Unit two: Art and Craft|| Lesson 2 Folk Music || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary || Textbook page 34,35 & 36 || Class eleven and twelve ||
Here is a table with some important words from the passage, along with their meanings in Bengali, synonyms, and antonyms:
Word | Meaning (Bangla) | Synonym | Antonym |
Folk | জনগণের, আঞ্চলিক | Traditional, indigenous | Modern, urban |
Heritage | ঐতিহ্য, পুরনো রীতি | Tradition, legacy | Innovation, novelty |
Community | সম্প্রদায়, সমাজ | Society, group | Individuality, isolation |
Sophisticated | জটিল, উন্নত | Refined, cultured | Simple, crude |
Influenced | প্রভাবিত হওয়া | Affected, swayed | Unaffected, independent |
Classical | শাস্ত্রীয়, ঐতিহ্যগত | Formal, traditional | Modern, contemporary |
Popular | জনপ্রিয়, প্রচলিত | Well-known, admired | Unpopular, obscure |
Tradition | ঐতিহ্য, প্রথা | Custom, practice | Innovation, novelty |
Arrangement | ব্যবস্থা, সংগঠন | Organization, setup | Disorder, disorganization |
Spontaneous | স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত, প্রাকৃতিক | Impulsive, instinctive | Planned, deliberate |
Expression | অভিব্যক্তি, প্রকাশ | Articulation, manifestation | Suppression, concealment |
Uninfluenced | প্রভাবিত না হওয়া | Independent, unaffected | Affected, swayed |
Rhythm | তাল, সুর | Beat, tempo | Discord, irregularity |
Appeal | আবেদন, আকর্ষণ | Attraction, charm | Repulsion, dislike |
Dialect | উপভাষা, আঞ্চলিক ভাষা | Vernacular, local speech | Standard language, global language |
Mystical | আধ্যাত্মিক, রহস্যময় | Spiritual, supernatural | Secular, earthly |
Metaphor | রূপক, উপমা | Symbol, analogy | Literal meaning |
Riverine | নদীসংক্রান্ত, নদীভিত্তিক | River-based, waterway | Land-based, terrestrial |
Genre | ধরন, শৈলী | Category, type | Misfit, outlier |
Influence | প্রভাব, অ প্রভাব | Impact, effect | Resistance, counteraction |
Interaction | আন্তঃক্রিয়া, মিথস্ক্রিয়া | Communication, engagement | Isolation, separation |
Richness | সমৃদ্ধি, উন্নতি | Abundance, prosperity | Poverty, scarcity |
Expression | অভিব্যক্তি, প্রকাশ | Articulation, demonstration | Concealment, repression |
Emotion | আবেগ, অনুভুতি | Feeling, sentiment | Indifference, apathy |
Separation | পৃথকীকরণ, বিচ্ছেদ | Division, detachment | Union, connection |
Culture | সংস্কৃতি, সামাজিক অবস্থা | Tradition, heritage | Barbarism, ignorance |
Environment | পরিবেশ, চারপাশের অবস্থা | Surroundings, habitat | Isolation, separation |
View | দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি, মতামত | Opinion, perspective | Misunderstanding, ignorance |
Composition | রচনা, সংগঠন | Creation, formation | Destruction, disintegration |
Social | সামাজিক, সমাজগত | Societal, communal | Asocial, antisocial |
Mystical | আধ্যাত্মিক, মন্ত্রমুগ্ধকারী | Spiritual, otherworldly | Material, earthly |
Beauty | সৌন্দর্য, রূপ | Attractiveness, loveliness | Ugliness, plainness |
Nature | প্রকৃতি, স্বাভাবিক অবস্থা | Environment, creation | Artifice, man-made |
Poverty | দারিদ্র্য, অভাব | Impoverishment, scarcity | Wealth, prosperity |
Material | বস্তুগত, উপাদান | Physical, tangible | Spiritual, immaterial |
Supernatural | অতিপ্রাকৃত, অলৌকিক | Paranormal, metaphysical | Natural, earthly |
Rhythmic | তালসমৃদ্ধ, সুরের গতি | Measured, regular | Irregular, chaotic |
Tradition | ঐতিহ্য, পুরনো রীতি | Custom, practice | Innovation, novelty |
Equality | সমতা, সমানাধিকার | Fairness, justice | Inequality, discrimination |
Culture | সংস্কৃতি, সাংস্কৃতিক প্রথা | Tradition, customs | Barbarism, ignorance |
Social Inequality | সামাজিক অসমতা | Injustice, disparity | Equality, fairness |
Inclusion | অন্তর্ভুক্তি, সন্নিবেশ | Incorporation, acceptance | Exclusion, rejection |
Movement | আন্দোলন, গতি | Action, motion | Stagnation, stillness |
Regional | আঞ্চলিক, স্থানীয় | Local, district | National, universal |
Dialects | আঞ্চলিক ভাষা, উপভাষা | Vernacular, language variant | Standard language, global language |
Rural | গ্রামীণ,乡村 | Countryside, pastoral | Urban, city |
Chorus | গানের দল, গানের সংঙ্গীত | Ensemble, group singing | Solo, individual |
Influence | প্রভাব, অ প্রভাব | Impact, sway | Resistance, opposition |
Religious | ধর্মীয়, ধর্মসম্পর্কিত | Sacred, divine | Secular, non-religious |
Boundaries | সীমানা, সীমা | Limits, edges | Continuity, connection |
Characteristics | বৈশিষ্ট্য, গুণ | Features, traits | Deficiency, shortcoming |
Here is the Bangla meaning of the passage.
Folk music consists of songs and music of a community that are not influenced by any sophisticated musical rules or any standard musical styles.
ফোক মিউজিক একটি কমিউনিটির গান এবং সঙ্গীত যা কোনো জটিল সঙ্গীত নীতি বা কোন স্ট্যান্ডার্ড সঙ্গীত শৈলীর দ্বারা প্রভাবিত নয়।
Bangladesh has a heritage of rich folk music which includes both religious and secular songs.
বাংলাদেশের একটি সমৃদ্ধ ফোক মিউজিকের ঐতিহ্য রয়েছে যা ধর্মীয় এবং ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ গান উভয়ই অন্তর্ভুক্ত করে।
Folk music may be described as the music of the ancient times that sprang from the heart of a community, based on their natural style of expression uninfluenced by the rules of classical music or modern popular songs.
ফোক মিউজিককে প্রাচীন সময়ের সঙ্গীত হিসেবে বর্ণনা করা যেতে পারে, যা একটি কমিউনিটির অন্তঃস্থল থেকে উঠে আসে, তাদের প্রাকৃতিক প্রকাশের শৈলীতে, ক্লাসিকাল সঙ্গীত বা আধুনিক জনপ্রিয় গানের নিয়ম দ্বারা প্রভাবিত নয়।
Any arrangement of sound created by the combination of tune, voice and instrument/dance may be described as music.
তাল, সুর, কণ্ঠ এবং যন্ত্র/নৃত্যের সম্মিলনে তৈরি যে কোনো শব্দের সংমিশ্রণকে সঙ্গীত হিসেবে বর্ণনা করা যেতে পারে।
Folk music is the combination of song, tune and dance that originate from the traditional culture of ordinary people (the folk).
ফোক মিউজিক হচ্ছে গান, সুর এবং নৃত্যের একটি সংমিশ্রণ যা সাধারণ মানুষের (ফোক) ঐতিহ্যবাহী সংস্কৃতি থেকে উদ্ভূত।
For example, Baul songs are a combination of tune, music and dance that are associated with the Baul tradition in Bengal.
যেমন, বাউল গান একটি সুর, সঙ্গীত এবং নৃত্যের সংমিশ্রণ যা বাংলার বাউল পরম্পরার সাথে সম্পর্কিত।
Folk music characteristics:
Folk music has the following characteristics:
ফোক মিউজিকের নিম্নলিখিত বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে:
(i) It is composed by rural folk on the basis of ancient rules transmitted orally;
(i) এটি গ্রামীণ মানুষের দ্বারা প্রাচীন মৌখিকভাবে প্রচারিত নিয়মের ভিত্তিতে রচিত হয়;
(ii) these ancient rules of music have not been influenced by classical or modern music;
(ii) এই প্রাচীন সঙ্গীতের নিয়মগুলি ক্লাসিকাল বা আধুনিক সঙ্গীত দ্বারা প্রভাবিত হয়নি;
(iii) folk songs may be sung in groups or individually;
(iii) ফোক গানগুলি গোষ্ঠী বা এককভাবে গাওয়া হতে পারে;
(iv) no regular practice is required for folk music;
(iv) ফোক সঙ্গীতের জন্য নিয়মিত অভ্যাস প্রয়োজন হয় না;
(v) it is composed and performed by illiterate or semi-literate people;
(v) এটি নিরক্ষর বা আধা-নিরক্ষর মানুষের দ্বারা রচিত এবং পরিবেশিত হয়;
(vi) it is a spontaneous expression of feelings and thoughts in easy language, local dialect, and simple tune;
(vi) এটি অনুভূতি এবং চিন্তার এক স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত প্রকাশ যা সহজ ভাষা, স্থানীয় উপভাষা এবং সাধারণ সুরে হয়;
(vii) both words and tune are appealing;
(vii) শব্দ এবং সুর উভয়ই আকর্ষণীয়;
(viii) despite its universal appeal it uses local dialect;
(viii) এর সর্বজনীন আবেদন সত্ত্বেও এটি স্থানীয় উপভাষা ব্যবহার করে;
(ix) it depends upon nature and the rural environment;
(ix) এটি প্রকৃতি এবং গ্রামীণ পরিবেশের উপর নির্ভরশীল;
(x) it is an explicit manifestation of the joys and sorrows of daily life;
(x) এটি দৈনন্দিন জীবনের আনন্দ এবং দুঃখের একটি সুস্পষ্ট প্রকাশ;
(xi) it uses simple and natural rhythms;
(xi) এটি সহজ এবং প্রাকৃতিক ছন্দ ব্যবহার করে;
(xii) it contains a strong emotive expression of human love and separation.
(xii) এতে মানবিক ভালোবাসা এবং বিচ্ছেদের একটি শক্তিশালী আবেগপ্রবণ প্রকাশ থাকে।
Folk music in Bangladesh:
In Bangladesh folk music has great variety, with songs composed on culture, festivals, views of life, natural beauty, rivers and rural and riverine life.
বাংলাদেশে ফোক মিউজিকের বিশাল বৈচিত্র্য রয়েছে, যার মধ্যে সংস্কৃতি, উৎসব, জীবনবোধ, প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্য, নদী এবং গ্রামীণ ও নদীভিত্তিক জীবনের উপর রচিত গানগুলি অন্তর্ভুক্ত।
These songs are also about social inequality and poverty, about the material world and the supernatural.
এই গানগুলি সামাজিক অসমতা এবং দারিদ্র্য, ভৌত জগত এবং অতিপ্রাকৃত বিষয়ে আলোচনা করে।
Mystical songs have been composed using the metaphors of rivers and boats.
মিস্টিক গানের রচনা করা হয়েছে নদী এবং নৌকার রূপক ব্যবহার করে।
Since the country is basically riverine, the Bhatiyali forms an important genre of folk music.
যেহেতু দেশটি মূলত নদীভিত্তিক, ভাটিয়ালি ফোক মিউজিকের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শৈলী হিসেবে পরিচিত।
Nature plays a role in providing the content and rhythm of folk music.
প্রকৃতি ফোক মিউজিকের বিষয়বস্তু এবং ছন্দ প্রদান করতে ভূমিকা পালন করে।
The folk music of Bangladesh varies from region to region, reflecting changes in the natural environment and the dialects people use.
বাংলাদেশের ফোক মিউজিক অঞ্চলভেদে পরিবর্তিত হয়, যা প্রকৃতির পরিবেশ এবং মানুষের ব্যবহৃত উপভাষার পরিবর্তনকে প্রতিফলিত করে।
Thus there are the northern Bhawaiya, the eastern Bhatiyali and the southwestern Baul songs.
তদুপরি, উত্তরাঞ্চলীয় ভাওয়াইয়া, পূর্বাঞ্চলীয় ভাটিয়ালি এবং দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিমাঞ্চলীয় বাউল গান রয়েছে।
The culture and the lifestyle of the different ethnic minorities, such as the Chakmas, Manipuris, Santals or Tripuris, have also influenced folk music.
চাকমা, মণিপুরি, সাঁওতাল বা ত্রিপুরী জাতিগত সংখ্যালঘুদের সংস্কৃতি এবং জীবনযাত্রাও ফোক মিউজিককে প্রভাবিত করেছে।
Their interaction with Bengali culture and lifestyle over the years has been clearly reflected in the richness of our folk music.
বছরের পর বছর তাদের বাংলা সংস্কৃতি এবং জীবনযাত্রার সাথে পারস্পরিক সম্পর্ক আমাদের ফোক মিউজিকের সমৃদ্ধিতে সুস্পষ্টভাবে প্রতিফলিত হয়েছে।
Types of folk songs:
Folk songs may be sung individually or in chorus.
ফোক গানগুলি এককভাবে বা চোরাসে গাওয়া যেতে পারে।
Folk songs sung individually include Baul, Bhatiyali, Murshidi and Marfati, while songs sung in chorus include Kabigan, Leto, Alkap and Gambhira.
এককভাবে গাওয়া ফোক গানগুলির মধ্যে বাউল, ভাটিয়ালি, মুরশিদি এবং মারফতি অন্তর্ভুক্ত, আর চোরাসে গাওয়া গানগুলির মধ্যে কবিগান, লেটো, আলকাপ এবং গম্ভীরা অন্তর্ভুক্ত।
Some songs are regional in character, but others are common to both Bangladesh and West Bengal.
কিছু গান আঞ্চলিক চরিত্রের, কিন্তু অন্যগুলি বাংলাদেশ এবং পশ্চিমবঙ্গে সাধারণ।
Similarly, some songs belong distinctively to one religious community, the Hindus or the Muslims; others cross religious boundaries.
একইভাবে, কিছু গান একটি ধর্মীয় সম্প্রদায়, হিন্দু বা মুসলিমের নির্দিষ্ট, অন্যগুলি ধর্মীয় সীমানা অতিক্রম করে।
Some songs belong exclusively to men, others to women, while some are sung by both men and women.
কিছু গান পুরুষদের জন্য বিশেষভাবে, কিছু মহিলাদের জন্য, আবার কিছু গান পুরুষ এবং মহিলাদের দ্বারা একসাথে গাওয়া হয়।
Thus only women compose and sing Bratagan and Meyeli Git, but both men and women participate in the old practice of 'roof-beating' songs that are sung while beating down and firming rooftops.
অতএব, শুধুমাত্র মহিলারা ব্রতাগান এবং মেয়েলি গীত রচনা এবং গায়, কিন্তু পুরুষ এবং মহিলা উভয়ই পুরনো 'ছাদ পেটানো' গানে অংশগ্রহণ করে যা ছাদ নামানো এবং শক্তিশালী করার সময় গাওয়া হয়।
For model on Lalon Shah click here
For Text book passage and question and answer click here
Here are some important multiple choice questions based on the provided passage:
What is the primary characteristic of folk music?
- a) It follows classical music rules
- b) It is influenced by modern popular songs
- c) It is composed by the community without sophisticated musical rules
- d) It is written by professional composers
Answer: c) It is composed by the community without sophisticated musical rules
What type of music does the folk music of Bangladesh include?
- a) Only religious music
- b) Only secular music
- c) Both religious and secular music
- d) Classical music
Answer: c) Both religious and secular music
Where do the songs in folk music originate?
- a) From popular culture
- b) From the community's traditional culture
- c) From urban areas
- d) From Western influences
Answer: b) From the community's traditional culture
What does folk music generally NOT require?
- a) A professional composer
- b) Regular practice
- c) Use of sophisticated instruments
- d) A written script
Answer: b) Regular practice
Which type of songs are associated with the Baul tradition?
- a) Murshidi songs
- b) Baul songs
- c) Bhawaiya songs
- d) Kabigan songs
Answer: b) Baul songs
What is the main way folk music is passed down?
- a) Through books
- b) Through oral transmission
- c) Through written notes
- d) Through musical schools
Answer: b) Through oral transmission
Folk music typically reflects the:
- a) Culture of urban elites
- b) Emotions and thoughts of rural people
- c) Global trends in music
- d) Classical themes
Answer: b) Emotions and thoughts of rural people
Who typically composes folk music?
- a) Highly educated composers
- b) Illiterate or semi-literate people
- c) Professional musicians
- d) Famous poets
Answer: b) Illiterate or semi-literate people
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of folk music?
- a) Use of local dialects
- b) Regular practice and performance
- c) Spontaneous expression of feelings
- d) Simple and natural rhythms
Answer: b) Regular practice and performance
Folk music typically uses:
- a) Complex rhythms
- b) Simple and natural rhythms
- c) Orchestrated instruments
- d) Complex melodies
Answer: b) Simple and natural rhythms
- Which of these is a major folk genre associated with rivers in Bangladesh?
- a) Bhawaiya
- b) Bhatiyali
- c) Baul
- d) Kabigan
Answer: b) Bhatiyali
- Which of the following regions is associated with Bhawaiya songs?
- a) Northern Bangladesh
- b) Eastern Bangladesh
- c) Southwestern Bangladesh
- d) All regions of Bangladesh
Answer: a) Northern Bangladesh
- The Bhatiyali songs primarily reflect the:
- a) Urban life
- b) Mystical and riverine life
- c) Material world
- d) Modern urban culture
Answer: b) Mystical and riverine life
- What role does nature play in folk music in Bangladesh?
- a) It serves as a mere backdrop for songs
- b) It influences the content and rhythm of folk music
- c) It restricts the themes in songs
- d) Nature has no significant role in folk music
Answer: b) It influences the content and rhythm of folk music
- Which ethnic minority group’s culture has influenced Bangladesh’s folk music?
- a) Only the Hindus
- b) The Chakmas, Manipuris, Santals, and Tripuris
- c) Only the Muslim community
- d) Only the Bengali community
Answer: b) The Chakmas, Manipuris, Santals, and Tripuris
- Which of the following is a synonym for "spontaneous" as used in the passage?
- a) Planned
- b) Forced
- c) Impromptu
- d) Organized
Answer: c) Impromptu
- Which word is an antonym of "illiterate" as used in the passage?
- a) Semi-literate
- b) Uneducated
- c) Educated
- d) Misguided
Answer: c) Educated
- In the passage, the word "emotive" is closest in meaning to:
- a) Analytical
- b) Emotional
- c) Mechanical
- d) Composed
Answer: b) Emotional
- Which word is the opposite of "appealing" as used in the context of folk songs?
- a) Unattractive
- b) Beautiful
- c) Melodious
- d) Desirable
Answer: a) Unattractive
- The term "ancient" in the passage is closest in meaning to:
- a) Modern
- b) Old
- c) Futuristic
- d) Temporary
Answer: b) Old
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- Which song genre is NOT mentioned as sung in chorus?
- a) Kabigan
- b) Leto
- c) Baul
- d) Alkap
Answer: c) Baul
- Which of the following is a gender-specific folk song sung only by women?
- a) Baul songs
- b) Bratagan
- c) Bhatiyali
- d) Gambhira
Answer: b) Bratagan
- Which song is typically sung during the roof-beating practice?
- a) Meyeli Git
- b) Baul
- c) Roof-beating songs
- d) Bhawaiya
Answer: c) Roof-beating songs
- Which folk genre is connected to rural life in Bangladesh?
- a) Bhatiyali
- b) Baul
- c) Mystical songs
- d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
- The song genre "Murshidi" belongs to which category?
- a) Individual singing
- b) Chorus
- c) Dance
- d) Religious only
Answer: a) Individual singing
- Folk music in Bangladesh addresses themes such as:
- a) Classical traditions
- b) Social inequality and poverty
- c) Urban development
- d) Globalization
Answer: b) Social inequality and poverty
- Mystical songs in Bangladesh often use metaphors of:
- a) Rivers and boats
- b) Trees and mountains
- c) Urban life
- d) Industrialization
Answer: a) Rivers and boats
- Which of the following is NOT a subject of folk music in Bangladesh?
- a) Rivers and natural beauty
- b) Social inequality
- c) Modern urban lifestyles
- d) Festivals and views of life
Answer: c) Modern urban lifestyles
- Which folk genre is associated with a specific regional dialect?
- a) Baul
- b) Bhawaiya
- c) Leto
- d) Gambhira
Answer: b) Bhawaiya
- What does the folk music of Bangladesh reflect?
- a) Urban sophistication
- b) Mysticism
- c) Daily life, joys, and sorrows
- d) Only religious themes
Answer: c) Daily life, joys, and sorrows
- The term "local dialect" refers to:
- a) A language spoken by the elite class
- b) A universal language
- c) The regional language used by people in specific areas
- d) A formal, standardized language
Answer: c) The regional language used by people in specific areas
- The folk music of Bangladesh reflects the:
- a) Urban and modern culture
- b) Global music trends
- c) Traditions and rural life
- d) Industrial growth
Answer: c) Traditions and rural life
- Which of the following best describes the tone of folk music in Bangladesh?
- a) Joyful and rhythmic only
- b) Emotional with a focus on daily life
- c) Focused on complex compositions
- d) Centered on classical instruments
Answer: b) Emotional with a focus on daily life
- Which aspect of life does folk music in Bangladesh frequently express?
- a) Royalty and wealth
- b) Emotional expression of human love and separation
- c) Urban development and technology
- d) Global history
Answer: b) Emotional expression of human love and separation
- What cultural aspect significantly influences folk music in Bangladesh?
- a) Western pop culture
- b) Rural environment and community traditions
- c) Industrial progress
- d) Corporate culture
Answer: b) Rural environment and community traditions
- Baul and Bhatiyali are similar because they both:
- a) Reflect religious themes
- b) Are connected to rural and riverine life
- c) Use sophisticated classical music rules
- d) Are performed only by professional musicians
Answer: b) Are connected to rural and riverine life
- The primary difference between folk songs sung individually and in chorus is:
- a) Chorus songs are more complex
- b) Individual songs are personal expressions, while chorus songs involve group participation
- c) Individual songs use more instruments
- d) Chorus songs have no connection to rural life
Answer: b) Individual songs are personal expressions, while chorus songs involve group participation
- Which of the following is true about the influence of ethnic minorities on folk music?
- a) It has no effect
- b) It has enriched the folk music with diversity
- c) They only perform in their own community
- d) They strictly follow classical music rules
Answer: b) It has enriched the folk music with diversity
- Which of these songs are sung exclusively by women?
- a) Baul
- b) Kabigan
- c) Bratagan
- d) Bhawaiya
Answer: c) Bratagan
- The inclusion of nature in folk music helps:
- a) Depict the rural and natural environment of Bangladesh
- b) Focus on urban themes
- c) Mimic classical music
- d) Create industrial sounds
Answer: a) Depict the rural and natural environment of Bangladesh
- How does the use of "simple tune" enhance the appeal of folk music?
- a) Makes the songs hard to understand
- b) Makes the music more universally relatable and easy to follow
- c) Restricts the themes of the music
- d) Makes the music less emotionally impactful
Answer: b) Makes the music more universally relatable and easy to follow
- What role do folk songs play in rural life?
- a) They are formal and ceremonial only
- b) They serve as an expressive tool for both joy and sorrow
- c) They only focus on religious themes
- d) They are a form of entertainment without deeper significance
Answer: b) They serve as an expressive tool for both joy and sorrow
- The folk music of Bangladesh reflects:
- a) Only mystical themes
- b) The experiences and values of rural life
- c) Only natural disasters
- d) Only classical music rules
Answer: b) The experiences and values of rural life
- The term "rural environment" in the passage implies:
- a) A sophisticated urban lifestyle
- b) A simple, nature-connected lifestyle of ordinary people
- c) A focus on technological advancement
- d) A setting for classical music
Answer: b) A simple, nature-connected lifestyle of ordinary people
- Which of these can be considered a primary source of inspiration for folk music?
- a) City life
- b) Global pop culture
- c) Natural surroundings and daily life
- d) Technological progress
Answer: c) Natural surroundings and daily life
- In which region is Baul music most commonly performed?
- a) Northern Bangladesh
- b) Eastern Bangladesh
- c) Southwestern Bangladesh
- d) Central Bangladesh
Answer: b) Eastern Bangladesh
- Which of the following genres is a combination of music, dance, and tune?
- a) Bhatiyali
- b) Baul
- c) Bhawaiya
- d) All of the above
Answer: d) All of the above
- Which of these is an antonym of "spontaneous" in the context of folk music?
- a) Forced
- b) Natural
- c) Composed
- d) Simple
Answer: a) Forced
- Which of the following is NOT true about folk music?
- a) It has a universal appeal
- b) It uses complex rhythms
- c) It depends on the community’s experiences
- d) It uses simple and natural rhythms
Answer: b) It uses complex rhythms
- Folk music in Bangladesh is a direct representation of:
- a) International trends
- b) Rural traditions and community life
- c) Classical music forms
- d) Urban sophistication
Answer: b) Rural traditions and community life
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Important short questions and answers
1. What is folk music?
- Answer: Folk music refers to songs and music that are part of a community's cultural heritage, often transmitted orally and based on ancient rules. It is simple, natural, and reflects the everyday life, struggles, and emotions of the people.
2. How does folk music differ from classical and modern music?
- Answer: Folk music is uninfluenced by sophisticated musical rules and modern styles. It is based on the natural expressions of ordinary people and does not require formal training, unlike classical or modern music, which follows specific rules and structures.
3. What is the significance of Baul songs in Bangladeshi folk music?
- Answer: Baul songs are an integral part of Bangladeshi folk music, combining song, tune, and dance. They are deeply rooted in the Baul tradition, representing the spiritual and mystical aspect of rural Bengali culture.
4. What are the primary characteristics of folk music?
- Answer: Folk music is composed based on ancient, orally transmitted rules and has not been influenced by classical or modern music. It is performed spontaneously, uses simple language and local dialects, and often expresses human emotions like love and sorrow.
5. What does the term "Bengali folk" encompass?
- Answer: Bengali folk encompasses a variety of songs related to the culture, festivals, life views, and natural beauty of Bengal. It reflects social issues, supernatural beliefs, and the emotions tied to daily life in rural Bangladesh.
6. Why is the Bhatiyali genre significant in Bangladesh?
- Answer: Bhatiyali is significant because it is inspired by the riverine environment of Bangladesh. This genre reflects the people's deep connection to rivers and boats, and it plays a central role in the country’s folk music traditions.
7. How do nature and the rural environment influence folk music?
- Answer: Nature and the rural environment provide both the content and rhythm for folk music. For example, the rivers and the natural surroundings shape the themes and melodies of various folk songs.
8. What is the difference between Bhawaiya and Bhatiyali songs?
- Answer: Bhawaiya and Bhatiyali are both regional folk music genres, but Bhawaiya is mainly associated with the northern part of Bangladesh, while Bhatiyali is related to the riverine areas and reflects life on the rivers, common in the east.
9. How do ethnic minorities contribute to Bangladeshi folk music?
- Answer: Ethnic minorities such as the Chakmas, Manipuris, Santals, and Tripuris have influenced Bangladeshi folk music by introducing their unique cultural elements, blending with Bengali traditions over time to enrich the music.
10. What are the primary themes found in Bangladeshi folk music?
- Answer: Themes in Bangladeshi folk music include social inequality, poverty, the supernatural, love, separation, nature, and rural life. These songs express the joys and struggles of the people.
11. What is the difference between individual and group folk songs?
- Answer: Individual folk songs, such as Baul, Bhatiyali, and Murshidi, are typically performed solo, while group folk songs, like Kabigan and Gambhira, are performed by choruses and often involve community participation.
12. Which folk songs are sung exclusively by women?
- Answer: Bratagan and Meyeli Git are folk songs that are sung exclusively by women, reflecting their specific roles and experiences in society.
13. What is the purpose of 'roof-beating' songs?
- Answer: 'Roof-beating' songs are sung while performing the traditional task of firming rooftops. These songs are a communal activity involving both men and women and are a reflection of rural life.
14. What role does dialect play in folk music?
- Answer: Folk music often uses local dialects, making it relatable and rooted in the community. While it has universal appeal, the use of local language adds authenticity and reflects regional identity.
15. How are folk songs related to religion in Bangladesh?
- Answer: Some folk songs are distinctly tied to religious communities, with certain songs being exclusive to Hindus or Muslims. However, other songs transcend religious boundaries, showcasing the cultural blend.
16. What are 'Kabigan' and 'Gambhira'?
- Answer: Kabigan and Gambhira are examples of folk songs sung in chorus. Kabigan involves a poetic exchange, while Gambhira is a type of musical performance related to traditional rituals and community life.
17. Why is folk music important in Bangladesh?
- Answer: Folk music is an essential part of Bangladesh’s cultural heritage, reflecting the history, emotions, and values of rural communities. It serves as a medium for expressing human experiences and connecting people across generations.
18. What is the meaning of the word 'Bhatiyali'?
- Answer: 'Bhatiyali' refers to a genre of folk music in Bangladesh that is associated with the riverine culture. The term is derived from the word 'bhati,' meaning 'the flow of the river.'
19. How does folk music express human emotions?
- Answer: Folk music expresses human emotions by using simple tunes and lyrics that convey feelings such as love, sorrow, joy, and separation. These emotions are reflected in the everyday lives of the people who create and perform the songs.
20. What are the regional differences in Bangladeshi folk music?
- Answer: Bangladeshi folk music varies by region, with distinct genres such as the northern Bhawaiya, the eastern Bhatiyali, and southwestern Baul songs. These regional styles reflect local environments, cultures, and dialects.
Summary of the passage
The passage discusses the rich heritage of Bangladeshi folk music, which includes both religious and secular songs. It highlights that folk music is composed by rural people, following ancient, oral traditions, and is unaffected by classical or modern music styles. Folk music reflects daily life, nature, and emotions, with simple tunes and local dialects. Bangladesh's folk music varies by region, influenced by natural surroundings, ethnic minorities, and cultural interactions. Different genres include Baul, Bhatiyali, and Kabigan, with some songs specific to religious communities, regions, or gender. The passage also mentions how folk music is spontaneous, emotional, and widely appealing. The theme of the passage is the diversity and emotional expression of Bangladeshi folk music, rooted in tradition, nature, and local culture.
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