Unit: one : Education and life Lesson 2: Education and Technology|| Hsc new text book. New syllabus 2025. Class eleven and twelve. summary and model questions answer.
Lesson 2: Education and Technology
কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা আমাদের শেখা ও শেখানোর পদ্ধতিকে আমূল পরিবর্তন করার সম্ভাবনা রাখে।
As a tool in the classroom, AI can provide students with personalised learning experiences, automate repetitive tasks and provide instant feedback.
শ্রেণিকক্ষে একটি সরঞ্জাম হিসেবে, কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা শিক্ষার্থীদের ব্যক্তিগতকৃত শেখার অভিজ্ঞতা প্রদান করতে পারে, পুনরাবৃত্তিমূলক কাজগুলো স্বয়ংক্রিয় করতে পারে এবং তাত্ক্ষণিক প্রতিক্রিয়া দিতে পারে।
However, it also has its limitations.
তবে, এর কিছু সীমাবদ্ধতাও রয়েছে।
Let us explore the pros and cons of AI as a tool in the classroom, address the concern that AI could be a threat to teachers' and instructors' jobs and discuss the role of edtech companies in advancing this AI use case.
আসুন, শ্রেণিকক্ষে একটি সরঞ্জাম হিসেবে কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তার সুবিধা ও অসুবিধাগুলো অন্বেষণ করি, শিক্ষকদের চাকরির জন্য এটি হুমকি হতে পারে কিনা তা নিয়ে উদ্বেগগুলো আলোচনা করি এবং এই প্রযুক্তির উন্নয়নে শিক্ষা প্রযুক্তি কোম্পানিগুলোর ভূমিকা আলোচনা করি।
Advantages of AI in the Classroom
শ্রেণিকক্ষে কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তার সুবিধাগুলো
One of the main advantages I see of AI in the classroom is personalised learning.
শ্রেণিকক্ষে কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তার একটি প্রধান সুবিধা হল ব্যক্তিগতকৃত শেখা।
AI-powered educational tools can analyse data on student performance and provide tailored support to improve their grades.
কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা দ্বারা পরিচালিত শিক্ষা সরঞ্জামগুলো শিক্ষার্থীদের পারফরম্যান্সের তথ্য বিশ্লেষণ করতে পারে এবং তাদের গ্রেড উন্নত করার জন্য নির্দিষ্ট সমর্থন প্রদান করতে পারে।
AI can also provide instant feedback.
কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা তাত্ক্ষণিক প্রতিক্রিয়াও দিতে পারে।
For example, AI-powered educational tools can provide students with immediate feedback on their work, allowing them to identify and correct mistakes quickly.
উদাহরণস্বরূপ, কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা চালিত শিক্ষা সরঞ্জামগুলো শিক্ষার্থীদের কাজের উপর তাত্ক্ষণিক প্রতিক্রিয়া দিতে পারে, যা তাদের দ্রুত ভুলগুলো শনাক্ত ও সংশোধন করতে সহায়তা করে।
Another advantage of AI is its ability to automate repetitive tasks.
কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তার আরেকটি সুবিধা হল এটি পুনরাবৃত্তিমূলক কাজগুলো স্বয়ংক্রিয় করতে পারে।
It can grade assignments and quizzes, which can free up teachers' time for other tasks, such as lesson planning and providing more one-on-one attention to students.
এটি অ্যাসাইনমেন্ট ও কুইজ মূল্যায়ন করতে পারে, যা শিক্ষকদের সময় বাঁচাতে পারে এবং তাদেরকে পাঠ পরিকল্পনা বা শিক্ষার্থীদের একান্ত মনোযোগ দেওয়ার মতো কাজে মনোযোগী হতে সাহায্য করে।
There are already a few AI tools that support learning in classroom or workplace contexts.
শ্রেণিকক্ষ বা কর্মক্ষেত্রে শেখার জন্য ইতিমধ্যেই কিছু কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা সরঞ্জাম রয়েছে।
For example, Ahura is an AI-powered learning assistant that tracks learning habits by observing attention and engagement.
উদাহরণস্বরূপ, আহুরা একটি কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা চালিত শিক্ষা সহকারী যা মনোযোগ ও সম্পৃক্ততা পর্যবেক্ষণ করে শেখার অভ্যাসগুলো ট্র্যাক করে।
Knewton offers an adaptive learning platform that provides personalized learning experiences for students.
ক্যুনিউটন একটি অভিযোজনযোগ্য শেখার প্ল্যাটফর্ম সরবরাহ করে, যা শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য ব্যক্তিগতকৃত শেখার অভিজ্ঞতা প্রদান করে।
Querium is an AI-powered tutor that provides students with step-by-step tutoring on math problems and builds personalized lesson plans.
কিউরিয়াম একটি কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা চালিত টিউটর, যা শিক্ষার্থীদের গণিত সমস্যাগুলোতে ধাপে ধাপে সাহায্য করে এবং ব্যক্তিগত পাঠ পরিকল্পনা তৈরি করে।
ALEKS is an AI-powered learning platform that provides individualized learning paths based on students' strengths and weaknesses.
এলেকস একটি কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা চালিত শিক্ষা প্ল্যাটফর্ম, যা শিক্ষার্থীদের শক্তি ও দুর্বলতার উপর ভিত্তি করে ব্যক্তিগতকৃত শেখার পথ তৈরি করে।
Carnegie Learning offers an AI-powered tutor that helps students improve their math skills by providing personalised learning based on their performance.
কার্নেগি লার্নিং একটি কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা চালিত টিউটর সরবরাহ করে, যা শিক্ষার্থীদের পারফরম্যান্সের উপর ভিত্তি করে ব্যক্তিগতকৃত শেখার মাধ্যমে তাদের গণিত দক্ষতা উন্নত করতে সাহায্য করে।
There's also Smart Sparrow, which allows users to provide constructive feedback that is unique to each student.
স্মার্ট স্প্যারো নামক একটি টুল রয়েছে, যা ব্যবহারকারীদের প্রতিটি শিক্ষার্থীর জন্য অনন্য গঠনমূলক প্রতিক্রিয়া দিতে সক্ষম করে।
Finally, Gradescope is an AI-powered grading tool that automates the grading process, which can free up teachers' time and allow them to provide more individualised attention to students.
পরিশেষে, গ্রেডস্কোপ একটি কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা চালিত মূল্যায়ন সরঞ্জাম, যা মূল্যায়ন প্রক্রিয়াকে স্বয়ংক্রিয় করে, শিক্ষকদের সময় সাশ্রয় করে এবং তাদেরকে শিক্ষার্থীদের প্রতি আরও ব্যক্তিগত মনোযোগ দেওয়ার সুযোগ করে দেয়।
These are just a few examples of AI tools with applications in the classroom.
এগুলো কেবলমাত্র শ্রেণিকক্ষে ব্যবহৃত কিছু কৃত্রিম বুদ্ধিমত্তা সরঞ্জামের উদাহরণ।
It is important to note that these tools should not replace teachers but rather assist them in their work.
এটি মনে রাখা গুরুত্বপূর্ণ যে, এই সরঞ্জামগুলো শিক্ষকদের পরিবর্তে নয় বরং তাদের কাজে সহায়ক হওয়ার জন্য তৈরি করা হয়েছে।
Here are 35 important English words with their Bangla meanings, synonyms, and antonyms:
Word | Bangla Meaning | Synonym | Antonym |
Abundant | প্রচুর | Plentiful, Ample | Scarce, Insufficient |
Accurate | সঠিক | Correct, Precise | Inaccurate, Wrong |
Achieve | অর্জন করা | Accomplish, Attain | Fail, Lose |
Adapt | মানিয়ে নেওয়া | Adjust, Modify | Resist, Oppose |
Ambitious | উচ্চাভিলাষী | Aspiring, Determined | Unmotivated, Lazy |
Analyze | বিশ্লেষণ করা | Examine, Evaluate | Ignore, Overlook |
Approve | অনুমোদন করা | Accept, Endorse | Reject, Disapprove |
Artificial | কৃত্রিম | Synthetic, Fake | Natural, Genuine |
Benefit | উপকার | Advantage, Gain | Harm, Loss |
Capable | সক্ষম | Competent, Skilled | Incapable, Inept |
Challenge | চ্যালেঞ্জ | Test, Difficulty | Agreement, Ease |
Compassion | সহানুভূতি | Empathy, Kindness | Cruelty, Apathy |
Confident | আত্মবিশ্বাসী | Assured, Positive | Uncertain, Doubtful |
Consequence | ফলাফল | Result, Outcome | Cause, Origin |
Critical | সমালোচনামূলক | Crucial, Judgmental | Complimentary, Minor |
Curious | কৌতূহলী | Inquisitive, Interested | Indifferent, Apathetic |
Dangerous | বিপজ্জনক | Risky, Hazardous | Safe, Secure |
Decline | পতন, প্রত্যাখ্যান | Decrease, Refuse | Increase, Accept |
Efficient | দক্ষ | Productive, Effective | Inefficient, Wasteful |
Encourage | উৎসাহিত করা | Motivate, Inspire | Discourage, Deter |
Essential | অপরিহার্য | Necessary, Vital | Optional, Nonessential |
Exhausted | ক্লান্ত | Tired, Worn-out | Energetic, Refreshed |
Flexible | নমনীয় | Adaptable, Elastic | Rigid, Stiff |
Generous | উদার | Kind, Charitable | Selfish, Stingy |
Harmony | সঙ্গতি | Peace, Agreement | Conflict, Discord |
Ignorant | অজ্ঞ | Uninformed, Naive | Knowledgeable, Aware |
Intelligent | বুদ্ধিমান | Smart, Clever | Foolish, Dumb |
Justice | ন্যায় | Fairness, Equity | Injustice, Inequity |
Limit | সীমা | Restriction, Boundary | Freedom, Infinity |
Modest | বিনয়ী | Humble, Simple | Arrogant, Proud |
Opportunity | সুযোগ | Chance, Prospect | Obstacle, Hindrance |
Optimistic | আশাবাদী | Positive, Hopeful | Pessimistic, Negative |
Patience | ধৈর্য | Endurance, Tolerance | Impatience, Intolerance |
Reliable | বিশ্বাসযোগ্য | Trustworthy, Dependable | Untrustworthy, Unreliable |
Unique | অনন্য | Distinct, Exceptional | Common, Ordinary |
Artificial intelligence has the potential to revolutionise the way we learn and teach. As a tool in the classroom. Al can provide students with personalised learning experiences, automate repetitive tasks and provide instant feedback. However, it also has its limitations. Let us explore the pros and cons of AI as a tool in the classroom, address the concern that AI could be a threat to teachers' and instructors' jobs and discuss the role of edtech companies in advancing this AI use case.
Advantages of AI in the Classroom
One of the main advantages I see of Al in the classroom is personalised learning. Al-powered educational tools can analyse data on student performance and provide tailored support to improve their grades.
AI can also provide instant feedback. For example, AI-powered educational tools can provide students with immediate feedback on their work, allowing them to identify and correct mistakes quickly.
Another advantage of Al is its ability to automate repetitive tasks. It can grade assignments and quizzes, which can free up teachers' time for other tasks, such as lesson planning and providing more one-on-one attention to students.
There are already a few Al tools that support learning in classroom or workplace contexts. For example, Ahura is an Al-powered learning assisant that tracks learning habits by observing attention and engagement. Knewton offers an adaptive learning platform that provides personalized learning experiences for students. Querium is an Al-powered tutor that provides students with step-by-step tutoring on math problems and builds personalized lesson plans. ALEKS is an Al-powered learning platform that provides individualized learning paths based on students' strengths and weaknesses. Carnegie Learning offers an Al-powered tutor that helps students improve their math skills by providing personalised learning based on their performance. There's also Smart Sparrow, which allows users to provide constructive feedback that is unique to each student. Finally, Gradescope is an Al-powered grading tool that automates the grading process, which can free up teachers' time and allow them to provide more individualised attention to students.
These are just a few examples of Al tools with applications in the classroom. It is important to note that these tools should not replace teachers but rather assist them in their work.
Multiple-choice questions
What is the synonym of "revolutionize" as used in the passage?
a) Preserve
b) Transform
c) Reject
d) Stagnate
Answer: b) Transform -
The word "tailored" in the context of personalised learning most closely means:
a) Fixed
b) Customized
c) Random
d) Complex
Answer: b) Customized -
What is the synonym of "instant" in "instant feedback"?
a) Delayed
b) Gradual
c) Immediate
d) Slow
Answer: c) Immediate -
The word "observe" in "observing attention and engagement" is closest in meaning to:
a) Ignore
b) Notice
c) Adjust
d) Dismiss
Answer: b) Notice -
What is a synonym for "automate" in "automate repetitive tasks"?
a) Delegate
b) Mechanize
c) Postpone
d) Complicate
Answer: b) Mechanize -
"Constructive feedback" means feedback that is:
a) Critical
b) Positive
c) Helpful
d) Unnecessary
Answer: c) Helpful -
In the context of the passage, "adaptive" most closely means:
a) Flexible
b) Rigid
c) Disruptive
d) Arbitrary
Answer: a) Flexible -
The term "personalized" in "personalized learning experiences" means:
a) Group-based
b) Individualized
c) Mandatory
d) Standardized
Answer: b) Individualized -
A synonym for "improve" in "improve their grades" is:
a) Enhance
b) Worsen
c) Diminish
d) Stabilize
Answer: a) Enhance -
"Limitations" in the passage most closely means:
a) Benefits
b) Restrictions
c) Possibilities
d) Opportunities
Answer: b) Restrictions -
A synonym for "analyze" in "analyze data on student performance" is:
a) Examine
b) Ignore
c) Disregard
d) Blur
Answer: a) Examine -
The word "support" in "tailored support" is closest in meaning to:
a) Assistance
b) Resistance
c) Refusal
d) Opposition
Answer: a) Assistance -
What does "engagement" mean in "observing attention and engagement"?
a) Neglect
b) Participation
c) Avoidance
d) Indifference
Answer: b) Participation -
The term "unique" in "unique to each student" means:
a) Similar
b) One-of-a-kind
c) Repeated
d) Generic
Answer: b) One-of-a-kind -
"Identify" in "identify and correct mistakes" most closely means:
a) Guess
b) Recognize
c) Confuse
d) Misinterpret
Answer: b) Recognize
What is the antonym of "improve" as used in the passage?
a) Enhance
b) Worsen
c) Boost
d) Expand
Answer: b) Worsen -
The opposite of "constructive" is:
a) Negative
b) Helpful
c) Optimistic
d) Incomplete
Answer: a) Negative -
"Personalized" is the opposite of:
a) Generalized
b) Specialized
c) Individualized
d) Tailored
Answer: a) Generalized -
The antonym of "instant" is:
a) Immediate
b) Gradual
c) Rapid
d) Direct
Answer: b) Gradual -
The opposite of "observe" is:
a) Ignore
b) Notice
c) Analyze
d) Engage
Answer: a) Ignore -
What is the antonym of "automate"?
a) Mechanize
b) Simplify
c) Manualize
d) Complicate
Answer: c) Manualize -
"Revolutionize" is the opposite of:
a) Innovate
b) Preserve
c) Transform
d) Change
Answer: b) Preserve -
The antonym of "unique" is:
a) Common
b) Distinct
c) Original
d) Rare
Answer: a) Common -
"Flexible" is the opposite of:
a) Adaptable
b) Rigid
c) Adjustable
d) Elastic
Answer: b) Rigid -
The opposite of "helpful" is:
a) Constructive
b) Detrimental
c) Supportive
d) Encouraging
Answer: b) Detrimental -
"Enhance" is the opposite of:
a) Worsen
b) Refine
c) Advance
d) Optimize
Answer: a) Worsen -
The antonym of "engagement" is:
a) Participation
b) Avoidance
c) Attention
d) Interest
Answer: b) Avoidance -
"Strengths" is the opposite of:
a) Talents
b) Weaknesses
c) Skills
d) Abilities
Answer: b) Weaknesses -
The antonym of "freedom" in the context of "freeing up teachers' time" is:
a) Constraint
b) Liberty
c) Autonomy
d) Flexibility
Answer: a) Constraint -
"Effective" is the opposite of:
a) Ineffective
b) Efficient
c) Productive
d) Useful
Answer: a) Ineffective
Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a function of AI in the classroom?
a) Automating repetitive tasks
b) Enhancing social interaction
c) Providing instant feedback
d) Personalizing learning experiences
Answer: b) Enhancing social interaction -
Why might AI be considered a tool rather than a replacement for teachers?
a) It lacks emotional intelligence
b) It can only automate grading
c) It personalizes learning
d) It tracks engagement
Answer: a) It lacks emotional intelligence -
Which AI tool focuses specifically on math tutoring?
a) Querium
b) Ahura
c) Gradescope
d) Smart Sparrow
Answer: a) Querium -
What concern does the passage address about AI in education?
a) Threat to teachers' jobs
b) High cost of implementation
c) Lack of adaptability
d) Technical malfunctions
Answer: a) Threat to teachers' jobs How do edtech companies contribute to advancing AI use in classrooms?
a) By replacing traditional teachers
b) By developing AI-powered tools
c) By limiting personalized learning
d) By standardizing grading systems
Answer: b) By developing AI-powered tools
What is one of the main advantages of AI in the classroom?
a) Eliminating the need for teachers
b) Personalised learning experiences
c) Standardising teaching methods
d) Reducing classroom sizes
Answer: b) Personalised learning experiences-
Which AI tool is known for providing individualized learning paths based on students' strengths and weaknesses?
a) Ahura
c) Querium
d) Smart Sparrow
Answer: b) ALEKS -
How can AI provide instant feedback to students?
a) By conducting online meetings
b) By grading assignments automatically
c) By identifying mistakes and correcting them quickly
d) By assigning additional homework
Answer: c) By identifying mistakes and correcting them quickly -
What is a key feature of Knewton?
a) Automates grading
b) Offers adaptive learning platforms
c) Observes student engagement
d) Provides step-by-step tutoring in math
Answer: b) Offers adaptive learning platforms -
Which of the following is not mentioned as an AI-powered educational tool?
a) Ahura
b) Smart Sparrow
c) Carnegie Learning
d) Quizlet
Answer: d) Quizlet -
What does Ahura focus on?
a) Automating grading tasks
b) Tracking attention and engagement
c) Providing math tutoring
d) Offering individualized lesson plans
Answer: b) Tracking attention and engagement -
What is a potential concern about AI in education?
a) AI tools are too expensive
b) AI could threaten teachers' jobs
c) AI does not provide feedback
d) AI only benefits advanced students
Answer: b) AI could threaten teachers' jobs -
What role do edtech companies play in AI's use in education?
a) They create tools to assist teachers
b) They replace teachers entirely
c) They eliminate personalized learning
d) They standardize all learning experiences
Answer: a) They create tools to assist teachers -
How does AI help automate repetitive tasks in classrooms?
a) By improving classroom infrastructure
b) By grading assignments and quizzes
c) By reducing syllabus content
d) By setting up school schedules
Answer: b) By grading assignments and quizzes -
What type of feedback does Smart Sparrow provide?
a) Instant automatic corrections
b) Constructive and unique feedback
c) Group performance reviews
d) Video-based tutorials
Answer: b) Constructive and unique feedback -
Which of the following is not an advantage of AI in education?
a) Personalised learning
b) Instant feedback
c) Automating lesson creation
d) Automating repetitive tasks
Answer: c) Automating lesson creation -
What kind of learning experience does Carnegie Learning focus on?
a) Improving math skills
b) Tracking engagement
c) Developing language proficiency
d) Building scientific knowledge
Answer: a) Improving math skills -
What is the primary purpose of Gradescope?
a) Providing personalised tutoring
b) Automating the grading process
c) Offering adaptive learning platforms
d) Tracking learning habits
Answer: b) Automating the grading process -
Which of these tools provides step-by-step tutoring on math problems?
a) Querium
c) Knewton
d) Ahura
Answer: a) Querium -
How should AI tools ideally function in the classroom?
a) Replace teachers entirely
b) Assist teachers in their work
c) Teach students independently
d) Standardize student performance
Answer: b) Assist teachers in their work -
What kind of learning path does ALEKS provide?
a) Fixed paths for all students
b) Adaptive paths based on strengths and weaknesses
c) Traditional lesson plans
d) Peer-driven learning methods
Answer: b) Adaptive paths based on strengths and weaknesses -
Which AI tool is mentioned for building personalized lesson plans?
a) Knewton
b) Querium
c) Smart Sparrow
d) Ahura
Answer: b) Querium -
What is a limitation of AI in the classroom, according to the passage?
a) It cannot grade assignments
b) It cannot provide immediate feedback
c) It may pose a threat to teaching jobs
d) It offers limited personalization
Answer: c) It may pose a threat to teaching jobs -
What type of platform does Knewton offer?
a) An attention-tracking platform
b) An adaptive learning platform
c) A grading automation tool
d) A step-by-step math tutor
Answer: b) An adaptive learning platform -
How do AI tools like Gradescope benefit teachers?
a) By replacing lesson planning
b) By automating repetitive grading tasks
c) By offering financial incentives
d) By creating adaptive quizzes
Answer: b) By automating repetitive grading tasks
Questions and Answers
What is one of the main advantages of AI in the classroom?
Answer: One main advantage is personalised learning. AI-powered tools can analyse student performance data and provide tailored support to help improve their grades. -
How does AI provide instant feedback to students?
Answer: AI-powered tools can evaluate students' work immediately and offer feedback. This allows students to identify and correct mistakes quickly. -
How can AI help teachers save time?
Answer: AI can automate repetitive tasks like grading assignments and quizzes. This frees up teachers to focus on lesson planning and giving students individual attention. -
What is Ahura, and how does it help students?
Answer: Ahura is an AI-powered learning assistant. It observes learning habits by tracking attention and engagement to provide support. -
What does Knewton offer as an AI tool?
Answer: Knewton provides an adaptive learning platform. It creates personalised learning experiences for students based on their needs. -
What type of assistance does Querium provide to students?
Answer: Querium offers step-by-step tutoring on math problems. It also creates personalised lesson plans to help students improve. -
How does ALEKS benefit students in learning?
Answer: ALEKS is an AI-powered learning platform. It designs individualised learning paths tailored to students' strengths and weaknesses. -
What does Carnegie Learning focus on as an AI tool?
Answer: Carnegie Learning focuses on helping students improve their math skills. It uses personalised learning based on students’ performance. -
What unique feature does Smart Sparrow provide?
Answer: Smart Sparrow offers constructive feedback tailored to each student. This makes learning more specific to their needs. -
What is Gradescope, and how does it assist teachers?
Answer: Gradescope is an AI-powered grading tool. It automates the grading process, allowing teachers to provide more individualised attention to students. -
Can AI tools replace teachers in the classroom?
Answer: No, AI tools are designed to assist teachers, not replace them. They support teachers by reducing their workload and enhancing learning experiences. -
Why is personalised learning considered an advantage of AI?
Answer: Personalised learning ensures that students receive tailored support. This improves their understanding and helps them succeed in their studies. -
What is the role of AI in improving student performance?
Answer: AI analyses student data to identify strengths and weaknesses. It then provides personalised learning paths to improve their performance. -
How does instant feedback benefit students?
Answer: Instant feedback helps students identify and fix their mistakes quickly. This improves their understanding and boosts their confidence. -
Why is automating repetitive tasks beneficial for teachers?
Answer: Automating tasks like grading allows teachers to focus on more important duties. These include lesson planning and one-on-one time with students. -
What does the AI tool Querium specialize in?
Answer: Querium specializes in tutoring students on math problems. It offers step-by-step guidance and customised lesson plans. -
What is the purpose of using AI in the classroom?
Answer: The purpose is to enhance learning experiences and reduce teachers’ workload. AI provides tools for personalised education and task automation. -
How does Smart Sparrow make feedback unique?
Answer: Smart Sparrow tailors feedback to each student’s performance. This ensures the feedback is specific and constructive for individual learning needs. -
What kind of platform does Knewton provide?
Answer: Knewton provides an adaptive learning platform. It adjusts to students' needs and creates personalised experiences. -
Why should AI tools not replace teachers?
Answer: Teachers bring creativity, empathy, and critical thinking to the classroom. AI tools are meant to support and enhance their efforts, not replace them.
Artificial intelligence (AI) can revolutionize education by offering personalized learning experiences, automating repetitive tasks, and providing instant feedback to students. Tools like Ahura, Knewton, Querium, ALEKS, Carnegie Learning, Smart Sparrow, and Gradescope use AI to adapt lessons, grade assignments, and support learning. These technologies help teachers save time, allowing them to focus more on lesson planning and student engagement. However, AI is not meant to replace teachers but to assist them in enhancing education. While AI has limitations, its thoughtful use by edtech companies can improve classroom experiences and foster better learning outcomes for students.
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