Nag's Legacy||Textbook page 79 & 80 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Four: History ;Lesson Two Great Women || English first paper || Bangla meaning, synonym and antonym, mcq, short questions and summary ||

Leela Nag ||Textbook page 79 & 80 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Four: History ;Lesson Two Great Women || English first paper || Bangla meaning, synonym and antonym, mcq, short questions and summary || 

Leela Nag: First Female Student of the Department of English, Dhaka University

In 1921, Leela Nag (also known as Leela Roy for her marriage with Anil Chandra Roy, an Indian National Congress leader) was the first woman to be admitted to the M.A in English at the University of Dhaka. Breaking patriarchal barriers, Leela Nag established the identity of the Department of English from the very beginning as a platform for progressive and liberal ideas. Although her decision to join the Department of English was initially met with resistance, she achieved her goal with a special permission from the then Vice Chancellor Philip Hartog and fulfilled her dream of graduating from the University of Dhaka. In 1923, she was the first woman to receive an M.A. from the Department of English. But Leela Nag's legacy goes beyond the confines of classrooms. While she was a student, she formed the Dhaka Women's Committee and raised funds for the 1921 Bengal flood victims. She was actively involved in the empowerment of women in society. In 1923, she founded Deepali Sangha which served as a training institute for anti-colonial activists. Between 1927 and 1928, she established the first self-defense institute for girls in Bengal. Then, at the 1928 Calcutta Congress Session, she presented a paper on the history of women's movement in Bengal as a delegate, and by 1929. Leela Nag had successfully founded 12 free primary schools for girls. Apart from her contribution to women's emancipation, Leela consistently voiced her opinions in politics as well. She had been imprisoned on several occasions. When the Subcontinent was embroiled in turmoil during the Partition, Leela Nag set up camps for victims of Noakhali riots in 1946. and for abandoned women and refugees from East Bengal in 1947. In 1946, she was the only Bengali woman elected to the Constituent Assembly of Bengal.

Leela Nag broke the glass ceiling on so many levels that it is very difficult to limit her to being only a feminist. She fulfills all the criteria of citizen, rebel, reformer, social activist and a change agent. Looking at the other women who studied in the Department of English much later, we can trace these features of social activism in them as well.
"The texts in the boxes are selected and revised from an article written by Farhanaz Rabbani, Associate Professor at the Department of English of Dhaka University, published in the EDAS (English Department Alumni Society)
Chronicle in 2022. Though the women mentioned in the texts are pioneers in the field of English education in Bangladesh. their history is hardly known to us.

Here are some words with their meanings in Bangla, along with synonyms and antonyms:

  1. Barrier – প্রতিবন্ধকতা

    • Synonym: Obstacle
    • Antonym: Passage
  2. Empowerment – ক্ষমতায়ন

    • Synonym: Authorization
    • Antonym: Subjugation
  3. Legacy – উত্তরাধিকার

    • Synonym: Heritage
    • Antonym: Dispossession
  4. Resistance – প্রতিরোধ

    • Synonym: Opposition
    • Antonym: Submission
  5. Equality – সমতা

    • Synonym: Parity
    • Antonym: Inequality
  6. Struggle – সংগ্রাম

    • Synonym: Battle
    • Antonym: Peace
  7. Activism – সক্রিয়তা

    • Synonym: Campaigning
    • Antonym: Passivity
  8. Leadership – নেতৃত্ব

    • Synonym: Guidance
    • Antonym: Subordination
  9. Reformer – সংস্কারক

    • Synonym: Innovator
    • Antonym: Traditionalist
  10. Inspiration – অনুপ্রেরণা

    • Synonym: Motivation
    • Antonym: Discouragement
  11. Rebel – বিদ্রোহী

    • Synonym: Revolutionary
    • Antonym: Conformist
  12. Education – শিক্ষা

    • Synonym: Instruction
    • Antonym: Ignorance
  13. Activist – কর্মী

    • Synonym: Advocate
    • Antonym: Bystander
  14. Freedom – স্বাধীনতা

    • Synonym: Liberty
    • Antonym: Captivity
  15. Suffrage – ভোটাধিকার

    • Synonym: Voting rights
    • Antonym: Disenfranchisement
  16. Achievement – অর্জন

    • Synonym: Accomplishment
    • Antonym: Failure
  17. Influence – প্রভাব

    • Synonym: Impact
    • Antonym: Insignificance
  18. Determination – দৃঢ়তা

    • Synonym: Resolve
    • Antonym: Doubt
  19. Perseverance – অধ্যবসায়

    • Synonym: Persistence
    • Antonym: Inconstancy
  20. Courage – সাহস

    • Synonym: Bravery
    • Antonym: Fear
  21. Socialism – সমাজতন্ত্র

    • Synonym: Communism
    • Antonym: Capitalism
  22. Equality – সমতা

    • Synonym: Fairness
    • Antonym: Discrimination
  23. Independence – স্বাধীনতা

    • Synonym: Autonomy
    • Antonym: Dependence
  24. Innovation – উদ্ভাবন

    • Synonym: Creation
    • Antonym: Imitation
  25. Justice – ন্যায়বিচার

    • Synonym: Fairness
    • Antonym: Injustice

Below is the line-by-line Bangla meaning of the passage you provided, with the corresponding English sentence numbered before the translation.

  1. In 1921, Leela Nag (also known as Leela Roy for her marriage with Anil Chandra Roy, an Indian National Congress leader) was the first woman to be admitted to the M.A in English at the University of Dhaka.
    ১৯২১ সালে, লীলা নাগ (যাকে তার স্বামী অণিল চন্দ্র রায়ের নাম অনুসারে লীলা রায়ও বলা হয়, যিনি ভারতীয় জাতীয় কংগ্রেসের নেতা ছিলেন) ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ে ইংরেজি ভাষায় এম.এ.তে ভর্তি হওয়া প্রথম মহিলা ছিলেন।

  2. Breaking patriarchal barriers, Leela Nag established the identity of the Department of English from the very beginning as a platform for progressive and liberal ideas.
    পিতৃতন্ত্রের প্রতিবন্ধকতাগুলি ভেঙে, লীলা নাগ ইংরেজি বিভাগের পরিচয়কে প্রগতিশীল এবং উদার মতাদর্শের প্ল্যাটফর্ম হিসেবে প্রতিষ্ঠিত করেছিলেন।

  3. Although her decision to join the Department of English was initially met with resistance, she achieved her goal with a special permission from the then Vice Chancellor Philip Hartog and fulfilled her dream of graduating from the University of Dhaka.
    যদিও ইংরেজি বিভাগে যোগ দেওয়ার তার সিদ্ধান্ত প্রাথমিকভাবে প্রতিরোধের সম্মুখীন হয়েছিল, তবে তিনি তৎকালীন উপাচার্য ফিলিপ হারটগের বিশেষ অনুমতির মাধ্যমে তার লক্ষ্য অর্জন করেছিলেন এবং ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে স্নাতক হওয়ার তার স্বপ্ন পূর্ণ করেছিলেন।

  4. In 1923, she was the first woman to receive an M.A. from the Department of English.
    ১৯২৩ সালে, তিনি ইংরেজি বিভাগের প্রথম মহিলা হিসেবে এম.এ. ডিগ্রি লাভ করেন।

  5. But Leela Nag's legacy goes beyond the confines of classrooms.
    তবে লীলা নাগের উত্তরাধিকার শ্রেণীকক্ষে সীমাবদ্ধ নয়।

  6. While she was a student, she formed the Dhaka Women's Committee and raised funds for the 1921 Bengal flood victims.
    যখন তিনি শিক্ষার্থী ছিলেন, তখন তিনি ঢাকা মহিলাদের কমিটি গঠন করেছিলেন এবং ১৯২১ সালের বাঙালি বন্যার শিকারদের জন্য তহবিল সংগ্রহ করেছিলেন।

  7. She was actively involved in the empowerment of women in society.
    তিনি সমাজে মহিলাদের ক্ষমতায়নে সক্রিয়ভাবে জড়িত ছিলেন।

  8. In 1923, she founded Deepali Sangha which served as a training institute for anti-colonial activists.
    ১৯২৩ সালে, তিনি দীপালী সংঘ প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন, যা উপনিবেশবিরোধী আন্দোলনকারীদের প্রশিক্ষণ ইনস্টিটিউট হিসেবে কাজ করেছিল।

  9. Between 1927 and 1928, she established the first self-defense institute for girls in Bengal.
    ১৯২৭ এবং ১৯২৮ সালের মধ্যে, তিনি বাংলায় মেয়েদের জন্য প্রথম আত্মরক্ষা ইনস্টিটিউট প্রতিষ্ঠা করেন।

  10. Then, at the 1928 Calcutta Congress Session, she presented a paper on the history of women's movement in Bengal as a delegate, and by 1929, Leela Nag had successfully founded 12 free primary schools for girls.
    এরপর, ১৯২৮ সালের কলকাতা কংগ্রেস সেশনে, তিনি বাঙালি মহিলাদের আন্দোলনের ইতিহাস নিয়ে একটি প্রবন্ধ উপস্থাপন করেছিলেন এবং ১৯২৯ সালের মধ্যে, লীলা নাগ সফলভাবে ১২টি মেয়েদের জন্য বিনামূল্যে প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয় প্রতিষ্ঠা করেছিলেন।

  11. Apart from her contribution to women's emancipation, Leela consistently voiced her opinions in politics as well.
    মহিলাদের মুক্তির ক্ষেত্রে তার অবদানের পাশাপাশি, লীলা নাগ রাজনীতিতেও তার মতামত নিয়মিতভাবে প্রকাশ করেছিলেন।

  12. She had been imprisoned on several occasions.
    তাকে একাধিকবার কারাগারে পাঠানো হয়েছিল।

  13. When the Subcontinent was embroiled in turmoil during the Partition, Leela Nag set up camps for victims of Noakhali riots in 1946 and for abandoned women and refugees from East Bengal in 1947.
    যখন উপমহাদেশ ভাগের সময় অস্থিরতায় ডুবে ছিল, লীলা নাগ ১৯৪৬ সালে নোয়াখালী দাঙ্গার শিকারদের এবং ১৯৪৭ সালে পূর্ব বাংলার পরিত্যক্ত মহিলা ও শরণার্থীদের জন্য ক্যাম্প স্থাপন করেছিলেন।

  14. In 1946, she was the only Bengali woman elected to the Constituent Assembly of Bengal.
    ১৯৪৬ সালে, তিনি বেঙ্গলের সংবিধান প্রণয়ন পরিষদে নির্বাচিত একমাত্র বাঙালি নারী ছিলেন।

  15. Leela Nag broke the glass ceiling on so many levels that it is very difficult to limit her to being only a feminist.
    লীলা নাগ এত অনেক স্তরে কাঁচের ছাদ ভেঙেছিলেন যে, তাকে শুধু একজন নারীবাদী হিসেবে সীমাবদ্ধ করা খুব কঠিন।

  16. She fulfills all the criteria of citizen, rebel, reformer, social activist and a change agent.
    তিনি নাগরিক, বিদ্রোহী, সংস্কারক, সামাজিক কর্মী এবং পরিবর্তনের এজেন্ট হিসেবে সমস্ত মানদণ্ড পূর্ণ করেছেন।

  17. Looking at the other women who studied in the Department of English much later, we can trace these features of social activism in them as well.
    ইংরেজি বিভাগে পরবর্তীতে যারা পড়াশোনা করেছেন তাদের দিকে তাকালে, আমরা তাদের মধ্যে সামাজিক কর্মবোধের এই বৈশিষ্ট্যগুলোও খুঁজে পেতে পারি।

  18. The texts in the boxes are selected and revised from an article written by Farhanaz Rabbani, Associate Professor at the Department of English of Dhaka University, published in the EDAS (English Department Alumni Society) Chronicle in 2022.
    বক্সে থাকা পাঠগুলি ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ইংরেজি বিভাগের সহযোগী অধ্যাপক ফারহানাজ রাব্বানি দ্বারা লিখিত একটি প্রবন্ধ থেকে নির্বাচিত এবং সংশোধিত, যা ২০২২ সালে EDAS (ইংরেজি বিভাগ অ্যালামনাই সোসাইটি) ক্রনিকলে প্রকাশিত হয়েছে।

  19. Though the women mentioned in the texts are pioneers in the field of English education in Bangladesh, their history is hardly known to us.
    যদিও পাঠে উল্লেখিত মহিলারা বাংলাদেশে ইংরেজি শিক্ষার ক্ষেত্রে পথপ্রদর্শক, তাদের ইতিহাস আমাদের কাছে খুব কম জানা।

Here are some multiple-choice questions based on the passage, including at least five vocabulary-related ones:

Content-Based Questions

  1. Who was the first female student of the Department of English at Dhaka University?
    a) Rokeya Sakhawat Hossain
    b) Leela Nag
    c) Sarojini Naidu
    d) Begum Rokeya
    Answer: b) Leela Nag

  2. In which year did Leela Nag join the M.A. in English at the University of Dhaka?
    a) 1923
    b) 1921
    c) 1925
    d) 1919
    Answer: b) 1921

  3. Who was the Vice Chancellor who granted Leela Nag special permission to study at Dhaka University?
    a) A. K. Fazlul Huq
    b) Lord Curzon
    c) Philip Hartog
    d) Syed Nawab Ali Chowdhury
    Answer: c) Philip Hartog

  4. When did Leela Nag become the first woman to receive an M.A. in English from Dhaka University?
    a) 1922
    b) 1923
    c) 1924
    d) 1925
    Answer: b) 1923

  5. What was the name of the organization Leela Nag founded in 1923?
    a) Dhaka Women's Association
    b) Deepali Sangha
    c) Nari Shakti Samiti
    d) Bengal Women's Council
    Answer: b) Deepali Sangha

  6. What was the primary goal of Deepali Sangha?
    a) Establishing co-educational schools
    b) Training anti-colonial activists
    c) Providing relief for flood victims
    d) Promoting Western education
    Answer: b) Training anti-colonial activists

  7. What did Leela Nag establish between 1927 and 1928?
    a) A hospital for women
    b) The first self-defense institute for girls in Bengal
    c) A women’s rights journal
    d) A political party
    Answer: b) The first self-defense institute for girls in Bengal

  8. In which year did Leela Nag present a paper on the history of the women's movement in Bengal at the Calcutta Congress Session?
    a) 1926
    b) 1927
    c) 1928
    d) 1930
    Answer: c) 1928

  9. How many free primary schools for girls had Leela Nag founded by 1929?
    a) 5
    b) 8
    c) 10
    d) 12
    Answer: d) 12

  10. What major humanitarian effort did Leela Nag undertake during the Partition of India?
    a) She established a new university
    b) She set up camps for riot victims and refugees
    c) She founded a political party for women
    d) She wrote a book about the Partition
    Answer: b) She set up camps for riot victims and refugees

  11. In 1946, Leela Nag was the only Bengali woman elected to which assembly?
    a) The Indian National Congress Committee
    b) The British House of Commons
    c) The Constituent Assembly of Bengal
    d) The United Nations Assembly
    Answer: c) The Constituent Assembly of Bengal

  12. Which of the following best describes Leela Nag’s contributions?
    a) Only a social activist
    b) A feminist and writer
    c) A citizen, rebel, reformer, and change agent
    d) A political leader only
    Answer: c) A citizen, rebel, reformer, and change agent

Vocabulary-Based Questions

  1. What does "patriarchal barriers" in the passage most likely mean?
    a) Physical walls built by men
    b) Societal restrictions imposed by a male-dominated system
    c) Financial difficulties
    d) Academic challenges
    Answer: b) Societal restrictions imposed by a male-dominated system

  2. The word "confines" in the sentence "Leela Nag's legacy goes beyond the confines of classrooms" means:
    a) Borders or limitations
    b) Bookshelves
    c) Class schedules
    d) Faculty members
    Answer: a) Borders or limitations

  3. What does "emancipation" in "Apart from her contribution to women's emancipation" mean?
    a) Oppression
    b) Freedom from restrictions
    c) Employment opportunities
    d) Financial independence
    Answer: b) Freedom from restrictions

  4. In the passage, "turmoil" in "When the Subcontinent was embroiled in turmoil during the Partition" most likely means:
    a) A peaceful event
    b) A state of chaos and conflict
    c) A form of leadership
    d) A historic celebration
    Answer: b) A state of chaos and conflict

  5. The phrase "breaking the glass ceiling" in the passage most closely means:
    a) Literally breaking a glass barrier
    b) Overcoming gender-based obstacles
    c) Building a higher ceiling
    d) Making a mistake
    Answer: b) Overcoming gender-based obstacles

Analytical and Inference-Based Questions

  1. What does Leela Nag’s life suggest about the role of education in social reform?
    a) Education is irrelevant to activism
    b) Education can empower individuals to bring change
    c) Education should be limited to classrooms
    d) Social activism prevents academic success
    Answer: b) Education can empower individuals to bring change

  2. Why was Leela Nag’s admission to Dhaka University significant?
    a) She was the first woman admitted to any university in Bengal
    b) It challenged gender norms in higher education
    c) She became the first female professor at the university
    d) It led to the university’s closure
    Answer: b) It challenged gender norms in higher education

  3. Based on the passage, what motivated Leela Nag’s activism?
    a) A desire for political power
    b) A commitment to social justice and women's rights
    c) A focus on religious teachings
    d) Personal financial gain
    Answer: b) A commitment to social justice and women's rights

  4. What does the passage imply about the impact of women who studied in the Department of English at Dhaka University?
    a) They became passive learners
    b) They continued Leela Nag’s legacy of social activism
    c) They only focused on literature
    d) They faced no challenges in their careers
    Answer: b) They continued Leela Nag’s legacy of social activism

  5. Which of the following best summarizes Leela Nag’s achievements?
    a) She was only a political leader
    b) She focused solely on women’s education
    c) She was a multifaceted leader involved in education, activism, and politics
    d) She was a poet and novelist
    Answer: c) She was a multifaceted leader involved in education, activism, and politics

  6. Which of the following organizations did Leela Nag NOT establish?
    a) Deepali Sangha
    b) The first self-defense institute for girls in Bengal
    c) A refugee camp for Partition victims
    d) The Dhaka Literary Club
    Answer: d) The Dhaka Literary Club

  7. Which best describes the main theme of the passage?
    a) The importance of English literature
    b) The role of women in shaping Bangladesh’s history
    c) The political history of Bengal
    d) The structure of Dhaka University
    Answer: b) The role of women in shaping Bangladesh’s history

  8. What does the passage suggest about women’s contributions to Bangladesh’s history?
    a) They were insignificant
    b) They were crucial in education, politics, and social reform
    c) They were only involved in literature
    d) They focused on traditional roles
    Answer: b) They were crucial in education, politics, and social reform

15 Important Short Questions and Answers on Leela Nag

  1. Who was Leela Nag, and why is she significant?
    Leela Nag, later known as Leela Roy, was the first female student of the Department of English at Dhaka University in 1921. She was a pioneer in women's education and social activism in Bengal.

  2. How did Leela Nag gain admission to Dhaka University?
    Leela Nag faced resistance but gained admission to the M.A. in English with special permission from Vice-Chancellor Philip Hartog. She became the first woman to graduate with an M.A. from the department in 1923.

  3. What role did Leela Nag play in women's empowerment?
    She formed the Dhaka Women's Committee, founded Deepali Sangha, and established the first self-defense institute for girls in Bengal. Her efforts focused on education, political participation, and social reforms for women.

  4. What was the significance of Deepali Sangha?
    Deepali Sangha, founded by Leela Nag in 1923, served as a training institute for anti-colonial activists and played a crucial role in women's empowerment and social change.

  5. How did Leela Nag contribute to education for girls?
    By 1929, she had successfully founded 12 free primary schools for girls, ensuring access to education for underprivileged children in Bengal.

  6. What was her role in the 1928 Calcutta Congress Session?
    She presented a paper on the history of the women's movement in Bengal as a delegate, highlighting the struggles and achievements of women in society.

  7. How did she contribute to disaster relief efforts?
    While still a student, she raised funds for the 1921 Bengal flood victims. Later, she set up relief camps for victims of the 1946 Noakhali riots and abandoned women and refugees from East Bengal in 1947.

  8. What was Leela Nag’s political involvement?
    She was actively involved in politics, voicing her opinions against colonial rule and participating in the Indian National Congress. She was also imprisoned several times for her activism.

  9. What was her role in the Constituent Assembly of Bengal?
    In 1946, she became the only Bengali woman elected to the Constituent Assembly of Bengal, representing women's interests in governance and policy-making.

  10. What resistance did Leela Nag face in her educational journey?
    As the first woman in the M.A. in English program at Dhaka University, she faced opposition from conservative society, but she overcame these barriers with support from university authorities.

  11. How did Leela Nag promote self-defense among women?
    Between 1927 and 1928, she established the first self-defense training institute for girls in Bengal, empowering women to protect themselves.

  12. Why is Leela Nag considered more than just a feminist?
    Her work extended beyond feminism to social reform, education, disaster relief, and political activism, making her a true change agent in multiple spheres of society.

  13. How did Leela Nag influence later generations of women in English education?
    Her pioneering role in the Department of English at Dhaka University set a precedent for progressive thought and social activism among women who followed in her footsteps.

  14. What impact did her marriage to Anil Chandra Roy have on her activism?
    Her marriage to Anil Chandra Roy, a leader in the Indian National Congress, strengthened her political involvement and commitment to the freedom struggle.

  15. What legacy did Leela Nag leave behind?
    Leela Nag’s contributions in education, women’s rights, political activism, and social reform continue to inspire generations, making her a remarkable figure in Bengal’s history.

Leela Nag, the first female M.A. student in English at Dhaka University (1921), broke social barriers with special permission from Vice-Chancellor Philip Hartog. Graduating in 1923, she championed women's empowerment, forming the Dhaka Women’s Committee and Deepali Sangha. She established self-defense training for girls and founded 12 free schools. Active in politics, she was imprisoned multiple times and aided Partition victims in 1946-47. The only Bengali woman elected to the 1946 Bengal Constituent Assembly, Leela was a reformer, activist, and change-maker, inspiring future generations of women in Bangladesh.

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