Unit Six: Dreams ||Textbook page 105 & 106 || Class eleven and twelve || Lesson 1: What is a Dream? || English first paper || Bangla meaning, line by line Bangla meaning, short questions and summary ||

Unit Six: Dreams ||Textbook page 105 & 106 || Class eleven and twelve || Lesson 1: What is a Dream? || English first paper || Bangla meaning, line by line Bangla meaning, short questions and summary || 

Dreams have fascinated philosophers for thousands of years, but only recently have dreams been subjected to empirical research and scientific study. Chances are that you've often found yourself puzzling over the content of a dream, or perhaps you've wondered why you dream at all.

First, let's start by answering a basic question: What is a dream? A dream can include any of the images, thoughts and emotions that are experienced during sleep. Dreams can be extraordinarily vivid or very vague: filled with joyful emotions or frightening images; focused and understandable or unclear and confusing.

Why do we dream? What purpose do dreams serve? While many theories have been proposed about the reason and function of dreams, no consensus has emerged.

Considering the time we spend in a dreaming state, the fact that researchers do not yet understand the purpose of dreams may seem baffling. However, it is important to consider that science is still unraveling the exact purpose and function of sleep itself. Some researchers suggest that dreams serve no real purpose, while others believe that dreaming is essential to mental, emotional and physical well-being.

Next, let's learn more about some of the most prominent dream theories.

Consistent with the psychoanalytic perspective. Sigmund Freud's theory of dreams suggests that dreams are a representation of subconscious desires, thoughts and motivations. According to Freud, people are driven by aggressive and sexual instincts that are repressed from conscious awareness. While these thoughts are not consciously expressed, they find their way into our awareness via dreams. In his famous book The Interpretation of Dreams (1899), Freud wrote that dreams are "...disguised fulfillments of repressed wishes."

Freud's theary contributed to the popularity of dream interpretation. Following his paths many theorists came up with their own ideas about dreams. The following are just a few of them:

Some researchers suggest that dreams are a subjective interpretation of signals generated by the brain during sleep. Dreams are not meaningless. Instead, during dreams the cognitive elements in our brain produce new ideas.

One theory suggests that dreams are the result of our brains trying to interpret external stimuli during sleep. For example, the sound of the radio may be incorporated into the content of a dream.

Another theory uses a computer metaphor to account for dreams. According to this theory, dreams serve to 'clean up clutter from the mind, much like clean-up operations in a computer, refreshing the mind to prepare for the next day.

Yet another model proposes that dreams function as a form of psychotherapy. In this theory, the dreamer is able to make connections between different thoughts and emotions in a safe environment.

Here are Some important word meaning in bangla 

  1. Dream (স্বপ্ন) – কল্পনা, দেখা | Synonym: ফ্যান্টাসি (Fantasy) | Antonym: বাস্তবতা (Reality)

  2. Fascinate (মুগ্ধ করা) – আকর্ষণ করা | Synonym: মোহিত করা (Enchant) | Antonym: বিরক্ত করা (Annoy)

  3. Empirical (প্রায়োগিক) – অভিজ্ঞতালব্ধ | Synonym: পরীক্ষামূলক (Experimental) | Antonym: তাত্ত্বিক (Theoretical)

  4. Puzzling (হতবুদ্ধিকর) – বিভ্রান্তিকর | Synonym: বিভ্রান্তিকর (Confusing) | Antonym: স্পষ্ট (Clear)

  5. Content (বিষয়বস্তু) – উপাদান | Synonym: উপাদান (Substance) | Antonym: শূন্যতা (Emptiness)

  6. Vivid (জীবন্ত) – উজ্জ্বল | Synonym: স্পষ্ট (Clear) | Antonym: অনির্দিষ্ট (Unclear)

  7. Emotion (ভাবাবেগ) – অনুভূতি | Synonym: অনুভূতি (Feeling) | Antonym: উদাসীনতা (Apathy)

  8. Unclear (অস্পষ্ট) – অনির্দিষ্ট | Synonym: অস্পষ্ট (Vague) | Antonym: স্পষ্ট (Explicit)

  9. Function (কার্যকারিতা) – কাজ | Synonym: উদ্দেশ্য (Purpose) | Antonym: নিষ্ক্রিয়তা (Inactivity)

  10. Baffling (হতবুদ্ধিকর) – বিভ্রান্তিকর | Synonym: অবোধ্য (Perplexing) | Antonym: সহজবোধ্য (Understandable)

  11. Consensus (ঐক্যমত) – সম্মতি | Synonym: একমত (Agreement) | Antonym: মতভেদ (Disagreement)

  12. Interpretation (ব্যাখ্যা) – বিশ্লেষণ | Synonym: ব্যাখ্যা (Explanation) | Antonym: ভুল ব্যাখ্যা (Misinterpretation)

  13. Motivation (উদ্দীপনা) – অনুপ্রেরণা | Synonym: উৎসাহ (Encouragement) | Antonym: নিরুৎসাহ (Discouragement)

  14. Perspective (দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি) – চিন্তাধারা | Synonym: দৃষ্টিকোণ (Viewpoint) | Antonym: সংকীর্ণ চিন্তা (Narrow-mindedness)

  15. Repressed (দমন করা) – সংযত | Synonym: চেপে রাখা (Suppressed) | Antonym: প্রকাশিত (Expressed)

  16. Awareness (সচেতনতা) – জানা | Synonym: উপলব্ধি (Consciousness) | Antonym: অজ্ঞতা (Ignorance)

  17. Representation (প্রতিনিধিত্ব) – প্রকাশ | Synonym: প্রতিফলন (Depiction) | Antonym: অস্পষ্টতা (Obscurity)

  18. Disguise (বেশধারণ) – ছদ্মবেশ | Synonym: গোপন করা (Conceal) | Antonym: প্রকাশ করা (Reveal)

  19. Instinct (স্বাভাবিক প্রবৃত্তি) – সহজাত অনুভূতি | Synonym: প্রবৃত্তি (Impulse) | Antonym: অপ্রবৃত্তি (Disinclination)

  20. Interpret (ব্যাখ্যা করা) – বিশ্লেষণ করা | Synonym: বুঝানো (Explain) | Antonym: ভুল বোঝানো (Misinterpret)

  21. Generate (উত্পাদন করা) – সৃষ্টি করা | Synonym: তৈরি করা (Produce) | Antonym: ধ্বংস করা (Destroy)

  22. Stimuli (উদ্দীপক) – উত্তেজক বস্তু | Synonym: প্রেরণা (Incentive) | Antonym: নিষ্ক্রিয়তা (Inertia)

  23. Incorporate (অন্তর্ভুক্ত করা) – সংযুক্ত করা | Synonym: মিশ্রিত করা (Integrate) | Antonym: পৃথক করা (Separate)

  24. Cognitive (জ্ঞানসংক্রান্ত) – মানসিক প্রক্রিয়ার সাথে সম্পর্কিত | Synonym: বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক (Intellectual) | Antonym: অবচেতন (Unconscious)

  25. Metaphor (রূপক) – উপমা | Synonym: উপমা (Analogy) | Antonym: সরল বিবরণ (Literal meaning)

  26. Clutter (অগোছালো অবস্থা) – বিশৃঙ্খলা | Synonym: বিশৃঙ্খলা (Mess) | Antonym: পরিপাটি (Orderliness)

  27. Refreshing (সতেজ করা) – পুনরুজ্জীবিত করা | Synonym: নবজীবন দান (Revitalize) | Antonym: ক্লান্ত করা (Exhaust)

  28. Psychotherapy (মানসিক চিকিৎসা) – মানসিক থেরাপি | Synonym: চিকিৎসা (Therapy) | Antonym: অবহেলা (Neglect)

  29. Connection (সংযোগ) – সম্পর্ক | Synonym: সম্পর্ক (Link) | Antonym: বিচ্ছিন্নতা (Disconnection)

  30. Safe (নিরাপদ) – সুরক্ষিত | Synonym: নিরাপদ (Secure) | Antonym: বিপজ্জনক (Dangerous)

  31. Theory (তত্ত্ব) – ধারণা | Synonym: অনুমান (Hypothesis) | Antonym: সত্যতা (Fact)

  32. Popular (জনপ্রিয়) – বহুল প্রচলিত | Synonym: বিখ্যাত (Famous) | Antonym: অপ্রিয় (Unpopular)

  33. Unravel (উন্মোচন করা) – উদঘাটন করা | Synonym: প্রকাশ করা (Discover) | Antonym: লুকানো (Conceal)

  34. Realize (অনুধাবন করা) – বোঝা | Synonym: উপলব্ধি করা (Understand) | Antonym: ভুল বোঝা (Misunderstand)

  35. Suggest (পরামর্শ দেওয়া) – ইঙ্গিত করা | Synonym: সুপারিশ করা (Recommend) | Antonym: নিরুৎসাহিত করা (Discourage)

  36. Explain (ব্যাখ্যা করা) – বিশ্লেষণ করা | Synonym: স্পষ্ট করা (Clarify) | Antonym: জটিল করা (Complicate)

  37. Emotional (আবেগপ্রবণ) – অনুভূতিপূর্ণ | Synonym: সংবেদনশীল (Sensitive) | Antonym: নির্লিপ্ত (Indifferent)

  38. Physical (শারীরিক) – দেহসংক্রান্ত | Synonym: দেহগত (Bodily) | Antonym: মানসিক (Mental)

  39. Essential (অত্যাবশ্যকীয়) – অপরিহার্য | Synonym: জরুরি (Necessary) | Antonym: অপ্রয়োজনীয় (Unnecessary)

  40. Observation (পর্যবেক্ষণ) – লক্ষ করা | Synonym: নিরীক্ষণ (Examination) | Antonym: উপেক্ষা (Neglect)

  41. Random (এলোমেলো) – অনিয়মিত | Synonym: অনির্দেশিত (Unplanned) | Antonym: পরিকল্পিত (Planned)

  42. Curious (কৌতূহলী) – জানার আগ্রহী | Synonym: অনুসন্ধানী (Inquisitive) | Antonym: উদাসীন (Apathetic)

  43. Recall (স্মরণ করা) – মনে করা | Synonym: মনে আনা (Remember) | Antonym: ভুলে যাওয়া (Forget)

  44. Experience (অভিজ্ঞতা) – উপলব্ধি | Synonym: জ্ঞান (Knowledge) | Antonym: অজ্ঞতা (Ignorance)

  45. Unusual (অস্বাভাবিক) – ব্যতিক্রমী | Synonym: অপ্রচলিত (Rare) | Antonym: সাধারণ (Common)

  46. Retain (সংরক্ষণ করা) – ধরে রাখা | Synonym: বজায় রাখা (Preserve) | Antonym: হারানো (Lose)

  47. Evaluate (মূল্যায়ন করা) – বিচার করা | Synonym: বিশ্লেষণ করা (Assess) | Antonym: অবহেলা করা (Ignore)

  48. Mysterious (রহস্যময়) – অস্পষ্ট | Synonym: অজানা (Enigmatic) | Antonym: স্পষ্ট (Obvious)

  49. Intense (তীব্র) – প্রবল | Synonym: গভীর (Deep) | Antonym: দুর্বল (Weak)

  50. Logic (যুক্তি) – বুদ্ধিবৃত্তিক চিন্তা | Synonym: বিচারধারা (Reasoning) | Antonym: অসংগতিপূর্ণতা (Illogicality)

Answer some important multiple questions 

  1. What is a dream?
    a) A conscious thought during wakefulness
    b) Any images, thoughts, and emotions experienced during sleep
    c) A scientific theory about sleep
    d) A form of meditation
    Answer: b) Any images, thoughts, and emotions experienced during sleep

  2. According to the passage, why is the study of dreams still inconclusive?
    a) Scientists have ignored the topic
    b) Dreaming does not actually happen
    c) The purpose and function of sleep itself are not fully understood
    d) There are no scientific tools to study dreams
    Answer: c) The purpose and function of sleep itself are not fully understood

  3. Which of the following is not mentioned as a possible purpose of dreams?
    a) Interpreting external stimuli
    b) Repressing subconscious desires
    c) Strengthening physical muscles
    d) Processing emotions in a safe environment
    Answer: c) Strengthening physical muscles

  4. What did Freud believe about dreams?
    a) They are random and meaningless
    b) They are a way of fulfilling repressed desires
    c) They are a method of clearing unnecessary thoughts
    d) They only occur in the REM stage of sleep
    Answer: b) They are a way of fulfilling repressed desires

  5. What book did Freud write about dreams?
    a) The Science of Sleep
    b) The Interpretation of Dreams
    c) Dream Psychology
    d) The Power of the Subconscious
    Answer: b) The Interpretation of Dreams

  6. According to one theory, dreams function similarly to:
    a) A library storing information
    b) A computer performing clean-up operations
    c) A television broadcasting random images
    d) A detective solving mysteries
    Answer: b) A computer performing clean-up operations

  7. Why do some researchers believe that dreams serve no real purpose?
    a) Dreams are random firings of the brain
    b) Dreams do not contain any meaningful information
    c) People do not remember most of their dreams
    d) All of the above
    Answer: d) All of the above

  8. Which of the following is an example of a dream interpreting external stimuli?
    a) Dreaming about flying after watching a superhero movie
    b) Dreaming of a phone ringing and waking up to an actual ringing phone
    c) Dreaming about falling and waking up scared
    d) Dreaming of an exam after studying all night
    Answer: b) Dreaming of a phone ringing and waking up to an actual ringing phone

  9. Which theory suggests that dreams help process emotions in a safe space?
    a) The computer metaphor theory
    b) The external stimuli theory
    c) The psychotherapy model
    d) The cognitive theory
    Answer: c) The psychotherapy model

  10. Why did Freud believe people repress their desires?
    a) They are considered socially unacceptable
    b) They are too difficult to understand
    c) They interfere with daily functioning
    d) They do not make sense to the dreamer
    Answer: a) They are considered socially unacceptable

  1. What is the synonym of “vivid” in the context of the passage?
    a) Clear
    b) Boring
    c) Fake
    d) Dull
    Answer: a) Clear

  2. The word “baffling” in the passage is closest in meaning to:
    a) Exciting
    b) Confusing
    c) Predictable
    d) Simple
    Answer: b) Confusing

  3. What does the word "interpret" mean in the passage?
    a) To organize thoughts
    b) To make sense of something
    c) To create new ideas
    d) To ignore details
    Answer: b) To make sense of something

  4. The word “subjective” in the passage means:
    a) Based on personal opinion
    b) Based on scientific facts
    c) Related to medicine
    d) Hard to understand
    Answer: a) Based on personal opinion

  5. What is the antonym of “unclear” in the passage?
    a) Vague
    b) Foggy
    c) Obscure
    d) Focused
    Answer: d) Focused

  6. What does “repressed” mean in Freud’s theory?
    a) Remembered vividly
    b) Pushed out of awareness
    c) Repeated constantly
    d) Strengthened over time
    Answer: b) Pushed out of awareness

  7. The word “consensus” in the passage means:
    a) A widespread agreement
    b) A personal belief
    c) A dream theory
    d) A scientific discovery
    Answer: a) A widespread agreement

  8. The word “motivation” in the passage is a:
    a) Noun
    b) Verb
    c) Adjective
    d) Preposition
    Answer: a) Noun

  9. In the phrase "dreams function as a form of psychotherapy," the word “function” is used as a:
    a) Noun
    b) Verb
    c) Adjective
    d) Adverb
    Answer: b) Verb

  10. The word “essential” in the passage is closest in meaning to:
    a) Optional
    b) Necessary
    c) Unimportant
    d) Rare
    Answer: b) Necessary

  1. Which of the following theories suggests that dreams create new ideas?
    a) The psychoanalytic theory
    b) The cognitive theory
    c) The external stimuli theory
    d) The emotional regulation theory
    Answer: b) The cognitive theory

  2. What does the passage suggest about dream interpretation?
    a) It is scientifically proven
    b) It was popularized by Freud
    c) It has no psychological significance
    d) It is based only on external stimuli
    Answer: b) It was popularized by Freud

  3. Which of the following theories suggests that dreams serve no purpose?
    a) Cognitive theory
    b) Psychoanalytic theory
    c) Psychotherapy model
    d) Some researchers' beliefs
    Answer: d) Some researchers' beliefs

  4. According to the passage, dreams can be:
    a) Only vague
    b) Always frightening
    c) Both joyful and terrifying
    d) Only focused and clear
    Answer: c) Both joyful and terrifying

  5. Which researcher is most associated with dream theories?
    a) Carl Jung
    b) Sigmund Freud
    c) William James
    d) B.F. Skinner
    Answer: b) Sigmund Freud

  6. What is a limitation of dream studies?
    a) Lack of technology
    b) Disagreement among scientists
    c) Dreams are difficult to recall accurately
    d) All of the above
    Answer: d) All of the above

  7. What does the passage imply about dream studies?
    a) They are still evolving
    b) They are completely understood
    c) They are irrelevant to psychology
    d) They are only important in philosophy
    Answer: a) They are still evolving

  8. Which of the following is NOT a dream theory mentioned?
    a) The biological survival theory
    b) The cognitive processing theory
    c) The psychotherapy theory
    d) The computer clean-up theory
    Answer: a) The biological survival theory

  9. What does the passage mainly discuss?
    a) The meaning of specific dreams
    b) Different theories about why we dream
    c) The stages of sleep
    d) The dangers of dreaming
    Answer: b) Different theories about why we dream.

Here are some important short questions with answers based on the passage.

  1. What is a dream?
    A dream consists of images, thoughts, and emotions experienced during sleep. Dreams can be vivid or vague, joyful or frightening, and either focused or confusing.

  2. Why do researchers find it difficult to determine the purpose of dreams?
    The exact function of dreams remains unclear because even the purpose of sleep itself is not fully understood. Some researchers believe dreams have no real purpose, while others think they contribute to mental and emotional well-being.

  3. What was Freud's main idea about dreams?
    Freud believed that dreams represent subconscious desires, thoughts, and motivations. He suggested that repressed emotions, especially sexual and aggressive instincts, appear in disguised forms in our dreams.

  4. How did Freud influence the study of dreams?
    Freud’s theory popularized the idea that dreams have hidden meanings and led to the development of dream interpretation. Many later theorists built their own dream theories based on his ideas.

  5. How do external stimuli influence dreams?
    Some researchers believe that external sounds, like a radio playing nearby, can become part of a dream. The brain incorporates these stimuli, creating dream scenarios related to them.

  1. What are some common characteristics of dreams?
    Dreams can vary greatly in content, ranging from vivid to vague and joyful to frightening. They may be logical and understandable or confusing and unclear.

  2. Why is it surprising that the purpose of dreams is still unknown?
    Given the amount of time humans spend dreaming, it is unexpected that science has not yet determined why dreams occur. However, research on sleep itself is still ongoing.

  3. What is one theory that compares dreams to computers?
    One theory suggests that dreams help "clean up" mental clutter, similar to how a computer removes unnecessary data. This helps refresh the mind for the next day.

  4. How might dreams be useful for mental health?
    Some theories suggest that dreams allow people to process emotions and thoughts in a safe way. They may serve as a type of psychotherapy by helping the dreamer make connections between different ideas.

  5. What role does the brain play in generating dreams?
    Researchers propose that dreams result from the brain interpreting signals generated during sleep. These signals are then combined with cognitive elements, leading to unique dream experiences.

  1. How could Freud's theory explain recurring dreams?
    According to Freud, recurring dreams might reflect unresolved subconscious conflicts or desires. Since these thoughts are repressed, they continue to appear in dreams until the issue is addressed.

  2. Why might some people remember dreams better than others?
    Some people may wake up during or right after a dream, making it easier to recall details. Additionally, differences in brain activity and attention to dreams can influence memory retention.

  3. How could the computer metaphor theory explain nightmares?
    If dreams help clean up the mind, nightmares might represent stress, anxiety, or unresolved thoughts that the brain is struggling to process. These intense dreams may reflect mental "errors" or emotional distress.

  4. Can dreams predict the future?
    There is no scientific evidence that dreams can predict the future. However, because dreams are based on thoughts, fears, and experiences, they may sometimes align with real-life events in ways that seem predictive.

  5. How might dream research benefit mental health treatment?
    If dreams help process emotions, studying them could offer insights into mental health disorders. Therapists might use dream analysis to help patients understand their subconscious thoughts and feelings.

Summary of the passage 

Dreams have intrigued philosophers for centuries, but scientific research on them is recent. A dream consists of images, thoughts, and emotions during sleep. They can be vivid or vague, joyful or scary. The purpose of dreams remains uncertain. Some believe they serve no function, while others argue they support mental and emotional health.

Sigmund Freud suggested that dreams reflect repressed desires and unconscious thoughts. Other theories propose that dreams result from brain activity, interpret external stimuli, or help clear the mind like a computer. Another view sees dreams as a form of therapy, allowing individuals to process emotions safely. Despite various theories, the true purpose of dreaming is still unknown.

Model questions depending on  Unit Six: Dreams  Lesson 1: What is a Dream?

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