Class eleven and twelve || Unit three: Myths and Literature || Lesson 4 :Khona || English first paper || Bangla meaning, short questions, text questions with answer , line by line Bangla meaning and summary || Textbook page 62,63 & 64 ||

Class eleven and twelve || Unit three: Myths and Literature || Lesson 4 :Khona || English first paper || Bangla meaning, short questions, text questions with answer , line by line Bangla meaning and summary || Textbook page 62,63 & 64 || 

A. Discuss the following:
1. What is Khona famous for?
2. What does it mean when someone uses the phrase "Khona's Words"?
3. Do you know of any other figures in history or folklore who have shared wisdom for the benefit of farmers, similar to Khona?

Answer Question No. A

1. What is Khona famous for?

Khona is a legendary figure in Bengali folklore, famous for her wise agricultural and astrological proverbs known as Khonar Bachan (খনার বচন). These sayings provide practical guidance on farming, weather patterns, and daily life. According to legends, Khona was a highly intelligent woman who lived during ancient or medieval times, possibly in the Pala or Sena dynasty period in Bengal. Some accounts suggest she was silenced or persecuted due to her wisdom, as it challenged the authority of established scholars.

2. What does it mean when someone uses the phrase "Khona's Words"?

The phrase "Khona's Words" generally refers to insightful or wise sayings, especially related to agriculture, weather, and rural life. In Bengali culture, Khonar Bachan is still widely respected and used by farmers to guide their agricultural practices. It suggests wisdom that has stood the test of time, often based on careful observation of nature. If someone refers to "Khona's Words," they are likely invoking traditional knowledge or practical wisdom.

3. Other Figures in History or Folklore with Similar Agricultural Wisdom

Yes, many cultures have figures similar to Khona who have shared wisdom to benefit farmers. Some examples include:

  • Thiruvalluvar (India) – A Tamil poet and philosopher whose work Tirukkural includes teachings on agriculture, ethics, and governance.
  • Hesiod (Ancient Greece) – A poet known for Works and Days, a poem offering advice on farming, seasons, and moral conduct.
  • Cato the Elder (Ancient Rome) – A Roman statesman who wrote De Agri Cultura, an early Latin work on agriculture.
  • Zhuge Liang (China) – A strategist and scholar from the Three Kingdoms period, who also contributed to agricultural planning and development.
  • Native American Agricultural Wisdom – Various Indigenous cultures in North America passed down oral knowledge about sustainable farming, including the "Three Sisters" planting method (corn, beans, and squash together).


Jodi borshe magher shesh, dhonyi rajar punyi desh.
If it rains at the end of Magh (last month of Winter), the kingdom will prosper.
The mystery that connects seasons with soil and crops with rain was no secret to her. She realized the interdependence that links people and climate in myriad ways. She was Khona.
The mythical story of Khona is deeply rooted in Bangla folklore. Khona, originally named Lila, was an incredible woman with a gift for predicting weather and understanding the ways of farming. Her wisdom was shared through memorable, rhyming verses known as "Khona's Words" or "Khonar Bochon." These sayings. though simple and easy to remember, were filled with deep knowledge and practical advice for farmers.
Khona used her knowledge to help the peasants, but her actions often challenged the ruling class. The rulers, not pleased with her defiance, punished her cruelly by cutting out her tongue. Thus, she became known as Khona, which means "someone who cannot speak." Despite this harsh punishment, her wisdom lived on through her sayings, which have been passed down for over 1500 years.
There are many versions of Khona's story. One retelling goes like this: in the kingdom of Deyulnagar, there was a royal astrologer named Varaha who served King Dharmaketu. Sadly, Varaha's wife died while giving birth to their son, Mihir.
Worried about his son's future, Varaha saw in the stars that Mihir was destined for a life of trouble and death. Heartbroken, Varaha decided to save Mihir by placing him in a copper pot and setting the pot afloat on the river Viddyadhory. The baby was found and rescued in Sri Lanka, where he was raised by the king. As he grew up in the royal court, he married the king's daughter, an astrologer herself, named Lila.
Lila and Mihir managed to find Varaha and prove that his predictions about Mihir's future had been wrong. Varaha, though surprised by his mistake, was thrilled to see his son again and welcomed both Mihir and Lila warmly. They were soon introduced to the royal court and became royal astrologers themselves.
Even though Lila was now a royal astrologer, she kept in touch with the local farmers. She learned a lot from them and found that they shared valuable knowledge through short, easy-to-remember verses. Lila began to use these simple verses to explain her own complex astrological knowledge.
Varaha, feeling jealous and angry, ordered his son to punish Lila by cutting out her tongue, hoping to silence her. However, Khona's story and her knowledge remained alive. Her wisdom about nature-oriented farming continued to benefit the people of the land.

Here is a table with some words from Khona’s story, along with their Bangla meaning, synonyms, and antonyms:

Word Bangla Meaning (বাংলা অর্থ) Synonyms (প্রতিশব্দ) Antonyms (বিপরীত শব্দ)
Wisdom জ্ঞান, প্রজ্ঞা Knowledge, Insight Ignorance, Foolishness
Predict পূর্বানুমান করা Foresee, Forecast Miscalculate, Ignore
Farming চাষাবাদ, কৃষিকাজ Agriculture, Cultivation Barren, Drought
Folklore লোকগাথা, লোককথা Myth, Legend History, Reality
Mythical পৌরাণিক, কল্পিত Legendary, Imaginary Real, Factual
Ruler শাসক, রাজা King, Monarch Subject, Commoner
Punishment শাস্তি Penalty, Discipline Reward, Forgiveness
Prosperity সমৃদ্ধি Wealth, Success Poverty, Decline
Challenge চ্যালেঞ্জ, প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বিতা Confront, Defy Submit, Accept
Astrologer জ্যোতিষী Seer, Prophet Skeptic, Doubter
Mystery রহস্য Enigma, Secret Clarity, Certainty
Destiny ভাগ্য, নিয়তি Fate, Fortune Choice, Free Will
Knowledge জ্ঞান Learning, Wisdom Ignorance, Stupidity
Tradition ঐতিহ্য, রীতি Custom, Heritage Modernity, Innovation
Influence প্রভাব, ক্ষমতা Impact, Authority Weakness, Powerlessness
Climate জলবায়ু, আবহাওয়া Weather, Atmosphere N/A
Benefit উপকার, সুবিধা Advantage, Gain Harm, Loss
Observation পর্যবেক্ষণ Perception, Analysis Neglect, Ignore
Simple সহজ, সরল Easy, Plain Complex, Difficult
Verses পদ্য, কবিতা Poems, Rhymes Prose, Speech
Justice ন্যায়বিচার Fairness, Equity Injustice, Corruption
Curse অভিশাপ Malediction, Hex Blessing, Boon
Resist প্রতিরোধ করা Oppose, Defy Submit, Yield
Harm ক্ষতি, অনিষ্ট Injury, Damage Safety, Protection
Tradition ঐতিহ্য Custom, Legacy Innovation, Change
Agriculture কৃষি, চাষাবাদ Farming, Cultivation Industry, Urbanization
Observation পর্যবেক্ষণ Watchfulness, Notice Neglect, Inattention
Authority কর্তৃত্ব, ক্ষমতা Power, Control Weakness, Subordination
Persecution নিপীড়ন, অত্যাচার Oppression, Mistreatment Protection, Support
Decline পতন, অবনতি Decrease, Downfall Rise, Growth
Influence প্রভাব Effect, Control Weakness, Helplessness
Survival টিকে থাকা Endurance, Persistence Extinction, Death
Legacy ঐতিহ্য, উত্তরাধিকার Heritage, Inheritance Loss, Dispossession
Revolution বিপ্লব Uprising, Change Stability, Consistency
Contribution অবদান, দান Donation, Effort Withdrawal, Taking
Agriculture কৃষিকাজ Cultivation, Farming Desertification, Sterility
Respect সম্মান Honor, Regard Disrespect, Dishonor
Symbol প্রতীক Sign, Representation N/A
Guidance দিকনির্দেশনা Advice, Direction Misinformation, Confusion
Wisdom জ্ঞান, প্রজ্ঞা Understanding, Knowledge Folly, Foolishness
Survival বেঁচে থাকা Endurance, Persistence Death, Extinction
Heritage ঐতিহ্য, উত্তরাধিকার Tradition, Inheritance Loss, Abandonment
Justice বিচার, ন্যায় Fairness, Equity Injustice, Corruption
Fate ভাগ্য, নিয়তি Destiny, Fortune Choice, Free Will

Here is the line-by-line Bengali meaning of the passage:

Jodi borshe magher shesh, dhonyi rajar punyi desh.
If it rains at the end of Magh (last month of Winter), the kingdom will prosper.

যদি মাঘ মাসের শেষে বৃষ্টি হয়, তাহলে রাজ্যের শস্য উৎপাদন ভালো হবে এবং সমৃদ্ধি আসবে।

The mystery that connects seasons with soil and crops with rain was no secret to her.

ঋতুর পরিবর্তন, মাটির প্রকৃতি এবং বৃষ্টির সঙ্গে ফসলের সম্পর্ক—এসব রহস্য তার কাছে কোনো গোপন বিষয় ছিল না।

She realized the interdependence that links people and climate in myriad ways.

তিনি বুঝতে পেরেছিলেন কিভাবে মানুষ ও প্রকৃতি একে অপরের সঙ্গে গভীরভাবে সম্পর্কিত।

She was Khona.

তিনি ছিলেন খনা।

The mythical story of Khona is deeply rooted in Bangla folklore.

খনার পৌরাণিক কাহিনি বাংলার লোককথার গভীরে প্রোথিত।

Khona, originally named Lila, was an incredible woman with a gift for predicting weather and understanding the ways of farming.

খনার আসল নাম ছিল লীলা, এবং তিনি ছিলেন একজন অসাধারণ নারী, যিনি আবহাওয়া ও কৃষিকাজ সম্পর্কে গভীর জ্ঞান রাখতেন।

Her wisdom was shared through memorable, rhyming verses known as "Khona's Words" or "Khonar Bochon."

তার জ্ঞান সহজবোধ্য ছন্দবদ্ধ বাক্যে প্রকাশিত হয়েছিল, যা "খনার বচন" নামে পরিচিত।

These sayings, though simple and easy to remember, were filled with deep knowledge and practical advice for farmers.

এই বচনগুলি সহজ ও স্মরণযোগ্য হলেও, এগুলোর মধ্যে গভীর জ্ঞান ও কৃষকদের জন্য কার্যকর পরামর্শ ছিল।

Khona used her knowledge to help the peasants, but her actions often challenged the ruling class.

খনা তার জ্ঞান দিয়ে কৃষকদের সাহায্য করতেন, কিন্তু তার কাজ শাসকশ্রেণির বিরুদ্ধে চ্যালেঞ্জ সৃষ্টি করত।

The rulers, not pleased with her defiance, punished her cruelly by cutting out her tongue.

শাসকরা তার এই সাহস মেনে নিতে পারেনি এবং নিষ্ঠুরভাবে তার জিভ কেটে ফেলার শাস্তি দিয়েছিল।

Thus, she became known as Khona, which means "someone who cannot speak."

ফলে, তিনি "খনা" নামে পরিচিত হন, যার অর্থ "যিনি কথা বলতে পারেন না।"

Despite this harsh punishment, her wisdom lived on through her sayings, which have been passed down for over 1500 years.

এই কঠোর শাস্তির পরেও, তার জ্ঞান তার বচনের মাধ্যমে টিকে ছিল এবং ১৫০০ বছরেরও বেশি সময় ধরে প্রচলিত রয়েছে।

There are many versions of Khona's story.

খনার কাহিনির অনেক সংস্করণ রয়েছে।

One retelling goes like this: in the kingdom of Deyulnagar, there was a royal astrologer named Varaha who served King Dharmaketu.

এর মধ্যে একটি গল্প হলো: দেউলনগর নামে এক রাজ্যে ধর্মকেতু নামে এক রাজা ছিলেন, যার রাজ্যজ্যোতিষী ছিলেন বরাহ।

Sadly, Varaha's wife died while giving birth to their son, Mihir.

দুঃখজনকভাবে, বরাহের স্ত্রী তাদের ছেলে মিহিরকে জন্ম দেওয়ার সময় মারা যান।

Worried about his son's future, Varaha saw in the stars that Mihir was destined for a life of trouble and death.

ছেলের ভবিষ্যৎ নিয়ে উদ্বিগ্ন হয়ে, বরাহ জ্যোতিষ গণনা করে দেখলেন যে মিহিরের জীবন দুর্ভোগ ও মৃত্যুর আশঙ্কায় পূর্ণ।

Heartbroken, Varaha decided to save Mihir by placing him in a copper pot and setting the pot afloat on the river Viddyadhory.

দুঃখে ভেঙে পড়ে, বরাহ তার ছেলেকে রক্ষা করতে এক তামার পাত্রে রেখে বিদ্যাধরী নদীতে ভাসিয়ে দেন।

The baby was found and rescued in Sri Lanka, where he was raised by the king.

শিশুটি শ্রীলঙ্কায় উদ্ধার হয় এবং সেখানে রাজা তাকে লালন-পালন করেন।

As he grew up in the royal court, he married the king's daughter, an astrologer herself, named Lila.

রাজদরবারে বড় হয়ে, মিহির রাজকন্যা লীলাকে বিয়ে করেন, যিনি নিজেও একজন জ্যোতিষী ছিলেন।

Lila and Mihir managed to find Varaha and prove that his predictions about Mihir's future had been wrong.

লীলা ও মিহির বরাহকে খুঁজে পান এবং প্রমাণ করেন যে বরাহের ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী ভুল ছিল।

Varaha, though surprised by his mistake, was thrilled to see his son again and welcomed both Mihir and Lila warmly.

বরাহ তার ভুল দেখে বিস্মিত হলেও, ছেলেকে ফিরে পেয়ে আনন্দিত হন এবং মিহির ও লীলাকে সাদরে গ্রহণ করেন।

They were soon introduced to the royal court and became royal astrologers themselves.

শীঘ্রই তারা রাজদরবারে প্রবেশ করেন এবং নিজেরাও রাজ্যজ্যোতিষী হয়ে ওঠেন।

Even though Lila was now a royal astrologer, she kept in touch with the local farmers.

যদিও লীলা রাজদরবারের জ্যোতিষী হয়েছিলেন, তবুও তিনি স্থানীয় কৃষকদের সাথে যোগাযোগ বজায় রাখেন।

She learned a lot from them and found that they shared valuable knowledge through short, easy-to-remember verses.

তিনি তাদের কাছ থেকে অনেক কিছু শিখেছিলেন এবং দেখেছিলেন যে কৃষকেরা সহজ ও সংক্ষিপ্ত ছন্দে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ জ্ঞান প্রকাশ করেন।

Lila began to use these simple verses to explain her own complex astrological knowledge.

লীলা তার জ্যোতিষশাস্ত্রের জটিল বিষয়গুলো সহজ ছন্দের মাধ্যমে ব্যাখ্যা করা শুরু করেন।

Varaha, feeling jealous and angry, ordered his son to punish Lila by cutting out her tongue, hoping to silence her.

বরাহ ঈর্ষান্বিত ও রাগান্বিত হয়ে মিহিরকে আদেশ দেন লীলার জিভ কেটে তাকে চিরতরে নিস্তব্ধ করতে।

However, Khona's story and her knowledge remained alive.

তবে, খনার কাহিনি ও তার জ্ঞান অমর রয়ে গেছে।

Her wisdom about nature-oriented farming continued to benefit the people of the land.

তার প্রকৃতিনির্ভর কৃষি-জ্ঞান আজও মানুষের উপকার করে যাচ্ছে।

C. Write the meanings of the following words/phrases:

i. deeply rooted

ii. interdependence

iii. practical advice

iv. challenged the ruling class

v.. silenced

vi. shared wisdom

vii. benefited the people

viii. proved wrong

Now write five sentences with each of these phrases in your notebook

Answer Question No. C

Meanings of the Words/Phrases:

  1. Deeply rooted – Firmly established or strongly connected to something for a long time.
  2. Interdependence – A relationship where two or more things depend on each other.
  3. Practical advice – Useful suggestions that can be applied in real-life situations.
  4. Challenged the ruling class – Questioned or opposed the authority of those in power.
  5. Silenced – Forced to stop speaking or expressing opinions.
  6. Shared wisdom – Knowledge or experience given to others for their benefit.
  7. Benefited the people – Helped or improved the lives of others.
  8. Proved wrong – Showed that someone’s belief or prediction was incorrect.

Example Sentences:

Deeply rooted:

  1. The tradition of celebrating festivals is deeply rooted in our culture.
  2. Her love for music was deeply rooted in her childhood experiences.
  3. The values of honesty and kindness were deeply rooted in his upbringing.
  4. The ancient ruins are deeply rooted in the history of the region.
  5. His fear of water was deeply rooted in a past traumatic experience.


  1. The interdependence between plants and insects helps maintain ecological balance.
  2. Global trade creates an interdependence between countries.
  3. The success of a business depends on the interdependence of different departments.
  4. In a healthy relationship, there is mutual interdependence and support.
  5. The interdependence between climate and agriculture affects food production.

Practical Advice:

  1. My grandmother always gives me practical advice about saving money.
  2. The teacher shared practical advice on how to improve our writing skills.
  3. Farmers follow practical advice from experts to increase crop yield.
  4. He gave me practical advice on how to prepare for the job interview.
  5. Practical advice from experienced hikers helped us complete the trek safely.

Challenged the ruling class:

  1. The young leader challenged the ruling class by demanding fair wages for workers.
  2. Many historical revolutions started when people challenged the ruling class.
  3. She challenged the ruling class by exposing corruption in the government.
  4. Writers and poets often challenged the ruling class through their works.
  5. The activist challenged the ruling class by fighting for equal rights.


  1. The protesters were silenced by strict government laws.
  2. She felt silenced when her opinions were ignored in the meeting.
  3. Many journalists were silenced for speaking against corruption.
  4. The dictator silenced all opposition with threats and fear.
  5. The truth cannot be silenced forever, no matter how hard people try.

Shared Wisdom:

  1. The village elders shared wisdom with the younger generation.
  2. My father always shared wisdom about life and hard work.
  3. The teacher shared wisdom about the importance of discipline.
  4. Through her books, the author shared wisdom with readers around the world.
  5. The monk shared wisdom about inner peace and meditation.

Benefited the People:

  1. The new healthcare program benefited the people in rural areas.
  2. Free education policies have benefited the people greatly.
  3. The bridge benefited the people by making travel easier.
  4. His inventions benefited the people by improving their daily lives.
  5. The wise leader’s decisions benefited the people of his country.

Proved Wrong:

  1. The scientist’s experiment proved wrong the old theory.
  2. The weather forecast predicted rain, but the sunny day proved them wrong.
  3. The student’s answer was proved wrong after checking the textbook.
  4. She thought she couldn’t succeed, but her achievements proved her wrong.
  5. The lawyer proved the accusations wrong with strong evidence.

D. Answer the following questions:

i. Describe in your own words how Khona helped the farmers.

ii. Why did the ruling class feel threatened by Khona's knowledge?

iii. What qualities made Khona's wisdom endure, despite the punishment she received?

iv. Why are Khona's words still relevant to our life today?

v. What reasons can you find for Khona being considered a leader of peasants?

 Answers Question No. D.

i. Describe in your own words how Khona helped the farmers.

Khona helped farmers by sharing practical wisdom about agriculture, weather, and nature through simple, rhyming verses known as Khonar Bachan. She understood the deep connection between the seasons, soil, and rainfall, using this knowledge to guide farmers in their work. Her sayings provided advice on the best times for planting, harvesting, and predicting weather patterns, making farming more efficient and productive. By making complex astrological knowledge easy to understand, she empowered farmers to make better decisions for their crops and livelihoods.

ii. Why did the ruling class feel threatened by Khona's knowledge?

The ruling class felt threatened by Khona’s knowledge because she used her wisdom to help the common people, particularly farmers, which gave them independence and strength. Her ability to predict weather patterns and agricultural success challenged the authority of the royal astrologers, who were seen as the sole keepers of knowledge. Additionally, her growing influence among the people made her a powerful figure, which may have worried the rulers, as they feared losing control. Her defiance of traditional power structures and her challenge to established beliefs ultimately led to her punishment.

iii. What qualities made Khona's wisdom endure, despite the punishment she received?

Khona’s wisdom endured because it was deeply practical, easy to remember, and genuinely useful for people’s everyday lives. Her teachings were based on real observations of nature, making them reliable and relevant across generations. Additionally, since her knowledge was shared in the form of simple, poetic verses, it was easy for farmers to pass down through oral tradition. Even though she was silenced, her words lived on in the hearts and minds of the people who benefited from her teachings.

iv. Why are Khona's words still relevant to our life today?

Khona’s words remain relevant because they emphasize the importance of understanding nature, sustainable farming, and climate patterns—issues that are still crucial today. In a time of global climate change and environmental challenges, her insights into seasonal changes and agricultural wisdom can help promote eco-friendly farming practices. Moreover, her story is a powerful reminder of the importance of knowledge, free speech, and the role of women in shaping society.

v. What reasons can you find for Khona being considered a leader of peasants?

Khona is considered a leader of peasants because she dedicated her knowledge to improving their lives rather than seeking power for herself. She helped farmers make informed decisions, increasing their productivity and prosperity. By challenging the authority of the ruling class and standing up for the rights of common people, she became a symbol of empowerment. Her wisdom gave peasants the tools to understand their land better, making them less dependent on the ruling elite. Even after her tragic fate, her influence continued through her proverbs, proving her lasting leadership and impact on rural society.

E. Which of the following statements seem to be false and which true? Tick 'T' or 'F' after each statement to register your response.

i. Khona's predictions were only useful for the royal court. T/F

ii. The ruling class punished Khona because her knowledge was helping the peasants. T/F

iii. Khona's wisdom has been forgotten over time. T/F

iv. Khona's verses were simple but filled with practical knowledge. T/F

v. Varaha was proud of Khona's success. T/F

Answer Question No. E

i. Khona's predictions were only useful for the royal court. F
(Her predictions were primarily useful for farmers and common people, not just the royal court.)

ii. The ruling class punished Khona because her knowledge was helping the peasants. T
(Her wisdom empowered farmers, which challenged the authority of the ruling class, leading to her punishment.)

iii. Khona's wisdom has been forgotten over time. F
(Her sayings, known as Khonar Bachan, are still remembered and used in Bengal today.)

iv. Khona's verses were simple but filled with practical knowledge. T
(Her proverbs were easy to remember yet contained deep agricultural and weather-related wisdom.)

v. Varaha was proud of Khona's success. F
(Varaha was jealous of Khona's knowledge and ordered her tongue to be cut out.)

F. Arrange a mini debate in pairs on the topic: "Is Khona's knowledge about the climate still relevant or irrelevant to farmers?" In each pair, one partner will argue that Khona's knowledge is still relevant to farming practices, while the other will argue that her knowledge is no longer relevant due to changed circumstances. Then 2 or 3 pairs will present their debate to the whole class.

Answer Question No. F

Mini Debate: "Is Khona's Knowledge About the Climate Still Relevant or Irrelevant to Farmers?"

Debate Structure:

  • Students will work in pairs, with one student arguing that Khona's knowledge is still relevant and the other arguing that it is outdated.
  • After the pair discussions, 2–3 pairs will present their debate to the whole class.
  • The class will then discuss and decide which side presented stronger arguments.

Arguments for Khona’s Knowledge Being Still Relevant:

  1. Natural Patterns Remain Constant – Despite modern advancements, many of Khona's observations about seasonal rains, soil conditions, and crop cycles still hold true. Farmers still rely on traditional wisdom for predicting weather and planning agricultural activities.
  2. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices – Khona promoted farming methods that aligned with nature, which is crucial for sustainable agriculture today. Organic farming and natural crop rotation are similar to her teachings.
  3. Accessible and Practical Wisdom – Small-scale farmers, especially in rural areas, still follow traditional farming wisdom because it is easy to understand and apply without needing advanced technology.
  4. Climate Change and Traditional Knowledge – With unpredictable weather patterns due to climate change, Khona’s observations can still offer guidance in adjusting farming techniques based on natural signs.

Arguments for Khona’s Knowledge Being No Longer Relevant:

  1. Advancements in Agricultural Technology – Modern farming relies on scientific research, weather forecasting, and advanced machinery that surpass traditional wisdom in accuracy and efficiency.
  2. Climate Change Has Altered Weather Patterns – The climate today is drastically different from what it was during Khona’s time, making her seasonal predictions unreliable in the modern context.
  3. Modern Irrigation and Crop Management – Today’s farmers use irrigation systems, fertilizers, and genetically modified crops to maximize yields, reducing the need for traditional farming knowledge.
  4. Scientific Forecasting is More Reliable – Meteorology and satellite data now provide precise weather predictions, replacing the need for wisdom based on natural signs.

Presentation to the Class:

After debating in pairs, selected students will present their key arguments to the whole class. The teacher may encourage a brief class discussion or a vote on which side made the strongest case.

This debate will help students critically analyze the role of traditional knowledge in modern agriculture while understanding the balance between old wisdom and new technology.

G. Based on your reading above, write 7-8 sentences to introduce Khona to a friend who does not know about her.

Answer Question No. G

Khona was a legendary woman from Bengal, known for her wisdom in farming and astrology. Originally named Lila, she was highly skilled at predicting weather and understanding agriculture. She shared her knowledge through rhyming proverbs called Khonar Bochon, which provided valuable advice to farmers. Her wisdom challenged the ruling class, leading to her tragic punishment—her tongue was cut out to silence her. Despite this cruelty, her sayings have survived for over 1500 years and are still followed today. One version of her story tells how she married Mihir, the son of a royal astrologer, and proved his father’s predictions wrong. She continued to support farmers by blending astrological insights with their practical knowledge. Khona remains an important figure in Bengali folklore, symbolizing wisdom, resilience, and the power of truth.

H. Collect five sayings by Khona in Bangla and translate them in English in pairs.

Once completed, exchange with another pair for review.

Answer Question No. H

Here are five well-known sayings by Khona in Bangla along with their English translations:

Pair 1:

বাংলা: "যতদিন সাপের গায়ে রাজমুকুট, ততদিন কোকিলের গানে রাহু শুকানী।"
English: "As long as the snake wears a crown, the cuckoo sings its song in the presence of Rahu."
Explanation: This saying reflects the unpredictability of the world and how strange occurrences can sometimes happen when we least expect them.

Pair 2:

বাংলা: "শীতের হাওয়া যদি মোহনোত, তবু গরমের মরিয়া লুট!"
English: "Even if the winter breeze is lovely, the scorching summer will eventually take over!"
Explanation: This highlights the cycles of nature, and how no season lasts forever, much like life's challenges.

Pair 3:

বাংলা: "বৃষ্টি না হলে চাষ হবে কেমন?"
English: "How will crops grow without rain?"
Explanation: A simple yet profound reminder that certain natural conditions are essential for progress, particularly in farming.

Pair 4:

বাংলা: "পাহাড়ে যদি বৃষ্টি আসে, তোর জমিতে ফল হয় ভরা!"
English: "If it rains on the mountain, your land will be full of crops!"
Explanation: This signifies the interconnectedness of weather patterns, suggesting that rain in distant areas can influence local prosperity.

Pair 5:

বাংলা: "ভালো সময়ে জমি চাষে না থাকলে, মন্দ সময়ে কিছু পাবে না!"
English: "If you don't work the land during good times, you'll reap nothing during bad times!"
Explanation: This advises preparation and hard work during favorable conditions to ensure success during more challenging times.

These sayings reflect Khona's deep understanding of nature, farming, and human effort, which was passed down through generations.

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