group of students || Class eleven and twelve || Unit one: Education and Life || Lesson 3 Children in School || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary || textbook page 17,18 & 19
English Word | Bengali Meaning | Synonym | Antonym |
Plight | দুরবস্থা | Difficulty | Prosperity |
Flood | বন্যা | Deluge | Drought |
Overflowed | উপচে পড়া | Spilled | Contained |
Administration | প্রশাসন | Management | Disorder |
Accommodated | আশ্রয় দেওয়া | Hosted | Displaced |
Hygiene | স্বাস্থ্যরক্ষাবিধি | Cleanliness | Contamination |
Challenge | চ্যালেঞ্জ | Obstacle | Ease |
Quickly | দ্রুত | Promptly | Slowly |
Contributions | অবদান | Donations | Withdrawal |
Teachers | শিক্ষকগণ | Educators | Students |
Assistance | সহায়তা | Aid | Hindrance |
Guardians | অভিভাবক | Parents | Orphans |
Substantial | যথেষ্ট | Considerable | Insufficient |
Priority | অগ্রাধিকার | Preference | Secondary |
Senior citizens | প্রবীণ নাগরিক | Elderly | Youth |
Water purification | পানি পরিশোধন | Filtration | Pollution |
Toilet cleaners | টয়লেট ক্লিনার | Sanitizer | Pollutants |
Liquid soaps | তরল সাবান | Detergent | Solid soap |
Went | গিয়েছিল | Traveled | Stayed |
Back | ফিরে | Returned | Left |
Efforts | প্রচেষ্টা | Endeavors | Inactivity |
Rewarded | পুরস্কৃত | Compensated | Punished |
Satisfied | সন্তুষ্ট | Content | Dissatisfied |
Happy | খুশি | Joyful | Unhappy |
Rescued | উদ্ধার করা | Saved | Abandoned |
Cleanliness | পরিস্কার | Neatness | Filth |
Flood victims | বন্যা আক্রান্ত ব্যক্তি | Disaster victims | Non-victims |
Began | শুরু | Started | Ended |
Members | সদস্য | Participants | Non-members |
Teachers | শিক্ষকগণ | Educators | Students |
Local | স্থানীয় | Regional | Foreign |
বাংলা অনুবাদ
একটি কলেজ ছাত্রদের একটি দল তাদের হোস্টেলে টেলিভিশন নিউজ দেখছিল। তারা সুনামগঞ্জের বন্যার শিকার মানুষের দুর্দশায় খুবই মর্মাহত হয়েছিল। সেখানকার সব নদী এবং জলাশয় পাহাড়ের ওপারের বন্যার পানিতে উপচে পড়ে গিয়েছিল। তাদের বাড়ি, হাট, বাজার, দোকান, এবং ফসলি জমি কয়েক ফুট পানির নিচে চলে গিয়েছিল। স্থানীয় প্রশাসন তাদের উদ্ধার করে স্কুলগুলিতে আশ্রয় দিয়েছিল, যেগুলি উঁচু এলাকায় ছিল। আশপাশের গ্রামের লোকেরা এই মানুষদের যতটুকু সম্ভব সাহায্য করছিল। তবে, খাবার পানি, পরিচ্ছন্নতা এবং স্বাস্থ্যবিধি নিশ্চিত করা একটি বড় চ্যালেঞ্জ ছিল। স্কুলগুলোতে টয়লেট ছিল, কিন্তু সেগুলো যথেষ্ট ছিল না। এই পরিস্থিতি দেখে, আহমেদ, স্বপন, রাকিব এবং নীলাদ্রি দ্রুত সিদ্ধান্ত নিল সুনামগঞ্জে গিয়ে বন্যার শিকার মানুষের জন্য কাজ করবেন। কিন্তু তা করতে তাদের যে টাকা দরকার ছিল, তা তাদের কাছে ছিল না।
তারা নিজেদের অবদান একত্রিত করে এবং তাদের সহপাঠী, শিক্ষক, স্থানীয় আইন প্রণেতা এবং সুশীল সমাজের সদস্যদের সাহায্য চাইল। সবাই তাদের সাহায্যের জন্য এগিয়ে এল। কিছু অভিভাবকও অনুদান দিয়েছিল। তাদের সংগ্রহ মোটামুটি ৩,০০,০০০ টাকা হয়েছিল, যা দিয়ে তারা বন্যার শিকার মানুষদের জন্য কিছু গুরুত্বপূর্ণ সহায়তা দিতে পারবে। তারা শুকনো খাবার যেমন উচ্চ প্রোটিনযুক্ত বিস্কুট, গুড়, চিরা, পানি, পানি পরিশোধন ট্যাবলেট, টয়লেট ক্লিনার এবং তরল সাবান কিনতে পারল। তাদের অগ্রাধিকার ছিল ৭০ বছরের বেশি বয়সী প্রবীণ নাগরিক এবং শিশুদের। তারা সেখানে এক সপ্তাহের বেশি সময় কাটিয়ে সরকারের সাহায্য এসে যাওয়ার পর এবং কিছু বন্যা আক্রান্ত মানুষ বাড়ি ফিরে যাওয়ার পর ফিরে আসল। যখন চার বন্ধু তাদের শহরে ফিরে এল, তারা কিছুটা ওজন কমিয়ে ছিল, কিন্তু তারা খুশি এবং সন্তুষ্ট ছিল যে তাদের প্রচেষ্টা অসীমভাবে পুরস্কৃত হয়েছে।
Multiple-choice questions based on the passage, along with their answers:
Where were the flood victims located?
a) Dhaka
b) Sunamgonj
c) Chittagong
d) Sylhet
Answer: b) Sunamgonj -
What caused the floods in Sunamgonj?
a) Heavy rain in the region
b) Overflowing rivers due to floodwaters from hills
c) Tsunami
d) Earthquake
Answer: b) Overflowing rivers due to floodwaters from hills -
What was the main challenge in the aftermath of the flood?
a) Lack of food
b) Ensuring drinking water, cleanliness, and hygiene
c) Lack of shelter
d) Transportation problems
Answer: b) Ensuring drinking water, cleanliness, and hygiene -
What was the priority group of people for Ahmed, Swapan, Rakib, and Niladri?
a) Children and senior citizens
b) Flood-affected farmers
c) Teachers and students
d) Local administrators
Answer: a) Children and senior citizens -
How much money did the students collect for the flood victims?
a) Taka 1,00,000
b) Taka 5,00,000
c) Taka 3,00,000
d) Taka 50,000
Answer: c) Taka 3,00,000 -
What did they buy with the collected money?
a) Medicines and clothes
b) High-protein biscuits, water purification tablets, and soaps
c) Blankets and pillows
d) Boats and water pumps
Answer: b) High-protein biscuits, water purification tablets, and soaps -
What was the primary focus of the group’s contribution?
a) Providing shelter
b) Offering financial aid
c) Offering essentials like food, water, and hygiene supplies
d) Rebuilding houses
Answer: c) Offering essentials like food, water, and hygiene supplies -
Which of the following was NOT mentioned as a contribution made by the group?
a) High-protein biscuits
b) Water purification tablets
c) Clothes
d) Toilet cleaners
Answer: c) Clothes -
What did the students do to raise funds?
a) Sold their belongings
b) Asked for loans
c) Pool their own contributions and asked for help from classmates, teachers, and civil society
d) Worked part-time jobs
Answer: c) Pool their own contributions and asked for help from classmates, teachers, and civil society -
Which group of people helped the flood victims?
a) Local villagers
b) Government officials only
c) Only volunteers
d) Local businesses
Answer: a) Local villagers -
What is the synonym of the word "plight" as used in the passage?
a) Happiness
b) Situation
c) Distress
d) Opportunity
Answer: c) Distress -
Which word is the antonym of “substantial”?
a) Significant
b) Insignificant
c) Large
d) Important
Answer: b) Insignificant -
What was the condition of the flood-affected people's homes?
a) Intact
b) Destroyed
c) Partially damaged
d) Completely submerged
Answer: d) Completely submerged -
What role did the guardians play in the students' initiative?
a) They gave moral support
b) They donated money
c) They provided supplies
d) They managed the funds
Answer: b) They donated money -
Which activity did the group of students NOT do while helping flood victims?
a) Distribute dry food
b) Provide clean drinking water
c) Rebuild homes
d) Provide hygiene supplies
Answer: c) Rebuild homes -
What did the group do after the government agencies took over?
a) They returned home
b) They stayed and helped more
c) They found new locations to help
d) They organized a celebration
Answer: a) They returned home -
Which of the following best describes the group's feelings after returning?
a) Sad and disappointed
b) Tired but satisfied
c) Angry at the government
d) Indifferent
Answer: b) Tired but satisfied -
What was the main objective of the students’ efforts?
a) To entertain the flood victims
b) To provide immediate relief
c) To raise awareness
d) To rebuild the entire town
Answer: b) To provide immediate relief -
The word "accommodated" in the passage most nearly means:
a) Built
b) Housed
c) Organized
d) Fed
Answer: b) Housed -
Which of these actions best demonstrates "volunteerism" as described in the passage?
a) A government agency organizing aid
b) Students raising funds for a cause
c) A spontaneous action of helping flood victims without academic involvement
d) A teacher organizing a charity event
Answer: c) A spontaneous action of helping flood victims without academic involvement
What natural disaster affected Sunamgonj in the passage?
Answer: Sunamgonj was affected by floods. The rivers and water bodies overflowed due to the onrush of water from hills beyond the border. -
What challenge did the local administration face in the aftermath of the flood?
Answer: The main challenge was ensuring drinking water, cleanliness, and hygiene for the flood victims, as the available toilets were insufficient. -
What was the primary goal of the students’ efforts in Sunamgonj?
Answer: The students aimed to help the flood victims by providing dry food, drinking water, water purification tablets, and hygiene supplies, focusing on senior citizens and children. -
How did the students raise money for their initiative?
Answer: They pooled their own contributions and sought help from classmates, teachers, local lawmakers, civil society members, and guardians. -
What amount did the students manage to collect for the flood victims?
Answer: The students collected about Taka 3,00,000 to provide substantial help to the flood-affected people. -
What specific items did the students buy with the raised funds?
Answer: They bought dry food like high-protein biscuits, gur (molasses), chira (beaten rice), drinking water, water purification tablets, toilet cleaners, and liquid soaps. -
Why did the students prioritize senior citizens and children?
Answer: They prioritized senior citizens over 70 years of age and children because these groups were more vulnerable to the harsh conditions of the flood. -
What emotional impact did the students experience after returning from Sunamgonj?
Answer: The students seemed to have lost some weight but were happy and satisfied with their efforts, knowing their help had made a significant impact. -
What is the synonym for "plight" as used in the passage?
Answer: A synonym for "plight" is "predicament" or "situation," which refers to the difficult condition of the flood victims. -
What is the antonym of "satisfied" in the context of the students’ feelings?
Answer: The antonym of "satisfied" could be "dissatisfied" or "disappointed," implying the opposite of contentment. -
What role did the nearby villagers play in the aftermath of the flood?
Answer: The nearby villagers helped the flood victims in all possible ways, including providing shelter and assisting with their basic needs. -
How did the students' efforts contribute to the community's recovery?
Answer: The students’ contributions provided essential supplies like food, water, and sanitation, which helped improve the health and well-being of the affected people. -
What does the term "civil society members" refer to in the passage?
Answer: "Civil society members" refers to individuals or groups from the community, such as NGOs or activists, who work for the welfare of society, often independent of the government. -
How did the students’ initiative reflect the concept of civic engagement?
Answer: Their efforts to help the flood victims by organizing resources and providing aid demonstrate active participation in addressing a community need, which is a form of civic engagement. -
What can be inferred about the importance of collective effort from the passage?
Answer: The passage shows that collective effort, involving contributions from students, teachers, local authorities, and guardians, is crucial for tackling large-scale problems like natural disasters and providing timely assistance.
The passage describes how a group of college students was moved by the suffering of flood victims in Sunamgonj and decided to help. Despite lacking funds, they pooled their resources and sought donations from classmates, teachers, and local community members, raising Taka 3,00,000. With this money, they provided essential supplies like food, drinking water, and hygiene products, focusing on senior citizens and children. They spent over a week helping in the flood relief effort before returning home, feeling satisfied with their impactful contribution.The theme highlights the power of collective action, compassion, and social responsibility in times of crisis.
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