Class eleven and twelve || Unit three: Myths and Literature || Lesson: 2 Icarus|| English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and answer, important word meaning || summary || Textbook page 55, 56, &:57 ||

Class eleven and twelve || Unit three: Myths and Literature || Lesson: 2 Icarus|| English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and answer,  important word meaning || summary || Textbook page 55, 56, & 57 ||

On the island of Crete, the fearsome Minotaur, a creature that was half-man and half-bull, terrorized the inhabitants. To contain the beast. King Minos enlisted the help of Daedalus, a masterful architect and inventor. Daedalus constructed an intricate labyrinth so complex that escape was nearly impossible. Once the Minotaur was 3 imprisoned within the maze, King Minos believed he had the perfect trap for his enemies, who would be sent into the labyrinth to meet a gruesome end.
 However, King Minos, no longer needing Daedalus, cruelly imprisoned the inventor and his son, Icarus, within the same labyrinth. Yet, Daedalus, familiar with the labyrinth's design, managed to escape with Icarus. After fleeing, they found themselves stranded on the island with no means of escape by sea.
Observing the birds flying above. Daedalus was inspired to craft wings from feathers and wax for himself and his son. He warned Icarus to fly at a moderate height too close to the sea, and the wings would become heavy with moisture; too close to the sun, and the wax would melt.
Initially, Icarus heeded his father's advice, but soon, overwhelmed by the excitement of the flight, he soared higher and higher. forgetting the warning. As he ascended, the sun's heat melted the wax binding his wings. Helplessly, Icarus plummeted into the sea and drowned, leaving Daedalus to fly on alone, devastated by his son's tragic fate. He eventually reached Sicily, where he mourned Icarus and named the sea where his son fell the Icarian Sea in his memory

Here are some important words from the passage, along with their meanings in Bengali, synonyms, and antonyms:

Word Meaning (Bengali) Synonyms Antonyms
Fearsome ভয়ঙ্কর, ভীতিপ্রদ Terrifying, Dreadful Harmless, Calm
Terrorize আতঙ্কিত করা Frighten, Intimidate Comfort, Reassure
Contain আটকে রাখা, দমন করা Restrain, Hold Release, Free
Intricate জটিল, সূক্ষ্ম Complex, Complicated Simple, Straightforward
Imprison বন্দী করা Confine, Detain Release, Liberate
Enlist তালিকাভুক্ত করা Recruit, Enroll Dismiss, Reject
Masterful দক্ষ, প্রতিভাবান Skillful, Expert Incompetent, Unskilled
Escape পালানো, মুক্তি পাওয়া Flee, Evade Capture, Trap
Familiar পরিচিত Known, Recognizable Unfamiliar, Strange
Stranded আটকে পড়া Stuck, Isolated Rescued, Released
Craft তৈরি করা, নির্মাণ করা Create, Construct Destroy, Ruin
Moderate পরিমিত, মাঝারি Balanced, Temperate Extreme, Excessive
Overwhelmed অভিভূত, আকৃষ্ট Dazed, Stunned Unaffected, Calm
Ascend উপরে উঠা, আরোহণ করা Rise, Climb Descend, Fall
Melt গলে যাওয়া Dissolve, Liquefy Freeze, Solidify
Helpless অসহায় Powerless, Weak Strong, Capable
Plummet দ্রুত নিচে পড়া Fall, Drop Rise, Soar
Devastated বিধ্বস্ত, বিপর্যস্ত Destroyed, Heartbroken Relieved, Happy
Mourn শোক করা Grieve, Lament Celebrate, Rejoice
Memory স্মৃতি Remembrance, Recollection Forgetfulness, Oblivion

Here is the line-by-line Bangla translation of the passage:

English: On the island of Crete, the fearsome Minotaur, a creature that was half-man and half-bull, terrorized the inhabitants.
Bengali: ক্রিট দ্বীপে, ভয়ংকর মিনোটর, যে ছিল অর্ধেক মানুষ এবং অর্ধেক ষাঁড়, দ্বীপের বাসিন্দাদের আতঙ্কিত করত।

English: To contain the beast, King Minos enlisted the help of Daedalus, a masterful architect and inventor.
Bengali: এই দানবকে বন্দি রাখার জন্য, রাজা মিনোস দক্ষ স্থপতি ও উদ্ভাবক ডেডালাসের সাহায্য নেন।

English: Daedalus constructed an intricate labyrinth so complex that escape was nearly impossible.
Bengali: ডেডালাস একটি জটিল গোলকধাঁধা নির্মাণ করেন, যা এতটাই দুর্বোধ্য ছিল যে সেখান থেকে পালানো প্রায় অসম্ভব ছিল।

English: Once the Minotaur was imprisoned within the maze, King Minos believed he had the perfect trap for his enemies, who would be sent into the labyrinth to meet a gruesome end.
Bengali: মিনোটরকে একবার গোলকধাঁধার মধ্যে বন্দি করার পর, রাজা মিনোস বিশ্বাস করলেন যে এটি তার শত্রুদের জন্য একটি নিখুঁত ফাঁদ, যাদের এই গোলকধাঁধায় পাঠিয়ে নির্মম মৃত্যুর মুখে ফেলে দেওয়া হবে।

English: However, King Minos, no longer needing Daedalus, cruelly imprisoned the inventor and his son, Icarus, within the same labyrinth.
Bengali: তবে, রাজা মিনোস যখন আর ডেডালাসের প্রয়োজন অনুভব করলেন না, তখন তিনি নির্মমভাবে তাকে ও তার ছেলে ইকারুসকে একই গোলকধাঁধার মধ্যে বন্দি করে দিলেন।

English: Yet, Daedalus, familiar with the labyrinth's design, managed to escape with Icarus.
Bengali: তবে, গোলকধাঁধার গঠন সম্পর্কে ভালোভাবে জানার কারণে, ডেডালাস ইকারুসকে নিয়ে পালিয়ে যেতে সক্ষম হন।

English: After fleeing, they found themselves stranded on the island with no means of escape by sea.
Bengali: পালিয়ে যাওয়ার পর, তারা দেখতে পেল যে তারা এক দ্বীপে আটকা পড়েছে, এবং সমুদ্রপথে পালানোর কোনো উপায় নেই।

English: Observing the birds flying above, Daedalus was inspired to craft wings from feathers and wax for himself and his son.
Bengali: ওপরের আকাশে পাখিদের উড়তে দেখে, ডেডালাস পালক ও মোম দিয়ে নিজের এবং তার ছেলের জন্য পাখা তৈরির অনুপ্রেরণা পেলেন।

English: He warned Icarus to fly at a moderate height; too close to the sea, and the wings would become heavy with moisture; too close to the sun, and the wax would melt.
Bengali: তিনি ইকারুসকে সতর্ক করলেন যেন সে মাঝারি উচ্চতায় উড়ে; খুব নিচে গেলে পাখাগুলো সাগরের আর্দ্রতায় ভারী হয়ে যাবে, আর খুব উপরে গেলে সূর্যের তাপে মোম গলে যাবে।

English: Initially, Icarus heeded his father's advice, but soon, overwhelmed by the excitement of the flight, he soared higher and higher, forgetting the warning.
Bengali: প্রথমে, ইকারুস তার বাবার উপদেশ মেনে চলল, কিন্তু শিগগিরই, উড়ার আনন্দে অভিভূত হয়ে, সে আরও উঁচুতে উঠতে লাগল এবং সতর্কবার্তাটি ভুলে গেল।

English: As he ascended, the sun's heat melted the wax binding his wings.
Bengali: যতই সে ওপরে উঠতে লাগল, সূর্যের তাপে তার পাখাগুলোর মোম গলে যেতে লাগল।

English: Helplessly, Icarus plummeted into the sea and drowned, leaving Daedalus to fly on alone, devastated by his son's tragic fate.
Bengali: অসহায়ভাবে, ইকারুস সমুদ্রে পড়ে গেল এবং ডুবে মারা গেল, আর ডেডালাস একা উড়তে থাকলেন, তার ছেলের করুণ পরিণতিতে ভেঙে পড়লেন।

English: He eventually reached Sicily, where he mourned Icarus and named the sea where his son fell the Icarian Sea in his memory.
Bengali: অবশেষে তিনি সিসিলিতে পৌঁছালেন, যেখানে তিনি ইকারুসের জন্য শোক প্রকাশ করলেন এবং যেখানে তার ছেলে পড়ে গিয়েছিল সেই সাগরটির নাম রাখলেন ইকারিয়ান সাগর, তার স্মৃতির জন্য।

Here are some multiple-choice questions based on the passage, including some vocabulary-related questions:

Comprehension Questions

  1. Why did King Minos imprison the Minotaur in the labyrinth?
    a) To protect it from humans
    b) To use it as a weapon against his enemies
    c) To hide it from the gods
    d) To train it for battle

    Answer: b) To use it as a weapon against his enemies

  2. Who built the labyrinth?
    a) Icarus
    b) Theseus
    c) Daedalus
    d) King Minos

    Answer: c) Daedalus

  3. How did King Minos treat Daedalus after he completed the labyrinth?
    a) He rewarded him with riches
    b) He made him a royal advisor
    c) He imprisoned him and his son
    d) He allowed him to leave the island

    Answer: c) He imprisoned him and his son

  4. What inspired Daedalus to create wings?
    a) The movement of the ocean waves
    b) The flight of birds
    c) A dream he had
    d) The sound of the wind

    Answer: b) The flight of birds

  5. What material did Daedalus use to construct the wings?
    a) Gold and silk
    b) Wax and feathers
    c) Leather and bones
    d) Cloth and string

    Answer: b) Wax and feathers

  6. What warning did Daedalus give Icarus before they flew?
    a) Not to fly too fast
    b) Not to fly too high or too low
    c) Not to look back
    d) Not to touch the wings

    Answer: b) Not to fly too high or too low

  7. What ultimately led to Icarus’ downfall?
    a) He was attacked by birds
    b) His wings were too heavy
    c) He ignored his father’s warning
    d) He was struck by lightning

    Answer: c) He ignored his father’s warning

  8. What happened to Icarus at the end of the story?
    a) He successfully escaped
    b) He drowned in the sea
    c) He was captured by King Minos
    d) He landed safely on another island

    Answer: b) He drowned in the sea

  9. Where did Daedalus go after Icarus’ death?
    a) Back to Crete
    b) To the underworld
    c) To Sicily
    d) To Athens

    Answer: c) To Sicily

  10. What did Daedalus do to honor Icarus?
    a) Built a statue of him
    b) Named the sea after him
    c) Created another labyrinth
    d) Became a hermit

    Answer: b) Named the sea after him

Inference Questions

  1. What does the story suggest about human ambition?
    a) It is always rewarded
    b) It can lead to great achievements or tragic consequences
    c) It is unimportant in life
    d) It guarantees success

    Answer: b) It can lead to great achievements or tragic consequences

  2. What might the labyrinth symbolize?
    a) The complexity of human life
    b) A safe haven for the Minotaur
    c) A simple maze to trap enemies
    d) A place of wisdom

    Answer: a) The complexity of human life

  3. How does Daedalus' intelligence contrast with Icarus' impulsiveness?
    a) Daedalus is careful and strategic, while Icarus is reckless
    b) Both are equally reckless
    c) Daedalus is fearful, while Icarus is courageous
    d) Icarus is wiser than his father

    Answer: a) Daedalus is careful and strategic, while Icarus is reckless

Vocabulary Questions

  1. What does the word "fearsome" most likely mean in the passage?
    a) Weak
    b) Terrifying
    c) Small
    d) Harmless

    Answer: b) Terrifying

  2. What is the meaning of "intricate" in the sentence: "Daedalus constructed an intricate labyrinth"?
    a) Simple
    b) Complex and detailed
    c) Small and hidden
    d) Large and boring

    Answer: b) Complex and detailed

  3. What does the word "plummeted" mean in the passage?
    a) Floated
    b) Fell suddenly
    c) Disappeared
    d) Landed safely

    Answer: b) Fell suddenly

  4. What does "gruesome" mean in the phrase "a gruesome end"?
    a) Gentle
    b) Horrible and violent
    c) Boring
    d) Quick

    Answer: b) Horrible and violent

  5. What does the word "mourned" mean in the passage?
    a) Celebrated
    b) Traveled
    c) Grieved
    d) Ignored

    Answer: c) Grieved

  6. What is the best synonym for "devastated" in the sentence "Daedalus was devastated by his son's tragic fate"?
    a) Overjoyed
    b) Shocked and heartbroken
    c) Relieved
    d) Inspired

    Answer: b) Shocked and heartbroken

  7. What does "moderate" mean in the sentence: "He warned Icarus to fly at a moderate height"?
    a) Very high
    b) Very low
    c) Middle range
    d) Extremely fast

    Answer: c) Middle range

Fact vs. Opinion Questions

  1. Which of the following is a fact?
    a) Daedalus was the greatest inventor in history
    b) The Minotaur was terrifying
    c) Daedalus built the labyrinth
    d) Icarus should have listened to his father

    Answer: c) Daedalus built the labyrinth

  2. Which of the following is an opinion?
    a) The labyrinth was difficult to escape from
    b) The Minotaur was half-man and half-bull
    c) Icarus was foolish to fly too high
    d) Daedalus and Icarus were imprisoned in the labyrinth

    Answer: c) Icarus was foolish to fly too high

Cause and Effect Questions

  1. What caused Daedalus and Icarus to be imprisoned?
    a) They angered the gods
    b) King Minos no longer needed them
    c) They attacked the Minotaur
    d) They tried to escape Crete

    Answer: b) King Minos no longer needed them

  2. Why did Icarus fall into the sea?
    a) He was tired
    b) His wings melted when he flew too close to the sun
    c) His father pushed him
    d) The wind blew him off course

    Answer: b) His wings melted when he flew too close to the sun

Here are some short questions based on the passage, including two vocabulary-related questions. Each question is followed by a two- to three-sentence answer.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. Why did King Minos have the labyrinth built?
    King Minos had the labyrinth built to contain the Minotaur, a fearsome creature that terrorized the island of Crete. He also used it as a trap for his enemies, sending them inside to face certain death.

  2. Who designed the labyrinth, and why was he later imprisoned?
    Daedalus, a brilliant architect and inventor, designed the labyrinth. However, after he completed his work, King Minos no longer needed him and cruelly imprisoned him and his son, Icarus, inside the same labyrinth.

  3. How did Daedalus and Icarus manage to escape the labyrinth?
    Since Daedalus was familiar with the labyrinth’s design, he was able to find a way out. However, they were still stranded on the island with no way to escape by sea.

  4. What inspired Daedalus to create wings for himself and his son?
    Daedalus observed birds flying above and realized that he could create wings using feathers and wax. This inspired him to craft wings so that he and Icarus could escape the island by flying.

  5. What warning did Daedalus give to Icarus before they took flight?
    Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too low or the wings would get heavy with moisture, and not too high or the sun would melt the wax holding the feathers together. He advised him to fly at a moderate height to stay safe.

  6. How did Icarus react after initially following his father’s advice?
    At first, Icarus listened to his father and flew at a safe height. However, overwhelmed by the excitement of flying, he ignored the warning and soared higher and higher toward the sun.

  7. What happened when Icarus flew too close to the sun?
    The heat from the sun melted the wax that held his wings together. As a result, his wings fell apart, and he plummeted into the sea, where he drowned.

  8. How did Daedalus react to Icarus’s death?
    Daedalus was devastated by the loss of his son. He continued flying alone and later named the sea where Icarus had fallen the Icarian Sea in his memory.

  9. Where did Daedalus finally find refuge after escaping?
    After losing Icarus, Daedalus eventually reached Sicily. There, he mourned his son and lived out the rest of his life.

  10. What does the story of Icarus teach about obedience and hubris?
    The story of Icarus teaches that failing to listen to wise advice can lead to disaster. It also warns against hubris—excessive pride or overconfidence—which can cause people to ignore important limitations.

Vocabulary Questions:

  1. What does the word "labyrinth" mean in the passage?
    The word "labyrinth" refers to an extremely complex and confusing maze. In the story, it is a structure designed by Daedalus to be so intricate that anyone who entered it would be unable to escape.

  2. What does "plummeted" mean in the sentence: "Helplessly, Icarus plummeted into the sea and drowned"?
    "Plummeted" means to fall rapidly and suddenly from a great height. In this case, it describes how Icarus fell quickly from the sky into the sea after his wings failed.

Critical Thinking Questions

  1. Do you think King Minos was justified in imprisoning Daedalus? Why or why not?
    King Minos was not justified in imprisoning Daedalus because the architect had done exactly what he was asked to do. His imprisonment was an act of cruelty and betrayal rather than justice.

  2. If you were in Icarus’s position, do you think you would have followed Daedalus’s advice? Why or why not?
    It would be difficult to say, as the excitement of flying might have been overwhelming. However, knowing the consequences, it would have been wise to listen to Daedalus and maintain a safe height.

  3. How might the story of Icarus apply to real-life situations today?
    The story of Icarus applies to real life by showing the importance of self-control and listening to experienced advice. People who take unnecessary risks or ignore warnings can face serious consequences, just as Icarus did.

Summary of the passage 

The Minotaur, a half-man, half-bull monster, terrorized Crete. To contain it, King Minos ordered Daedalus to build a complex labyrinth. Later, Minos imprisoned Daedalus and his son, Icarus, in the same maze. Using his knowledge, Daedalus escaped but was stranded on the island. Inspired by birds, he crafted wings from feathers and wax. He warned Icarus not to fly too high or low, but Icarus, excited, soared too close to the sun. His wings melted, and he fell into the sea and drowned. Grieving, Daedalus reached Sicily and named the sea after Icarus in his memory.

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