Textbook page 62,63 & 64 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit three: Myths and Literature || Lesson 4 :Khona || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary ||
Jodi borshe magher shesh, dhonyi rajar punyi desh.
If it rains at the end of Magh (last month of Winter), the kingdom will prosper.
The mystery that connects seasons with soil and crops with rain was no secret to her. She realized the interdependence that links people and climate in myriad ways. She was Khona.
The mythical story of Khona is deeply rooted in Bangla folklore. Khona, originally named Lila, was an incredible woman with a gift for predicting weather and understanding the ways of farming. Her wisdom was shared through memorable, rhyming verses known as "Khona's Words" or "Khonar Bochon." These sayings. though simple and easy to remember, were filled with deep knowledge and practical advice for farmers.
Khona used her knowledge to help the peasants, but her actions often challenged the ruling class. The rulers, not pleased with her defiance, punished her cruelly by cutting out her tongue. Thus, she became known as Khona, which means "someone who cannot speak." Despite this harsh punishment, her wisdom lived on through her sayings, which have been passed down for over 1500 years.
There are many versions of Khona's story. One retelling goes like this: in the kingdom of Deyulnagar, there was a royal astrologer named Varaha who served King Dharmaketu. Sadly, Varaha's wife died while giving birth to their son, Mihir.
Worried about his son's future, Varaha saw in the stars that Mihir was destined for a life of trouble and death. Heartbroken, Varaha decided to save Mihir by placing him in a copper pot and setting the pot afloat on the river Viddyadhory. The baby was found and rescued in Sri Lanka, where he was raised by the king. As he grew up in the royal court, he married the king's daughter, an astrologer herself, named Lila.
Lila and Mihir managed to find Varaha and prove that his predictions about Mihir's future had been wrong. Varaha, though surprised by his mistake, was thrilled to see his son again and welcomed both Mihir and Lila warmly. They were soon introduced to the royal court and became royal astrologers themselves.
Even though Lila was now a royal astrologer, she kept in touch with the local farmers. She learned a lot from them and found that they shared valuable knowledge through short, easy-to-remember verses. Lila began to use these simple verses to explain her own complex astrological knowledge.
Varaha, feeling jealous and angry, ordered his son to punish Lila by cutting out her tongue, hoping to silence her. However, Khona's story and her knowledge remained alive. Her wisdom about nature-oriented farming continued to benefit the people of the land.
Here is a table with some important words in English, their meanings in Bangla, synonyms, and antonyms:
English Word | Bangla Meaning | Synonym | Antonym |
Prosper | সমৃদ্ধি | Flourish, Thrive | Decline, Deteriorate |
Gift | উপহার | Present, Talent | Curse, Burden |
Predict | পূর্বাভাস দেওয়া | Forecast, Anticipate | Misunderstand, Ignore |
Interdependence | পরস্পর নির্ভরশীলতা | Mutual dependence | Independence, Autonomy |
Climate | জলবায়ু | Weather, Atmosphere | None |
Knowledge | জ্ঞান | Wisdom, Understanding | Ignorance, Unawareness |
Defiance | অবাধ্যতা | Resistance, Disobedience | Obedience, Compliance |
Cruelty | নৃশংসতা | Brutality, Savagery | Compassion, Kindness |
Punish | শাস্তি দেওয়া | Discipline, Chastise | Reward, Pardon |
Wisdom | প্রজ্ঞা | Insight, Intelligence | Foolishness, Ignorance |
Fate | ভাগ্য | Destiny, Fortune | Free will, Choice |
Rescue | উদ্ধার | Save, Recover | Abandon, Desert |
Thrilled | উত্তেজিত | Excited, Elated | Disappointed, Unhappy |
Astronomer | জ্যোতির্বিজ্ঞানী | Astrologer, Scientist | None |
Verse | ছড়া | Poem, Rhyme | Prose, Paragraph |
Court | আদালত | Tribunal, Palace | Outside, Exile |
Challenge | চ্যালেঞ্জ | Test, Confrontation | Surrender, Compliance |
Defend | রক্ষা করা | Protect, Guard | Attack, Assault |
Royal | রাজকীয় | Regal, Noble | Common, Ordinary |
Heartbroken | হৃদয়বিদারক | Devastated, Grief-stricken | Joyful, Happy |
Mysterious | রহস্যময় | Enigmatic, Puzzling | Obvious, Clear |
Harsh | কঠোর | Severe, Stern | Gentle, Lenient |
Folklore | লোককথা | Tradition, Myth | Reality, Fact |
Resilient | স্থিতিস্থাপক | Tough, Strong | Weak, Fragile |
Silence | নীরবতা | Quiet, Hush | Noise, Clamor |
Versatile | বহুমুখী | Adaptable, Multifaceted | Limited, Rigid |
Simple | সহজ | Easy, Straightforward | Complicated, Complex |
Suffer | কষ্ট পাওয়া | Endure, Experience | Enjoy, Rejoice |
Evil | দুষ্ট | Wicked, Malevolent | Good, Virtuous |
Prosperous | সমৃদ্ধ | Thriving, Wealthy | Impoverished, Poor |
Intrigue | কৌতূহল | Fascinate, Interest | Bore, Disinterest |
Adversity | বিপদ | Hardship, Misfortune | Prosperity, Success |
Jealousy | ইর্ষা | Envy, Resentment | Admiration, Contentment |
Punishment | শাস্তি | Penalty, Discipline | Reward, Pardon |
Resilient | দৃঢ় | Strong, Tough | Fragile, Weak |
Rejoice | আনন্দিত হওয়া | Celebrate, Delight | Mourn, Sorrow |
Here is the line-by-line meaning in Bangla for the text
"Jodi borshe magher shesh, dhonyi rajar punyi desh."
যদি বর্ষে মাঘের শেষে, ধনী রাজার পুণ্য দেশ।
Meaning: If it rains at the end of the month of Magh (the last month of winter), the kingdom will prosper.
The mystery that connects seasons with soil and crops with rain was no secret to her. She realized the interdependence that links people and climate in myriad ways. She was Khona.
ঋতু, মাটি ও ফসলের সাথে বৃষ্টির সম্পর্কের রহস্য তার কাছে অজানা ছিল না। সে বুঝতে পারল, মানুষের জীবন এবং আবহাওয়ার মধ্যে সম্পর্ক রয়েছে অনেক দিক থেকে। সে ছিল খোণা।
The mythical story of Khona is deeply rooted in Bangla folklore. Khona, originally named Lila, was an incredible woman with a gift for predicting weather and understanding the ways of farming. Her wisdom was shared through memorable, rhyming verses known as "Khona's Words" or "Khonar Bochon." These sayings, though simple and easy to remember, were filled with deep knowledge and practical advice for farmers.
খোণার পৌরাণিক কাহিনী বাংলা লোককথায় গভীরভাবে প্রোথিত। খোণা, যাকে প্রথমে লীলা বলা হত, ছিলেন এক অদ্বিতীয় নারী, যিনি আবহাওয়া পূর্বাভাস দিতে এবং কৃষির খুঁটিনাটি বুঝতে পারতেন। তার জ্ঞান ছড়িয়ে পড়েছিল সহজে মনে রাখা এমন ছন্দবদ্ধ বচনে, যা "খোণার বচন" নামে পরিচিত। এসব বচন যদিও সোজা এবং মনে রাখা সহজ, তবুও এতে গভীর জ্ঞান এবং কৃষকদের জন্য বাস্তব পরামর্শ ছিল।
Khona used her knowledge to help the peasants, but her actions often challenged the ruling class. The rulers, not pleased with her defiance, punished her cruelly by cutting out her tongue. Thus, she became known as Khona, which means "someone who cannot speak." Despite this harsh punishment, her wisdom lived on through her sayings, which have been passed down for over 1500 years.
খোণা তার জ্ঞান ব্যবহার করতেন গরিব কৃষকদের সাহায্য করার জন্য, কিন্তু তার কাজগুলো প্রায়ই শাসকশ্রেণীর জন্য চ্যালেঞ্জ ছিল। শাসকরা তার প্রতিবাদে খুশি না হয়ে, তাকে কঠোর শাস্তি দিয়ে জিব্বা কেটে ফেলেছিল। এভাবেই তিনি খোণা নামে পরিচিত হন, যার অর্থ হলো "যিনি কথা বলতে পারেন না"। এই কঠিন শাস্তির পরেও, তার জ্ঞান তার বচনগুলোর মাধ্যমে বেঁচে থাকে, যা গত ১৫০০ বছর ধরে পৌঁছে এসেছে।
There are many versions of Khona's story. One retelling goes like this: in the kingdom of Deyulnagar, there was a royal astrologer named Varaha who served King Dharmaketu. Sadly, Varaha's wife died while giving birth to their son, Mihir.
খোণার কাহিনীর অনেক সংস্করণ রয়েছে। একটি সংস্করণে বলা হয়, দেবলনগর রাজ্যে এক রাজকীয় জ্যোতিষী ছিলেন, যিনি রাজা ধর্মকেতুর সেবা করতেন। দুর্ভাগ্যক্রমে, তার স্ত্রীর মৃত্যুর ঘটনা ঘটে যখন তিনি তাদের পুত্র মিহিরকে জন্ম দেন।
Worried about his son's future, Varaha saw in the stars that Mihir was destined for a life of trouble and death. Heartbroken, Varaha decided to save Mihir by placing him in a copper pot and setting the pot afloat on the river Viddyadhory. The baby was found and rescued in Sri Lanka, where he was raised by the king.
তার পুত্র মিহিরের ভবিষ্যৎ নিয়ে চিন্তিত হয়ে, বরাহ তার জ্যোতিষ শাস্ত্র থেকে জানলেন যে, মিহিরের জীবনে দুঃখ ও মৃত্যু অপেক্ষা করছে। দুঃখিত হয়ে, বরাহ মিহিরকে রক্ষা করতে একটি তামার পাত্রে রেখে বিদ্যাধরী নদীতে ভাসিয়ে দেন। সেই শিশুটিকে শ্রীলঙ্কায় উদ্ধার করা হয়, যেখানে রাজা তাকে পালক পুত্র হিসেবে পালন করেন।
As he grew up in the royal court, he married the king's daughter, an astrologer herself, named Lila. Lila and Mihir managed to find Varaha and prove that his predictions about Mihir's future had been wrong. Varaha, though surprised by his mistake, was thrilled to see his son again and welcomed both Mihir and Lila warmly. They were soon introduced to the royal court and became royal astrologers themselves.
রাজকীয় আদালতে বড় হয়ে, মিহির রাজা ধর্মকেতুর কন্যা, একজন জ্যোতিষী, লীলাকে বিয়ে করেন। লীলা এবং মিহির বরাহকে খুঁজে বের করে এবং প্রমাণ করে যে, বরাহের ভবিষ্যদ্বাণী ভুল ছিল। বরাহ তার ভুল দেখে অবাক হলেও, সে আনন্দিত হয়ে তার পুত্রকে আবার দেখতে পেয়ে, মিহির এবং লীলাকে আন্তরিকভাবে স্বাগত জানায়। কিছু সময়ের মধ্যে, তারা রাজকীয় জ্যোতিষী হিসেবে পরিচিত হয়।
Even though Lila was now a royal astrologer, she kept in touch with the local farmers. She learned a lot from them and found that they shared valuable knowledge through short, easy-to-remember verses. Lila began to use these simple verses to explain her own complex astrological knowledge.
এমনকি লীলা এখন রাজকীয় জ্যোতিষী হলেও, তিনি স্থানীয় কৃষকদের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ রাখতেন। তাদের কাছ থেকে তিনি অনেক কিছু শিখেছিলেন এবং আবিষ্কার করেছিলেন যে, তারা সহজ, মনে রাখার মতো ছন্দে মূল্যবান জ্ঞান শেয়ার করত। লীলা এই সহজ ছন্দগুলো ব্যবহার করে তার জটিল জ্যোতিষ শাস্ত্রের জ্ঞান ব্যাখ্যা করতে শুরু করেন।
Varaha, feeling jealous and angry, ordered his son to punish Lila by cutting out her tongue, hoping to silence her. However, Khona's story and her knowledge remained alive. Her wisdom about nature-oriented farming continued to benefit the people of the land.
বরাহ, ঈর্ষান্বিত ও ক্রুদ্ধ হয়ে, তার পুত্রকে আদেশ দেন লীলাকে শাস্তি দিতে, তার জিব্বা কেটে ফেলার মাধ্যমে তাকে চুপ করিয়ে দেওয়ার জন্য। কিন্তু, খোণার কাহিনী এবং তার জ্ঞান জীবিত রইল। প্রকৃতি-ভিত্তিক কৃষির বিষয়ে তার জ্ঞান জমির মানুষের জন্য উপকারি হতে থাকে।
Here are some multiple-choice questions based on the passage about Khona:
Who was Khona originally named?
- a) Lila
- b) Mihir
- c) Varaha
- d) Dharmaketu
Answer: a) Lila
What was Khona known for?
- a) Her magical powers
- b) Predicting the weather and farming knowledge
- c) Being a royal advisor
- d) Writing poems
Answer: b) Predicting the weather and farming knowledge
What was the name of the rhyming verses shared by Khona?
- a) Khona's Stories
- b) Khona's Books
- c) Khona’s Words
- d) Khona's Knowledge
Answer: c) Khona’s Words
Why did Khona become known as someone who cannot speak?
- a) She chose to remain silent
- b) She lost her voice
- c) She was punished by having her tongue cut out
- d) She went into hiding
Answer: c) She was punished by having her tongue cut out
What is the significance of the saying "Jodi borshe magher shesh"?
- a) It predicts a good harvest
- b) It means prosperity if it rains at the end of Magh
- c) It signifies the arrival of winter
- d) It talks about the end of the rainy season
Answer: b) It means prosperity if it rains at the end of Magh
Who was the royal astrologer in the kingdom of Deyulnagar?
- a) Mihir
- b) Dharmaketu
- c) Varaha
- d) Lila
Answer: c) Varaha
What happened to Varaha’s wife?
- a) She became an astrologer
- b) She left him
- c) She died giving birth to Mihir
- d) She was exiled
Answer: c) She died giving birth to Mihir
Where was Mihir placed to protect him from a dire fate?
- a) In a wooden box
- b) In a copper pot
- c) In a basket
- d) In a boat
Answer: b) In a copper pot
Where was Mihir rescued after being placed in the copper pot?
- a) Sri Lanka
- b) India
- c) China
- d) Nepal
Answer: a) Sri Lanka
Who raised Mihir after he was rescued?
- a) His father, Varaha
- b) A kind woman
- c) The king of Sri Lanka
- d) The royal court of Deyulnagar
Answer: c) The king of Sri Lanka
- Who did Mihir marry in the royal court of Sri Lanka?
- a) Lila, the king's daughter
- b) Varaha's sister
- c) A woman named Kanti
- d) A priestess
Answer: a) Lila, the king's daughter
- How did Mihir and Lila prove Varaha’s prediction wrong?
- a) They returned to Deyulnagar
- b) They succeeded in the royal court
- c) They confronted Varaha in person
- d) Mihir’s life turned out well despite the prophecy
Answer: d) Mihir’s life turned out well despite the prophecy
- What was Varaha’s reaction when he realized his prediction about Mihir was wrong?
- a) He punished Mihir
- b) He was angry at Lila
- c) He was surprised but happy
- d) He disowned Mihir
Answer: c) He was surprised but happy
- What profession did both Lila and Mihir take up?
- a) Doctors
- b) Royal astrologers
- c) Farmers
- d) Warriors
Answer: b) Royal astrologers
- How did Khona help the local farmers?
- a) By giving them money
- b) By teaching them complex astrology
- c) By using simple rhymes to share knowledge
- d) By hiring them as workers in the palace
Answer: c) By using simple rhymes to share knowledge
- What was Varaha's reaction to Khona’s influence on the farmers?
- a) He admired her
- b) He was indifferent
- c) He felt jealous and angry
- d) He supported her actions
Answer: c) He felt jealous and angry
- What did Varaha do to silence Khona?
- a) Banished her from the kingdom
- b) Locked her in a tower
- c) Had her tongue cut out
- d) Exiled her to another country
Answer: c) Had her tongue cut out
- Despite the punishment, what happened to Khona's wisdom?
- a) It was forgotten
- b) It continued to be passed down
- c) It was suppressed by the rulers
- d) It was lost over time
Answer: b) It continued to be passed down
- What does the phrase "Khona's Words" refer to?
- a) Books written by Khona
- b) Simple sayings filled with wisdom for farmers
- c) Astrological predictions by Khona
- d) Royal edicts
Answer: b) Simple sayings filled with wisdom for farmers
- What lesson can be learned from the story of Khona?
- a) Knowledge is best kept secret
- b) Wisdom has a lasting impact
- c) Rulers always know best
- d) Astrological predictions are always accurate
Answer: b) Wisdom has a lasting impact
- Where did Khona's wisdom continue to influence people?
- a) In royal courts
- b) Among the farmers
- c) Across kingdoms
- d) Only in Deyulnagar
Answer: b) Among the farmers
- What was the main theme of Khona's rhymes?
- a) Magic and astrology
- b) Wisdom for practical farming
- c) Royal decrees
- d) War strategies
Answer: b) Wisdom for practical farming
- What does the story of Khona suggest about the connection between people and nature?
- a) People should ignore nature
- b) The seasons, soil, and rain are vital for prosperity
- c) Nature is unpredictable and unreliable
- d) People can control nature
Answer: b) The seasons, soil, and rain are vital for prosperity
- How did Khona’s sayings help the peasants?
- a) By offering financial advice
- b) By providing complex astrological readings
- c) By offering simple and useful agricultural wisdom
- d) By teaching them how to read the stars
Answer: c) By offering simple and useful agricultural wisdom
- Which month is referred to in the saying "Jodi borshe magher shesh"?
- a) Chaitra
- b) Magh
- c) Ashwin
- d) Bhadra
Answer: b) Magh
- What was the outcome of Varaha's decision to punish Khona?
- a) Khona became silent
- b) Khona’s wisdom lived on through her sayings
- c) Khona left the kingdom
- d) The people turned against Khona
Answer: b) Khona’s wisdom lived on through her sayings
- What kind of ruler was King Dharmaketu?
- a) A wise and understanding ruler
- b) A cruel and harsh ruler
- c) A lazy and indifferent ruler
- d) A famous astrologer
Answer: a) A wise and understanding ruler
- What is the significance of Khona's story in Bangla folklore?
- a) It highlights the importance of astrology
- b) It emphasizes the role of women in knowledge and society
- c) It shows how people can defy rulers
- d) It tells the story of a legendary king
Answer: b) It emphasizes the role of women in knowledge and society
- Who was responsible for the birth of the astrology knowledge in the royal court?
- a) Khona
- b) Varaha
- c) Mihir
- d) Lila
Answer: b) Varaha
- What was Khona's ultimate legacy?
- a) Becoming a queen
- b) Being remembered for her scientific discoveries
- c) Her knowledge living on through her words
- d) Becoming a royal advisor
Answer: c) Her knowledge living on through her words
- Why was Varaha’s prediction about Mihir considered wrong?
- a) Mihir survived and thrived despite the prophecy
- b) Mihir was not his son
- c) The stars were misinterpreted
- d) Mihir left the kingdom
Answer: a) Mihir survived and thrived despite the prophecy
- What message does Khona's tale impart about fate and destiny?
- a) Fate is always set in stone
- b) Destiny can be challenged and changed
- c) Predictions are always accurate
- d) Fate is controlled by the rulers
Answer: b) Destiny can be challenged and changed
- What aspect of Khona's story is central to Bangla folklore?
- a) Her astrology skills
- b) Her wisdom and connection with nature
- c) Her role as a queen
- d) Her marriage to Mihir
Answer: b) Her wisdom and connection with nature
- What did Khona learn from the local farmers?
- a) Farming techniques for better crops
- b) Complex astrological formulas
- c) How to read the stars
- d) Ways to rule a kingdom
Answer: a) Farming techniques for better crops
- What was Khona's punishment for defying Varaha?
- a) She was banished
- b) She was thrown into prison
- c) She was tortured
- d) Her tongue was cut out
Answer: d) Her tongue was cut out
Who was Khona?
- Khona, originally named Lila, was a gifted woman known for predicting weather and understanding farming. She shared her wisdom through rhyming verses called "Khona's Words."
What are "Khona's Words"?
- "Khona's Words" are memorable, rhyming verses containing agricultural wisdom. They offer practical advice to farmers about weather and farming practices.
What happened to Khona for defying the rulers?
- Khona was punished by having her tongue cut out by the rulers, but her wisdom continued to spread through her sayings.
What was the fate of Mihir, Varaha’s son?
- Mihir, Varaha's son, was thought to be doomed to trouble and death, so he was placed in a copper pot and floated down the river. He was later rescued in Sri Lanka and grew up in the royal court.
What did Lila (Khona) do as an astrologer?
- Lila worked as a royal astrologer and used her knowledge to help both the royal court and local farmers. She combined astrology with practical farming wisdom.
What connection did Lila have with local farmers?
- Lila stayed connected with farmers, learning from their simple, effective verses about farming, which she combined with her own astrological knowledge.
How did Varaha react when he learned Mihir was alive?
- Varaha was initially surprised that his predictions were wrong but was happy to be reunited with Mihir. He welcomed him and Lila back into his life.
Why was Varaha jealous of Lila?
- Varaha became jealous of Lila’s growing influence and the respect she gained from both the royal court and farmers. His jealousy led him to order her punishment.
What was Khona's punishment?
- Khona was punished by having her tongue cut out to silence her, but her wisdom continued to live on through her sayings.
How did Khona's wisdom affect farming?
- Khona's wisdom provided valuable advice on weather patterns and agricultural practices, helping farmers make better decisions for their crops.
What does the phrase "Jodi borshe magher shesh" mean?
- This phrase means that if it rains at the end of Magh (the last month of winter), the kingdom will prosper, reflecting the relationship between weather and agriculture.
What role did astrology play in Khona's life?
- Astrology played a significant role in Khona's life as she used it to understand natural cycles and to guide her farming knowledge, bridging the spiritual with the practical.
Why did Khona become known as "someone who cannot speak"?
- Khona became known as "someone who cannot speak" because of the punishment of having her tongue cut out by the rulers who wished to silence her.
How long has Khona’s wisdom been passed down?
- Khona’s wisdom has been passed down for over 1500 years, continuing to influence farming practices and folk knowledge.
Where did Mihir grow up after being rescued?
- Mihir grew up in Sri Lanka, where he was raised by the king after being rescued from the river.
Khona, originally named Lila, was a wise woman known for her ability to predict weather and understand farming. Her knowledge, shared through simple rhyming verses called "Khona's Words," helped farmers understand the connection between seasons, soil, and crops. Despite her help to the peasants, the rulers punished her by cutting out her tongue. The story of Khona is rooted in Bangla folklore. She was married to Mihir, the son of the royal astrologer Varaha, who initially predicted Mihir’s tragic fate. Khona’s wisdom lived on despite her punishment, and her sayings continued to guide farmers for over 1500 years.
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