Novera Ahmed || Textbook Page 45 & 46 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Two: Art and Craft|| Lesson: 3 Art || English first paper || Bangla meaning, word meaning , text questions and answer summary || short questions answer
Novera Ahmed || Textbook Page 45 & 46 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Two: Art and Craft|| Lesson: 3 Art || English first paper || Bangla meaning, word meaning , text questions and answer summary || short questions answer
Here is a list of some important English words with their meanings in Bangla, synonyms, antonyms, and pronunciation (using a simplified system):
Word | Pronunciation | Meaning in Bangla | Synonym | Antonym |
Achieve | ə-chēv | অর্জন করা | Attain, Accomplish | Fail, Lose |
Admire | əd-mīr | প্রশংসা করা | Praise, Appreciate | Criticize, Condemn |
Adversity | æd-vər-sə-tee | প্রতিকূলতা | Hardship, Misfortune | Prosperity, Advantage |
Ambition | æm-bish-ən | উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা | Aspiration, Goal | Apathy, Indifference |
Anxious | æŋk-shəs | উদ্বিগ্ন | Nervous, Worried | Calm, Confident |
Benevolent | bə-ne-və-lənt | কল্যাণকামী | Kind, Charitable | Malevolent, Cruel |
Cautious | kô-shəs | সতর্ক | Careful, Alert | Reckless, Careless |
Compassion | kəm-pash-ən | সহানুভূতি | Empathy, Kindness | Indifference, Cruelty |
Conceal | kən-sēl | লুকানো | Hide, Cover | Reveal, Expose |
Confident | kən-fi-dənt | আত্মবিশ্বাসী | Assured, Bold | Insecure, Doubtful |
Courage | kər-ij | সাহস | Bravery, Valor | Fear, Cowardice |
Deceive | di-seev | প্রতারণা করা | Mislead, Betray | Trust, Support |
Defeat | di-feet | পরাজিত করা | Overcome, Beat | Win, Triumph |
Despair | di-spair | হতাশা | Hopelessness, Gloom | Hope, Optimism |
Devotion | di-vo-shən | ভক্তি | Commitment, Loyalty | Neglect, Apathy |
Dignity | dig-ni-tee | মর্যাদা | Honor, Respect | Dishonor, Disrespect |
Diligent | di-li-jənt | পরিশ্রমী | Hardworking, Industrious | Lazy, Negligent |
Eager | ē-gər | আগ্রহী | Enthusiastic, Excited | Indifferent, Reluctant |
Eliminate | i-lim-i-nāt | বাদ দেওয়া | Remove, Eradicate | Include, Preserve |
Encourage | en-kə-rij | উৎসাহিত করা | Inspire, Motivate | Discourage, Deter |
Envy | en-vee | ঈর্ষা | Jealousy, Resentment | Contentment, Admiration |
Expand | ik-spænd | সম্প্রসারণ করা | Extend, Enlarge | Shrink, Contract |
Faithful | fāth-fəl | বিশ্বস্ত | Loyal, Devoted | Unfaithful, Disloyal |
Fascinate | fas-ə-nāt | মুগ্ধ করা | Captivate, Attract | Bore, Repel |
Generous | jen-ər-əs | উদার | Kind, Charitable | Selfish, Stingy |
Harmony | hɑr-mə-nee | সুরেলা মিল | Peace, Unity | Conflict, Discord |
Ignorant | ig-nər-ənt | অজ্ঞ | Unaware, Uninformed | Knowledgeable, Aware |
Innocent | in-ə-sənt | নির্দোষ | Blameless, Pure | Guilty, Sinful |
Integrity | in-teg-ri-tee | সততা | Honesty, Uprightness | Dishonesty, Corruption |
Jealous | jel-əs | ঈর্ষাকাতর | Envious, Resentful | Content, Trustful |
Kindness | kīnd-nəs | দয়া | Compassion, Generosity | Cruelty, Harshness |
Loyal | loi-əl | বিশ্বস্ত | Faithful, Devoted | Disloyal, Unfaithful |
Optimistic | ɑp-tə-mis-tik | আশাবাদী | Hopeful, Positive | Pessimistic, Negative |
Patience | pā-shəns | ধৈর্য | Tolerance, Endurance | Impatience, Restlessness |
Victory | vik-tə-ree | বিজয় | Triumph, Success | Defeat, Loss |
1. Novera Ahmed was the pioneer of modern sculpting in Bangladesh.
নভেরা আহমেদ ছিলেন বাংলাদেশের আধুনিক ভাস্কর্যের অগ্রদূত।
2. She is also one of the most under- and misrepresented artists in the country.
তিনি একইসাথে দেশের সবচেয়ে উপেক্ষিত এবং ভুলভাবে উপস্থাপিত শিল্পীদের একজন।
3. When describing the works of the first modern Bangladeshi sculptor Novera Ahmed, Shilpacharja Zainul Abedin proclaimed "What Novera is doing now will take us a long time to understand she is that kind of artist."
প্রথম আধুনিক বাংলাদেশি ভাস্কর নভেরা আহমেদের কাজ সম্পর্কে বর্ণনা করতে গিয়ে শিল্পাচার্য জয়নুল আবেদিন বলেছিলেন, "নভেরা এখন যা করছেন তা বুঝতে আমাদের অনেক সময় লাগবে, তিনি এমন ধরনের শিল্পী।"
4. This aptly describes her progressive thoughts in the field of sculpture.
এটি ভাস্কর্য ক্ষেত্রে তাঁর অগ্রগামী চিন্তাভাবনাকে যথাযথভাবে তুলে ধরে।
5. Novera Ahmed was born in a culturally inclined family in Chittagong, where she was inspired by her mother's skills in making dolls' houses out of clay and became fascinated with working with three-dimensional forms.
নভেরা আহমেদ চট্টগ্রামে একটি সাংস্কৃতিকভাবে প্রবণ পরিবারে জন্মগ্রহণ করেছিলেন, যেখানে তিনি তাঁর মায়ের মাটির পুতুলের ঘর তৈরি করার দক্ষতা থেকে অনুপ্রাণিত হন এবং ত্রিমাত্রিক রূপ নিয়ে কাজ করতে মুগ্ধ হন।
6. As Ahmed was educated in London and Florence, her sculptural vocabulary was based on a combination of western ideas and folk traditions.
লন্ডন এবং ফ্লোরেন্সে শিক্ষিত হওয়ার কারণে, তাঁর ভাস্কর্য ভাষা পশ্চিমা ধারণা এবং লোক ঐতিহ্যের একটি সংমিশ্রণের উপর ভিত্তি করে ছিল।
7. Many of her artefacts were based on village lives and folk motifs, of which she was a keen observer.
তাঁর অনেক শিল্পকর্ম গ্রামীণ জীবন এবং লোকজ নকশার উপর ভিত্তি করে ছিল, যেগুলো তিনি গভীরভাবে পর্যবেক্ষণ করতেন।
8. She also incorporated Buddhist themes in her works, and developed an individual style that depicted the experiences of women.
তিনি তাঁর কাজে বৌদ্ধ থিমও অন্তর্ভুক্ত করেছিলেন এবং এমন একটি স্বতন্ত্র শৈলী গড়ে তুলেছিলেন যা নারীদের অভিজ্ঞতাকে তুলে ধরত।
9. In August 1960, Novera Ahmed had her first solo exhibition organised on the ground floor of Central Public Library (now Dhaka University Library).
১৯৬০ সালের আগস্টে, নভেরা আহমেদের প্রথম একক প্রদর্শনী সেন্ট্রাল পাবলিক লাইব্রেরির (বর্তমানে ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় লাইব্রেরি) নিচতলায় অনুষ্ঠিত হয়।
10. It was the first-ever solo sculpture exhibition by any sculptor of Bangladesh (East Pakistan back then).
এটি ছিল তৎকালীন পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের (বর্তমান বাংলাদেশ) কোনো ভাস্করের প্রথম একক ভাস্কর্য প্রদর্শনী।
11. It was inaugurated by General Azam Khan of the Pakistan Army, who was so impressed with her work that he gave her a grant of 10,000 to promote sculpture as an art form.
পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনীর জেনারেল আজম খান এই প্রদর্শনীর উদ্বোধন করেন এবং নভেরার কাজ দেখে এতটাই মুগ্ধ হন যে তিনি ভাস্কর্যকে একটি শিল্পমাধ্যম হিসেবে প্রচারের জন্য তাকে ১০,০০০ টাকার অনুদান দেন।
12. She used cement, wood, plaster and stone for the material for her sculptures.
তিনি তাঁর ভাস্কর্য তৈরির জন্য সিমেন্ট, কাঠ, প্লাস্টার এবং পাথর ব্যবহার করতেন।
13. In the early 1960s, upon the Pakistan Art Council's invitation, she moved to West Pakistan and produced many works there.
১৯৬০-এর দশকের শুরুর দিকে পাকিস্তান আর্ট কাউন্সিলের আমন্ত্রণে তিনি পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানে যান এবং সেখানে অনেক কাজ সম্পন্ন করেন।
14. In 1962, she traveled to Bombay to learn Bharatanatyam, and a year later moved to Paris where she remained for the rest of her life.
১৯৬২ সালে তিনি ভরতনাট্যম শিখতে বোম্বেতে যান এবং এক বছর পরে প্যারিসে চলে যান, যেখানে তিনি জীবনের বাকি সময় কাটিয়েছিলেন।
15. She lived in Thailand from 1968 to 1970 and had her second solo exhibition in Bangkok's Alliance Française in 1970.
১৯৬৮ থেকে ১৯৭০ সাল পর্যন্ত তিনি থাইল্যান্ডে বসবাস করেন এবং ১৯৭০ সালে ব্যাংককের অ্যালায়েন্স ফ্রঁসেজে তাঁর দ্বিতীয় একক প্রদর্শনী অনুষ্ঠিত হয়।
16. At that time she was using remains from plane crashes of American airplanes from the Vietnam War.
সে সময় তিনি ভিয়েতনাম যুদ্ধের আমেরিকান বিমান দুর্ঘটনার ধ্বংসাবশেষ ব্যবহার করতেন।
17. Novera Ahmed was one of the original designers of the Shaheed Minar, in which she collaborated with Hamidur Rahman.
নভেরা আহমেদ শহীদ মিনারের মূল নকশাকারদের একজন ছিলেন এবং তিনি হামিদুর রহমানের সঙ্গে সহযোগিতা করেছিলেন।
18. She was awarded the Ekushey Padak in 1997 in absentia, and an exhibition was arranged from her works left behind in Dhaka in April-May, 1998.
তাঁকে ১৯৯৭ সালে একুশে পদক প্রদান করা হয় অনুপস্থিত অবস্থায়, এবং ১৯৯৮ সালের এপ্রিল-মে মাসে ঢাকায় রেখে যাওয়া তাঁর কাজগুলো নিয়ে একটি প্রদর্শনী আয়োজন করা হয়।
Here are some multiple-choice questions with answers based on the passage about Novera Ahmed:
What inspired Novera Ahmed's early interest in three-dimensional forms?
- A) Her father's artistic skills
- B) Her mother's clay dollhouses
- C) Traditional Bangladeshi pottery
- D) Buddhist motifs
Answer: B) Her mother's clay dollhouses
Which cultural elements influenced Novera Ahmed's sculptural vocabulary?
- A) European traditions and urban life
- B) Western ideas and folk traditions
- C) Abstract art and Islamic architecture
- D) Classical Greek sculptures
Answer: B) Western ideas and folk traditions
Where was Novera Ahmed's first solo exhibition held?
- A) Dhaka Art College
- B) Alliance Française in Paris
- C) Central Public Library in Dhaka
- D) Pakistan Art Council
Answer: C) Central Public Library in Dhaka
Why is her first solo exhibition historically significant in Bangladesh?
- A) It was attended by international dignitaries.
- B) It was the first solo sculpture exhibition in the country.
- C) It was the first use of modern art techniques in Bangladesh.
- D) It was funded by UNESCO.
Answer: B) It was the first solo sculpture exhibition in the country.
What grant did General Azam Khan provide to Novera Ahmed, and why?
- A) ₹10,000 to promote art education
- B) ₹10,000 to promote sculpture as an art form
- C) ₹20,000 to organize another exhibition
- D) ₹5,000 to collaborate with Pakistani artists
Answer: B) ₹10,000 to promote sculpture as an art form
What unique themes did Novera Ahmed incorporate into her sculptures?
- A) Religious motifs from Christianity
- B) Abstract depictions of political events
- C) Buddhist themes and women’s experiences
- D) Mythological creatures and folklore
Answer: C) Buddhist themes and women’s experiences
What materials did Novera Ahmed often use in her sculptures?
- A) Bronze, marble, and clay
- B) Cement, wood, plaster, and stone
- C) Gold, silver, and ivory
- D) Plastic, glass, and iron
Answer: B) Cement, wood, plaster, and stone
Why did Novera Ahmed travel to Bombay in 1962?
- A) To attend an art residency
- B) To study Indian classical dance (Bharatanatyam)
- C) To organize a sculpture exhibition
- D) To collaborate with Indian artists
Answer: B) To study Indian classical dance (Bharatanatyam)
What did Novera Ahmed use as material during her time in Thailand?
- A) Traditional Thai wood
- B) American airplane wreckage
- C) Buddhist relics
- D) Local ceramics
Answer: B) American airplane wreckage
Where did Novera Ahmed settle for the rest of her life?
- A) Dhaka
- B) Paris
- C) London
- D) Bangkok
Answer: B) Paris
Legacy and Recognition
What was Zainul Abedin’s opinion of Novera Ahmed’s work?
- A) Her art lacks traditional influences.
- B) Her art was ahead of its time.
- C) Her sculptures were too experimental.
- D) Her style was too reliant on Western ideas.
Answer: B) Her art was ahead of its time.
Why is Novera Ahmed’s contribution to the Shaheed Minar significant?
- A) She created the entire design independently.
- B) She introduced folk motifs to the design.
- C) She collaborated with Hamidur Rahman on its design.
- D) She sculpted its Buddhist themes.
Answer: C) She collaborated with Hamidur Rahman on its design.
What recognition did Novera Ahmed receive posthumously in Bangladesh?
- A) Independence Day Award
- B) Ekushey Padak
- C) Bangabandhu Gold Medal
- D) National Art Award
Answer: B) Ekushey Padak
What does Novera Ahmed’s life reflect about the role of women in Bangladeshi art?
- A) Women were entirely excluded from the art scene.
- B) Women faced significant challenges but made pioneering contributions.
- C) Women had more opportunities abroad than in Bangladesh.
- D) Women artists focused solely on abstract art.
Answer: B) Women faced significant challenges but made pioneering contributions.
How does her choice of materials symbolize her innovative approach?
- A) It shows her dependence on traditional methods.
- B) It highlights her use of everyday and unconventional materials.
- C) It reflects a preference for luxurious materials.
- D) It emphasizes her detachment from local art traditions.
Answer: B) It highlights her use of everyday and unconventional materials.
What sets Novera Ahmed apart from other contemporary Bangladeshi artists?
- A) Her use of abstract symbolism
- B) Her international education and modern approach
- C) Her focus on rural Bangladeshi life
- D) Her work in the field of dance
Answer: B) Her international education and modern approach
What does the grant by General Azam Khan reveal about art in East Pakistan?
- A) The lack of government support for sculpture
- B) A growing recognition of modern art forms
- C) Preference for traditional painting over sculpture
- D) Skepticism about female artists
Answer: B) A growing recognition of modern art forms
What does her work with airplane wreckage suggest about her artistic philosophy?
- A) Emphasis on sustainability and reuse
- B) Interest in aviation technology
- C) Nostalgia for wartime memories
- D) A critique of industrial waste
Answer: A) Emphasis on sustainability and reuse
What made Novera Ahmed’s work difficult to understand at the time?
- A) It was highly political.
- B) It was rooted in rural themes.
- C) It was ahead of her contemporaries' artistic vocabulary.
- D) It used traditional techniques.
Answer: C) It was ahead of her contemporaries' artistic vocabulary.
How did her education in London and Florence shape her style?
- A) By focusing on European classical forms
- B) By combining Western and local traditions
- C) By rejecting local Bangladeshi influences
- D) By introducing surrealist elements
Answer: B) By combining Western and local traditions
What aspect of women’s lives did Novera Ahmed explore in her work?
- A) Women’s empowerment movements
- B) Their everyday struggles and experiences
- C) Mythological depictions of women
- D) Women’s role in politics
Answer: B) Their everyday struggles and experiences
How does her absence from Bangladesh affect her legacy?
- A) Her work is entirely unknown.
- B) It has led to underrepresentation of her contributions.
- C) It made her works more celebrated internationally.
- D) It limited her access to materials for sculptures.
Answer: B) It has led to underrepresentation of her contributions.
What role did folk motifs play in her sculptures?
- A) They were rejected for being outdated.
- B) They were incorporated to depict rural life.
- C) They were used exclusively for religious themes.
- D) They influenced her work only during her early years.
Answer: B) They were incorporated to depict rural life.
How does Novera Ahmed exemplify the fusion of modernity and tradition?
- A) By focusing solely on Western styles
- B) By blending global influences with local themes
- C) By rejecting traditional Bangladeshi art forms
- D) By modernizing rural folklore into abstract art
Answer: B) By blending global influences with local themes
Why is her recognition through the Ekushey Padak in absentia significant?
- A) It marked her return to the art scene.
- B) It showed her legacy endured despite her absence.
- C) It highlighted her global acclaim.
- D) It was her only major recognition.
Answer: B) It showed her legacy endured despite her absence.
Short Questions and Answers:
What significance did Novera Ahmed hold in Bangladeshi art history?
Novera Ahmed was the pioneer of modern sculpture in Bangladesh and introduced progressive ideas in the field. Her innovative works were ahead of her time, as noted by Zainul Abedin. -
How did Novera Ahmed's family influence her interest in sculpture?
Growing up in a culturally inclined family in Chittagong, she was inspired by her mother's skill in crafting clay dolls’ houses. This early exposure sparked her fascination with three-dimensional forms. -
What was the essence of Novera Ahmed's sculptural style?
Her style was a fusion of western influences and Bangladeshi folk traditions. She often focused on village life, folk motifs, Buddhist themes, and the experiences of women. -
What marked the historical significance of her 1960 solo exhibition?
It was the first-ever solo sculpture exhibition in Bangladesh, demonstrating her role as a trailblazer. General Azam Khan’s recognition and grant emphasized the importance of her work. -
Why is Zainul Abedin's statement about Novera Ahmed important?
His remark highlights her innovative and complex artistry, which was difficult to comprehend at the time. It also reflects her position as a visionary in the arts. -
What materials did Novera Ahmed use in her sculptures, and why were they significant?
She used cement, wood, plaster, and stone, which showcased her versatility and resourcefulness. Her choice of materials reflected both modernity and accessibility. -
What role did Novera Ahmed play in the creation of the Shaheed Minar?
She collaborated with Hamidur Rahman on the design of the Shaheed Minar, integrating her artistic vision into a national symbol. This highlights her contribution to monumental art in Bangladesh. -
What does her use of airplane crash remains signify in her art?
Her use of materials from Vietnam War plane crashes shows her ability to innovate and find meaning in unconventional resources. It also reflects her engagement with contemporary global events. -
Why is Novera Ahmed considered underrepresented in Bangladeshi art?
Despite her significant contributions, her work has not been sufficiently recognized or preserved in the country. This underrepresentation undermines her legacy. -
How did her education abroad influence her work?
Her studies in London and Florence exposed her to western sculptural techniques and ideas. She blended these with Bangladeshi folk traditions, creating a unique artistic language. -
Why was General Azam Khan's grant important for Novera Ahmed?
The grant acknowledged the value of her art and provided resources to promote sculpture in a region where the medium was underdeveloped. -
What inspired Novera Ahmed to incorporate Buddhist themes in her sculptures?
Her keen observation of cultural and spiritual motifs in Bangladesh likely influenced her work. Buddhist themes complemented her focus on tradition and human experiences. -
What does her move to Paris signify about her career?
Moving to Paris allowed her to immerse herself in the global art scene and gain broader exposure. However, it also marked her physical and cultural distance from Bangladesh. -
What challenges did Novera Ahmed face in gaining recognition?
Her progressive ideas and innovative techniques were not fully understood during her time. This, coupled with her long absence from Bangladesh, contributed to her underrepresentation. -
What was the significance of her 1998 exhibition in Dhaka?
It provided a retrospective look at her works left in Dhaka, allowing her contributions to be reevaluated posthumously. This event sought to reclaim her legacy in Bangladeshi art history.
Summary of the passage
Novera Ahmed, a pioneer of modern sculpture in Bangladesh, was born in Chittagong and inspired by her mother’s creativity. Educated in London and Florence, she blended Western ideas with Bangladeshi folk traditions, often depicting women’s experiences and village life in her works. Her first solo sculpture exhibition in 1960 at Dhaka’s Central Public Library was groundbreaking, earning praise and a grant from General Azam Khan. Novera co-designed the Shaheed Minar with Hamidur Rahman. She lived in Pakistan, India, Thailand, and Paris, where she created innovative sculptures using diverse materials, including plane debris from the Vietnam War. Recognized with the Ekushey Padak in 1997, her legacy remains significant despite her underrepresentation in Bangladeshi art history.
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