Art || Textbook Page 41 & 42 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Two: Art and Craft|| Lesson: 3 Art || English first paper || Bangla meaning, word meaning , text questions and answer summary || short questions answer

Art || Textbook Page 41 & 42 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Two: Art and Craft|| Lesson: 3 Art || English first paper || Bangla meaning, word meaning , text questions and answer  summary || short questions answer 

Art is generally understood as an expression of human imagination and creative skills in a range of activities including painting, drawing, sculpture and architecture. The aim of art is to evoke feelings and emotions that are considered aesthetic that is, concerned with beauty but art also can be a form of social commentary. A painting of sunset over the sea glorifies nature, but one that shows a war ravaged town can convey a sense of anguish. Throughout the world people appreciate art for its power to affect them in creative ways. As the famous painter Pablo Picasso said. "the purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."
Art in our country has a long history. It has been practiced in households in the form of pottery, nakshikantha or embroidered quilt, alpana or intricate, mostly floral designs in rice paste done on clay yards and shokher harhi or painted earthen pots (and their lids). These are examples of folk art. But there is another form of art which is called modern art, which owes its origin to the industrial revolution in Western Europe in the middle of-19 century and the changes it brought in technology, education, manufacturing and communication. Modern art rejected traditional art forms and began to create new types of artistic expression using styles, techniques, colours and materials that could adequately reflect the spirit of the time and the profound changes in human thought.

The beginning of modern art practices in our country date from 1948, when the great artist Zainul Abedin (1914-1976), with the help of some colleagues set up an institute of art in Dhaka (now the Faculty of Fine Art, University of Dhaka). As it began to offer art education, the institute drew together a number of talented teachers and students who contributed to the development of modern art almost from scratch. But within a decade, artists were reflecting most recent trends and styles in their work such as expressionism and abstract expressionism- while maintaining a close contact with the traditions of folk art.
Zainul had earned all-India fame for his Famine Sketches, a series of haunting sketches based on the Bengal famine of 1943 which took hundreds of thousands of lives. His watercolors, scroll paintings and drawings inspire our artists even today. The other prominent artists who had major contributions to the spectacular rise of our contemporary art include Qamrul Hassan, SM Sultan, Safiuddin Ahmed, Abdur Razzak, Qayyum Chowdhury, Murtaza Baseer. Aminul Islam, Syed Jahangir. Debdas Chakravarty. Novera Ahmed and Muhammad Kibria.
The war of liberation and the independence of the country in 1971 inspired our artists to continue the efforts of the earlier artists to explore the limits of art and create new expressive modes. For the next four decades, art in our country saw many experimentations. Artists dealt with new ideas such as installation art and graphic art; and reshaped older, traditional art forms. If you visit any art gallery or art exhibition, you will find how our art reflects our changing realities in fascinating and insightful ways.

Here are some important words from the passage, along with their meanings in Bangla, synonyms, and antonyms:

  1. Art

    • Meaning (Bangla): শিল্প
    • Synonym: Creativity, Craft
    • Antonym: Destruction, Chaos
  2. Expression

    • Meaning (Bangla): প্রকাশ
    • Synonym: Manifestation, Representation
    • Antonym: Suppression, Concealment
  3. Imagination

    • Meaning (Bangla): কল্পনা
    • Synonym: Creativity, Fantasy
    • Antonym: Reality, Fact
  4. Creative

    • Meaning (Bangla): সৃজনশীল
    • Synonym: Innovative, Inventive
    • Antonym: Unimaginative, Repetitive
  5. Skills

    • Meaning (Bangla): দক্ষতা
    • Synonym: Ability, Expertise
    • Antonym: Incompetence, Inability
  6. Painting

    • Meaning (Bangla): চিত্রকর্ম
    • Synonym: Artwork, Canvas
    • Antonym: None
  7. Sculpture

    • Meaning (Bangla): ভাস্কর্য
    • Synonym: Statue, Carving
    • Antonym: None
  8. Aesthetic

    • Meaning (Bangla): নান্দনিক
    • Synonym: Artistic, Beautiful
    • Antonym: Unattractive, Plain
  9. Social

    • Meaning (Bangla): সামাজিক
    • Synonym: Community-based, Public
    • Antonym: Individual, Private
  10. Commentary

    • Meaning (Bangla): মন্তব্য
    • Synonym: Analysis, Explanation
    • Antonym: Silence, Neglect
  11. Nature

    • Meaning (Bangla): প্রকৃতি
    • Synonym: Environment, Essence
    • Antonym: Artificiality
  12. Anguish

    • Meaning (Bangla): যন্ত্রণা
    • Synonym: Pain, Suffering
    • Antonym: Joy, Comfort
  13. Appreciate

    • Meaning (Bangla): প্রশংসা করা
    • Synonym: Value, Admire
    • Antonym: Criticize, Disregard
  14. Affect

    • Meaning (Bangla): প্রভাবিত করা
    • Synonym: Influence, Change
    • Antonym: Ignore, Remain
  15. Famous

    • Meaning (Bangla): বিখ্যাত
    • Synonym: Renowned, Well-known
    • Antonym: Unknown, Obscure
  16. Purpose

    • Meaning (Bangla): উদ্দেশ্য
    • Synonym: Aim, Goal
    • Antonym: Randomness, Aimlessness
  17. History

    • Meaning (Bangla): ইতিহাস
    • Synonym: Chronicle, Record
    • Antonym: Future
  18. Traditional

    • Meaning (Bangla): ঐতিহ্যবাহী
    • Synonym: Conventional, Classic
    • Antonym: Modern, Innovative
  19. Technology

    • Meaning (Bangla): প্রযুক্তি
    • Synonym: Engineering, Innovation
    • Antonym: Obsolescence
  20. Manufacturing

    • Meaning (Bangla): উৎপাদন
    • Synonym: Production, Fabrication
    • Antonym: Consumption
  21. Education

    • Meaning (Bangla): শিক্ষা
    • Synonym: Learning, Knowledge
    • Antonym: Ignorance, Illiteracy
  22. Changes

    • Meaning (Bangla): পরিবর্তন
    • Synonym: Modifications, Transformations
    • Antonym: Stability, Consistency
  23. Thought

    • Meaning (Bangla): চিন্তা
    • Synonym: Idea, Reflection
    • Antonym: Ignorance, Thoughtlessness
  24. Contribution

    • Meaning (Bangla): অবদান
    • Synonym: Input, Support
    • Antonym: Withdrawal, Hindrance
  25. Development

    • Meaning (Bangla): উন্নয়ন
    • Synonym: Progress, Growth
    • Antonym: Decline, Regression
  26. Talented

    • Meaning (Bangla): প্রতিভাবান
    • Synonym: Skilled, Gifted
    • Antonym: Untalented, Ordinary
  27. Expressionism

    • Meaning (Bangla): অভিব্যক্তিবাদ
    • Synonym: Emotional Art, Abstract Style
    • Antonym: Realism
  28. Abstract

    • Meaning (Bangla): বিমূর্ত
    • Synonym: Conceptual, Theoretical
    • Antonym: Concrete, Tangible
  29. Famine

    • Meaning (Bangla): দুর্ভিক্ষ
    • Synonym: Hunger, Starvation
    • Antonym: Plenty, Abundance
  30. Inspire

    • Meaning (Bangla): অনুপ্রাণিত করা
    • Synonym: Motivate, Encourage
    • Antonym: Discourage, Demotivate
  31. Efforts

    • Meaning (Bangla): প্রচেষ্টা
    • Synonym: Attempt, Endeavor
    • Antonym: Neglect, Laziness
  32. Experimentation

    • Meaning (Bangla): পরীক্ষামূলক কার্যক্রম
    • Synonym: Trial, Exploration
    • Antonym: Certainty, Conformity
  33. Ideas

    • Meaning (Bangla): ধারণা
    • Synonym: Concepts, Thoughts
    • Antonym: Reality, Facts
  34. Installation

    • Meaning (Bangla): স্থাপনকলা
    • Synonym: Setup, Artwork
    • Antonym: Disassembly
  35. Graphic

    • Meaning (Bangla): গ্রাফিক
    • Synonym: Visual, Artistic
    • Antonym: Non-visual
  36. Reflect

    • Meaning (Bangla): প্রতিফলিত করা
    • Synonym: Mirror, Show
    • Antonym: Ignore, Absorb
  37. Reality

    • Meaning (Bangla): বাস্তবতা
    • Synonym: Truth, Fact
    • Antonym: Illusion, Fantasy
  38. Insightful

    • Meaning (Bangla): অন্তর্দৃষ্টিসম্পন্ন
    • Synonym: Perceptive, Thoughtful
    • Antonym: Superficial, Uninformed
  39. Gallery

    • Meaning (Bangla): প্রদর্শনী হল
    • Synonym: Exhibition, Museum
    • Antonym: None
  40. Exhibition

    • Meaning (Bangla): প্রদর্শনী
    • Synonym: Display, Showcase
    • Antonym: Concealment

বাংলায় লাইন বাই লাইন অর্থ

  1. Art is generally understood as an expression of human imagination and creative skills in a range of activities including painting, drawing, sculpture, and architecture.
    শিল্পকে সাধারণত মানুষের কল্পনা এবং সৃজনশীল দক্ষতার প্রকাশ হিসেবে বোঝা হয়, যা চিত্রাঙ্কন, অঙ্কন, ভাস্কর্য এবং স্থাপত্য সহ বিভিন্ন কর্মকাণ্ডে প্রকাশিত হয়।

  2. The aim of art is to evoke feelings and emotions that are considered aesthetic, that is, concerned with beauty, but art also can be a form of social commentary.
    শিল্পের লক্ষ্য হল সেই অনুভূতি এবং আবেগকে জাগ্রত করা যা নান্দনিক বলে বিবেচিত হয়, অর্থাৎ সৌন্দর্যের সাথে সম্পর্কিত, তবে শিল্প সামাজিক মন্তব্যের মাধ্যম হিসেবেও কাজ করতে পারে।

  3. A painting of sunset over the sea glorifies nature, but one that shows a war-ravaged town can convey a sense of anguish.
    সাগরের উপর সূর্যাস্তের চিত্র প্রকৃতির প্রশংসা করে, কিন্তু যুদ্ধবিধ্বস্ত একটি শহরের চিত্র কষ্টের অনুভূতি প্রকাশ করতে পারে।

  4. Throughout the world, people appreciate art for its power to affect them in creative ways.
    সারা বিশ্বে মানুষ শিল্পের প্রশংসা করে কারণ এটি তাদের সৃজনশীল উপায়ে প্রভাবিত করতে পারে।

  5. As the famous painter Pablo Picasso said, "the purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls."
    যেমন বিখ্যাত চিত্রশিল্পী পাবলো পিকাসো বলেছেন, "শিল্পের উদ্দেশ্য হলো আমাদের আত্মা থেকে দৈনন্দিন জীবনের ধুলো মুছে ফেলা।"

  6. Art in our country has a long history.
    আমাদের দেশে শিল্পের একটি দীর্ঘ ইতিহাস রয়েছে।

  7. It has been practiced in households in the form of pottery, nakshikantha or embroidered quilt, alpana or intricate, mostly floral designs in rice paste done on clay yards, and shokher harhi or painted earthen pots (and their lids).
    এটি ঘরোয়া পর্যায়ে মৃৎশিল্প, নকশিকাঁথা, আলপনা (যা মাটির উঠোনে চালের গুঁড়ো দিয়ে করা জটিল, প্রধানত ফুলের নকশা), এবং শখের হাঁড়ি (এবং এর ঢাকনা) রূপে চর্চা করা হয়েছে।

  8. These are examples of folk art.
    এগুলো লোকশিল্পের উদাহরণ।

  9. But there is another form of art which is called modern art, which owes its origin to the industrial revolution in Western Europe in the middle of the 19th century and the changes it brought in technology, education, manufacturing, and communication.
    তবে আরেকটি শিল্পরূপ আছে, যা আধুনিক শিল্প নামে পরিচিত এবং যার উৎপত্তি ১৯ শতকের মধ্যভাগে পশ্চিম ইউরোপে শিল্পবিপ্লব এবং এর মাধ্যমে প্রযুক্তি, শিক্ষা, উৎপাদন ও যোগাযোগে আনা পরিবর্তনের সঙ্গে যুক্ত।

  10. Modern art rejected traditional art forms and began to create new types of artistic expression using styles, techniques, colors, and materials that could adequately reflect the spirit of the time and the profound changes in human thought.
    আধুনিক শিল্প ঐতিহ্যবাহী শিল্পরূপকে প্রত্যাখ্যান করে নতুন ধরণের শিল্প প্রকাশ তৈরি শুরু করে, যা শৈলী, প্রযুক্তি, রঙ এবং উপকরণ ব্যবহার করে সময়ের চেতনাকে এবং মানুষের চিন্তায় গভীর পরিবর্তনকে যথাযথভাবে প্রতিফলিত করতে পারে।

  11. The beginning of modern art practices in our country dates from 1948, when the great artist Zainul Abedin (1914-1976), with the help of some colleagues, set up an institute of art in Dhaka (now the Faculty of Fine Art, University of Dhaka).
    আমাদের দেশে আধুনিক শিল্পের চর্চার শুরু ১৯৪৮ সালে, যখন মহান শিল্পী জয়নুল আবেদিন (১৯১৪-১৯৭৬) কিছু সহকর্মীর সাহায্যে ঢাকায় একটি শিল্প প্রতিষ্ঠান (এখন ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের চারুকলা অনুষদ) প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন।

  12. As it began to offer art education, the institute drew together a number of talented teachers and students who contributed to the development of modern art almost from scratch.
    যখন এটি শিল্প শিক্ষা প্রদান শুরু করে, তখন এটি প্রতিভাবান শিক্ষক ও শিক্ষার্থীদের একত্রিত করে যারা শূন্য থেকে আধুনিক শিল্পের বিকাশে অবদান রেখেছিলেন।

  13. But within a decade, artists were reflecting most recent trends and styles in their work such as expressionism and abstract expressionism, while maintaining a close contact with the traditions of folk art.
    তবে এক দশকের মধ্যেই শিল্পীরা তাদের কাজে এক্সপ্রেশনিজম এবং অ্যাবস্ট্রাক্ট এক্সপ্রেশনিজমের মতো সাম্প্রতিক প্রবণতা ও শৈলীকে প্রতিফলিত করছিলেন, একই সাথে লোকশিল্পের ঐতিহ্যের সাথে ঘনিষ্ঠ সংযোগ বজায় রেখেছিলেন।

  14. Zainul had earned all-India fame for his Famine Sketches, a series of haunting sketches based on the Bengal famine of 1943 which took hundreds of thousands of lives.
    জয়নুল তার দুর্ভিক্ষ স্কেচের জন্য সারা ভারতের খ্যাতি অর্জন করেছিলেন, যা ১৯৪৩ সালের বাংলা দুর্ভিক্ষের উপর ভিত্তি করে আঁকা একগুচ্ছ মর্মস্পর্শী স্কেচ।

  15. His watercolors, scroll paintings, and drawings inspire our artists even today.
    তার জলরং চিত্র, স্ক্রোল পেইন্টিং এবং অঙ্কন এখনও আমাদের শিল্পীদের অনুপ্রাণিত করে।

  16. The other prominent artists who had major contributions to the spectacular rise of our contemporary art include Qamrul Hassan, SM Sultan, Safiuddin Ahmed, Abdur Razzak, Qayyum Chowdhury, Murtaza Baseer, Aminul Islam, Syed Jahangir, Debdas Chakravarty, Novera Ahmed, and Muhammad Kibria.
    আমাদের সমকালীন শিল্পের উল্লেখযোগ্য উত্থানে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অবদান রাখা অন্যান্য বিশিষ্ট শিল্পীরা হলেন কামরুল হাসান, এস এম সুলতান, সফিউদ্দিন আহমেদ, আবদুর রাজ্জাক, কাইয়ুম চৌধুরী, মুর্তজা বশীর, আমিনুল ইসলাম, সৈয়দ জাহাঙ্গীর, দেবদাস চক্রবর্তী, নোভারাহ আহমেদ এবং মুহাম্মদ কিবরিয়া।

  17. The war of liberation and the independence of the country in 1971 inspired our artists to continue the efforts of the earlier artists to explore the limits of art and create new expressive modes.
    ১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধ এবং দেশের স্বাধীনতা আমাদের শিল্পীদের শিল্পের সীমা অন্বেষণ এবং নতুন প্রকাশশৈলী তৈরি করতে প্রেরণা জুগিয়েছিল।

  18. For the next four decades, art in our country saw many experimentations.
    পরবর্তী চার দশকে আমাদের দেশের শিল্পে অনেক পরীক্ষামূলক কাজ হয়েছে।

  19. Artists dealt with new ideas such as installation art and graphic art, and reshaped older, traditional art forms.
    শিল্পীরা ইনস্টলেশন আর্ট এবং গ্রাফিক আর্টের মতো নতুন ধারণাগুলির সাথে কাজ করেছেন এবং পুরোনো, ঐতিহ্যবাহী শিল্পরূপগুলিকে পুনর্গঠন করেছেন।

  20. If you visit any art gallery or art exhibition, you will find how our art reflects our changing realities in fascinating and insightful ways.
    আপনি যদি কোনো আর্ট গ্যালারি বা আর্ট প্রদর্শনী পরিদর্শন করেন, তবে দেখবেন কীভাবে আমাদের শিল্প আকর্ষণীয় এবং অন্তর্দৃষ্টিসম্পন্ন উপায়ে আমাদের পরিবর্তনশীল বাস্তবতাকে প্রতিফলিত করে।

Here are 40 multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the given passage, along with their answers:

  1. What is the primary aim of art?
    a) To make people think
    b) To evoke feelings and emotions
    c) To create industrial designs
    d) To copy nature
    Answer: b

  2. What does the painting of a sunset over the sea symbolize?
    a) War
    b) Anguish
    c) Nature's glory
    d) Social commentary
    Answer: c

  3. According to the passage, art can also serve as a form of what?
    a) Economic development
    b) Social commentary
    c) Scientific innovation
    d) Political propaganda
    Answer: b

  4. What is an example of a painting that conveys anguish?
    a) Sunset over the sea
    b) War-ravaged town
    c) A peaceful meadow
    d) A bustling city
    Answer: b

  5. What did Pablo Picasso say about the purpose of art?
    a) To showcase human creativity
    b) To express emotions
    c) To wash the dust of daily life off our souls
    d) To inspire social change
    Answer: c

  1. What is nakshikantha?
    a) Painted earthen pots
    b) Intricate embroidery
    c) A type of sculpture
    d) Clay yards
    Answer: b

  2. What is alpana?
    a) Painted designs on earthen pots
    b) Designs made with rice paste
    c) Embroidery on quilts
    d) A form of modern painting
    Answer: b

  3. What is shokher harhi?
    a) A form of modern art
    b) Painted earthen pots
    c) Watercolor sketches
    d) Traditional embroidery
    Answer: b

  4. Which of the following is not an example of folk art?
    a) Nakshikantha
    b) Alpana
    c) Modern sculpture
    d) Shokher harhi
    Answer: c

  5. What is a key characteristic of folk art?
    a) Use of industrial materials
    b) Depiction of modern life
    c) Rooted in traditional practices
    d) Lack of artistic skill
    Answer: c

  1. When did modern art emerge?
    a) During the Renaissance
    b) During the Industrial Revolution
    c) In the 20th century
    d) After World War II
    Answer: b

  2. What was a feature of modern art?
    a) Imitating traditional forms
    b) Creating new expressions
    c) Using only black and white colors
    d) Focusing solely on landscapes
    Answer: b

  3. Where did modern art originate?
    a) Eastern Europe
    b) Western Europe
    c) North America
    d) Asia
    Answer: b

  4. What led to the development of modern art?
    a) Political revolutions
    b) Industrial revolution
    c) Advances in medicine
    d) Expansion of the military
    Answer: b

  5. What did modern art reject?
    a) Technology
    b) Traditional art forms
    c) Education systems
    d) Human creativity
    Answer: b

  1. When was the Institute of Art in Dhaka established?
    a) 1914
    b) 1943
    c) 1948
    d) 1971
    Answer: c

  2. Who founded the Institute of Art in Dhaka?
    a) Pablo Picasso
    b) Zainul Abedin
    c) Safiuddin Ahmed
    d) Qamrul Hassan
    Answer: b 

  3. What is the present name of the Institute of Art in Dhaka?
    a) Faculty of Fine Art, University of Dhaka
    b) Dhaka School of Modern Art
    c) Bangladesh Art Academy
    d) Fine Arts Institute of Bangladesh
    Answer: a

  4. What style did Bangladeshi artists adopt after 1948?
    a) Renaissance art
    b) Expressionism
    c) Cubism
    d) Baroque art
    Answer: b

  5. What did modern Bangladeshi artists maintain while adopting new trends?
    a) A focus on landscapes
    b) A connection to folk art traditions
    c) Monochromatic color schemes
    d) International influences only
    Answer: b

  1. What is Zainul Abedin famous for?
    a) Famine Sketches
    b) Sculptures
    c) Modern architecture
    d) Abstract expressionism
    Answer: a

  2. What inspired Zainul Abedin’s Famine Sketches?
    a) World War II
    b) Bengal famine of 1943
    c) Industrial revolution
    d) Bangladesh Liberation War
    Answer: b

  3. Which medium did Zainul Abedin use extensively?
    a) Acrylic paints
    b) Watercolors
    c) Oil paints
    d) Digital tools
    Answer: b

  4. What is Zainul Abedin's legacy in Bangladesh?
    a) Establishing modern art education
    b) Creating abstract sculptures
    c) Promoting Western art forms
    d) Revolutionizing graphic art
    Answer: a

  5. What emotion is often associated with Zainul Abedin’s Famine Sketches?
    a) Joy
    b) Anguish
    c) Humor
    d) Nostalgia
    Answer: b

  1. Which artist is not mentioned in the passage?
    a) Safiuddin Ahmed
    b) SM Sultan
    c) Pablo Picasso
    d) Murtaza Baseer
    Answer: c

  2. What did the other artists contribute to?
    a) Architecture
    b) Rise of contemporary art
    c) Industrial design
    d) Music compositions
    Answer: b

  3. What inspired the next generation of artists?
    a) Liberation War of 1971
    b) Bengal famine
    c) Industrial revolution
    d) Renaissance art
    Answer: a

  4. What kind of new ideas did Bangladeshi artists explore post-independence?
    a) Minimalism
    b) Installation art
    c) Digital photography
    d) Ancient cave paintings
    Answer: b

  5. What is an important feature of modern Bangladeshi art?
    a) Ignoring social issues
    b) Reflecting changing realities
    c) Returning to ancient techniques
    d) Limiting artistic expression
    Answer: b

  1. What does art reflect in modern times?
    a) Technology only
    b) Changing realities
    c) Political propaganda
    d) Historical events alone
    Answer: b

  2. Which event in 1971 influenced Bangladeshi art?
    a) Liberation War
    b) Bengal famine
    c) Partition of India
    d) Industrial revolution
    Answer: a

  3. What is a key development in Bangladeshi art post-1971?
    a) Use of only folk styles
    b) Experimentation with new ideas
    c) Adoption of ancient techniques
    d) Rejection of modern influences
    Answer: b

  4. What is installation art?
    a) Art created using computer software
    b) Art that involves large-scale installations
    c) Ancient art forms recreated
    d) Art focusing solely on landscapes
    Answer: b

  5. Where can one observe modern Bangladeshi art?
    a) Art galleries
    b) Schools
    c) Industrial areas
    d) Libraries
    Answer: a

  6. What does art inspire in people, as per the passage?
    a) Anger
    b) Creativity
    c) Despair
    d) Laziness
    Answer: b

  7. What quality does modern art emphasize?
    a) Precision
    b) Expressive modes
    c) Simplicity
    d) Uniformity
    Answer: b

  8. Which artist was not mentioned as a contemporary of Zainul Abedin?
    a) Novera Ahmed
    b) Muhammad Kibria
    c) Pablo Picasso
    d) Aminul Islam
    Answer: c

  9. Why is Zainul Abedin considered important?
    a) His sculptures changed art trends
    b) He pioneered art education in Bangladesh
    c) He opposed folk art traditions
    d) He worked during the Renaissance
    Answer: b

  10. What do art galleries in Bangladesh often showcase?
    a) Political propaganda
    b) Changing societal realities
    c) Traditional folk songs
    d) International photography
    Answer: b

  1. What is art generally understood as?
    Art is an expression of human imagination and creative skills in activities like painting, drawing, sculpture, and architecture. It aims to evoke emotions and aesthetic feelings while sometimes serving as a form of social commentary.

  2. What is the aim of art?
    The aim of art is to evoke feelings and emotions that are aesthetic, focusing on beauty. Art can also be used as a medium for social commentary.

  3. How does art serve as a social commentary?
    Art can reflect societal issues, like a painting of a war-ravaged town conveying anguish or a sunset glorifying nature. It mirrors human experiences and emotions.

  4. What did Pablo Picasso say about the purpose of art?
    Picasso said, "The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls," emphasizing art's power to refresh and inspire.

  5. What are some examples of folk art in our country?
    Examples include pottery, nakshikantha (embroidered quilt), alpana (floral designs in rice paste), and shokher harhi (painted earthen pots).

  6. When did modern art begin in Western Europe?
    Modern art began in the mid-19th century during the Industrial Revolution. It introduced new styles and techniques reflecting technological and societal changes.

  7. How does modern art differ from traditional art?
    Modern art rejected traditional forms and created new expressions using innovative styles, techniques, colors, and materials that mirrored contemporary changes.

  8. When did modern art practices begin in our country?
    Modern art practices in our country began in 1948 when Zainul Abedin set up an art institute in Dhaka, which is now the Faculty of Fine Art, University of Dhaka.

  9. Who is Zainul Abedin, and why is he significant?
    Zainul Abedin was a renowned artist who gained fame for his Famine Sketches based on the 1943 Bengal famine. He is considered a pioneer of modern art in our country.

  10. What are Zainul Abedin’s notable contributions to art?
    Zainul Abedin’s Famine Sketches, watercolors, scroll paintings, and drawings continue to inspire artists. He played a crucial role in establishing modern art education in the country.

  11. Name some prominent artists who contributed to our contemporary art.
    Some prominent artists include Qamrul Hassan, SM Sultan, Safiuddin Ahmed, Abdur Razzak, Qayyum Chowdhury, and Novera Ahmed.

  12. How did the Liberation War of 1971 influence art in our country?
    The war inspired artists to explore new expressive modes and continue earlier efforts to expand artistic boundaries. It also fostered experimentation and innovation in art.

  13. What new ideas did artists explore after 1971?
    Artists explored installation art, graphic art, and reshaped traditional art forms. They experimented with new ideas to reflect the changing realities of society.

  14. What role did the Faculty of Fine Art, University of Dhaka, play in modern art?
    The Faculty of Fine Art provided formal art education and gathered talented teachers and students who contributed to the growth of modern art in the country.

  15. How does art in our country reflect its changing realities?
    Art in our country reflects changing realities through innovative expressions, experimentation, and insightful representations of contemporary life, as seen in galleries and exhibitions.

Summary of the passage 

Art is an expression of human imagination that evokes emotions and can serve as social commentary. In Bangladesh, art has a rich history, from traditional folk art like pottery, nakshikantha, and alpana to modern art inspired by Western industrialization. Modern art in the country began with Zainul Abedin, who established the Dhaka Art Institute in 1948. His famous Famine Sketches reflect human suffering, and artists like Qamrul Hassan and SM Sultan further enriched contemporary art. The Liberation War of 1971 inspired new creative expressions, including installation and graphic art. Today, Bangladeshi art reflects evolving realities and maintains a connection to its cultural traditions, blending the past and present innovatively.

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