Unit one: Education and Life || Lesson 3 Children in School || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary || textbook page 17,18 & 19 || Alex
Alex || Class eleven and twelve || Unit one: Education and Life || Lesson 3 Children in School || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary || textbook page 17,18 & 19
Important and critical words from the passage along with their meanings in Bangla, synonyms, and antonyms:
Word | Meaning (Bangla) | Synonym | Antonym |
Severe | তীব্র | Intense, harsh | Mild, gentle |
Remote | দূরবর্তী | Isolated, distant | Nearby, close |
Weather | আবহাওয়া | Climate, conditions | - |
Distress | কষ্ট | Suffering, anguish | Comfort, ease |
Hazard | বিপদ | Danger, risk | Safety, security |
Vacant | ফাঁকা | Empty, hollow | Occupied, filled |
Lifeless | প্রাণহীন | Inanimate, dull | Lively, vibrant |
Introvert | অন্তর্মুখী | Reserved, shy | Extrovert, outgoing |
Monitored | নজরদারি করা | Supervised, observed | Neglected, ignored |
Assessed | মূল্যায়ন করা | Evaluated, judged | Overlooked, ignored |
Comfort | আরাম | Ease, convenience | Discomfort, hardship |
Distressing | কষ্টদায়ক | Troubling, upsetting | Reassuring, pleasing |
Emotional | আবেগপ্রবণ | Sensitive, passionate | Unemotional, detached |
Contributed | অবদান রাখা | Donated, supported | Withheld, kept |
Guided | পথ প্রদর্শন করা | Directed, led | Misguided, confused |
Authority | কর্তৃপক্ষ | Administration, power | Subordination, inferiority |
Contacted | যোগাযোগ করা | Communicated, reached | Ignored, avoided |
Plan | পরিকল্পনা | Strategy, design | Chaos, disorganization |
Sufficient | যথেষ্ট | Adequate, ample | Insufficient, lacking |
Humanity | মানবতা | Compassion, kindness | Inhumanity, cruelty |
Blankets | কম্বল | Quilts, covers | - |
Mental | মানসিক | Psychological, emotional | Physical, tangible |
Emotional | আবেগপূর্ণ | Sentimental, heartfelt | Unfeeling, cold |
Hero | নায়ক | Champion, savior | Villain, coward |
Poor | দরিদ্র | Needy, impoverished | Wealthy, affluent |
Touched | আবেগপ্রবণ | Moved, stirred | Unmoved, indifferent |
Led | নেতৃত্ব দিয়েছে | Directed, guided | Followed, obeyed |
Fellow | সহকর্মী | Peer, companion | Stranger, outsider |
Donate | দান করা | Give, contribute | Receive, take |
Municipal | পৌর | Civic, local | Rural, private |
Teacher | শিক্ষক | Instructor, mentor | Pupil, student |
Community | সম্প্রদায় | Society, group | Individual, isolation |
Young | তরুণ | Juvenile, adolescent | Old, mature |
Proud | গর্বিত | Honored, elated | Ashamed, humble |
বাংলা অনুবাদ
অ্যালেক্স, ক্যালিফোর্নিয়ার এক এগারো বছর বয়সী ছেলে, তার বাবা-মায়ের সঙ্গে বাড়িতে টিভি দেখছিল যখন সে একটি খবর দেখল। সেখানে বলা হচ্ছিল রোমানিয়ার একটি দূরবর্তী শহরে মারাত্মক শীতকালীন আবহাওয়ার পরিস্থিতির কথা। অনেক মানুষের ঘরে পর্যাপ্ত গরমের ব্যবস্থা নেই এবং তারা গুরুতর স্বাস্থ্যঝুঁকির মুখে। এই খবরটি তাকে খুবই কষ্ট দিয়েছিল। সে তার উষ্ণ বাড়ির আরামদায়ক পরিবেশের সঙ্গে ওই রোমানিয়ার মানুষের দুর্দশার তুলনা করে লজ্জা অনুভব করল। তার মনে হলো, তাদের চোখগুলো একেবারে ফাঁকা ও প্রাণহীন।
অ্যালেক্স তার স্কুলে খুব বেশি মিশুক ছিল না এবং সাধারণত একা একা থাকত। শিক্ষকরা চিন্তিত ছিলেন যে, এই অন্তর্মুখী ছেলে পরীক্ষায় কেমন করবে। শিক্ষার্থীদের তাদের সমাজের জন্য কিছু করতে বলা হয়েছিল এবং এই কার্যক্রম নিয়মিত পর্যবেক্ষণ ও মূল্যায়ন করা হতো। কিন্তু অ্যালেক্স এখন পর্যন্ত তার সমাজের জন্য কোনো উল্লেখযোগ্য উদাহরণ তৈরি করতে পারেনি। তাই, যখন সে তার শিক্ষকের কাছে একটি ভিডিও ক্লিপ নিয়ে গেল এবং রোমানিয়ার শীতকবলিত মানুষের জন্য কিছু করার ইচ্ছা প্রকাশ করল, তখন শিক্ষক অবাক হয়েছিলেন। কীভাবে সম্ভব? তিনি ভাবলেন। কিন্তু অ্যালেক্স যখন তার যুক্তি উপস্থাপন করল, তখন শিক্ষক মনোযোগ সহকারে তার কথা শুনতে লাগলেন। অ্যালেক্স আবেগপ্রবণ হয়ে বলল, "আমাদের এদের জন্য কিছু করতে হবে। ওরা আমাদের মতোই বাচ্চা। আমরা এখানে আরামে থাকতে পারি না, যখন ওরা এমন দুর্দশায় আছে।"
অ্যালেক্সের আবেদনে শিক্ষকের মন ছুঁয়ে গেল। তিনি জানতে চাইলেন, তার কী পরিকল্পনা। অ্যালেক্স বলল, সে তার ক্লাসের অন্যদের সঙ্গে কথা বলেছে এবং তারা সবাই তাদের এক মাসের পকেট খরচ এই অসহায় মানুষদের জীবন বাঁচানোর জন্য দিতে চায়। শিক্ষক তখন পুরো ক্লাসকে একটি প্রকল্পের জন্য নির্দেশনা দিলেন। ছেলেরা শিক্ষকের সাহায্যে একটি পরিকল্পনা তৈরি করল। তারা রোমানিয়ার সেই শহরের স্থানীয় প্রশাসনের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করল এবং তাদের সাহায্যের আগ্রহ প্রকাশ করল। তারা নিজেদের দেশের আইন প্রণেতাদের সঙ্গেও যোগাযোগ করল, যারা তহবিলে অবদান রাখল। এরপর শিক্ষকের নেতৃত্বে একটি ছোট দল রোমানিয়ায় গেল। তারা কয়েক সপ্তাহ ওই মানুষের সঙ্গে কাটাল, তাদের ঘরে গরম করার ব্যবস্থা করল, যথেষ্ট কম্বল ও খাবার সরবরাহ করল। পুরো প্রক্রিয়াটি স্কুল কর্তৃপক্ষ প্রথম থেকে শেষ পর্যন্ত পর্যবেক্ষণ করেছিল। যখন তারা ফিরে এলো, তখন তাদের উষ্ণ অভ্যর্থনা জানানো হয়। সবাই ছাত্রদের ওপর গর্বিত ছিল, যারা নিজেদের পরিকল্পনা তৈরি করেছিল এবং তা বাস্তবায়ন করেছিল, মানুষের পাশে দাঁড়িয়েছিল, তাদের মানসিক ও আবেগগত সহায়তা দিয়েছিল এবং তরুণ নায়ক হিসেবে বাড়ি ফিরে এসেছিল।
Multiple-choice Questions based on the passage
Where did Alex live?
a) Romania
b) New York
c) California
d) Texas
Answer: c) California -
What made Alex upset while watching TV?
a) A wildlife documentary
b) News about severe winter in Romania
c) A movie about disasters
d) A news report about his school
Answer: b) News about severe winter in Romania -
What were people in the Romanian town lacking?
a) Clean water
b) Proper heating
c) Medical facilities
d) Communication tools
Answer: b) Proper heating -
What was Alex's personality like at school?
a) Outgoing
b) Introverted
c) Aggressive
d) Confident
Answer: b) Introverted -
What did Alex propose to do for the Romanian people?
a) Organize a sports event
b) Donate a month's pocket money
c) Create a fundraiser
d) Write a letter to the mayor
Answer: b) Donate a month's pocket money -
Who accompanied the students to Romania?
a) Their parents
b) The school principal
c) Their teacher
d) A government official
Answer: c) Their teacher -
What did the students provide for the Romanian people?
a) New schools
b) Heating, blankets, and food
c) Employment opportunities
d) Books and stationery
Answer: b) Heating, blankets, and food -
How did the school authority react to the students' project?
a) Ignored it
b) Punished them for leaving
c) Warmly welcomed them back
d) Criticized their efforts
Answer: c) Warmly welcomed them back
Why did Alex feel ashamed after watching the news?
a) He couldn’t afford to help.
b) He compared his comfort with the distress of others.
c) He disliked his home environment.
d) He felt pressured by his parents.
Answer: b) He compared his comfort with the distress of others. -
What does Alex’s initiative teach us about leadership?
a) Leadership is about taking responsibility and inspiring others.
b) Leadership requires authority.
c) Leadership is only for adults.
d) Leadership is about enforcing rules.
Answer: a) Leadership is about taking responsibility and inspiring others. -
What values did Alex demonstrate?
a) Kindness and empathy
b) Anger and frustration
c) Laziness and selfishness
d) Fear and hesitation
Answer: a) Kindness and empathy -
What impact did Alex’s project have on the students?
a) It helped them improve academically.
b) It encouraged them to think beyond themselves.
c) It made them feel competitive.
d) It demotivated them.
Answer: b) It encouraged them to think beyond themselves. -
Why did the teacher guide the class?
a) To ensure they followed rules
b) To support their noble cause
c) To complete her work
d) To gain recognition
Answer: b) To support their noble cause -
What lesson does this story convey?
a) Hard work is necessary for success.
b) Small efforts can bring big changes.
c) Wealth is the key to happiness.
d) Life is full of struggles.
Answer: b) Small efforts can bring big changes.
What is a synonym for "distressing"?
a) Upsetting
b) Exciting
c) Relaxing
d) Amazing
Answer: a) Upsetting -
What is a synonym for "introvert"?
a) Outgoing
b) Reserved
c) Talkative
d) Open
Answer: b) Reserved -
What is a synonym for "lifeless"?
a) Energetic
b) Vacant
c) Animated
d) Active
Answer: b) Vacant -
What is a synonym for "guided"?
a) Directed
b) Misled
c) Abandoned
d) Confused
Answer: a) Directed -
What is a synonym for "contributed"?
a) Withdrew
b) Donated
c) Discarded
d) Opposed
Answer: b) Donated -
What is a synonym for "noble"?
a) Dishonest
b) Generous
c) Ignoble
d) Arrogant
Answer: b) Generous
What is an antonym for "emotional"?
a) Rational
b) Sensitive
c) Passionate
d) Feeling
Answer: a) Rational -
What is an antonym for "distress"?
a) Comfort
b) Sorrow
c) Trouble
d) Anxiety
Answer: a) Comfort -
What is an antonym for "proud"?
a) Humble
b) Ashamed
c) Boastful
d) Confident
Answer: b) Ashamed -
What is an antonym for "vacant"?
a) Filled
b) Empty
c) Hollow
d) Blank
Answer: a) Filled -
What is an antonym for "lifeless"?
a) Dull
b) Energetic
c) Inert
d) Stagnant
Answer: b) Energetic -
What is an antonym for "reserved"?
a) Introverted
b) Outspoken
c) Quiet
d) Private
Answer: b) Outspoken
Why did Alex feel ashamed of his comfort?
a) He realized his privilege compared to others.
b) He was told to feel that way.
c) He disliked his environment.
d) He was pressured by friends.
Answer: a) He realized his privilege compared to others. -
What quality of Alex surprised the teacher?
a) His leadership skills
b) His academic performance
c) His sense of humor
d) His artistic talent
Answer: a) His leadership skills -
Why did the teacher support the project?
a) She valued Alex’s emotional appeal.
b) She wanted recognition.
c) She had prior experience with such projects.
d) She disliked other assignments.
Answer: a) She valued Alex’s emotional appeal. -
What was the result of the project?
a) The Romanian people received much-needed help.
b) The class abandoned the idea.
c) The school authorities were indifferent.
d) The project failed due to lack of support.
Answer: a) The Romanian people received much-needed help.
What does "monitored" mean in the passage?
a) Ignored
b) Supervised
c) Hindered
d) Prevented
Answer: b) Supervised -
What does "warmly" suggest in the context of the school's reaction?
a) Disapprovingly
b) Kindly and affectionately
c) Coldly and indifferently
d) Critically
Answer: b) Kindly and affectionately -
What does "initiative" mean in the context of Alex's actions?
a) Beginning a plan
b) Hesitation to act
c) Opposition to others
d) A state of confusion
Answer: a) Beginning a plan -
What does "vacant" mean in the passage?
a) Empty or expressionless
b) Full of energy
c) Overjoyed
d) Thoughtful
Answer: a) Empty or expressionless -
What does "contribute" mean in the context of the lawmakers' actions?
a) Criticize
b) Donate or give
c) Withhold
d) Observe
Answer: b) Donate or give
What inspired Alex to take action for the people in Romania?
Alex was deeply moved by a news report about severe winter conditions in a Romanian town where people lacked proper heating and were suffering. Comparing their struggles to the comfort of his own life made him feel ashamed and empathetic. -
Why were the teachers initially worried about Alex?
The teachers were concerned because Alex was an introvert who kept to himself and hadn't actively participated in community activities, which were required and monitored as part of the school program. -
What was Alex’s initial plan to help the people in Romania?
Alex proposed that he and his classmates donate a month of their pocket money to assist the Romanian people suffering from the harsh winter. -
How did the teacher react to Alex’s plea?
The teacher was initially surprised because Alex had not shown much engagement before. However, she was touched by his sincerity and emotional appeal, which motivated her to guide the class in organizing a project. -
What role did the class play in the project?
The class collaborated under their teacher's guidance, contacting local authorities in Romania and lawmakers in their area to raise funds. They also participated in planning and executing the relief efforts. -
Why is Alex’s transformation significant?
Alex’s initiative shows the transformative power of empathy. From being introverted and detached, he emerged as a leader who inspired others and made a meaningful impact, demonstrating personal growth. -
What was the role of the local municipality in Romania?
The local municipality in Romania partnered with the students, coordinating efforts to address the immediate needs of the affected people, such as providing heating and supplies. -
How did lawmakers contribute to the project?
The lawmakers supported the students’ initiative by contributing to the fund, showing how community leaders can assist and encourage youth-led social projects. -
What did the team accomplish during their visit to Romania?
The team, led by the teacher, helped the locals install heating systems, provided blankets and food, and offered emotional support, significantly improving their living conditions. -
Why did the school authority monitor the entire process?
The school wanted to ensure the project was executed responsibly and served as a successful example of student-led community service. -
What message does the story convey about empathy and action?
The story illustrates that empathy can drive individuals to take meaningful action, even if they are initially introverted or hesitant, leading to positive change for both the helpers and the helped. -
How did the school community react upon the team's return?
The school community welcomed the team warmly and celebrated their achievement, acknowledging their effort, compassion, and leadership. -
What does Alex’s statement, “The kids are like us,” reveal about his mindset?
Alex’s statement shows his ability to empathize and identify with others, recognizing their shared humanity despite geographic or cultural differences. -
What does the project teach about collaboration?
The project highlights that collective efforts, guided by leadership and proper planning, can address large challenges effectively and achieve impactful results. -
What broader lesson does this story impart to students and teachers?
The story emphasizes the importance of fostering empathy, leadership, and community service among students. It also underscores the role of educators in identifying and nurturing potential in every child, even those who seem withdrawn.
Summary of the passage
Alex, an introverted 11-year-old boy, was deeply moved by a news report about severe winter hardships in a Romanian town. Despite his shy nature, he urged his teacher and classmates to help. Inspired by his passion, his class raised funds by donating their pocket money, seeking support from local lawmakers, and coordinating with Romanian authorities. Led by their teacher, they traveled to Romania, providing heating, blankets, and emotional support. Upon their return, they were celebrated as young heroes. The story highlights the transformative power of empathy, community service, and leadership. It emphasizes that even small efforts, driven by compassion and collaboration, can create significant positive change and inspire others.
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