিন্তু নতুন স্কুলের গেট কেবল দুটি ছোট খুঁটির মতো, যেগুলোতে এখনো ডালপালা আর পাতা লেগে ছিল।
"এই গেট তো বাড়ছে," বলল টোটো-চ্যান। "এটা হয়তো একদিন টেলিফোন খুঁটির চেয়েও বড় হয়ে যাবে!"
দুই "গেটের খুঁটি" স্পষ্টতই শেকড়সহ গাছ ছিল। কাছে গিয়ে সে দেখল, বাতাসে সাইনবোর্ডটি সামান্য বাঁকা হয়ে আছে, তাই নামটা পড়ার জন্য তাকে মাথা কাত করতে হলো।
"তো-মো-এ গা-কু-এন।"
টোটো-চ্যান ঠিক জানতে চেয়েছিল "তোমোএ" কথার অর্থ কী, এমন সময় সে এমন কিছু দেখল, যা দেখে তার মনে হলো যেন সে স্বপ্ন দেখছে। সে ঝোপঝাড়ের ভেতর দিয়ে নিচু হয়ে তাকাল এবং যা দেখল তা বিশ্বাস করতে পারছিল না।
"মা, এটা কি সত্যি ট্রেন? দেখুন, স্কুলের মাঠে!"
স্কুলটি ক্লাসরুম হিসেবে ছয়টি পরিত্যক্ত রেলগাড়ি ব্যবহার করছিল। টোটো-চ্যানের কাছে এটি যেন স্বপ্নের মতো লাগল। একটি স্কুল, যেখানে ট্রেনের ভেতরে ক্লাস হয়!
রেলগাড়ির জানালাগুলো সকালের রোদে ঝকঝক করছিল। তবে ঝোপঝাড়ের মধ্যে থেকে এগুলো দেখার সময় গোলাপি গালওয়ালা ছোট মেয়েটির চোখ আরও বেশি ঝকঝক করছিল।
"আমার এই স্কুলটা ভালো লেগেছে!"
এক মুহূর্ত পরেই টোটো-চ্যান আনন্দে চিৎকার করে উঠল এবং "ট্রেন স্কুল" এর দিকে দৌড়াতে শুরু করল, মায়ের দিকে ফিরে চিৎকার করে বলল, "এসো, তাড়াতাড়ি, এই থেমে থাকা ট্রেনে উঠি।"
অবাক হয়ে মা তার পেছন পেছন দৌড়ালেন। একসময় তিনি বাস্কেটবল খেলতেন, তাই টোটো-চ্যানের চেয়ে দ্রুত ছিলেন এবং দরজার কাছে পৌঁছানোর আগেই তার পোশাক ধরে ফেললেন।
"তুমি এখনো ভেতরে যেতে পারবে না," বললেন মা তাকে ধরে রেখে। "রেলগাড়িগুলো ক্লাসরুম, আর তুমি এখনো এখানে ভর্তি হওনি। তুমি যদি সত্যিই এই ট্রেনে উঠতে চাও, তাহলে তোমাকে হেডমাস্টারের সঙ্গে সুন্দর আর ভদ্র আচরণ করতে হবে। আমরা এখন তার সঙ্গে দেখা করতে যাচ্ছি, আর সব ঠিক থাকলে তুমি এই স্কুলে ভর্তি হতে পারবে। তুমি বুঝতে পেরেছ?"
টোটো-চ্যান খুব হতাশ হয়েছিল যে সে তখনই "ট্রেন" এ উঠতে পারল না, কিন্তু সিদ্ধান্ত নিল মায়ের কথা মেনে চলবে। "ঠিক আছে," সে বলল। তারপর যোগ করল, "আমার এই স্কুলটা খুব ভালো লেগেছে।"
মা বলতে চেয়েছিলেন যে এটা টোটো-চ্যানের ভালো লাগার বিষয় নয়, বরং হেডমাস্টারের তাকে পছন্দ করার বিষয়। কিন্তু তিনি কিছু বললেন না। টোটো-চ্যানের পোশাক ছেড়ে তার হাত ধরলেন এবং হেডমাস্টারের অফিসের দিকে হাঁটা শুরু করলেন।
সব রেলগাড়ি ছিল চুপচাপ, কারণ দিনের প্রথম ক্লাস শুরু হয়ে গিয়েছিল। স্কুলের মাঠ খুব বড় না হলেও দেয়ালের বদলে চারপাশে গাছ ছিল, আর সেখানে লাল-হলুদ ফুলে ভরা ফুলের বাগান ছিল।
হেডমাস্টারের অফিস রেলগাড়িতে ছিল না। এটি একতলা একটি ভবনের ডান দিকে ছিল, যা গেটের বিপরীতে সাতটি পাথরের ধাপের ওপর semicircular আকারে দাঁড়িয়েছিল।
টোটো-চ্যান মায়ের হাত ছেড়ে সিঁড়ি বেয়ে দৌড়ে ওপরে উঠল। তারপর হঠাৎ ঘুরে দাঁড়াল, প্রায় মায়ের সঙ্গে ধাক্কা খাওয়ার উপক্রম করল।
"কি হয়েছে?" মা জানতে চাইলেন, ভেবে যে টোটো-চ্যান হয়তো স্কুলটা নিয়ে মত বদল করেছে।
সিঁড়ির ওপরে দাঁড়িয়ে টোটো-চ্যান মাকে গম্ভীরভাবে ফিসফিস করে বলল, "আমরা যার সঙ্গে দেখা করতে যাচ্ছি সে অবশ্যই স্টেশনমাস্টার!"
মায়ের ধৈর্য ছিল অনেক, এবং তিনি মজার ব্যাপারগুলো উপভোগ করতেন। তিনি তার মুখ টোটো-চ্যানের কাছে এনে ফিসফিস করে বললেন, "কেন?"
টোটো-চ্যান ফিসফিস করে উত্তর দিল, "তুমি বলেছিলে তিনি হেডমাস্টার, কিন্তু যদি তিনি এই ট্রেনগুলোর মালিক হন, তবে তিনি স্টেশনমাস্টারই হবেন।"
মা স্বীকার করলেন যে একটি স্কুলে পুরোনো রেলগাড়ি ব্যবহার করা অদ্ভুত, কিন্তু ব্যাখ্যা করার সময় ছিল না। তিনি শুধু বললেন, "তুমি নিজেই তাকে জিজ্ঞেস করো! আর যাই হোক, তোমার বাবা তো বেহালা বাজান আর কয়েকটি বেহালার মালিকও। কিন্তু তাতে কি আমাদের বাড়ি বেহালার দোকান হয়ে যায়?"
"না, হয় না," টোটো-চ্যান সম্মত হলো, মায়ের হাত ধরে ফেলল।
Multiple-choice questions and their answers:
What surprised Totto-chan about the gate of the new school?
a) It was made of gold.
b) It was short and made of posts with twigs and leaves.
c) It was very tall and made of concrete.
d) It had a giant signboard.
Answer: b -
What was the name of the school?
a) Sakura Academy
b) Tomoe Gakuen
c) Tokyo School
d) Train Academy
Answer: b -
What did Totto-chan think about the gate?
a) It looked boring.
b) It would grow taller than telephone poles.
c) It was too plain for a school.
d) It was magical.
Answer: b -
What unique feature did the school have?
a) Classrooms inside a castle.
b) Classrooms in railroad cars.
c) A giant playground with animals.
d) Floating classrooms.
Answer: b -
What sparkled in the morning sunlight?
a) The school gate.
b) Totto-chan's dress.
c) The windows of the railroad cars.
d) The headmaster's office.
Answer: c
Why did Mother stop Totto-chan from entering the train?
a) It wasn’t safe yet.
b) Totto-chan wasn’t accepted into the school yet.
c) The train was moving.
d) It was too early in the morning.
Answer: b -
What does Totto-chan initially call the headmaster?
a) A stationmaster.
b) A teacher.
c) A train conductor.
d) A principal.
Answer: a -
Why does Totto-chan think the headmaster is a stationmaster?
a) He looked like one.
b) He owned trains.
c) The school was near a station.
d) Mother told her so.
Answer: b -
What surrounded the school grounds?
a) High walls.
b) Trees.
c) A river.
d) Barbed wire.
Answer: b -
What was planted in the school grounds?
a) Vegetables.
b) Red and yellow flowers.
c) Palm trees.
d) Rice fields.
Answer: b
What does Totto-chan feel about the new school?
a) She dislikes it.
b) She is unsure about it.
c) She is excited and likes it.
d) She is nervous about it.
Answer: c -
What can be inferred about Totto-chan’s personality?
a) She is shy and quiet.
b) She is curious and imaginative.
c) She is serious and strict.
d) She is nervous and anxious.
Answer: b -
How did Mother respond to Totto-chan’s questions?
a) With patience and humor.
b) By ignoring her.
c) By scolding her.
d) By explaining every detail.
Answer: a -
Why did Mother run after Totto-chan?
a) To stop her from boarding the train.
b) To scold her for running.
c) To take her to another school.
d) To call the headmaster.
Answer: a -
What quality of Totto-chan does the passage highlight?
a) Her rebellious nature.
b) Her love for rules.
c) Her adventurous spirit.
d) Her dislike for school.
Answer: c
What does “askew” mean in the passage?
a) Neatly arranged.
b) Crooked or not straight.
c) Hidden.
d) Perfectly aligned.
Answer: b -
What did Totto-chan mean by “This gate’s growing”?
a) She thought it was made of real trees that would grow.
b) She was imagining it taller.
c) She thought it was magical.
d) She was comparing it to other gates.
Answer: a -
What does Totto-chan’s “whoop of joy” suggest?
a) She was confused.
b) She was overjoyed and excited.
c) She was frightened.
d) She wanted to leave the school.
Answer: b -
What does the phrase “caught hold of her dress” imply?
a) Mother gently stopped Totto-chan.
b) Mother was angry with Totto-chan.
c) Mother accidentally grabbed Totto-chan’s dress.
d) Mother was helping Totto-chan walk.
Answer: a -
What does the description of the headmaster’s office indicate?
a) It was ordinary.
b) It was grand and imposing.
c) It was small and cozy.
d) It was part of a train car.
Answer: c
Why was the school gate made of trees with roots?
a) To symbolize growth and nature.
b) To make it look modern.
c) Because the school couldn’t afford concrete.
d) To create an intimidating entrance.
Answer: a -
What does the passage suggest about the school’s environment?
a) It was very strict and formal.
b) It was natural and unique.
c) It was chaotic and disorganized.
d) It was old and run-down.
Answer: b -
Why does Totto-chan decide to behave during her meeting with the headmaster?
a) She was afraid of her mother.
b) She wanted to be accepted into the school.
c) She was scared of the headmaster.
d) She didn’t want to go to another school.
Answer: b -
What does Totto-chan’s excitement about the train classrooms reveal?
a) Her love for trains.
b) Her dislike for ordinary classrooms.
c) Her playful and imaginative nature.
d) Her knowledge about trains.
Answer: c -
Why didn’t Mother explain why the headmaster wasn’t a stationmaster?
a) She was in a hurry.
b) She wanted Totto-chan to ask the headmaster herself.
c) She thought it wasn’t important.
d) She didn’t know the answer.
Answer: b
True or False
The school grounds were surrounded by a wall.
Answer: False -
Totto-chan thought the school was boring.
Answer: False -
The classrooms were inside old railroad cars.
Answer: True -
The headmaster’s office was in a train car.
Answer: False -
Totto-chan wanted to get on the “train” immediately.
Answer: True
What might Totto-chan’s reaction to the school suggest about her attitude toward learning?
a) She values creativity and novelty.
b) She prefers strict and formal settings.
c) She dislikes studying.
d) She enjoys routine.
Answer: a -
How does the author use Totto-chan’s perspective to engage the reader?
a) By showing her fears.
b) By focusing on her curiosity and excitement.
c) By emphasizing her disobedience.
d) By making her seem confused.
Answer: b -
What lesson can be learned from the headmaster's unique choice of classrooms?
a) Education can be creative and unconventional.
b) Old things are better than new ones.
c) Nature is more important than education.
d) Discipline is the key to success.
Answer: a -
Why might the author include Mother’s patience and sense of humor?
a) To show a supportive parent-child relationship.
b) To highlight Totto-chan’s stubbornness.
c) To emphasize the seriousness of education.
d) To show Mother’s authority.
Answer: a -
How does the description of the school set a positive tone?
a) By focusing on its simplicity and charm.
b) By emphasizing its grandeur.
c) By showing its advanced facilities.
d) By describing its strict discipline.
Answer: a
General Knowledge Questions
What was unusual about the gate of Totto-chan's new school?
The gate of the new school was made of two short posts with twigs and leaves on them, which were actually tree trunks with roots. This was very different from the fine concrete pillars of her old school's gate. -
What was the name of the new school?
The name of the school was "Tomoe Gakuen." The sign with the name was slightly askew because the wind had blown it. -
What unique feature did the new school have for its classrooms?
The new school used six abandoned railroad cars as classrooms. This made it appear like a "train school," which fascinated Totto-chan. -
What surrounded the school grounds instead of walls?
Instead of walls, the school grounds were surrounded by trees, giving it a natural and open feel. -
Where was the headmaster’s office located?
The headmaster’s office was in a one-story building at the top of a semicircular flight of seven stone steps, opposite the gate.
Critical Thinking Questions
Why do you think Totto-chan was so excited about the train classrooms?
Totto-chan probably found the train classrooms exciting because they were very different from traditional classrooms. To a child, the idea of a "train school" could feel like stepping into a dream or an adventure. -
How did Mother show patience and understanding toward Totto-chan?
Mother listened to Totto-chan’s imaginative ideas without dismissing them and even played along by suggesting she ask the headmaster about being a stationmaster. This approach helped nurture Totto-chan’s curiosity and creativity. -
What can you infer about the school environment from the description?
The school seems to value a connection with nature and creativity. The use of railroad cars as classrooms and the presence of trees and flower beds suggest a non-traditional, nurturing environment. -
Why might the headmaster need to like Totto-chan before accepting her into the school?
This implies that the school values individual personality and character, focusing on whether a child fits its unique culture and philosophy rather than standard qualifications. -
What does Totto-chan’s reaction to the gate and classrooms reveal about her personality?
Her reaction shows that Totto-chan is imaginative, curious, and easily excited by new and unconventional experiences. She appreciates uniqueness and has a playful way of thinking.
Application-Based Questions
If you were Totto-chan, how would you convince the headmaster to let you join the school?
I would share my excitement about the train classrooms and explain how much I love learning in a creative and fun environment. I would also promise to be a good student. -
How could the school use the train classrooms to make learning more engaging for students?
Teachers could incorporate train-themed activities, like using tickets as rewards for participation or teaching geography through imaginary train journeys. The unique setting could also inspire storytelling and creative projects. -
What kind of values does the school seem to promote, and how can they benefit students?
The school promotes creativity, connection with nature, and a child-centered approach. These values can foster independence, imagination, and a love for learning in students. -
If the headmaster asked you what you thought about the train classrooms, what would you say?
I would tell the headmaster that I love the idea of learning in train classrooms because it feels like an adventure and makes school exciting. -
Imagine designing a school like Tomoe Gakuen. What unique feature would you include and why?
I would create treehouse classrooms to make learning feel like an adventure in nature. It would inspire students to think creatively and build a strong bond with the environment.
The passage describes Totto-chan's first visit to her new school, Tomoe Gakuen. Unlike her previous school, this one has a unique charm, with railroad cars as classrooms and tree-trunk gateposts. Totto-chan is amazed and thrilled by the unconventional setup and imagines it as a dreamlike train school. Her excitement leads her to mistakenly think the headmaster is a stationmaster. Guided by her mother, she prepares to meet the headmaster with the hope of joining the school. The story highlights the importance of creative and unconventional learning environments in fostering curiosity and enthusiasm. It also emphasizes childlike wonder and the role of imagination in shaping perspectives.
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