Lalon Shah|| Textbook page 37 & 38 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Two: Art and Craft Lesson 2 Folk Music || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary ||

Lalon Shah|| Textbook page 37 & 38 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Two: Art and Craft || Lesson 2 Folk Music || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary || 

Lalon Shah (1774-1890) is best known as an icon of the Baul tradition in Bengal, although he was also a philosopher, thinker and social reformer. He preached religious tolerance and rejected social differences based on class, caste and creed. He also believed that a search for truth should begin with the body, which reflects the mystery of creation.
Although Lalon's songs are admired for the profound philosophical and mystical insights they offer, he did not receive any formal education. Not much is known about his early life. A popular story about him which many believe to be true -- is that while on a pilgrimage to a holy place. Lalon, who was born a Hindu, contracted smallpox and was abandoned by his companions. A Muslim fakir, Siraj Sain, picked him up and took him to his own house where he nursed him back to health. When Lalon returned home, his family refused to take him in as he had lived in a Muslim household. So Lalon returned to Siraj Sain and took up a life of devotion and asceticism under his guidance. After the death of Sainji, Lalon set up an akhrah or monastery in Chheuriya near Kushtia. It soon attracted admirers and mystics in search of salvation who became initiated into Baul asceticism and became his disciples. As Lalon began writing and composing songs, which his disciples sang with the accompaniment of ektara or dotara, his fame spread to faraway places.
Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam were among those who admired him and were influenced by his shahajiya philosophy (the attainment of the self through the simple truths that reside in one's own body and soul-not outside which can be reached through sadhana or meditation). Many of his disciples also became famous for their songs. They included Kangal Harinath Majumder. Pagla Kanai and Dudu Shah.

Here are some important word meanings in Bangla, along with their synonyms and antonyms from the passage:

English Word Bangla Meaning Synonym Antonym
Icon প্রতীক Symbol, Emblem Disgrace, Opponent
Baul বাউল Mystic, Saint -
Philosopher দার্শনিক Thinker, Scholar Ignorant, Unenlightened
Thinker চিন্তাবিদ Intellectual, Philosopher Follower, Ignoramus
Social reformer সামাজিক সংস্কারক Activist, Reformer Conservative, Traditionalist
Religious tolerance ধর্মীয় সহিষ্ণুতা Acceptance, Open-mindedness Intolerance, Prejudice
Reject প্রত্যাখ্যান করা Deny, Refuse Accept, Approve
Class শ্রেণী Category, Group Individual, Person
Caste জাতি Race, Ethnicity -
Creed বিশ্বাস Belief, Faith Disbelief, Atheism
Mystery রহস্য Puzzle, Enigma Solution, Clarity
Creation সৃষ্টি Formation, Making Destruction, Demolition
Admired প্রশংসিত Praised, Esteemed Disliked, Disapproved
Philosophical দার্শনিক Theoretical, Conceptual Unreflective, Superficial
Mystical আধ্যাত্মিক Spiritual, Esoteric Materialistic, Earthly
Formal education আনুষ্ঠানিক শিক্ষা Structured learning, Schooling Informal learning, Self-taught
Pilgrimage তীর্থযাত্রা Journey, Expedition -
Smallpox মহামূলী - -
Abandoned পরিত্যক্ত Deserted, Forsaken Rescued, Saved
Fakir ফকির Ascetic, Saint -
Nursed সেবাযত্ন করা Cared for, Attended Neglected, Ignored
Devotion আস্থা Reverence, Faithfulness Indifference, Apathy
Asceticism ত্যাগবাদ Self-denial, Discipline Indulgence, Hedonism
Guidance নির্দেশনা Direction, Advice Confusion, Misguidance
Monastery মঠ Hermitage, Abbey -
Akhrah আখড়া Monastery, Spiritual center -
Disciple শিষ্য Follower, Student Master, Leader
Initiated আধ্যাত্মিক শিক্ষা লাভ করা Admitted, Enrolled Excluded, Rejected
Ektara একতারা Single-stringed instrument -
Dotara দোতারী Stringed instrument -
Fame খ্যাতি Renown, Reputation Infamy, Disrepute
Shahajiya philosophy শাহজিয়া দার্শন Mystical belief, Esoteric philosophy -
Sadhana সাধনা Meditation, Practice -
Disciples শিষ্যবৃন্দ Followers, Adherents Leaders, Teachers

Here is the line-by-line Bangla translation of the passage:

  1. Lalon Shah (1774-1890) is best known as an icon of the Baul tradition in Bengal, although he was also a philosopher, thinker and social reformer.
    লালন শাহ (১৭৭৪-১৮৯০) বাংলার বাউল ঐতিহ্যের এক প্রতীক হিসেবে সবচেয়ে পরিচিত, যদিও তিনি একজন দার্শনিক, চিন্তক এবং সামাজিক সংস্কারকও ছিলেন।

  2. He preached religious tolerance and rejected social differences based on class, caste and creed.
    তিনি ধর্মীয় সহিষ্ণুতা প্রচার করেছিলেন এবং শ্রেণি, জাত, ও ধর্মের ভিত্তিতে সামাজিক বিভেদ অস্বীকার করেছিলেন।

  3. He also believed that a search for truth should begin with the body, which reflects the mystery of creation.
    তিনি আরও বিশ্বাস করতেন যে, সত্যের অনুসন্ধান শরীর থেকে শুরু হওয়া উচিত, যেটি সৃষ্টির রহস্যকে প্রতিফলিত করে।

  4. Although Lalon's songs are admired for the profound philosophical and mystical insights they offer, he did not receive any formal education.
    যদিও লালনের গান গভীর দার্শনিক এবং আধ্যাত্মিক ধারণার জন্য প্রশংসিত, তিনি কোনো আনুষ্ঠানিক শিক্ষা গ্রহণ করেননি।

  5. Not much is known about his early life.
    তাঁর প্রারম্ভিক জীবন সম্পর্কে বেশি কিছু জানা যায় না।

  6. A popular story about him which many believe to be true -- is that while on a pilgrimage to a holy place.
    তাঁর সম্পর্কে একটি জনপ্রিয় কাহিনী রয়েছে, যা অনেকেই সত্য বলে মনে করেন -- সেটা হলো, একবার তিনি একটি পবিত্র স্থানে তীর্থযাত্রা করতে গিয়ে।

  7. Lalon, who was born a Hindu, contracted smallpox and was abandoned by his companions.
    লালন, যিনি জন্মসূত্রে হিন্দু ছিলেন, বসন্ত রোগে আক্রান্ত হন এবং তার সঙ্গীরা তাকে ত্যাগ করে।

  8. A Muslim fakir, Siraj Sain, picked him up and took him to his own house where he nursed him back to health.
    একজন মুসলিম ফকির, সিরাজ সাঈন, তাকে তুলে নিয়ে তার বাড়িতে নিয়ে যান এবং সেখানে তাকে সুস্থ করে তোলেন।

  9. When Lalon returned home, his family refused to take him in as he had lived in a Muslim household.
    যখন লালন বাড়ি ফিরে আসেন, তার পরিবার তাকে গ্রহণ করতে অস্বীকার করে, কারণ তিনি একজন মুসলিম বাড়িতে বসবাস করেছিলেন।

  10. So Lalon returned to Siraj Sain and took up a life of devotion and asceticism under his guidance.
    তাই লালন সিরাজ সাঈনের কাছে ফিরে যান এবং তার নির্দেশনায় ভক্তি এবং ত্যাগী জীবন গ্রহণ করেন।

  11. After the death of Sainji, Lalon set up an akhrah or monastery in Chheuriya near Kushtia.
    সাঈনজির মৃত্যুর পর, লালন কুষ্টিয়ার কাছে চেহুরিয়াতে একটি আখড়া বা মঠ প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন।

  12. It soon attracted admirers and mystics in search of salvation who became initiated into Baul asceticism and became his disciples.
    এটি দ্রুত আধ্যাত্মিক মুক্তির সন্ধানে আসা ভক্ত এবং মরমী ব্যক্তিদের আকর্ষণ করে, যারা বাউল ত্যাগীজীবনে প্রবেশ করে এবং তার শিষ্য হয়ে ওঠে।

  13. As Lalon began writing and composing songs, which his disciples sang with the accompaniment of ektara or dotara, his fame spread to faraway places.
    যখন লালন গান লেখা এবং সুর করা শুরু করেন, যা তার শিষ্যরা একতার বা দোতারার সঙ্গীতা সহ গাইতেন, তার খ্যাতি দূর-দূরান্তে ছড়িয়ে পড়ে।

  14. Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam were among those who admired him and were influenced by his shahajiya philosophy (the attainment of the self through the simple truths that reside in one's own body and soul-not outside which can be reached through sadhana or meditation).
    রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুর এবং কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম ছিলেন তাদের মধ্যে যারা তাকে প্রশংসা করেছিলেন এবং তার শাহীজিয়া দর্শনে (যে দর্শন অনুযায়ী, নিজ শরীর ও আত্মার মধ্যে বসবাস করা সহজ সত্যের মাধ্যমে আত্মসাৎ করা যায়, বাহ্যিক কিছু নয়, যা সাধনা বা ধ্যানের মাধ্যমে অর্জিত হয়) প্রভাবিত হয়েছিলেন।

  15. Many of his disciples also became famous for their songs.
    তার অনেক শিষ্যও তাদের গানগুলির জন্য খ্যাতি লাভ করেন।

  16. They included Kangal Harinath Majumder. Pagla Kanai and Dudu Shah.
    তাদের মধ্যে ছিলেন কংকাল হারিনাথ মজুমদার, পাগলা কানাই এবং দুঃদু শাহ।

Here are some multiple-choice questions based on the passage about Lalon Shah:

  1. Who is Lalon Shah best known as?

    • a) A poet
    • b) An icon of the Baul tradition
    • c) A politician
    • d) A king
      Answer: b) An icon of the Baul tradition
  2. Which of the following was NOT a role of Lalon Shah?

    • a) Philosopher
    • b) Social reformer
    • c) Classical musician
    • d) Thinker
      Answer: c) Classical musician
  3. What did Lalon Shah preach?

    • a) Religious tolerance
    • b) Materialism
    • c) Caste-based society
    • d) Atheism
      Answer: a) Religious tolerance
  4. What did Lalon Shah believe about the search for truth?

    • a) It should begin with money
    • b) It should begin with the body
    • c) It should be found in the books
    • d) It should begin with faith
      Answer: b) It should begin with the body
  5. How was Lalon Shah's early education?

    • a) He received formal education
    • b) He was self-educated
    • c) He learned from a guru
    • d) He never learned to read or write
      Answer: d) He never learned to read or write
  6. Which disease did Lalon Shah contract during his pilgrimage?

    • a) Malaria
    • b) Smallpox
    • c) Tuberculosis
    • d) Cholera
      Answer: b) Smallpox
  7. What happened when Lalon Shah returned home after contracting smallpox?

    • a) His family accepted him
    • b) He became a monk
    • c) His family refused to take him in
    • d) He became a famous leader
      Answer: c) His family refused to take him in
  8. Who helped Lalon Shah when he was abandoned by his companions?

    • a) A Hindu priest
    • b) A Muslim fakir, Siraj Sain
    • c) A Buddhist monk
    • d) A Christian missionary
      Answer: b) A Muslim fakir, Siraj Sain
  9. Where did Lalon Shah set up an akhrah (monastery)?

    • a) Dhaka
    • b) Kushtia
    • c) Kolkata
    • d) Chittagong
      Answer: b) Kushtia
  10. What kind of people were attracted to Lalon Shah's akhrah?

  • a) Royalty
  • b) Rich merchants
  • c) Mystics and admirers seeking salvation
  • d) Political leaders
    Answer: c) Mystics and admirers seeking salvation
  1. What was the primary instrument used in Lalon Shah's songs?
  • a) Sitar
  • b) Tabla
  • c) Ektara or dotara
  • d) Guitar
    Answer: c) Ektara or dotara
  1. Which famous poets were influenced by Lalon Shah's philosophy?
  • a) Shamsur Rahman and Jasimuddin
  • b) Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam
  • c) Kazi Nazrul Islam and Michael Madhusudan Dutta
  • d) Jasimuddin and Michael Madhusudan Dutta
    Answer: b) Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam
  1. What is the name of Lalon Shah's philosophy?
  • a) Shahajiya philosophy
  • b) Vaishnavism
  • c) Advaita Vedanta
  • d) Islamism
    Answer: a) Shahajiya philosophy
  1. What is the main idea behind Lalon Shah's Shahajiya philosophy?
  • a) Seeking knowledge through books
  • b) Attaining the self through one's body and soul
  • c) Focusing on external rituals
  • d) Worshipping idols
    Answer: b) Attaining the self through one's body and soul
  1. Which of the following was one of Lalon Shah's disciples?
  • a) Kazi Nazrul Islam
  • b) Kangal Harinath Majumder
  • c) Mirza Ghalib
  • d) Shamsur Rahman
    Answer: b) Kangal Harinath Majumder
  1. What was Lalon Shah's attitude toward social differences?
  • a) He promoted social hierarchy
  • b) He rejected social differences based on class, caste, and creed
  • c) He accepted caste-based social structure
  • d) He supported the inequality of society
    Answer: b) He rejected social differences based on class, caste, and creed
  1. Where was Lalon Shah born?
  • a) Kushtia
  • b) Dhaka
  • c) Bengal
  • d) Calcutta
    Answer: c) Bengal
  1. What was the primary focus of Lalon Shah’s songs?
  • a) Politics
  • b) Love and separation
  • c) Rituals
  • d) Social inequality
    Answer: b) Love and separation
  1. What kind of lifestyle did Lalon Shah adopt after his recovery?
  • a) Royal lifestyle
  • b) Asceticism and devotion
  • c) Artistic lifestyle
  • d) Political leadership
    Answer: b) Asceticism and devotion
  1. What was the key characteristic of Lalon Shah's followers?
  • a) They were from high-class society
  • b) They followed materialistic values
  • c) They were mystics and seekers of salvation
  • d) They practiced classical music
    Answer: c) They were mystics and seekers of salvation
  1. What form of music did Lalon Shah's disciples often perform?
  • a) Classical music
  • b) Baul songs
  • c) Rabindra Sangeet
  • d) Bhakti music
    Answer: b) Baul songs
  1. What is an 'akhrah'?
  • a) A type of food
  • b) A religious practice
  • c) A monastery
  • d) A musical instrument
    Answer: c) A monastery
  1. Who are some of Lalon Shah's famous disciples?
  • a) Kangal Harinath Majumder, Pagla Kanai, and Dudu Shah
  • b) Rabindranath Tagore, Kazi Nazrul Islam, and Michael Madhusudan Dutta
  • c) Jasimuddin, Shamsur Rahman, and Kazi Nazrul Islam
  • d) Shamsur Rahman, Kazi Nazrul Islam, and Lalon Shah himself
    Answer: a) Kangal Harinath Majumder, Pagla Kanai, and Dudu Shah
  1. Which instrument is NOT mentioned as part of Lalon Shah’s music?
  • a) Ektara
  • b) Tabla
  • c) Dotara
  • d) Sitar
    Answer: b) Tabla
  1. What did Lalon Shah's philosophy stress the importance of?
  • a) Meditation and self-reflection
  • b) Rituals and ceremonies
  • c) Wealth and material success
  • d) Public service
    Answer: a) Meditation and self-reflection

Some important questions and answers

  1. Who was Lalon Shah?

    • Lalon Shah was a prominent figure in the Baul tradition of Bengal, known for his mystical songs, philosophy, and social reform. He was also a thinker who preached religious tolerance and rejected social distinctions based on caste, class, or creed.
  2. What was Lalon Shah's view on the search for truth?

    • Lalon Shah believed that the search for truth should begin with the body, as it reflects the mystery of creation. This view emphasized self-realization and understanding through inner reflection rather than external religious practices.
  3. How did Lalon Shah’s early life shape his spiritual path?

    • Lalon Shah’s early life was marked by abandonment after contracting smallpox during a pilgrimage. His encounter with a Muslim fakir, Siraj Sain, who nursed him back to health, led to Lalon embracing a life of devotion and asceticism under his guidance.
  4. Why did Lalon’s family reject him after his illness?

    • Lalon’s family rejected him because he had lived in a Muslim household, which was seen as a transgression of his Hindu background. This event marked the beginning of his deep connection to the Baul tradition and his spiritual journey.
  5. What is an 'akhrah,' and why is it significant in Lalon Shah’s life?

    • An 'akhrah' is a monastery, and it was significant in Lalon Shah's life because he established one in Chheuriya, near Kushtia, after the death of his spiritual mentor. It became a center for his disciples, where they practiced Baul asceticism.
  6. What role did music play in Lalon Shah’s philosophy?

    • Music played a central role in Lalon Shah’s philosophy. He composed songs that expressed profound philosophical and mystical insights, and his disciples sang these songs with instruments like the ektara or dotara, spreading his teachings.
  7. How did Lalon Shah contribute to religious tolerance in Bengal?

    • Lalon Shah preached religious tolerance by rejecting societal divisions based on caste, class, and creed. He emphasized that the search for truth transcends religious boundaries and should be a personal journey of self-realization.
  8. What does the story of Lalon Shah’s encounter with Siraj Sain symbolize?

    • The story symbolizes the transcendence of religious boundaries and the power of compassion. It shows how Lalon’s spiritual journey was shaped by human kindness rather than religious or social identity.
  9. What is the 'shahajiya philosophy' that influenced many thinkers like Tagore and Nazrul Islam?

    • The 'shahajiya philosophy' focuses on attaining self-realization through simple truths within one’s body and soul. It advocates inner meditation and reflection, and it deeply influenced thinkers like Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam.
  10. How did Lalon Shah’s songs contribute to his popularity?

    • Lalon Shah’s songs, which were filled with philosophical depth and spiritual insights, became immensely popular due to their simplicity and profound message. His disciples, who spread his teachings through these songs, helped cement his legacy in both religious and cultural spheres.

Summary and theme of the passage 


Lalon Shah (1774-1890) was a prominent figure in the Baul tradition of Bengal, known for his philosophical, mystical, and social reformist ideas. Despite lacking formal education, Lalon preached religious tolerance and rejected social divisions based on class, caste, or creed. He believed that truth begins with the body, which holds the mystery of creation. Born a Hindu, Lalon was abandoned after contracting smallpox and later lived under the guidance of a Muslim fakir, Siraj Sain. Lalon established a monastery in Chheuriya, where he composed songs that spread his fame. His teachings influenced figures like Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam. His disciples, such as Kangal Harinath, also became famous.

The theme of the passage is Lalon Shah’s contributions to the Baul tradition and his philosophy of religious tolerance, social equality, and self-realization. Despite having no formal education, Lalon became a prominent philosopher, thinker, and social reformer who rejected societal divisions based on class, caste, and religion. His songs, which reflected his mystical insights and focus on the body as the source of truth, influenced many, including notable figures like Rabindranath Tagore and Kazi Nazrul Islam. Lalon's life and teachings emphasized devotion, asceticism, and the pursuit of truth within oneself.

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