Unit: Three Myths and Literature Lesson 3 The Legend of Gazi || Textbook page 60 & 61 || Class eleven and twelve || English first paper ||Word meaning, Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary ||

Unit: Three Myths and Literature 
Lesson 3 The Legend of Gazi || Textbook page 60 & 61 || Class eleven and twelve || English first paper ||Word meaning, Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary ||

According to some myths and legends, Gazi Pir was a Muslim saint who is said to have spread Islam in the parts of Bengal close to the Sunderbans. He was credited with many miracles. For example, he could supposedly calm dangerous animals and make them docile. He is usually depicted in paats or scroll paintings riding a fierce-looking Bengal tiger, a snake in his hand, but in no apparent danger. According to some stories, he also fought crocodiles who threatened the people of the region full of canals and creeks, indeed, a kind of watery jungle bordering the Bay of Bengal. Because of his alert and vigilant presence, all predatory animals were said to have been kept within bounds. It was also believed that he enabled villagers to live close to forests and jungles and cultivate their lands. Consequently, people of these regions would pray to him for protection. The story of Gazi Pir has been preserved in folk literature as well as art and has been performed in indigenous theatre. Some Gazir paat scrolls are part of the collection of the British Museum

Here are some important words from the text "The Legend of Gazi" with their meanings in Bangla, synonyms, and antonyms:

  1. Myths (মিথ)

    • Meaning: Folk tales or legends, often with no factual basis.
    • Synonym: Folklore, legend
    • Antonym: Fact, reality
  2. Legend (কাহিনী)

    • Meaning: A traditional story, often involving historical events or mythical beings.
    • Synonym: Tale, fable
    • Antonym: Truth, fact
  3. Saint (পবিত্র ব্যক্তি)

    • Meaning: A person recognized for holiness or piety.
    • Synonym: Holy person, martyr
    • Antonym: Sinner, villain
  4. Spread (বিতরণ)

    • Meaning: To distribute or extend over an area.
    • Synonym: Distribute, extend
    • Antonym: Constrain, restrict
  5. Miracles (আশ্চর্য কাজ)

    • Meaning: Supernatural events or deeds that defy natural laws.
    • Synonym: Wonders, marvels
    • Antonym: Ordinary event, regular occurrence
  6. Supposedly (ধারণা করা হয়)

    • Meaning: As believed or assumed to be true.
    • Synonym: Allegedly, presumably
    • Antonym: Definitely, surely
  7. Calm (শান্ত)

    • Meaning: To make peaceful or tranquil.
    • Synonym: Soothe, pacify
    • Antonym: Agitate, disturb
  8. Docile (শান্ত)

    • Meaning: Easy to control or manage.
    • Synonym: Obedient, submissive
    • Antonym: Wild, stubborn
  9. Depicted (চিত্রিত)

    • Meaning: Shown or represented in a work of art or description.
    • Synonym: Portrayed, represented
    • Antonym: Concealed, hidden
  10. Fierce (কঠোর)

    • Meaning: Showing intense aggressiveness or strength.
    • Synonym: Ferocious, savage
    • Antonym: Gentle, mild
  11. Danger (বিপদ)

    • Meaning: The possibility of harm or injury.
    • Synonym: Risk, threat
    • Antonym: Safety, security
  12. Threatened (হুমকি দেওয়া)

    • Meaning: To show intent to harm or danger.
    • Synonym: Endangered, intimidated
    • Antonym: Protected, secured
  13. Vigilant (সতর্ক)

    • Meaning: Keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties.
    • Synonym: Alert, watchful
    • Antonym: Negligent, inattentive
  14. Bound (সীমাবদ্ধ)

    • Meaning: Confined within limits or boundaries.
    • Synonym: Restricted, confined
    • Antonym: Free, unrestricted
  15. Enabled (সক্ষম করা)

    • Meaning: To give someone the means or ability to do something.
    • Synonym: Empowered, allowed
    • Antonym: Disabled, prevented
  16. Cultivate (চাষ করা)

    • Meaning: To prepare and work on land for growing crops.
    • Synonym: Farm, grow
    • Antonym: Neglect, abandon
  17. Pray (প্রার্থনা করা)

    • Meaning: To make a request or offer thanks to a deity or spiritual being.
    • Synonym: Petition, invoke
    • Antonym: Curse, condemn
  18. Protection (সুরক্ষা)

    • Meaning: The act of keeping something safe from harm or danger.
    • Synonym: Safeguard, defense
    • Antonym: Danger, exposure
  19. Preserved (সংরক্ষিত)

    • Meaning: To maintain something in its original state or condition.
    • Synonym: Kept, conserved
    • Antonym: Destroyed, ruined
  20. Indigenous (স্থানীয়)

    • Meaning: Originating or occurring naturally in a particular place.
    • Synonym: Native, local
    • Antonym: Foreign, alien

Here is the line-by-line translation of the text "The Legend of Gazi" into Bangla:

1. According to some myths and legends, Gazi Pir was a Muslim saint who is said to have spread Islam in the parts of Bengal close to the Sunderbans.
কিছু পুরাণ এবং কাহিনীর মতে, গাজী পীর ছিলেন একজন মুসলিম সন্ত, যিনি সুন্দরবনের কাছাকাছি বাঙ্গালির অঞ্চলে ইসলাম প্রচার করেছিলেন।

2. He was credited with many miracles.
তাঁকে অনেক অদ্ভুত ঘটনা ঘটানোর জন্য পরিচিত করা হয়।

3. For example, he could supposedly calm dangerous animals and make them docile.
যেমন, তিনি allegedly বিপদজনক পশুদের শান্ত করতে পারতেন এবং তাদের শান্তভাবে সামলাতে পারতেন।

4. He is usually depicted in paats or scroll paintings riding a fierce-looking Bengal tiger, a snake in his hand, but in no apparent danger.
তাকে সাধারণত পাট বা স্ক্রোল চিত্রকর্মে এক উত্তেজিত বাঘের উপর বসে, হাতে একটি সাপ নিয়ে, তবে কোনও বিপদ ছাড়াই চিত্রিত করা হয়।

5. According to some stories, he also fought crocodiles who threatened the people of the region full of canals and creeks, indeed, a kind of watery jungle bordering the Bay of Bengal.
কিছু কাহিনীর মতে, তিনি কুমিরের সঙ্গে যুদ্ধ করেছিলেন যারা সেচ এবং খালের পূর্ণ অঞ্চলের মানুষদের হুমকি দিচ্ছিল, এটি আসলে বঙ্গোপসাগরের উপকূলে একটি জলমগ্ন জঙ্গল ছিল।

6. Because of his alert and vigilant presence, all predatory animals were said to have been kept within bounds.
তার সতর্ক এবং সজাগ উপস্থিতির কারণে, সমস্ত শিকারী পশুদের সীমাবদ্ধ রাখা হয়েছে বলে বলা হয়।

7. It was also believed that he enabled villagers to live close to forests and jungles and cultivate their lands.
এছাড়াও, এটি বিশ্বাস করা হতো যে তিনি গ্রামবাসীদের বন এবং জঙ্গলগুলোর কাছে বাস করতে এবং তাদের জমি চাষ করতে সাহায্য করতেন।

8. Consequently, people of these regions would pray to him for protection.
ফলে, এই অঞ্চলের মানুষরা তাকে রক্ষা প্রার্থনা করতে আসতেন।

9. The story of Gazi Pir has been preserved in folk literature as well as art and has been performed in indigenous theatre.
গাজী পীরের গল্প জনগণের সাহিত্যে এবং শিল্পে সংরক্ষিত হয়েছে এবং আদিবাসী নাটকে পরিবেশিত হয়েছে।

10. Some Gazir paat scrolls are part of the collection of the British Museum.
কিছু গাজীর পাট স্ক্রোল ব্রিটিশ মিউজিয়ামের সংগ্রহে অন্তর্ভুক্ত রয়েছে।

This is the full Bangla translation for each line of the text.

Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the passage about "The Legend of Gazi".

  1. Who was Gazi Pir believed to be?
    A) A Hindu saint
    B) A Muslim saint
    C) A warrior
    D) A king
    Answer: B) A Muslim saint

  2. In which region did Gazi Pir spread Islam?
    A) Rajasthan
    B) Bengal
    C) Punjab
    D) Uttar Pradesh
    Answer: B) Bengal

  3. Gazi Pir is credited with performing how many miracles?
    A) One
    B) Two
    C) Many
    D) None
    Answer: C) Many

  4. What could Gazi Pir allegedly do to dangerous animals?
    A) Kill them
    B) Calm them
    C) Capture them
    D) Study them
    Answer: B) Calm them

  5. What animal is Gazi Pir depicted riding in the paintings?
    A) Lion
    B) Elephant
    C) Bengal tiger
    D) Leopard
    Answer: C) Bengal tiger

  6. What does Gazi Pir hold in his hand in the scroll paintings?
    A) A sword
    B) A snake
    C) A book
    D) A flower
    Answer: B) A snake

  7. What did Gazi Pir allegedly fight against to protect the people of the region?
    A) Tigers
    B) Wolves
    C) Crocodiles
    D) Bears
    Answer: C) Crocodiles

  8. Where is Gazi Pir said to have performed his miracles?
    A) In a desert
    B) In a jungle
    C) In the Sunderbans
    D) In a mountain
    Answer: C) In the Sunderbans

  9. What did people pray to Gazi Pir for?
    A) Wealth
    B) Protection
    C) Health
    D) Peace
    Answer: B) Protection

  10. How has the story of Gazi Pir been preserved?
    A) Through books only
    B) Through art and theatre
    C) Through oral traditions
    D) Through newspapers
    Answer: B) Through art and theatre

  11. Where are some of the Gazir paat scrolls currently located?
    A) British Library
    B) British Museum
    C) Paris Museum
    D) New York Public Library
    Answer: B) British Museum

  12. What kind of environment did the region of Sunderbans have?
    A) Desert
    B) Forest
    C) Watery jungle
    D) Plain land
    Answer: C) Watery jungle

  13. The region near Sunderbans is bordered by which body of water?
    A) Arabian Sea
    B) Bay of Bengal
    C) Red Sea
    D) Andaman Sea
    Answer: B) Bay of Bengal

  14. Which miracle is Gazi Pir most known for?
    A) Walking on water
    B) Calming dangerous animals
    C) Healing the sick
    D) Conquering empires
    Answer: B) Calming dangerous animals

  15. What did Gazi Pir help the villagers with?
    A) Building houses
    B) Navigating jungles
    C) Cultivating land
    D) Learning new skills
    Answer: C) Cultivating land

  1. What is the meaning of "docile" as used in the passage?
    A) Fierce
    B) Calm
    C) Angry
    D) Wild
    Answer: B) Calm

  2. Which of the following is a synonym for "alert" as used in the passage?
    A) Distracted
    B) Vigilant
    C) Lazy
    D) Unaware
    Answer: B) Vigilant

  3. The word "predatory" in the passage is best replaced by which of the following synonyms?
    A) Playful
    B) Aggressive
    C) Friendly
    D) Calm
    Answer: B) Aggressive

  4. What is the antonym of "dangerous" as used in the passage?
    A) Safe
    B) Wild
    C) Furious
    D) Vicious
    Answer: A) Safe

  5. The word "vigilant" is a(n) __________.
    A) Noun
    B) Verb
    C) Adjective
    D) Adverb
    Answer: C) Adjective

  6. Which of the following is the antonym of "miracle"?
    A) Disaster
    B) Event
    C) Accident
    D) Regularity
    Answer: A) Disaster

  7. The word "boundary" in the context of the passage refers to:
    A) Limit or border
    B) Distance
    C) Pathway
    D) Time
    Answer: A) Limit or border

  8. Which of the following words is a synonym for "depicted"?
    A) Described
    B) Ignored
    C) Hidden
    D) Destroyed
    Answer: A) Described

  9. Which part of speech is the word "performed" in the sentence "The story of Gazi Pir has been preserved in folk literature as well as art and has been performed in indigenous theatre"?
    A) Noun
    B) Verb
    C) Adjective
    D) Adverb
    Answer: B) Verb

  10. What is the synonym of "preserved" in the context of the passage?
    A) Forgotten
    B) Saved
    C) Created
    D) Ignored
    Answer: B) Saved

  11. What does "miracle" mean?
    A) An event that goes beyond normal understanding
    B) A natural event
    C) A tragedy
    D) A normal situation
    Answer: A) An event that goes beyond normal understanding

  12. The phrase "within bounds" in the passage means:
    A) Outside limits
    B) Controlled or restricted
    C) Unmanageable
    D) Free
    Answer: B) Controlled or restricted

  13. The word "threatened" in the passage means:
    A) Helped
    B) Protected
    C) Endangered
    D) Ignored
    Answer: C) Endangered

  14. "Folk literature" refers to:
    A) Written accounts from scholarly sources
    B) Traditional stories and myths passed orally
    C) New novels
    D) Non-fiction works
    Answer: B) Traditional stories and myths passed orally

  15. What is the opposite of "calm" in the passage?
    A) Peaceful
    B) Angry
    C) Relaxed
    D) Docile
    Answer: B) Angry

  16. The word "villagers" in the passage refers to:
    A) People living in the city
    B) People living in the countryside
    C) People living in the mountains
    D) People living in the forests
    Answer: B) People living in the countryside

  17. "Fierce" is closest in meaning to:
    A) Gentle
    B) Violent
    C) Peaceful
    D) Calm
    Answer: B) Violent

  18. What does the word "story" mean in the context of the passage?
    A) A true event
    B) A fabricated tale
    C) A historical record
    D) A myth or legend
    Answer: D) A myth or legend

  19. "Alert" is to "vigilant" as "calm" is to:
    A) Restless
    B) Peaceful
    C) Agitated
    D) Wild
    Answer: B) Peaceful

  20. Which of the following is the closest meaning to "jungle"?
    A) Desert
    B) City
    C) Forest
    D) River
    Answer: C) Forest

  1. Gazi Pir is said to have made dangerous animals __________.
    A) Aggressive
    B) Unpredictable
    C) Docile
    D) Wild
    Answer: C) Docile

  2. What was Gazi Pir's primary role in the Sunderbans?
    A) To lead the armies
    B) To spread Islam
    C) To control predatory animals
    D) To farm land
    Answer: B) To spread Islam

  3. The region described in the passage is known for its __________.
    A) Snow-capped mountains
    B) Dense urban areas
    C) Vast desert
    D) Watery jungle
    Answer: D) Watery jungle

  4. What did people pray for from Gazi Pir?
    A) Victory in wars
    B) Wealth and prosperity
    C) Protection from animals
    D) Favorable weather
    Answer: C) Protection from animals

  5. Gazi Pir is depicted as riding a __________ in the paintings.
    A) Lion
    B) Tiger
    C) Elephant
    D) Horse
    Answer: B) Tiger

  6. Which geographical feature is close to the region where Gazi Pir is said to have worked?
    A) A desert
    B) The Bay of Bengal
    C) The Himalayas
    D) The Amazon River
    Answer: B) The Bay of Bengal

  7. What did Gazi Pir fight against to ensure safety for the villagers?
    A) Earthquakes
    B) Bandits
    C) Crocodiles
    D) Wildfires
    Answer: C) Crocodiles

  8. How has the story of Gazi Pir been maintained in modern times?
    A) By politicians
    B) Through art and folk literature
    C) In history books
    D) Through military records
    Answer: B) Through art and folk literature

  9. The Sunderbans is most famous for its __________.
    A) Waterways and jungles
    B) Large cities
    C) Agricultural lands
    D) Tall mountains
    Answer: A) Waterways and jungles

  10. Gazi Pir's ability to control dangerous animals helped __________.
    A) Establish kingdoms
    B) Protect villagers
    C) Build cities
    D) Grow crops
    Answer: B) Protect villagers

  11. The folk literature mentioned in the passage includes __________.
    A) Poems only
    B) Myths and legends
    C) Scientific writings
    D) Historical records
    Answer: B) Myths and legends

  12. Which of the following would be least likely to be found in a Gazir paat scroll painting?
    A) Gazi Pir riding a tiger
    B) Gazi Pir fighting crocodiles
    C) Depictions of saints from other religions
    D) People praying for protection
    Answer: C) Depictions of saints from other religions

  13. Which of these animals did Gazi Pir reportedly tame?
    A) Bears
    B) Crocodiles
    C) Tigers
    D) Snakes
    Answer: C) Tigers

  14. What is the geographical description of the land where Gazi Pir worked?
    A) It is a desert.
    B) It is a forested area with waterways.
    C) It is a mountainous region.
    D) It is a plains region.
    Answer: B) It is a forested area with waterways.

  15. Gazi Pir helped the villagers __________.
    A) Fight wars
    B) Cultivate their lands
    C) Build houses
    D) Cross rivers
    Answer: B) Cultivate their lands

Here are some short questions with answers based on the passage "The Legend of Gazi":

  1. Who was Gazi Pir?
    Gazi Pir was a Muslim saint who is believed to have spread Islam in the areas near the Sunderbans in Bengal. He is also credited with performing many miracles, including taming dangerous animals.

  2. What was one of Gazi Pir’s miraculous abilities?
    Gazi Pir was said to have the ability to calm dangerous animals, such as Bengal tigers, and make them docile. This ability helped protect the people living in regions close to the Sunderbans.

  3. How is Gazi Pir usually depicted in art?
    Gazi Pir is often depicted in scroll paintings, called paats, riding a fierce Bengal tiger with a snake in his hand. He is shown in control of these dangerous animals, without any apparent danger to himself.

  4. What did Gazi Pir do to protect the people?
    According to the legends, Gazi Pir fought crocodiles and kept predatory animals in check. This vigilance allowed villagers to live safely near forests and jungles, cultivating their lands without fear.

  5. What is the significance of Gazi Pir to the people of the region?
    People in the region saw Gazi Pir as a protector, and they prayed to him for safety and security. His presence was believed to help keep dangerous animals at bay and ensure a safe environment for villagers.

  6. Where has the story of Gazi Pir been preserved?
    The story of Gazi Pir has been preserved in folk literature, art, and indigenous theatre. Some Gazir paat scrolls, which depict his story, are even part of the British Museum’s collection.

  7. What role did Gazi Pir play in the region's agriculture?
    Gazi Pir was believed to have allowed people to live and cultivate land near forests and jungles. His protection from predators made it possible for the villagers to farm in these areas.

  8. What are Gazir paat scrolls?
    Gazir paat scrolls are traditional paintings that depict the story of Gazi Pir and his miraculous deeds. These scrolls are a significant part of the indigenous art tradition.

  9. Why did people in the region pray to Gazi Pir?
    People prayed to Gazi Pir for protection from dangerous animals and other threats in the region. His miraculous powers were believed to keep the villagers safe and help them live peacefully near the jungles.

  10. What is the relationship between Gazi Pir and the Sunderbans?
    Gazi Pir is believed to have spread Islam in the areas near the Sunderbans. His miraculous deeds, such as calming wild animals, were particularly important in the Sunderbans, a region full of dangerous wildlife and waterways.

Summary of "The Legend of Gazi"

Gazi Pir was a revered Muslim saint believed to have spread Islam in the Bengal region near the Sunderbans. He was credited with performing miracles, such as calming wild animals and protecting villagers from dangerous creatures. Depicted in scroll paintings, he is shown riding a Bengal tiger, holding a snake, and remaining unharmed. Gazi Pir is also said to have fought crocodiles that threatened the local people, ensuring safety in the region's jungle-filled landscape. Villagers prayed to him for protection, and his story has been passed down through folk literature, art, and indigenous theatre. Some Gazir paat scrolls are part of the British Museum's collection.

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