Leela Nag||Textbook page 79 & 80 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Four: History ;Lesson Two Great Women || English first paper || Bangla meaning, synonym and antonym, mcq, short questions and summary ||

Nag's Legacy ||Textbook page 79 & 80 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit Four: History ;Lesson Two Great Women || English first paper || Bangla meaning, synonym and antonym, mcq, short questions and summary || 

While Leela Nag made headlines during the 1947 Partition, Nadera Begum, another student of the Department of English, was making headlines in 1949. Coming from an affluent political family, Nadera Begum was a strong Marxist who was among the leading women rebels of her time. In 1949, she was expelled from the University of Dhaka for fighting for the rights of the fourth-class employees of the University. She was the only woman seen standing near Sheikh Mujibur Rahman during those protests. In Cheman Ara's article entitled "The Women who broke the barricades (published in The Daily Star, Feb 21, 2020), it is stated: "Names of Nadera Begum, Hamida Khatun, Nurjahan Murshid, Afsari Khanam, Ranu Mukherjee and Lili Haque also shine through in the history of the Language Movement." Nadera Begum was a shining example of the multigenerational feminism that was evident among the women both students and teachers of the Department of English. This is why, during the turnultuous 60s, soon after the Language Movement, we can find yet another woman as a valiant fighter against oppression. Razia Khan Amin, who joined as a faculty member of the department in 1962, showcased her activism through her writing and her cultural interests. She had completed her B.A. and M.A. in English from the Department of English, University of Dhaka and proceeded to do her M.A. in English from the University of Birmingham on a scholarship from the British Council. She was simultaneously an educationist, a theatre actor, a journalist, columnist, a poet, and a celebrated writer. Among the prestigious awards she received are the PEN Lay Writing Award (1956), the Pope Gold Medal (1957), Bangla Academy Literary Award (1975), Ekushey Padak (1997), and the Anannya Literature Award (2003).

Amin exposes the brutality of the 1971 Liberation War through stark images in her poems. In her poem, 'Argus Under Anaesthesia", she writes:

"A mother frenzied by the roar of mortars

Throttled her whining infant;

Its life for the life of millions"

In yet another poem, 'God in the Goblet', a melancholic tone addresses all the martyrs and the intellectuals who were mercilessly killed in 1971. References to "Muneer" the "playwright, pioneer". "Hyder the Tagore-scholar", "Fazle the Physician" and "the novelist Kaiser" form a tribute to the sacrifices of scholars of Bangladesh. Being a scholar herself, Amin had a unique approach to depicting the lives of women. In her poem "The Old Man and the Girl' she breaks the silence and speaks out against child marriage and sexual oppression.

Here are some important words from the passage along with their meanings in Bangla, synonyms, and antonyms:

Word Meaning (Bangla) Synonym Antonym
Partition বিভাজন, দেশভাগ division, separation unification, union
Affluent সম্পদশালী, বিত্তশালী wealthy, rich poor, impoverished
Rebel বিদ্রোহী, বিপ্লবী revolutionary, insurgent loyalist, conformist
Expelled বহিষ্কৃত, বের করে দেওয়া dismissed, removed admitted, accepted
Tumultuous অশান্ত, বিশৃঙ্খল chaotic, turbulent peaceful, calm
Oppression নিপীড়ন, শোষণ tyranny, persecution freedom, liberation
Activism আন্দোলন, সক্রিয়তা advocacy, engagement passivity, apathy
Scholarship বৃত্তি, গবেষণা grant, fellowship ignorance, illiteracy
Prestigious সম্মানজনক, খ্যাতিসম্পন্ন renowned, distinguished ordinary, insignificant
Brutality নিষ্ঠুরতা, বর্বরতা cruelty, savagery kindness, compassion
Liberation মুক্তি, স্বাধীনতা freedom, emancipation oppression, subjugation
Melancholic বিষণ্ন, দুঃখজনক sad, sorrowful cheerful, happy
Martyr শহীদ, আত্মবলিদানকারী hero, sacrifice traitor, coward
Mercilessly নির্মমভাবে, নির্দয়ভাবে cruelly, brutally kindly, compassionately
Intellectual বুদ্ধিজীবী, মনীষী scholar, thinker ignorant, uneducated
Depicting চিত্রিত করা, বর্ণনা করা portraying, illustrating concealing, misrepresenting
Oppression নিপীড়ন, অত্যাচার suppression, tyranny freedom, liberation
Sacrifice ত্যাগ, আত্মবলিদান offering, devotion selfishness, greed
Tribute শ্রদ্ধাঞ্জলি, সম্মান homage, appreciation disrespect, dishonor
Stark কঠোর, নির্মম harsh, severe soft, gentle
Frenzied উন্মত্ত, ক্ষিপ্ত frantic, hysterical calm, composed
Mournful শোকাতুর, বিষাদময় sorrowful, grieving joyful, cheerful
Persecution নির্যাতন, নিপীড়ন oppression, torment protection, relief
Pioneer পথপ্রদর্শক, অগ্রদূত innovator, trailblazer follower, imitator
Barrage প্রচণ্ড আক্রমণ, গোলাগুলি bombardment, assault defense, retreat

Line by line Bangla meaning of the passage. 

  1. While Leela Nag made headlines during the 1947 Partition, Nadera Begum, another student of the Department of English, was making headlines in 1949.

    • ১৯৪৭ সালের ভাগাভাগি সময়ে লীলা নাগ শিরোনামে আসেন, অন্যদিকে ইংরেজি বিভাগের আরেক ছাত্রা নাদেরা বেগম ১৯৪৯ সালে শিরোনামে আসেন।
  2. Coming from an affluent political family, Nadera Begum was a strong Marxist who was among the leading women rebels of her time.

    • এক রাজনৈতিক সচ্ছল পরিবার থেকে আসা নাদেরা বেগম ছিলেন একজন শক্তিশালী মার্কসবাদী, যিনি তার সময়ের শীর্ষ নারী বিদ্রোহীদের মধ্যে ছিলেন।
  3. In 1949, she was expelled from the University of Dhaka for fighting for the rights of the fourth-class employees of the University.

    • ১৯৪৯ সালে, তিনি ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের চতুর্থ শ্রেণির কর্মচারীদের অধিকার রক্ষার জন্য ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় থেকে বহিষ্কৃত হন।
  4. She was the only woman seen standing near Sheikh Mujibur Rahman during those protests.

    • সেই প্রতিবাদগুলির সময় শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের পাশে দাঁড়িয়ে থাকা একমাত্র নারী ছিলেন তিনি।
  5. In Cheman Ara's article entitled "The Women who broke the barricades (published in The Daily Star, Feb 21, 2020), it is stated: "Names of Nadera Begum, Hamida Khatun, Nurjahan Murshid, Afsari Khanam, Ranu Mukherjee and Lili Haque also shine through in the history of the Language Movement."

    • চেমন আরার "The Women who broke the barricades" শিরোনামের প্রবন্ধে (প্রকাশিত: ডেইলি স্টার, ২১ ফেব্রুয়ারি, ২০২০) বলা হয়েছে: "নাদেরা বেগম, হামিদা খাতুন, নুরজাহান মুরশিদ, আফসারি খানম, রাণু মুখার্জি এবং লিলি হক এর নামও ভাষা আন্দোলনের ইতিহাসে দীপ্তিমান।"
  6. Nadera Begum was a shining example of the multigenerational feminism that was evident among the women both students and teachers of the Department of English.

    • নাদেরা বেগম ছিলেন বহু প্রজন্মের নারীবাদী আন্দোলনের একটি উজ্জ্বল উদাহরণ, যা ইংরেজি বিভাগের ছাত্র এবং শিক্ষিকাদের মধ্যে স্পষ্ট ছিল।
  7. This is why, during the tumultuous 60s, soon after the Language Movement, we can find yet another woman as a valiant fighter against oppression.

    • এই কারণেই, ভাষা আন্দোলনের পরবর্তী সময়ে, অশান্ত ৬০ এর দশকে, আমরা আরেকজন নারীকে দমন-পীড়নের বিরুদ্ধে সাহসী যোদ্ধা হিসেবে দেখতে পাই।
  8. Razia Khan Amin, who joined as a faculty member of the department in 1962, showcased her activism through her writing and her cultural interests.

    • রাজিয়া খান আমিন, যিনি ১৯৬২ সালে বিভাগের একজন অধ্যাপক হিসেবে যোগ দেন, তার লেখনী এবং সাংস্কৃতিক আগ্রহের মাধ্যমে তার সক্রিয়তাকে প্রদর্শন করেন।
  9. She had completed her B.A. and M.A. in English from the Department of English, University of Dhaka and proceeded to do her M.A. in English from the University of Birmingham on a scholarship from the British Council.

    • তিনি ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়ের ইংরেজি বিভাগের থেকে বিএ এবং এমএ সম্পন্ন করেন এবং ব্রিটিশ কাউন্সিল থেকে স্কলারশিপ নিয়ে বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় অফ বার্মিংহাম থেকে ইংরেজিতে এমএ করেন।
  10. She was simultaneously an educationist, a theatre actor, a journalist, columnist, a poet, and a celebrated writer.

    • তিনি একই সময়ে একজন শিক্ষাবিদ, থিয়েটার অভিনেত্রী, সাংবাদিক, কলামিস্ট, কবি এবং খ্যাতনামা লেখক ছিলেন।
  11. Among the prestigious awards she received are the PEN Lay Writing Award (1956), the Pope Gold Medal (1957), Bangla Academy Literary Award (1975), Ekushey Padak (1997), and the Anannya Literature Award (2003).

    • তিনি যে সম্মানজনক পুরস্কারগুলি পেয়েছেন তাদের মধ্যে পেন লে রাইটিং অ্যাওয়ার্ড (১৯৫৬), পোপ গোল্ড মেডেল (১৯৫৭), বাংলা একাডেমি সাহিত্য পুরস্কার (১৯৭৫), একুশে পদক (১৯৯৭) এবং অনন্যা সাহিত্য পুরস্কার (২০০৩) অন্তর্ভুক্ত।
  12. Amin exposes the brutality of the 1971 Liberation War through stark images in her poems.

    • আমিন তার কবিতায় ১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের নৃশংসতা কঠোর চিত্রের মাধ্যমে উন্মোচন করেন।
  13. In her poem, 'Argus Under Anaesthesia", she writes:

    • তার কবিতা 'অরগাস আন্ডার অ্যানাস্থেসিয়া' তে তিনি লিখেছেন:
  14. "A mother frenzied by the roar of mortars

    • "একজন মা মর্টারের গর্জনে আচ্ছন্ন
  15. Throttled her whining infant;

    • তার কাঁদতে থাকা শিশু টিপে ধরেছিল;
  16. Its life for the life of millions"

    • তার জীবন কোটি কোটি জীবনের জন্য।"
  17. In yet another poem, 'God in the Goblet', a melancholic tone addresses all the martyrs and the intellectuals who were mercilessly killed in 1971.

    • আরেকটি কবিতা 'গড ইন দ্য গবলেট' এ, একটি বিষণ্ন সুরে ১৯৭১ সালের সকল শহীদ ও বুদ্ধিজীবীদের উদ্দেশ্যে লেখা হয়েছে, যারা নির্মমভাবে নিহত হয়েছিল।
  18. References to "Muneer" the "playwright, pioneer".

    • "মুনীর" এর উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে, "নাট্যকার, পথিকৃৎ"।
  19. "Hyder the Tagore-scholar", "Fazle the Physician" and "the novelist Kaiser" form a tribute to the sacrifices of scholars of Bangladesh.

    • "হায়দার, ঠাকুর-বুদ্ধিজীবী", "ফজল, চিকিৎসক" এবং "উপন্যাসিক কায়সার" এর উল্লেখ করা হয়েছে বাংলাদেশের বুদ্ধিজীবীদের ত্যাগের প্রতি শ্রদ্ধা জানানোর জন্য।
  20. Being a scholar herself, Amin had a unique approach to depicting the lives of women.

    • নিজে একজন পণ্ডিত হওয়ায়, আমিন নারীদের জীবন চিত্রিত করার জন্য একটি অনন্য দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি ছিল।
  21. In her poem "The Old Man and the Girl' she breaks the silence and speaks out against child marriage and sexual oppression.

    • তার কবিতা "দ্য ওল্ড ম্যান অ্যান্ড দ্য গার্ল" এ তিনি নীরবতা ভেঙে শিশুবিবাহ ও যৌন নিপীড়নের বিরুদ্ধে কথা বলেন।

Here are some multiple-choice questions (MCQs) based on the passage, including comprehension, vocabulary, and synonym-antonym questions.

Comprehension-Based Questions

  1. Who was the first female M.A. student in English at the University of Dhaka?
    a) Nadera Begum
    b) Razia Khan Amin
    c) Leela Nag
    d) Hamida Khatun

    Answer: c) Leela Nag

  2. What year did Leela Nag graduate with her M.A. in English?
    a) 1921
    b) 1923
    c) 1946
    d) 1949

    Answer: b) 1923

  3. Which organization did Leela Nag establish to train anti-colonial activists?
    a) Dhaka Women's Committee
    b) Deepali Sangha
    c) Women's Rights League
    d) Bengali Women's Association

    Answer: b) Deepali Sangha

  4. Nadera Begum was expelled from the University of Dhaka for—
    a) Joining the Liberation War
    b) Protesting for university employees’ rights
    c) Writing against child marriage
    d) Being a Marxist

    Answer: b) Protesting for university employees’ rights

  5. Who was the only woman seen standing near Sheikh Mujibur Rahman during protests in 1949?
    a) Razia Khan Amin
    b) Nadera Begum
    c) Hamida Khatun
    d) Nurjahan Murshid

    Answer: b) Nadera Begum

  6. Which movement is Nadera Begum associated with?
    a) Language Movement
    b) Liberation War
    c) Partition Movement
    d) Anti-Colonial Movement

    Answer: a) Language Movement

  7. Which prestigious award did Razia Khan Amin NOT receive?
    a) Bangla Academy Literary Award
    b) Ekushey Padak
    c) Nobel Prize
    d) Anannya Literature Award

    Answer: c) Nobel Prize

  8. What did Razia Khan Amin’s poetry mainly depict?
    a) Feminism and child rights
    b) The Liberation War and social issues
    c) Romantic love stories
    d) Economic struggles of Bangladesh

    Answer: b) The Liberation War and social issues

  9. Which poem by Razia Khan Amin addresses child marriage and sexual oppression?
    a) Argus Under Anaesthesia
    b) The Old Man and the Girl
    c) God in the Goblet
    d) The Plight of Bengal

    Answer: b) The Old Man and the Girl

  10. What scholarship did Razia Khan Amin receive for her M.A. in English at the University of Birmingham?
    a) Fulbright Scholarship
    b) Commonwealth Scholarship
    c) British Council Scholarship
    d) UNESCO Scholarship

Answer: c) British Council Scholarship

  1. Which historical event did Leela Nag actively help victims of?
    a) 1947 Partition and Noakhali riots
    b) 1971 Liberation War
    c) 1949 Student Protests
    d) 1969 Mass Uprising

Answer: a) 1947 Partition and Noakhali riots

  1. Which newspaper published the article “The Women Who Broke the Barricades”?
    a) The Daily Star
    b) The New York Times
    c) The Guardian
    d) The Times of India

Answer: a) The Daily Star

  1. What was the primary role of Deepali Sangha?
    a) Providing free education for girls
    b) Training anti-colonial activists
    c) Organizing protests against British rule
    d) Supporting female political leaders

Answer: b) Training anti-colonial activists

  1. What literary award did Razia Khan Amin win in 1956?
    a) PEN Lay Writing Award
    b) Booker Prize
    c) Nobel Prize in Literature
    d) Anannya Literature Award

Answer: a) PEN Lay Writing Award

  1. Who among the following was NOT mentioned as a contributor to the Language Movement?
    a) Afsari Khanam
    b) Ranu Mukherjee
    c) Begum Rokeya
    d) Lili Haque

Answer: c) Begum Rokeya

Synonym & Antonym-Based Questions

  1. Choose the synonym of "tumultuous":
    a) Peaceful
    b) Chaotic
    c) Ordinary
    d) Weak

Answer: b) Chaotic

  1. What is the antonym of "progressive"?
    a) Innovative
    b) Conservative
    c) Forward-thinking
    d) Enlightened

Answer: b) Conservative

  1. Choose the synonym of "frantic" from the line: "A mother frenzied by the roar of mortars."
    a) Calm
    b) Hysterical
    c) Slow
    d) Silent

Answer: b) Hysterical

  1. What is the antonym of "valiant" in "A valiant fighter against oppression"?
    a) Brave
    b) Fearful
    c) Courageous
    d) Heroic

Answer: b) Fearful

  1. Choose the synonym of "empowerment":
    a) Strengthening
    b) Weakening
    c) Hindrance
    d) Suppression

Answer: a) Strengthening

Vocabulary-Based Questions

  1. What does the term "constituent assembly" refer to?
    a) A group that writes a country's constitution
    b) A military training camp
    c) A women’s rights movement
    d) A student protest group

Answer: a) A group that writes a country's constitution

  1. What does "martyr" mean in "A melancholic tone addresses all the martyrs"?
    a) A person who sacrifices for a cause
    b) A wealthy individual
    c) A government official
    d) A religious leader

Answer: a) A person who sacrifices for a cause

  1. The phrase "broke the barricades" in the passage most likely means:
    a) Destroyed physical barriers
    b) Overcame obstacles
    c) Joined political parties
    d) Built new barricades

Answer: b) Overcame obstacles

  1. The term "anti-colonial" in "Deepali Sangha trained anti-colonial activists" means:
    a) Supporting British rule
    b) Opposing colonial rule
    c) Building new colonies
    d) Creating trade policies

Answer: b) Opposing colonial rule

  1. In "Hyder the Tagore-scholar," the word "scholar" means:
    a) A fighter
    b) A student of literature
    c) A teacher in a village
    d) A leader of a movement

Answer: b) A student of literature

Short Questions and Answers

  1. Who was Nadera Begum, and why was she expelled from Dhaka University?

    • Nadera Begum was a Marxist activist from an influential political family. She was expelled from Dhaka University in 1949 for protesting in support of the rights of fourth-class employees alongside Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
  2. What role did Nadera Begum play in the Language Movement?

    • She was one of the key women activists of the Language Movement, along with Hamida Khatun, Nurjahan Murshid, and others, as highlighted in Cheman Ara's article.
  3. How did Razia Khan Amin contribute to activism through her work?

    • Razia Khan Amin used literature, journalism, and theatre to highlight social issues, especially those related to women's rights and political oppression.
  4. What are some of the major awards Razia Khan Amin received?

    • She received the PEN Lay Writing Award (1956), the Bangla Academy Literary Award (1975), the Ekushey Padak (1997), and the Anannya Literature Award (2003).
  5. What does the poem "Argus Under Anaesthesia" depict?

    • It portrays the horrors of the 1971 Liberation War, where a mother, desperate to save millions, sacrifices her own child to silence its cries amid bombings.
  6. How does Razia Khan Amin honor intellectuals in her poetry?

    • In "God in the Goblet," she pays tribute to intellectuals murdered in 1971, mentioning figures like Muneer, Hyder, Fazle, and Kaiser.
  7. What social issue does the poem "The Old Man and the Girl" address?

    • It critiques child marriage and sexual oppression, breaking the silence on these pressing social injustices.
  8. Where did Razia Khan Amin pursue her higher studies?

    • She studied at the University of Dhaka and later earned an M.A. in English from the University of Birmingham on a British Council scholarship.
  9. What were Nadera Begum’s political beliefs?

    • She was a strong Marxist who fought for workers' rights and was deeply involved in leftist movements.
  10. Why is Nadera Begum considered an example of multigenerational feminism?

  • She carried forward the legacy of women's activism in the Department of English, inspiring future generations of women to fight against injustice.
  1. What does Razia Khan Amin’s literary work reveal about her views on war?
  • Her poetry exposes the brutality of war and its devastating impact on civilians, particularly in the context of Bangladesh’s 1971 Liberation War.
  1. How does Razia Khan Amin’s activism differ from Nadera Begum’s?
  • While Nadera Begum engaged in direct political activism, Amin used literature and cultural expression to challenge oppression and promote awareness.
  1. Why was Nadera Begum’s presence during protests in 1949 significant?
  • She was the only woman standing near Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, highlighting her fearless commitment to labor rights in a male-dominated movement.
  1. How does Razia Khan Amin’s tribute to intellectuals reflect the historical tragedy of 1971?
  • By naming scholars who were assassinated, she immortalizes their contributions and condemns the brutal targeting of Bangladesh’s brightest minds.
  1. What do the struggles of Nadera Begum and Razia Khan Amin reveal about women in the Department of English at Dhaka University?
  • Their activism demonstrates that the department was not just an academic space but a breeding ground for progressive women who shaped Bangladesh’s political and cultural landscape.
  • 16. How did the activism of Nadera Begum and Razia Khan Amin reflect the evolving role of women in Bangladesh?
  • Their work shows a shift from direct political action to cultural resistance. While Nadera Begum fought for workers' rights in protests, Razia Khan Amin used literature and journalism to challenge oppression.
  • 17.Why is Razia Khan Amin’s approach to activism significant in the context of Bangladesh’s history?
  • By using poetry and storytelling, she preserved the memories of war atrocities and social injustices, making her work a powerful tool for historical awareness and change.
  • 18.What does the participation of women in movements like the Language Movement and the Liberation War indicate about gender roles in Bangladesh?
  • It challenges the perception that political activism was male-dominated, proving that women played crucial roles in shaping Bangladesh’s history and social progress.

Summary of the above passage. 

Nadera Begum, a Marxist activist from an influential family, was expelled from Dhaka University in 1949 for supporting workers' rights. She played a key role in the Language Movement alongside other women. In the 1960s, Razia Khan Amin, a faculty member of the English Department, became a prominent writer, activist, and educator. She received several awards for her contributions to literature. Her poems depict the horrors of the 1971 Liberation War and highlight social issues like child marriage. Through her writings, Amin honored the sacrifices of intellectuals and shed light on women's struggles in Bangladesh.

Text questions solution and Bangla meaning Unit 4 Lesson two

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