Textbook page 126,127 & 128 || English first paper || Bangla meaning, line by line Bangla meaning, text questions and solution , short questions and summary || Unit Eight: Relationships || Lesson 1 Family Relationship ||
Here are some important words from the passage with their meanings in Bangla, along with synonyms and antonyms:
Philosopher – দার্শনিক
- Synonym: Thinker (চিন্তাবিদ)
- Antonym: Ignorant (অজ্ঞ)
Instinct – স্বাভাবিক প্রবৃত্তি
- Synonym: Intuition (উপলব্ধি)
- Antonym: Reason (যুক্তি)
Companionship – সঙ্গ
- Synonym: Friendship (বন্ধুত্ব)
- Antonym: Loneliness (একাকিত্ব)
Emotional – আবেগপ্রবণ
- Synonym: Sentimental (সংবেদনশীল)
- Antonym: Unfeeling (নির্মম)
Support – সমর্থন
- Synonym: Assistance (সহায়তা)
- Antonym: Opposition (বিরোধিতা)
Existence – অস্তিত্ব
- Synonym: Being (অস্তিত্ব)
- Antonym: Nonexistence (অনস্তিত্ব)
Inspire – অনুপ্রাণিত করা
- Synonym: Motivate (উৎসাহিত করা)
- Antonym: Discourage (নিরুৎসাহিত করা)
Familial – পারিবারিক
- Synonym: Domestic (গার্হস্থ্য)
- Antonym: Nonfamilial (অপারিবারিক)
Intimate – অন্তরঙ্গ
- Synonym: Close (ঘনিষ্ঠ)
- Antonym: Distant (দূরবর্তী)
Professional – পেশাদার
- Synonym: Skilled (দক্ষ)
- Antonym: Amateur (অপেশাদার)
Foster – লালন-পালন করা
- Synonym: Nurture (পালন-পোষণ করা)
- Antonym: Neglect (উপেক্ষা করা)
Bond – বন্ধন
- Synonym: Connection (সংযোগ)
- Antonym: Separation (বিচ্ছেদ)
Affection – স্নেহ
- Synonym: Love (ভালোবাসা)
- Antonym: Hatred (ঘৃণা)
Isolation – বিচ্ছিন্নতা
- Synonym: Loneliness (নিঃসঙ্গতা)
- Antonym: Inclusion (অন্তর্ভুক্তি)
Laugh – হাসা
- Synonym: Giggle (খিলখিল হাসি)
- Antonym: Cry (কান্না)
Suffer – কষ্ট পাওয়া
- Synonym: Endure (সহ্য করা)
- Antonym: Relieve (উপশম করা)
Sorrow – দুঃখ
- Synonym: Grief (বেদনাবোধ)
- Antonym: Happiness (সুখ)
Selfish – স্বার্থপর
- Synonym: Egoistic (আত্মকেন্দ্রিক)
- Antonym: Selfless (নিঃস্বার্থ)
Possessive – অধিকারপরায়ণ
- Synonym: Controlling (নিয়ন্ত্রণকারী)
- Antonym: Generous (উদার)
Quarrel – ঝগড়া
- Synonym: Argument (তর্ক)
- Antonym: Agreement (সম্মতি)
Misery – দুর্দশা
- Synonym: Suffering (দুঃখভোগ)
- Antonym: Comfort (সান্ত্বনা)
Loss – ক্ষতি
- Synonym: Defeat (পরাজয়)
- Antonym: Gain (লাভ)
Needed – প্রয়োজনীয়
- Synonym: Required (আবশ্যক)
- Antonym: Unnecessary (অপ্রয়োজনীয়)
Effective – কার্যকর
- Synonym: Efficient (দক্ষ)
- Antonym: Ineffective (অকার্যকর)
Trust – বিশ্বাস
- Synonym: Faith (আস্থা)
- Antonym: Doubt (সন্দেহ)
Respect – সম্মান
- Synonym: Honor (মর্যাদা)
- Antonym: Disrespect (অবমাননা)
Share – ভাগ করা
- Synonym: Distribute (বণ্টন করা)
- Antonym: Hoard (সংগ্রহ করা)
Meaning – অর্থ
- Synonym: Significance (গুরুত্ব)
- Antonym: Insignificance (তুচ্ছতা)
Change – পরিবর্তন
- Synonym: Modify (পরিবর্ধন করা)
- Antonym: Retain (অক্ষুণ্ণ রাখা)
Close – নিকটবর্তী
- Synonym: Near (কাছাকাছি)
- Antonym: Far (দূরে)
Quickly – দ্রুত
- Synonym: Swiftly (অতি দ্রুত)
- Antonym: Slowly (ধীরে)
Workplace – কর্মস্থল
- Synonym: Office (অফিস)
- Antonym: Home (বাড়ি)
Relationship – সম্পর্ক
- Synonym: Connection (যোগসূত্র)
- Antonym: Estrangement (বিচ্ছেদ)
Human – মানব
- Synonym: Person (ব্যক্তি)
- Antonym: Inhuman (অমানবিক)
Animal – প্রাণী
- Synonym: Creature (জীব)
- Antonym: Inanimate (নির্জীব)
Here are the line by line Bangla meaning of the passage
The famous Greek philosopher Aristotle said, Humans are by nature social animals.
বিখ্যাত গ্রিক দার্শনিক অ্যারিস্টটল বলেছেন, মানুষ প্রকৃতিগতভাবে সামাজিক প্রাণী। -
What he meant was that human beings, by instinct, seek company of others and establish relationships, much like most animals of the wild, for companionship and for physical and emotional support.
তার অর্থ ছিল যে মানুষ স্বভাবতই অন্যদের সঙ্গ খোঁজে এবং সম্পর্ক গড়ে তোলে, যেমনটি বন্য প্রাণীদের বেশিরভাগই করে, সঙ্গ, শারীরিক এবং মানসিক সমর্থনের জন্য। -
Unlike animals, however, human relationships give meaning to their existence and inspire them to do well in education, in workplace or in a profession.
তবে, প্রাণীদের মতো নয়, মানব সম্পর্ক তাদের অস্তিত্বকে অর্থবহ করে এবং তাদের শিক্ষা, কর্মস্থল বা পেশায় ভালো করতে অনুপ্রাণিত করে। -
Relationships are of different kinds.
সম্পর্ক বিভিন্ন ধরনের হতে পারে। -
Some are familial and intimate, formed by blood and by marriage; some are social like the ones we have with friends and some are made in schools where we form close bonds with classmates and teachers.
কিছু সম্পর্ক পারিবারিক ও অন্তরঙ্গ, যা রক্তসম্পর্ক ও বিবাহের মাধ্যমে গঠিত হয়; কিছু সামাজিক, যেমন বন্ধুদের সঙ্গে আমাদের সম্পর্ক, এবং কিছু সম্পর্ক স্কুলে তৈরি হয় যেখানে আমরা সহপাঠী ও শিক্ষকদের সঙ্গে ঘনিষ্ঠ বন্ধন গড়ে তুলি। -
Relationships can also be fostered in workplaces, which may quickly change from professional to social.
কর্মস্থলেও সম্পর্ক গড়ে উঠতে পারে, যা দ্রুত পেশাদার থেকে সামাজিক সম্পর্কে পরিণত হতে পারে। -
There are relationships also between human beings and animals, between children and their toys that they cannot part with.
মানুষ ও প্রাণীদের মধ্যে সম্পর্ক থাকে, আবার শিশুদের সঙ্গে তাদের খেলনারও সম্পর্ক থাকে, যা তারা সহজে ছাড়তে চায় না। -
All these relationships keep us close to each other and provide us all kinds of support, love and affection.
এই সমস্ত সম্পর্ক আমাদের পরস্পরের কাছে রাখে এবং আমাদের বিভিন্ন ধরনের সহায়তা, ভালোবাসা ও স্নেহ প্রদান করে। -
A person who has no family feels the pain of loneliness and isolation.
যার কোনো পরিবার নেই, সে একাকীত্ব ও বিচ্ছিন্নতার যন্ত্রণা অনুভব করে। -
There is no one to laugh or cry with him/her.
তার সঙ্গে হাসা বা কাঁদার মতো কেউ থাকে না। -
When we share our joy with someone, it simply redoubles, and when we suffer a loss and someone shares our sorrow, it lessens.
যখন আমরা আমাদের আনন্দ কারও সঙ্গে ভাগ করি, তখন তা দ্বিগুণ হয়ে যায়, এবং যখন আমরা কোনো কষ্ট পাই আর কেউ আমাদের দুঃখ ভাগ করে নেয়, তখন তা কমে যায়। -
Relationships are thus needed for our emotional health.
তাই মানসিক স্বাস্থ্যের জন্য সম্পর্ক প্রয়োজন। -
To build relationships, we need to have trust and respect for each other, and love where this is needed.
সম্পর্ক গড়তে হলে আমাদের একে অপরের প্রতি বিশ্বাস ও শ্রদ্ধা রাখতে হবে এবং যেখানে প্রয়োজন, সেখানে ভালোবাসা থাকতে হবে। -
We cannot be selfish and possessive if we want to establish an effective relationship.
আমরা যদি কার্যকর সম্পর্ক গড়তে চাই, তাহলে আত্মকেন্দ্রিক বা অধিক অধিকারপ্রবণ হতে পারি না। -
But quite often we see people quarrelling and fighting with each other which only brings misery and loss to all.
তবে প্রায়ই আমরা দেখি মানুষ একে অপরের সঙ্গে ঝগড়া ও লড়াই করছে, যা কেবল দুঃখ ও ক্ষতি বয়ে আনে।
Text questions and solutions of Unit Eight: Relationships Lesson 1 Family Relationship
Model questions and answers Unit 8 Lesson1: Family Relationship
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Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the passage.
What is the meaning of the word "instinct" in the passage?
a) Knowledge
b) Natural tendency
c) Education
d) Experience
Answer: b) Natural tendency -
What does "companionship" refer to in the passage?
a) A sense of loneliness
b) A close relationship with someone
c) A professional duty
d) A feeling of superiority
Answer: b) A close relationship with someone -
The word "intimate" in the passage means:
a) Very personal and close
b) Very difficult
c) Not important
d) Professional
Answer: a) Very personal and close -
What is the meaning of "fostered" in the passage?
a) Destroyed
b) Strengthened and encouraged
c) Ignored
d) Avoided
Answer: b) Strengthened and encouraged -
In the passage, "isolation" means:
a) A state of being alone
b) A feeling of superiority
c) A good friendship
d) A sense of achievement
Answer: a) A state of being alone -
The word "selfish" in the passage refers to:
a) Thinking only about oneself
b) Helping others
c) Being friendly
d) Being responsible
Answer: a) Thinking only about oneself -
What does "quarrelling" mean in the passage?
a) Arguing and fighting
b) Showing love and respect
c) Building relationships
d) Teaching others
Answer: a) Arguing and fighting -
The term "redoubles" in the passage refers to:
a) Reducing in amount
b) Increasing or multiplying
c) Remaining the same
d) Decreasing
Answer: b) Increasing or multiplying -
The word "possessive" means:
a) Sharing everything
b) Trying to control someone or something
c) Being independent
d) Being understanding
Answer: b) Trying to control someone or something -
What is the meaning of "sorrow" in the passage?
a) Happiness
b) Deep sadness
c) A joyful feeling
d) Excitement
Answer: b) Deep sadness
What is the main purpose of the passage?
a) To highlight the importance of relationships in human life
b) To explain why people are selfish
c) To discuss the negative effects of relationships
d) To talk about animal behavior
Answer: a) To highlight the importance of relationships in human life -
Why does the author mention Aristotle’s quote?
a) To show that humans naturally form relationships
b) To argue that humans should live alone
c) To explain why animals are superior
d) To prove that relationships are harmful
Answer: a) To show that humans naturally form relationships -
What lesson does the passage try to teach about relationships?
a) They require trust, respect, and love
b) They always bring problems
c) They are unnecessary in modern life
d) They should be avoided
Answer: a) They require trust, respect, and love -
According to the passage, what happens when people share their joys?
a) It increases their happiness
b) It makes them feel lonely
c) It makes them arrogant
d) It has no impact
Answer: a) It increases their happiness -
What does the passage suggest about handling relationships?
a) Avoid being selfish and possessive
b) Avoid all social connections
c) Always try to win arguments
d) Keep emotions to oneself
Answer: a) Avoid being selfish and possessive
Why do humans seek companionship?
a) For emotional and physical support
b) To dominate others
c) To show their intelligence
d) To avoid responsibilities
Answer: a) For emotional and physical support -
How do relationships impact human emotions?
a) They help in sharing happiness and reducing sorrow
b) They always cause stress
c) They are only useful for professional growth
d) They lead to isolation
Answer: a) They help in sharing happiness and reducing sorrow -
What is the effect of loneliness on a person?
a) It makes them feel isolated and sad
b) It makes them independent and happy
c) It helps them build more relationships
d) It improves their communication skills
Answer: a) It makes them feel isolated and sad -
Why is trust important in relationships?
a) It strengthens bonds between people
b) It helps in winning arguments
c) It is necessary for business only
d) It is not necessary in friendships
Answer: a) It strengthens bonds between people -
How does fighting affect relationships?
a) It causes misery and loss
b) It strengthens relationships
c) It helps in understanding each other better
d) It makes people love each other more
Answer: a) It causes misery and loss
What does the passage say about workplace relationships?
a) They can change from professional to social
b) They should remain strictly professional
c) They are not important
d) They always cause problems
Answer: a) They can change from professional to social -
How are familial relationships formed?
a) By blood and marriage
b) By working together
c) By making friends
d) By being classmates
Answer: a) By blood and marriage -
What is a key element in building strong relationships?
a) Trust and respect
b) Money and power
c) Isolation and independence
d) Conflict and competition
Answer: a) Trust and respect -
How do relationships impact workplace performance?
a) They provide motivation
b) They are irrelevant
c) They create problems
d) They always cause stress
Answer: a) They provide motivation -
What role do relationships play in education?
a) They inspire students to do well
b) They are unnecessary
c) They slow down learning
d) They make students lazy
Answer: a) They inspire students to do well -
What do people who have no family experience?
a) Loneliness and isolation
b) Happiness and joy
c) Great success
d) Better relationships
Answer: a) Loneliness and isolation -
How can relationships be destroyed?
a) By being selfish and possessive
b) By showing respect
c) By caring for others
d) By supporting one another
Answer: a) By being selfish and possessive -
What do children develop relationships with?
a) Their toys
b) Only family members
c) Only classmates
d) Only teachers
Answer: a) Their toys -
What happens when we suffer a loss and someone shares our sorrow?
a) It lessens the pain
b) It increases the pain
c) It has no impact
d) It makes us more successful
Answer: a) It lessens the pain -
What type of relationships exist between humans and animals?
a) Emotional and supportive
b) Unimportant
c) Only professional
d) Temporary
Answer: a) Emotional and supportive
Short Questions and Answers of the Passage
What is the main purpose of the passage?
- The main purpose of the passage is to emphasize the importance of human relationships in our lives. It explains how relationships provide emotional support, companionship, and meaning to human existence.
How does the passage differentiate human relationships from those of animals?
- The passage explains that while both humans and animals seek companionship, human relationships go beyond survival needs. They provide emotional depth, inspire personal growth, and give meaning to life, unlike animal relationships, which are often based on instinct and necessity.
What role do relationships play in a person’s emotional health?
- Relationships are crucial for emotional well-being because they provide love, support, and companionship. The passage states that sharing joy with others makes it greater, while sharing sorrow helps to lessen its burden. Without relationships, a person may suffer from loneliness and isolation.
Why does the passage emphasize trust and respect in relationships?
- Trust and respect are essential because they form the foundation of strong, lasting relationships. Without them, relationships can become toxic, leading to conflicts, misunderstandings, and emotional distress, which contradict the very purpose of relationships.
What negative consequences arise when relationships are not nurtured properly?
- When relationships lack trust, respect, and understanding, conflicts and fights arise, causing pain and loss for all involved. The passage highlights that selfishness and possessiveness can harm relationships, leading to emotional suffering instead of providing support and happiness.
What does Aristotle mean when he says that humans are "social animals"?
- Aristotle means that humans naturally seek companionship and connection with others. Unlike animals, humans do not just form relationships for survival but also for emotional fulfillment and personal growth.
What different types of relationships are mentioned in the passage?
- The passage mentions familial relationships (by blood or marriage), friendships, school relationships (classmates and teachers), workplace relationships (which can turn social), human-animal bonds, and even emotional connections with objects like toys.
How do relationships inspire people in their education or profession?
- When people have supportive relationships, they feel encouraged and motivated to achieve their goals. Love, encouragement, and guidance from family, friends, teachers, or colleagues help individuals perform better in school or work.
What happens when someone has no relationships in their life?
- A person without relationships experiences loneliness, isolation, and emotional distress. The passage explains that without companionship, there is no one to share happiness or sorrow with, leading to a lack of emotional fulfillment.
Why does the passage say that sharing joy "redoubles" it and sharing sorrow "lessens" it?
- Sharing joy with others makes it more meaningful and increases happiness, as emotions are amplified when expressed with loved ones. Similarly, sharing sorrow helps reduce emotional pain, as support from others provides comfort and relief.
- How can selfishness and possessiveness harm relationships?
- Selfishness and possessiveness create conflicts, mistrust, and emotional distress in relationships. Instead of fostering love and support, they lead to control, jealousy, and misunderstandings, weakening the bond between individuals.
- How can relationships change from professional to social in the workplace?
- Colleagues often start by maintaining a professional relationship, but over time, mutual trust and personal interactions can turn these relationships into friendships. Workplace relationships may extend beyond work, leading to deep personal bonds.
- Why does the passage include the example of children and their toys?
- The example of children and their toys highlights how humans form emotional attachments not only with people but also with objects that bring them comfort. This emphasizes that relationships are a fundamental part of human nature, even from childhood.
- What is the most important factor in maintaining a strong relationship?
- The passage suggests that trust, respect, and love are the most important factors in maintaining a strong relationship. Without these, conflicts arise, leading to the breakdown of relationships.
- What message does the passage convey about the impact of conflicts in relationships?
- The passage warns that conflicts and fights bring misery and loss to everyone involved. It encourages people to prioritize understanding, respect, and love to maintain meaningful and supportive relationships.
Aristotle stated that humans are social by nature, seeking companionship and emotional support. Relationships, whether familial, social, or professional, add meaning to life and inspire success. They exist between family members, friends, classmates, colleagues, and even between humans and animals or objects. Such bonds provide love, support, and emotional well-being. Without relationships, people feel lonely and isolated. Sharing joy enhances happiness, while sharing sorrow eases pain. To build strong relationships, trust, respect, and love are essential. Selfishness and possessiveness harm relationships. Unfortunately, conflicts often arise, leading to suffering. Maintaining positive relationships is crucial for a fulfilling life.
Text questions and solutions of Unit Eight: Relationships Lesson 1 Family Relationship
Model questions and answers Unit 8 Lesson1: Family Relationship
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