Marie Curie ||Textbook page 84, 85, 86 & 87 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Four: History Lesson Two Great Women || English first paper ||Line by line Bangla meaning, word meaning in Bangla meaning, short questions, text questions and answer ||

Marie Curie ||Textbook page 84, 85, 86 & 87 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Four: History Lesson Two Great Women || English first paper ||Line by line Bangla meaning, word meaning in Bangla meaning, short questions summary|| 

Marie Curie

"Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained." -Marie Curie

Do you know who was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize? Or the first person in history to achieve the remarkable feat of winning two Nobel Prizes? Do you know who is the only woman to receive two Nobel Prizes, and in two different scientific fields?

The answer to all of these questions points to one extraordinary individual: Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie, more famously known as Marie Curie.

A. Let us read an account of the life of this great woman, adapted and slightly abridged from the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

Early life

Marie Curie née Maria Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867, the daughter of a secondary-school teacher. From childhood she was remarkable for her prodigious memory, and at the age of 16 she won a gold medal on completion of her secondary education at the Russian lycée. Because her father, a teacher of mathematics and physics, lost his savings through bad investments, she had to take work as a teacher and, at the same time, took part clandestinely in the nationalist "free university," reading in Polish to women workers. At the age of 18 she took a post as governess. From her earnings she was able to finance her sister Bronisława's medical studies in Paris, with the understanding that Bronisława would in turn later help her to get an education.

Move to Paris, Pierre Curie, and the first Nobel Prize

In 1891. Skłodowska went to Paris and, now using the name Marie, began to follow the lectures of Paul Appell, Gabriel Lippmann, and Edmond Bouty at the Sorbonne. There she met many physicists who were already well known. Skłodowska worked far into the night in her student-quarters garret and virtually lived on bread and butter and tea. She came first in the licence examination of physical sciences in 1893. She began to work in Lippmann's research laboratory and in 1894 was placed second in the licence examination of mathematical sciences. It was in the spring of that year that she met Pierre Curie.

Their marriage (July 25, 1895) marked the start of a partnership that was soon to achieve results of world significance, in particular the discovery of polonium (so called by Marie in honour of her native land) in the summer of 1898 and that of radium a few months later. Following Henri Becquerel's discovery (1896) of a new phenomenon (which she later called "radioactivity"), Marie Curie, looking for a subject for a thesis, decided to find out if the property discovered in uranium was to be found in other matter. She discovered that this was true for thorium at the same time as G.C. Schmidt did.

Turning her attention to minerals, she found her interest drawn to pitchblende, a mineral whose activity, superior to that of pure uranium, could be explained only by the presence in the ore of small quantities of an unknown substance of very high activity. Pierre Curie then joined her in the work that she had undertaken to resolve this problem and that led to the discovery of the new elements, polonium and radium. While Pierre Curie devoted himself chiefly to the physical study of the new radiations. Marie Curie struggled to obtain pure radium in the metallic state-achieved with the help of the chemist André-Louis Debierne, one of Pierre Curie's pupils. On the results of this research, Marie Curie received her doctorate of science in June 1903 and, with Pierre, was awarded the Davy Medal of the Royal Society. Also, in 1903, they shared with Becquerel the Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery of radioactivity.

The birth of her two daughters, Iréne and Eve, in 1897 and 1904, did not interrupt Marie's intensive scientific work. She was appointed lecturer in physics at the École Normale Supérieure for girls in Sèvres (1900) and introduced there a method of teaching based on experimental demonstrations. In December 1904 she was appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by Pierre Curie.

Death of Pierre and second Nobel Prize

The sudden death of Pierre Curie (April 19, 1906) was a bitter blow to Marie Curie, but it was also a decisive turning point in her career: henceforth she was to devote all her energy to completing alone the scientific work that they had undertaken. On May 13, 1906, she was appointed to the professorship that had been left vacant on her husband's death; she was the first woman to teach in the Sorbonne. In 1908 she became titular professor, and in 1910 her fundamental treatise on radioactivity was published. In 1911 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, for the isolation of pure radium.

Throughout World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irène, devoted herself to the development of the use of X-radiography. In 1918 the Radium Institute, the staff of which Irène had joined, began to operate in earnest, and it was to become a universal centre for nuclear physics and chemistry. Marie Curie, now at the highest point of her fame and, from 1922, a member of the Academy of Medicine, devoted her researches to the study of the chemistry of radioactive substances and the medical applications of these substances.


In 1934, Marie Curie died as a result of aplastic anemia caused by the action of radiation. Her contribution to physics had been immense, not only in her own work, the importance of which had been demonstrated by the award to her of two Nobel Prizes, but because of her influence on subsequent generations of nuclear physicists and chemists. Marie Curie, together with Irène Joliot-Curie. wrote the entry on radium for the 13th edition (1926) of the Encyclopædia Britannica.

In 1995 Marie Curie's ashes were enshrined in the Panthéon in Paris; she was the first woman to receive this honour for her own achievements. Her office and laboratory in the Curie Pavilion of the Radium Institute are preserved as the Curie Museum

Here are some words from the text, along with their meanings in Bangla, synonyms, and antonyms:

  1. Perseverance
    Bangla: অধ্যবসায়
    Synonym: Determination
    Antonym: Discouragement

  2. Confidence
    Bangla: আত্মবিশ্বাস
    Synonym: Assurance
    Antonym: Doubt

  3. Prodigious
    Bangla: বিস্ময়কর
    Synonym: Extraordinary
    Antonym: Ordinary

  4. Licence
    Bangla: অনুমতি
    Synonym: Authorization
    Antonym: Prohibition

  5. Clandestinely
    Bangla: গোপনে
    Synonym: Secretly
    Antonym: Openly

  6. Remarkable
    Bangla: উল্লেখযোগ্য
    Synonym: Noteworthy
    Antonym: Unremarkable

  7. Partnership
    Bangla: অংশীদারি
    Synonym: Collaboration
    Antonym: Separation

  8. Significance
    Bangla: গুরুত্ব
    Synonym: Importance
    Antonym: Insignificance

  9. Phenomenon
    Bangla: ঘটনা
    Synonym: Event
    Antonym: Normality

  10. Devote
    Bangla: সমর্পণ
    Synonym: Dedicate
    Antonym: Neglect

  11. Intensive
    Bangla: তীব্র
    Synonym: Thorough
    Antonym: Mild

  12. Appointment
    Bangla: নিয়োগ
    Synonym: Assignment
    Antonym: Dismissal

  13. Chief
    Bangla: প্রধান
    Synonym: Principal
    Antonym: Subordinate

  14. Treatise
    Bangla: প্রবন্ধ
    Synonym: Article
    Antonym: Brief

  15. Fundamental
    Bangla: মৌলিক
    Synonym: Essential
    Antonym: Superficial

  16. Isolation
    Bangla: বিচ্ছিন্নতা
    Synonym: Separation
    Antonym: Connection

  17. Influence
    Bangla: প্রভাব
    Synonym: Effect
    Antonym: Powerlessness

  18. Contribute
    Bangla: অবদান রাখা
    Synonym: Donate
    Antonym: Take

  19. Embrace
    Bangla: আলিঙ্গন
    Synonym: Hug
    Antonym: Reject

  20. Achievement
    Bangla: সাফল্য
    Synonym: Accomplishment
    Antonym: Failure

  21. Research
    Bangla: গবেষণা
    Synonym: Investigation
    Antonym: Ignorance

  22. Enshrine
    Bangla: সংরক্ষণ
    Synonym: Preserve
    Antonym: Desecrate

  23. Honour
    Bangla: সম্মান
    Synonym: Respect
    Antonym: Disrespect

  24. Noteworthy
    Bangla: উল্লেখযোগ্য
    Synonym: Remarkable
    Antonym: Forgettable

  25. Institute
    Bangla: প্রতিষ্ঠান
    Synonym: Organization
    Antonym: Disbandment

  26. Radiation
    Bangla: বিকিরণ
    Synonym: Emission
    Antonym: Obstruction

  27. Nuclear
    Bangla: পারমাণবিক
    Synonym: Atomic
    Antonym: Non-nuclear

  28. Devotion
    Bangla: নিবেদন
    Synonym: Commitment
    Antonym: Indifference

  29. Contribution
    Bangla: অবদান
    Synonym: Input
    Antonym: Withdrawal

  30. Appoint
    Bangla: নিয়োগ করা
    Synonym: Assign
    Antonym: Remove

  31. Prestige
    Bangla: খ্যাতি
    Synonym: Status
    Antonym: Disgrace

  32. Professor
    Bangla: অধ্যাপক
    Synonym: Lecturer
    Antonym: Student

  33. Breakthrough
    Bangla: বিরাট উন্নতি
    Synonym: Advancement
    Antonym: Setback

  34. Assist
    Bangla: সহায়তা করা
    Synonym: Help
    Antonym: Hinder

  35. Radiography
    Bangla: রেডিওগ্রাফি
    Synonym: X-ray
    Antonym: Ultraviolet

  36. Achievement
    Bangla: অর্জন
    Synonym: Success
    Antonym: Defeat

  37. Fundamental
    Bangla: মৌলিক
    Synonym: Basic
    Antonym: Trivial

  38. Legacy
    Bangla: ঐতিহ্য
    Synonym: Inheritance
    Antonym: Loss

  39. Consequences
    Bangla: পরিণতি
    Synonym: Results
    Antonym: Causes

  40. Fame
    Bangla: খ্যাতি
    Synonym: Renown
    Antonym: Obscurity

  41. Profound
    Bangla: গভীর
    Synonym: Deep
    Antonym: Shallow

  42. Tremendous
    Bangla: বিপুল
    Synonym: Enormous
    Antonym: Small

  43. Discovered
    Bangla: আবিষ্কৃত
    Synonym: Found
    Antonym: Lost

  44. Intelligence
    Bangla: বুদ্ধিমত্তা
    Synonym: Wisdom
    Antonym: Stupidity

  45. Controversy
    Bangla: বিতর্ক
    Synonym: Disagreement
    Antonym: Agreement

Line by line Bangla meaning 

  1. Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that?
    জীবন আমাদের কারও জন্যই সহজ নয়। কিন্তু তাতে কী?

  2. We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves.
    আমাদের ধৈর্য ধরতে হবে এবং তার চেয়েও গুরুত্বপূর্ণ হলো নিজেদের প্রতি বিশ্বাস রাখতে হবে।

  3. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.
    আমাদের বিশ্বাস রাখতে হবে যে আমরা কোনো একটি বিশেষ গুণের অধিকারী এবং সেটি অর্জন করতেই হবে।

  4. Do you know who was the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize?
    আপনি কি জানেন, প্রথম নারী হিসেবে কে নোবেল পুরস্কার পেয়েছিলেন?

  5. Or the first person in history to achieve the remarkable feat of winning two Nobel Prizes?
    অথবা ইতিহাসে প্রথম ব্যক্তি হিসেবে কে দুটি নোবেল পুরস্কার জয়ের বিরল কৃতিত্ব অর্জন করেছিলেন?

  6. Do you know who is the only woman to receive two Nobel Prizes, and in two different scientific fields?
    আপনি কি জানেন, কে একমাত্র নারী যিনি দুটি ভিন্ন বৈজ্ঞানিক ক্ষেত্রে দুটি নোবেল পুরস্কার পেয়েছেন?

  7. The answer to all of these questions points to one extraordinary individual: Maria Salomea Skłodowska-Curie, more famously known as Marie Curie.
    এই সমস্ত প্রশ্নের উত্তর এক অসাধারণ ব্যক্তির দিকে নির্দেশ করে: মারিয়া সালোমিয়া স্ক্লোডোফস্কা-কুরি, যিনি মারি কুরি নামে বেশি পরিচিত।

Early life

  1. Marie Curie née Maria Sklodowska, was born in Warsaw on November 7, 1867, the daughter of a secondary-school teacher.
    মারি কুরি, যার জন্মনাম মারিয়া স্ক্লোডোফস্কা, ৭ নভেম্বর ১৮৬৭ সালে ওয়ারশতে জন্মগ্রহণ করেন। তিনি এক মাধ্যমিক বিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষকের কন্যা ছিলেন।

  2. From childhood she was remarkable for her prodigious memory, and at the age of 16 she won a gold medal on completion of her secondary education at the Russian lycée.
    শৈশব থেকেই তিনি অসাধারণ স্মৃতিশক্তির জন্য পরিচিত ছিলেন এবং ১৬ বছর বয়সে রাশিয়ান lycée থেকে মাধ্যমিক শিক্ষা শেষ করে স্বর্ণপদক অর্জন করেন।

  3. Because her father, a teacher of mathematics and physics, lost his savings through bad investments, she had to take work as a teacher and, at the same time, took part clandestinely in the nationalist "free university," reading in Polish to women workers.
    তার বাবা, যিনি গণিত ও পদার্থবিজ্ঞানের শিক্ষক ছিলেন, খারাপ বিনিয়োগের কারণে তার সমস্ত সঞ্চয় হারান। ফলে মারিকে শিক্ষকতার কাজ নিতে হয় এবং একই সময়ে তিনি গোপনে জাতীয়তাবাদী "ফ্রি ইউনিভার্সিটি" তে অংশ নিতেন, যেখানে তিনি পোলিশ ভাষায় নারী শ্রমিকদের পড়াতেন।

  4. At the age of 18 she took a post as governess.
    ১৮ বছর বয়সে তিনি গৃহশিক্ষকের চাকরি গ্রহণ করেন।

  5. From her earnings she was able to finance her sister Bronisława's medical studies in Paris, with the understanding that Bronisława would in turn later help her to get an education.
    তার উপার্জন থেকে তিনি তার বোন ব্রোনিস্লাভার প্যারিসে চিকিৎসাশাস্ত্র পড়ার খরচ বহন করেন, এই শর্তে যে ব্রোনিস্লাভা পরবর্তীতে তাকে পড়াশোনায় সহায়তা করবেন।

Move to Paris, Pierre Curie, and the first Nobel Prize

  1. In 1891, Skłodowska went to Paris and, now using the name Marie, began to follow the lectures of Paul Appell, Gabriel Lippmann, and Edmond Bouty at the Sorbonne.
    ১৮৯১ সালে স্ক্লোডোফস্কা প্যারিসে যান এবং তখন থেকে তিনি "মারি" নামে পরিচিত হন। তিনি সোরবোনে পল আপেল, গ্যাব্রিয়েল লিপম্যান এবং এডমন্ড বুটির বক্তৃতা অনুসরণ করতে শুরু করেন।

  2. There she met many physicists who were already well known.
    সেখানে তিনি অনেক স্বনামধন্য পদার্থবিদদের সাথে পরিচিত হন।

  3. Skłodowska worked far into the night in her student-quarters garret and virtually lived on bread and butter and tea.
    স্ক্লোডোফস্কা রাতভর তার ছাত্রাবাসের কক্ষে পড়াশোনা করতেন এবং মূলত রুটি, মাখন ও চায়ের উপর নির্ভর করেই জীবনযাপন করতেন।

  4. She came first in the licence examination of physical sciences in 1893.
    ১৮৯৩ সালে তিনি পদার্থবিজ্ঞানের লাইসেন্স পরীক্ষায় প্রথম স্থান অধিকার করেন।

  5. She began to work in Lippmann's research laboratory and in 1894 was placed second in the licence examination of mathematical sciences.
    তিনি লিপম্যানের গবেষণাগারে কাজ শুরু করেন এবং ১৮৯৪ সালে গণিত বিজ্ঞানের লাইসেন্স পরীক্ষায় দ্বিতীয় স্থান অর্জন করেন।

  6. It was in the spring of that year that she met Pierre Curie.
    ওই বছর বসন্তে তার সঙ্গে পিয়ের কুরির পরিচয় হয়।

  1. Their marriage (July 25, 1895) marked the start of a partnership that was soon to achieve results of world significance, in particular the discovery of polonium (so called by Marie in honour of her native land) in the summer of 1898 and that of radium a few months later.
    তাদের বিবাহ (২৫ জুলাই, ১৮৯৫) একটি অংশীদারিত্বের সূচনা করেছিল, যা শীঘ্রই বিশ্বব্যাপী গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ফলাফল অর্জন করবে, বিশেষ করে ১৮৯৮ সালের গ্রীষ্মে পোলোনিয়ামের আবিষ্কার (যাকে মেরি তার জন্মভূমির সম্মানে নামকরণ করেছিলেন) এবং কয়েক মাস পরে রেডিয়ামের আবিষ্কার।

  2. Following Henri Becquerel's discovery (1896) of a new phenomenon (which she later called "radioactivity"), Marie Curie, looking for a subject for a thesis, decided to find out if the property discovered in uranium was to be found in other matter.
    অ্যাঁরি বেকেরেলের (১৮৯৬) নতুন আবিষ্কারের (যাকে পরে তিনি "রেডিওঅ্যাক্টিভিটি" নামে অভিহিত করেছিলেন) পর, মেরি কুরি তার গবেষণার জন্য একটি বিষয় খুঁজতে গিয়ে সিদ্ধান্ত নেন যে ইউরেনিয়ামে আবিষ্কৃত বৈশিষ্ট্যটি অন্য পদার্থেও রয়েছে কিনা তা অনুসন্ধান করবেন।

  3. She discovered that this was true for thorium at the same time as G.C. Schmidt did.
    তিনি আবিষ্কার করেন যে এটি থোরিয়ামের ক্ষেত্রেও প্রযোজ্য, একই সময়ে জি.সি. শ্মিড্টও একই আবিষ্কার করেন।

  4. Turning her attention to minerals, she found her interest drawn to pitchblende, a mineral whose activity, superior to that of pure uranium, could be explained only by the presence in the ore of small quantities of an unknown substance of very high activity.
    তিনি খনিজগুলোর প্রতি মনোযোগ দেন এবং লক্ষ্য করেন যে পিচব্লেন্ড নামে একটি খনিজ তার আগ্রহ আকর্ষণ করছে, যার সক্রিয়তা বিশুদ্ধ ইউরেনিয়ামের তুলনায় অনেক বেশি। এটি কেবলমাত্র আকরিকের মধ্যে একটি অজানা পদার্থের সামান্য পরিমাণ উচ্চমাত্রায় সক্রিয় থাকার কারণেই ব্যাখ্যা করা সম্ভব।

  5. Pierre Curie then joined her in the work that she had undertaken to resolve this problem and that led to the discovery of the new elements, polonium and radium.
    এরপর পিয়ের কুরি এই সমস্যার সমাধানের জন্য তার গবেষণায় যোগ দেন এবং এটি নতুন দুটি মৌল, পোলোনিয়াম ও রেডিয়ামের আবিষ্কারের দিকে導ে।

  6. While Pierre Curie devoted himself chiefly to the physical study of the new radiations, Marie Curie struggled to obtain pure radium in the metallic state—achieved with the help of the chemist André-Louis Debierne, one of Pierre Curie's pupils.
    যখন পিয়ের কুরি প্রধানত নতুন বিকিরণের ভৌত গবেষণায় মনোনিবেশ করেছিলেন, তখন মেরি কুরি ধাতব অবস্থায় বিশুদ্ধ রেডিয়াম পাওয়ার জন্য সংগ্রাম করছিলেন, যা তিনি পিয়ের কুরির এক ছাত্র, রসায়নবিদ আন্দ্রে-লুইস ডেবিয়ের্নের সহায়তায় অর্জন করেন।

  7. On the results of this research, Marie Curie received her doctorate of science in June 1903 and, with Pierre, was awarded the Davy Medal of the Royal Society.
    এই গবেষণার ফলস্বরূপ, মেরি কুরি ১৯০৩ সালের জুন মাসে বিজ্ঞান বিভাগে ডক্টরেট ডিগ্রি অর্জন করেন এবং পিয়ের কুরির সঙ্গে রয়্যাল সোসাইটির ডেভি পদকে ভূষিত হন।

  8. Also, in 1903, they shared with Becquerel the Nobel Prize for Physics for the discovery of radioactivity.
    এছাড়াও, ১৯০৩ সালে, তারা বেকেরেলের সঙ্গে রেডিওঅ্যাক্টিভিটি আবিষ্কারের জন্য পদার্থবিজ্ঞানে নোবেল পুরস্কার ভাগ করে নেন।

  9. The birth of her two daughters, Iréne and Eve, in 1897 and 1904, did not interrupt Marie's intensive scientific work.
    ১৮৯৭ এবং ১৯০৪ সালে তার দুই কন্যা, ইরেন এবং ইভের জন্ম হলেও মেরি কুরির নিবিড় বৈজ্ঞানিক কাজ ব্যাহত হয়নি।

  10. She was appointed lecturer in physics at the École Normale Supérieure for girls in Sèvres (1900) and introduced there a method of teaching based on experimental demonstrations.
    তিনি ১৯০০ সালে সেভ্রেসে অবস্থিত ইকোল নরমাল সুপিরিয়র ফর গার্লস-এ পদার্থবিদ্যার প্রভাষক হিসেবে নিয়োগপ্রাপ্ত হন এবং সেখানে পরীক্ষামূলক প্রদর্শনের ভিত্তিতে শিক্ষাদানের একটি নতুন পদ্ধতি চালু করেন।

  11. In December 1904 she was appointed chief assistant in the laboratory directed by Pierre Curie.
    ১৯০৪ সালের ডিসেম্বর মাসে তাকে পিয়ের কুরির পরিচালিত গবেষণাগারের প্রধান সহকারী হিসেবে নিয়োগ দেওয়া হয়।

  12. The sudden death of Pierre Curie (April 19, 1906) was a bitter blow to Marie Curie, but it was also a decisive turning point in her career: henceforth she was to devote all her energy to completing alone the scientific work that they had undertaken.
    ১৯০৬ সালের ১৯ এপ্রিল পিয়ের কুরির আকস্মিক মৃত্যু মেরি কুরির জন্য গভীর আঘাত ছিল, তবে এটি তার কর্মজীবনের জন্য একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ মোড়ও বয়ে আনে। এরপর থেকে তিনি একাই তাদের শুরু করা বৈজ্ঞানিক কাজ সম্পন্ন করার জন্য তার সমস্ত শক্তি নিবেদন করেন।

  13. On May 13, 1906, she was appointed to the professorship that had been left vacant on her husband's death; she was the first woman to teach in the Sorbonne.
    ১৯০৬ সালের ১৩ মে তাকে সেই অধ্যাপকের পদে নিযুক্ত করা হয়, যা তার স্বামীর মৃত্যুর পর শূন্য হয়ে গিয়েছিল; তিনি সরবোন বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে পড়ানো প্রথম নারী হন।

  14. In 1908 she became titular professor, and in 1910 her fundamental treatise on radioactivity was published.
    ১৯০৮ সালে তিনি পূর্ণ অধ্যাপক হন এবং ১৯১০ সালে তার মৌলিক গ্রন্থ "রেডিওঅ্যাক্টিভিটি" প্রকাশিত হয়।

  1. In 1911 she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry, for the isolation of pure radium.
    ১৯১১ সালে তিনি খাঁটি রেডিয়াম পৃথক করার জন্য রসায়নে নোবেল পুরস্কার লাভ করেন।

  2. Throughout World War I, Marie Curie, with the help of her daughter Irène, devoted herself to the development of the use of X-radiography.
    প্রথম বিশ্বযুদ্ধের সময়, মেরি কুরি তার কন্যা ইরেনের সহায়তায় এক্স-রেডিওগ্রাফির ব্যবহার উন্নয়নে নিজেকে নিয়োজিত করেন।

  3. In 1918 the Radium Institute, the staff of which Irène had joined, began to operate in earnest, and it was to become a universal centre for nuclear physics and chemistry.
    ১৯১৮ সালে রেডিয়াম ইনস্টিটিউট, যেখানে ইরেন কর্মী হিসেবে যোগ দিয়েছিলেন, কার্যক্রম শুরু করে এবং এটি পরমাণু পদার্থবিদ্যা ও রসায়নের একটি বিশ্বব্যাপী কেন্দ্র হয়ে ওঠে।

  4. Marie Curie, now at the highest point of her fame and, from 1922, a member of the Academy of Medicine, devoted her researches to the study of the chemistry of radioactive substances and the medical applications of these substances.
    মেরি কুরি তখন তার খ্যাতির শীর্ষে পৌঁছেছিলেন এবং ১৯২২ সাল থেকে মেডিসিন একাডেমির সদস্য ছিলেন। তিনি তেজস্ক্রিয় পদার্থের রাসায়নিক বিশ্লেষণ ও তাদের চিকিৎসা ক্ষেত্রে প্রয়োগ নিয়ে গবেষণায় মনোনিবেশ করেন।

  5. In 1934, Marie Curie died as a result of aplastic anemia caused by the action of radiation.
    ১৯৩৪ সালে, মেরি কুরি বিকিরণের প্রভাবে সৃষ্ট অ্যাপ্লাস্টিক অ্যানেমিয়ায় আক্রান্ত হয়ে মৃত্যুবরণ করেন।

  6. Her contribution to physics had been immense, not only in her own work, the importance of which had been demonstrated by the award to her of two Nobel Prizes, but because of her influence on subsequent generations of nuclear physicists and chemists.
    পদার্থবিদ্যায় তার অবদান ছিল বিশাল। কেবল তার নিজস্ব কাজেই নয়, যা দুটি নোবেল পুরস্কার লাভের মাধ্যমে প্রমাণিত হয়েছে, বরং পরবর্তী প্রজন্মের পরমাণু পদার্থবিদ ও রসায়নবিদদের ওপর তার প্রভাবের জন্যও।

  7. Marie Curie, together with Irène Joliot-Curie, wrote the entry on radium for the 13th edition (1926) of the Encyclopædia Britannica.
    মেরি কুরি, তার কন্যা ইরেন জোলিও-কুরির সঙ্গে, ১৯২৬ সালে এনসাইক্লোপিডিয়া ব্রিটানিকার ১৩তম সংস্করণের জন্য রেডিয়াম সম্পর্কে নিবন্ধ লেখেন।

  8. In 1995 Marie Curie's ashes were enshrined in the Panthéon in Paris; she was the first woman to receive this honour for her own achievements.
    ১৯৯৫ সালে মেরি কুরির ছাই প্যারিসের প্যানথিয়নে সংরক্ষিত হয়; তিনি তার নিজস্ব কৃতিত্বের জন্য এই সম্মানপ্রাপ্ত প্রথম নারী।

  9. Her office and laboratory in the Curie Pavilion of the Radium Institute are preserved as the Curie Museum.
    রেডিয়াম ইনস্টিটিউটের কুরি প্যাভিলিয়নে তার অফিস ও গবেষণাগার কুরি মিউজিয়াম হিসেবে সংরক্ষিত রয়েছে

Here are some important multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the passage about Marie Curie for class eleven Bangladeshi students:

  1. Where was Marie Curie born?

    • A) Paris
    • B) Warsaw
    • C) London
    • D) Vienna
      Answer: B) Warsaw
  2. Marie Curie was the daughter of a...

    • A) Doctor
    • B) Teacher
    • C) Scientist
    • D) Politician
      Answer: B) Teacher
  3. At the age of 16, Marie Curie won a...

    • A) Scholarship
    • B) Gold medal
    • C) Nobel Prize
    • D) Science competition
      Answer: B) Gold medal
  4. Which university did Marie Curie attend in Paris?

    • A) Harvard University
    • B) Oxford University
    • C) Sorbonne
    • D) Cambridge University
      Answer: C) Sorbonne
  5. Marie Curie changed her name to...

    • A) Maria
    • B) Marie
    • C) Madeline
    • D) Susanna
      Answer: B) Marie
  6. Who did Marie Curie marry?

    • A) Albert Einstein
    • B) Pierre Curie
    • C) Henri Becquerel
    • D) Paul Appell
      Answer: B) Pierre Curie
  7. In which year did Marie Curie marry Pierre Curie?

    • A) 1890
    • B) 1895
    • C) 1900
    • D) 1905
      Answer: B) 1895
  8. Which element did Marie Curie discover and name after her native country?

    • A) Uranium
    • B) Polonium
    • C) Radium
    • D) Thorium
      Answer: B) Polonium
  9. What significant substance did Marie Curie and Pierre Curie discover together in 1898?

    • A) Radium
    • B) Hydrogen
    • C) Polonium
    • D) Oxygen
      Answer: A) Radium
  10. Marie Curie received her doctorate in which field?

    • A) Mathematics
    • B) Physics
    • C) Chemistry
    • D) Biology
      Answer: B) Physics
  11. In which year did Marie Curie receive her first Nobel Prize?

    • A) 1901
    • B) 1903
    • C) 1905
    • D) 1911
      Answer: B) 1903
  12. With whom did Marie Curie share her first Nobel Prize in Physics?

    • A) Albert Einstein
    • B) Henri Becquerel and Pierre Curie
    • C) André-Louis Debierne
    • D) Irène Joliot-Curie
      Answer: B) Henri Becquerel and Pierre Curie
  13. Marie Curie was the first woman to...

    • A) Win two Nobel Prizes
    • B) Teach at the Sorbonne
    • C) Discover radium
    • D) Become a doctor
      Answer: B) Teach at the Sorbonne
  14. In which year did Pierre Curie die?

    • A) 1900
    • B) 1906
    • C) 1910
    • D) 1915
      Answer: B) 1906
  15. Marie Curie became the first woman to receive a Nobel Prize in...

    • A) Chemistry
    • B) Medicine
    • C) Physics
    • D) Literature
      Answer: C) Physics
  16. Marie Curie’s second Nobel Prize was in which field?

    • A) Chemistry
    • B) Physics
    • C) Medicine
    • D) Biology
      Answer: A) Chemistry
  17. In which year did Marie Curie receive the Nobel Prize in Chemistry?

    • A) 1903
    • B) 1905
    • C) 1911
    • D) 1915
      Answer: C) 1911
  18. What was Marie Curie's contribution during World War I?

    • A) Developed the use of X-ray radiography
    • B) Worked on radar technology
    • C) Developed vaccines
    • D) Worked in military hospitals
      Answer: A) Developed the use of X-ray radiography
  19. Who helped Marie Curie in the development of X-radiography?

    • A) Irène Joliot-Curie
    • B) Pierre Curie
    • C) Albert Einstein
    • D) Henri Becquerel
      Answer: A) Irène Joliot-Curie
  20. In which year did Marie Curie pass away?

    • A) 1920
    • B) 1934
    • C) 1940
    • D) 1950
      Answer: B) 1934
  21. What disease caused Marie Curie's death?

    • A) Tuberculosis
    • B) Aplastic anemia
    • C) Cancer
    • D) Pneumonia
      Answer: B) Aplastic anemia
  22. Marie Curie’s ashes were enshrined in the Panthéon in...

    • A) 1895
    • B) 1922
    • C) 1945
    • D) 1995
      Answer: D) 1995
  23. What honor did Marie Curie receive in 1995?

    • A) Nobel Prize in Chemistry
    • B) A statue in her honor
    • C) Her ashes enshrined in the Panthéon
    • D) The title of 'Mother of Science'
      Answer: C) Her ashes enshrined in the Panthéon
  24. Marie Curie’s contribution to which scientific field is regarded as immense?

    • A) Mathematics
    • B) Chemistry
    • C) Physics
    • D) Biology
      Answer: C) Physics
  25. In which year did Marie Curie publish her treatise on radioactivity?

    • A) 1903
    • B) 1910
    • C) 1911
    • D) 1920
      Answer: B) 1910
  26. Who was the second Nobel Laureate in Chemistry that Marie Curie’s work inspired?

    • A) Albert Einstein
    • B) Irène Joliot-Curie
    • C) Ernest Rutherford
    • D) Linus Pauling
      Answer: B) Irène Joliot-Curie
  27. What was Marie Curie's main interest when she first started her scientific research?

    • A) Minerals
    • B) Radioactivity
    • C) Polonium
    • D) Electricity
      Answer: B) Radioactivity
  28. Which mineral did Marie Curie study that led to her discovery of radium?

    • A) Uranium
    • B) Thorium
    • C) Pitchblende
    • D) Graphite
      Answer: C) Pitchblende
  29. In which country did Marie Curie conduct her scientific work?

    • A) United States
    • B) France
    • C) Germany
    • D) Poland
      Answer: B) France
  30. Marie Curie was the first woman to be awarded the Nobel Prize in which scientific field?

    • A) Physics
    • B) Chemistry
    • C) Medicine
    • D) Mathematics
      Answer: A) Physics
  31. Which of the following is NOT a discovery of Marie Curie?

    • A) Thorium
    • B) Radium
    • C) Polonium
    • D) Radioactivity
      Answer: A) Thorium
  32. Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize for the discovery of...

    • A) Electricity
    • B) Polonium
    • C) Radium
    • D) Radioactivity
      Answer: C) Radium
  33. Marie Curie's work in the field of radioactivity was influenced by which scientist's discovery?

    • A) Albert Einstein
    • B) Henri Becquerel
    • C) Isaac Newton
    • D) Michael Faraday
      Answer: B) Henri Becquerel
  34. Who assisted Marie Curie in isolating pure radium?

    • A) Pierre Curie
    • B) André-Louis Debierne
    • C) Irène Joliot-Curie
    • D) Paul Appell
      Answer: B) André-Louis Debierne
  35. Which famous institution did Marie Curie work for after the death of her husband?

    • A) The Royal Society
    • B) Sorbonne University
    • C) Harvard University
    • D) The French Academy
      Answer: B) Sorbonne University
  36. Marie Curie’s major contribution to medicine during World War I was the development of...

    • A) Chemotherapy
    • B) X-ray radiography
    • C) Radium treatment
    • D) Nuclear medicine
      Answer: B) X-ray radiography
  37. Who was the first woman to receive the Nobel Prize for Physics?

    • A) Marie Curie
    • B) Irène Joliot-Curie
    • C) Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin
    • D) Maria Goeppert Mayer
      Answer: A) Marie Curie
  38. Marie Curie’s research on radioactivity contributed to the development of which new scientific field?

    • A) Quantum Mechanics
    • B) Nuclear Physics
    • C) Genetics
    • D) Astrophysics
      Answer: B) Nuclear Physics
  39. Marie Curie’s second Nobel Prize was awarded in 1911 for her work in...

    • A) Theoretical Physics
    • B) Radioactivity and Radium
    • C) Chemistry
    • D) Medicine
      Answer: B) Radioactivity and Radium
  40. Marie Curie was the first woman to be buried in the Panthéon for her...

    • A) Scientific contributions
    • B) Political career
    • C) Invention of X-rays
    • D) Literary achievements
      Answer: A) Scientific contributions
  41. What caused Marie Curie’s aplastic anemia?

    • A) Poor diet
    • B) Radiation exposure
    • C) Genetic factors
    • D) Overwork
      Answer: B) Radiation exposure
  42. What was the name of Marie Curie’s daughter who assisted in the development of X-ray technology?

    • A) Eve Curie
    • B) Irène Joliot-Curie
    • C) Marie Joliot
    • D) Alice Curie
      Answer: B) Irène Joliot-Curie
  43. Where did Marie Curie’s ashes rest after her death?

    • A) Radium Institute
    • B) Panthéon in Paris
    • C) Sorbonne University
    • D) Warsaw
      Answer: B) Panthéon in Paris
  44. Which scientific phenomenon did Marie Curie describe as "radioactivity"?

    • A) The emission of light
    • B) The emission of radiation from unstable atoms
    • C) The formation of new elements
    • D) The process of crystallization
      Answer: B) The emission of radiation from unstable atoms
  45. Marie Curie’s work laid the foundation for future research in...

    • A) Space exploration
    • B) Nuclear energy and medicine
    • C) Genetics
    • D) Quantum computing
      Answer: B) Nuclear energy and medicine

Here are some important short questions and their answers based on the passage about Marie Curie for class eleven Bangladeshi students:

  1. Who was Marie Curie?

    • Marie Curie, born Maria Salomea Skłodowska in Warsaw in 1867, was a pioneering scientist known for her groundbreaking research on radioactivity. She was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize and the only person to receive two Nobel Prizes in different scientific fields.
  2. What was Marie Curie’s early education like?

    • Marie Curie excelled in her early education, winning a gold medal upon completing her secondary studies at the Russian lycée in Warsaw. Despite financial hardships, she later moved to Paris to continue her education at the Sorbonne.
  3. Why did Marie Curie move to Paris?

    • Marie Curie moved to Paris in 1891 to pursue higher education at the Sorbonne because she could not continue her studies in Poland due to financial and political reasons.
  4. How did Marie Curie support her sister’s education?

    • Marie Curie worked as a governess and used her earnings to support her sister Bronisława’s medical studies in Paris, with the agreement that her sister would later help Marie with her education.
  5. What were Marie Curie’s major scientific discoveries?

    • Marie Curie, with her husband Pierre, discovered two elements, polonium and radium, by researching the radioactive properties of minerals like pitchblende. This work led to her Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903.
  6. What role did Pierre Curie play in Marie Curie's research?

    • Pierre Curie collaborated with Marie in their research on radioactivity, especially in studying the physical aspects of the new radiations. He supported her in isolating radium and was an integral part of their scientific partnership.
  7. When did Marie Curie receive her first Nobel Prize, and for what discovery?

    • In 1903, Marie Curie, along with Pierre Curie and Henri Becquerel, received the Nobel Prize in Physics for the discovery of radioactivity.
  8. What happened to Marie Curie after her husband’s death?

    • After Pierre Curie’s sudden death in 1906, Marie Curie continued their scientific work alone. She was appointed to his vacant professorship at the Sorbonne, becoming the first woman to teach there.
  9. What was Marie Curie’s contribution to medical science during World War I?

    • During World War I, Marie Curie contributed to the development of X-ray technology, which was used for medical purposes, especially in treating wounded soldiers. She also trained medical personnel to operate X-ray machines.
  10. What was the significance of Marie Curie’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry?

  • In 1911, Marie Curie received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her work in isolating pure radium, marking her second Nobel Prize and making her the first woman to receive two Nobel Prizes.
  1. What impact did Marie Curie’s work have on future scientists?
  • Marie Curie’s research laid the foundation for nuclear physics and chemistry, influencing subsequent generations of scientists. Her discovery of radioactivity led to major advances in medicine and physics.
  1. How did Marie Curie contribute to the establishment of the Radium Institute?
  • Marie Curie helped establish the Radium Institute in 1918, a center for nuclear physics and chemistry. The institute later became a leading research hub in the study of radioactive substances.
  1. What honor did Marie Curie receive in 1995?
  • In 1995, Marie Curie was honored by having her ashes enshrined in the Panthéon in Paris, becoming the first woman to receive this distinction for her own achievements.
  1. What was Marie Curie’s cause of death?
  • Marie Curie died in 1934 from aplastic anemia, which was caused by prolonged exposure to radiation during her research.
  1. How is Marie Curie remembered today?

  • Marie Curie is remembered as one of the most influential scientists in history. Her legacy is preserved through the Curie Museum, her enshrinement in the Panthéon, and her significant contributions to science, particularly in the fields of physics and chemistry.

Summary of the passage 

Marie Curie, born in 1867 in Warsaw, was a pioneering scientist known for her groundbreaking work in radioactivity. After moving to Paris, she met Pierre Curie, and together they discovered the elements polonium and radium. In 1903, they were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their work on radioactivity. Following Pierre's death in 1906, Marie continued their research and became the first woman professor at the Sorbonne. In 1911, she won a second Nobel Prize, this time in Chemistry, for isolating pure radium. Marie Curie’s contributions to science were immense, and she died in 1934 from radiation exposure. She became the first woman to be enshrined in the Panthéon in 1995.

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