Unit Eight: Relationships || Lesson 1 Family Relationship || Textbook page 121,122, 123, 124 & 125 || English first paper || Bangla meaning, line by line Bangla meaning, text questions and solution , short questions and summary ||

Unit Eight: Relationships || Lesson 1 Family Relationship || Textbook page 121,122, 123, 124 & 125 || English first paper || Bangla meaning, line by line Bangla meaning, text questions and solution , short questions and summary || 

Unit Eight: Relationships
Lesson 1 Family Relationship

A. Discuss the following questions in pairs.
Unit Eight: Relationships
1. What do you see in the picture? Can you guess the relationship among the people you see?
2. What type of relationship do you have in your family?
3. Who do you have the closest relationship within the family?

Answer Question No. A

Here are the answers to the questions based on the image:

  1. What do you see in the picture? Can you guess the relationship among the people you see?

    • The picture shows a happy family consisting of a father, a mother, two children (a boy and a girl), and a baby. There is also a pet dog. The father and mother are standing in the middle, while the children are around them. The mother is holding the baby, and the boy is holding a ball. This suggests a close and loving family relationship.
  2. What type of relationship do you have in your family?

    • In most families, there are relationships of love, care, and support. Family members share responsibilities, help each other, and spend time together. Parents take care of their children, and siblings support each other.
  3. Who do you have the closest relationship with in the family?

    • The answer varies for each person. Some people feel closest to their mother because of her care and support, while others may feel a strong bond with their father, siblings, or grandparents. It depends on personal experiences and interactions within the family.

B. Read the following text and then discuss the questions that follow.

The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle said, Humans are by nature social animals. What he meant was that human beings, by instinct, seek company of others and establish relationships, much like most animals of the wild, for companionship and for physical and emotional support. Unlike animals. however, human relationships give meaning to their existence and inspire them to do well in education, in workplace or in a profession.

Relationships are of different kinds. Some are familial and intimate, formed by blood and by marriage; some are social like the ones we have with friends and some are made in schools where we form close bonds with classmates and teachers. Relationships can also be fostered in workplaces, which may quickly change from professional to social. There are relationships also between human beings and animals, between children and their toys that they cannot part with.

All these relationships keep us close to each other and provide us all kinds of support, love and affection. A person who has no family feels the pain of loneliness and isolation. There is no one to laugh or cry with him/her. When we share our joy with someone, it simply redoubles, and we when we suffer a loss and someone shares our sorrow, it lessens. Relationships are thus needed for our emotional health.

To build relationships, we need to have trust and respect for each other, and love where this is needed. We cannot be selfish and possessive if we want to establish an effective relationship. But quite often we see people quarrelling and fighting with each other which only brings misery and loss to all.

  1. Philosopher (দার্শনিক) – Synonym: Thinker (চিন্তাবিদ), Sage (ঋষি) | Antonym: Ignorant (অজ্ঞ)

  2. Instinct (স্বভাবজাত প্রবৃত্তি) – Synonym: Intuition (অন্তর্দৃষ্টি), Impulse (উদ্বেগ) | Antonym: Reasoning (যুক্তি)

  3. Companionship (সঙ্গ) – Synonym: Friendship (বন্ধুত্ব), Fellowship (সহযোগিতা) | Antonym: Isolation (নিঃসঙ্গতা)

  4. Existence (অস্তিত্ব) – Synonym: Being (সত্তা), Life (জীবন) | Antonym: Nonexistence (অস্তিত্বহীনতা)

  5. Inspire (অনুপ্রাণিত করা) – Synonym: Motivate (উদ্দীপিত করা), Encourage (উৎসাহিত করা) | Antonym: Discourage (হতাশ করা)

  6. Intimate (অন্তরঙ্গ) – Synonym: Close (ঘনিষ্ঠ), Personal (ব্যক্তিগত) | Antonym: Distant (দূরবর্তী)

  7. Foster (লালন-পালন করা) – Synonym: Nurture (পালন করা), Support (সমর্থন করা) | Antonym: Neglect (উপেক্ষা করা)

  8. Affection (স্নেহ-মমতা) – Synonym: Love (ভালবাসা), Fondness (আসক্তি) | Antonym: Hatred (ঘৃণা)

  9. Isolation (একাকীত্ব) – Synonym: Loneliness (নিঃসঙ্গতা), Seclusion (নির্জনতা) | Antonym: Connection (সংযোগ)

  10. Sorrow (দুঃখ) – Synonym: Grief (বেদনা), Sadness (বিষাদ) | Antonym: Happiness (আনন্দ)

  11. Support (সমর্থন) – Synonym: Assistance (সহায়তা), Aid (সাহায্য) | Antonym: Opposition (বিরোধিতা)

  12. Possessive (স্বত্বাধিকারের অনুভূতিপূর্ণ) – Synonym: Controlling (নিয়ন্ত্রণকারী), Clingy (আবদ্ধ) | Antonym: Generous (উদার)

  13. Trust (বিশ্বাস) – Synonym: Confidence (আস্থা), Faith (বিশ্বাস) | Antonym: Distrust (অবিশ্বাস)

  14. Respect (সম্মান) – Synonym: Honor (মর্যাদা), Esteem (শ্রদ্ধা) | Antonym: Disrespect (অশ্রদ্ধা)

  15. Effective (কার্যকরী) – Synonym: Efficient (দক্ষ), Productive (উৎপাদনশীল) | Antonym: Ineffective (অকার্যকর)

  16. Workplace (কর্মক্ষেত্র) – Synonym: Office (অফিস), Jobsite (কাজের স্থান) | Antonym: Home (বাড়ি)

  17. Misery (দুর্দশা) – Synonym: Suffering (কষ্ট), Hardship (কঠিন অবস্থা) | Antonym: Comfort (সান্ত্বনা)

  18. Professional (পেশাগত) – Synonym: Skilled (দক্ষ), Expert (বিশেষজ্ঞ) | Antonym: Amateur (অপেশাদার)

  19. Lessen (হ্রাস করা) – Synonym: Reduce (কমানো), Diminish (সংকোচন) | Antonym: Increase (বৃদ্ধি)

  20. Emotion (আবেগ) – Synonym: Feeling (অনুভূতি), Sentiment (মনোভাব) | Antonym: Indifference (উদাসীনতা)

  21. Selfish (স্বার্থপর) – Synonym: Greedy (লোভী), Egocentric (আত্মকেন্দ্রিক) | Antonym: Selfless (নির্লোভ)

  22. Laugh (হাসা) – Synonym: Chuckle (মৃদু হাসি), Giggle (খিলখিল হাসি) | Antonym: Cry (কান্না)

  23. Quarrel (ঝগড়া) – Synonym: Argument (তর্ক), Dispute (বিবাদ) | Antonym: Agreement (সমঝোতা)

  24. Famous (বিখ্যাত) – Synonym: Renowned (খ্যাতনামা), Well-known (পরিচিত) | Antonym: Unknown (অজানা)

  25. Need (প্রয়োজন) – Synonym: Requirement (চাহিদা), Necessity (অপরিহার্যতা) | Antonym: Luxury (অত্যাবশ্যক নয় এমন)

Here is the line-by-line Bangla meaning of the passage:

1. The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle said, Humans are by nature social animals.
প্রসিদ্ধ গ্রিক দার্শনিক অ্যারিস্টটল বলেছেন, মানুষ প্রকৃতিগতভাবেই সামাজিক প্রাণী।

2. What he meant was that human beings, by instinct, seek company of others and establish relationships, much like most animals of the wild, for companionship and for physical and emotional support.
তার অর্থ ছিল যে মানুষ সহজাতভাবে অন্যদের সঙ্গ খোঁজে এবং সম্পর্ক গড়ে তোলে, যেমন বন্য প্রাণীদের অধিকাংশই করে, সঙ্গ ও শারীরিক ও মানসিক সহায়তার জন্য।

3. Unlike animals, however, human relationships give meaning to their existence and inspire them to do well in education, in workplace or in a profession.
তবে, প্রাণীদের মতো নয়, মানুষের সম্পর্ক তাদের অস্তিত্বকে অর্থবহ করে এবং শিক্ষা, কর্মক্ষেত্র বা কোনো পেশায় ভালো করার জন্য তাদের অনুপ্রাণিত করে।

4. Relationships are of different kinds.
সম্পর্ক বিভিন্ন ধরনের হয়ে থাকে।

5. Some are familial and intimate, formed by blood and by marriage;
কিছু সম্পর্ক পারিবারিক ও অন্তরঙ্গ, যা রক্তের বন্ধন বা বিবাহের মাধ্যমে গঠিত হয়;

6. some are social like the ones we have with friends and some are made in schools where we form close bonds with classmates and teachers.
কিছু সম্পর্ক সামাজিক, যেমন বন্ধুত্ব, এবং কিছু সম্পর্ক বিদ্যালয়ে গঠিত হয় যেখানে আমরা সহপাঠী ও শিক্ষকদের সাথে ঘনিষ্ঠ বন্ধন তৈরি করি।

7. Relationships can also be fostered in workplaces, which may quickly change from professional to social.
কর্মক্ষেত্রেও সম্পর্ক তৈরি হতে পারে, যা দ্রুত পেশাদার সম্পর্ক থেকে সামাজিক সম্পর্কে রূপ নিতে পারে।

8. There are relationships also between human beings and animals, between children and their toys that they cannot part with.
মানুষ ও প্রাণীদের মধ্যে সম্পর্ক থাকতে পারে, এবং শিশুরা তাদের প্রিয় খেলনাগুলোর সাথে এমন একটি সম্পর্ক গড়ে তোলে যা থেকে তারা বিচ্ছিন্ন হতে পারে না।

9. All these relationships keep us close to each other and provide us all kinds of support, love and affection.
এই সমস্ত সম্পর্ক আমাদের একে অপরের কাছাকাছি রাখে এবং আমাদের বিভিন্ন ধরনের সহায়তা, ভালোবাসা ও স্নেহ প্রদান করে।

10. A person who has no family feels the pain of loneliness and isolation.
যার পরিবার নেই, সে একাকীত্ব ও বিচ্ছিন্নতার কষ্ট অনুভব করে।

11. There is no one to laugh or cry with him/her.
তার সাথে হাসার বা কাঁদার জন্য কেউ থাকে না।

12. When we share our joy with someone, it simply redoubles, and when we suffer a loss and someone shares our sorrow, it lessens.
যখন আমরা আমাদের আনন্দ কারও সঙ্গে ভাগ করি, তখন তা দ্বিগুণ হয়, আর যখন আমরা কোনো কষ্ট পাই এবং কেউ আমাদের দুঃখ ভাগ করে নেয়, তখন তা কমে যায়।

13. Relationships are thus needed for our emotional health.
তাই আমাদের মানসিক সুস্থতার জন্য সম্পর্কের প্রয়োজন।

14. To build relationships, we need to have trust and respect for each other, and love where this is needed.
সম্পর্ক গড়ে তুলতে, আমাদের একে অপরের প্রতি বিশ্বাস ও সম্মান থাকতে হবে, এবং যেখানে প্রয়োজন সেখানে ভালোবাসা থাকতে হবে।

15. We cannot be selfish and possessive if we want to establish an effective relationship.
যদি আমরা কার্যকর একটি সম্পর্ক গড়ে তুলতে চাই, তাহলে আমরা স্বার্থপর বা মালিকানা দাবিকারী হতে পারি না।

16. But quite often we see people quarrelling and fighting with each other which only brings misery and loss to all.
তবে আমরা প্রায়ই দেখি যে মানুষ পরস্পরের সাথে ঝগড়া ও লড়াই করে, যা কেবল সকলের জন্য দুঃখ ও ক্ষতি বয়ে আনে।

Now discuss the following questions in pairs.

1. Why is relationship so important?

2. What different types of relationships are there?

3. What happens to a person who has no family?

4. What are some of the preconditions of good relationship?

Answer Question of the Above Questions 

Here are the answers to the questions based on the given text:

  1. Why is relationship so important?

    • Relationships are important because they provide emotional, physical, and social support. They give meaning to our lives, inspire us to succeed in education and work, and help us deal with happiness and sorrow. Strong relationships contribute to our emotional well-being and help us feel connected to others.
  2. What different types of relationships are there?

    • There are various types of relationships:
      • Familial and intimate relationships (formed by blood or marriage).
      • Social relationships (friendships and bonds formed in schools and communities).
      • Professional relationships (colleagues and workplace connections that may turn into friendships).
      • Human-animal relationships (between pet owners and their pets).
      • Emotional attachments (such as children bonding with their favorite toys).
  3. What happens to a person who has no family?

    • A person without a family may feel lonely and isolated. They may lack emotional support, companionship, and someone to share their joys and sorrows with. Loneliness can negatively affect a person’s emotional and mental well-being.
  4. What are some of the preconditions of a good relationship?

    • Trust and respect are essential for a strong relationship. Love and care should be present where needed. Selfishness and possessiveness can harm relationships, so mutual understanding and kindness are necessary for maintaining healthy connections.

C. Think of a member of your family who is kind and caring. Write a paragraph in no more than 150 words about him/her. In your paragraph you should include the following:

  • Who is the person?
  • What does he/she do for you?
  • What do you do to return his/her acts of kindness?

Give one example of his/her caring attitude.

Answer Question No. C

The Tapestry of Human Bonds: The Power of Relationships

A Pillar of Love and Kindness: My Mother

The most kind and caring person in my family is my mother. She is the heart of our home, always ensuring that everyone is happy and well taken care of. My mother has an extraordinary ability to sense when I am feeling down, and she never fails to lift my spirits with her comforting words and warm embrace. She tirelessly looks after my well-being, ensuring I eat healthy meals, study properly, and remain safe and happy.

To return her kindness, I try to help her with household chores, listen to her when she needs support, and make her proud by being a responsible and hardworking student. One remarkable example of her caring nature is when I fell seriously ill last year. She stayed awake night after night, holding my hand, checking my temperature, and making sure I was comfortable. Her love and dedication inspire me every day.

Text questions and solutions of Unit Eight: Relationships Lesson 1 Family Relationship 

Model questions and answers Unit 8 Lesson1: Family Relationship

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Unit 8 Relationship Lesson 2

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