English first paper Unit 2: Art and Craft Lesson 2 :Folk Music New english 2025 for class eleven and twelve Hsc exam 2026 || Bangla meaning and text questions answer with model questions and answer

English first paper 
New english 2025 for class eleven and twelve
Hsc exam 2026

Unit 2: Art and Craft
Lesson 2 :Folk Music

B. Here is an excerpt from an article on Bengali Folk Music written by the late Mridul Kanti Chakravarty published in Banglapedia published by the Asiatic Society of Bangladesh. The excerpt has been slightly edited for this textbook. Read the excerpt and answer the questions that follow.

Folk music consists of songs and music of a community that are not influenced by any sophisticated musical rules or any standard musical styles. Bangladesh has a heritage of rich folk music which includes both religious and secular songs.

Folk music may be described as the music of the ancient times that sprang from the heart of a community, based on their natural style of expression uninfluenced by the rules of classical music or modern popular songs. Any arrangement of sound created by the combination of tune, voice and instrument/dance may be described as music. Folk music is the combination of song, tune and dance that originate from the traditional culture of ordinary people (the folk). For example, Baul songs are a combination of tune, music and dance that are associated with the Baul tradition in Bengal.

Folk music has the following characteristics:
(i) It is composed by rural folk on the basis of ancient rules transmitted orally; (ii) these ancient rules of music have not been influenced by classical or modern music; (iii) folk songs may be sung in groups or individually; (iv) no regular practice is required for folk music; (v) it is composed and performed by illiterate or semi-literate people; (vi) it is a spontaneous expression of feelings and thoughts in easy language, local dialect, and simple tune; (vii) both words and tune are appealing; (viii) despite its universal appeal it uses local dialect; (ix) it depends upon nature and the rural environment; (x) it is an explicit manifestation of the joys and sorrows of daily life; (xi) it uses simple and natural rhythms; and (xii) it contains a strong emotive expression of human love and separation.
In Bangladesh folk music has great variety, with songs composed on culture, festivals, views of life, natural beauty, rivers and rural and riverine life. These songs are also about social inequality and poverty, about the material world and the supernatural. Mystical songs have been composed using the metaphors of rivers and boats. Since the country is basically riverine, the Bhatiyali forms an important genre of folk music. Nature plays a role in providing the content and rhythm of folk music. The folk music of Bangladesh varies from region to region, reflecting changes in the natural environment and the dialects people use. Thus there are the northern Bhawaiya, the eastern Bhatiyali and the southwestern Baul songs

The culture and the lifestyle of different ethnic  minorities, such as the Chakmas, Manipuris, Santals or Tripuris, have also influenced folk music. Their interaction with Bengali culture and lifestyle over the years has been clearly reflected in the richness of our folk music..

The culture and the lifestyle of the different ethnic minorities, such as the Chakmas, Manipuris, Santals or Tripuris, have also influenced folk music. Their interaction with Bengali culture and lifestyle over the years has been clearly reflected in the richness of our folk music.

Folk songs may be sung individually or in chorus. Folk songs sung individually include Baul, Bhatiyali, Murshidi and Marfati, while songs sung in chorus include Kabigan, Leto, Alkap and Gambhira. Some songs are regional in character, but others are common to both Bangladesh and West Bengal. Similarly, some songs belong distinctively to one religious community, the Hindus or the Muslims; others cross religious boundaries. Some songs belong exclusively to men, others to women, while some are sung by both men and women. Thus only women compose and sing Bratagan and Meyeli Git, but both men and women participate in the old practice of roof-beating' songs that are sung while beating down and firming rooftops.

Here are 35 important words with their meanings in Bangla and parts of speech:

  1. Sophisticated (adjective) - পরিশীলিত
  2. Community (noun) - সম্প্রদায়
  3. Heritage (noun) - ঐতিহ্য
  4. Secular (adjective) - ধর্মনিরপেক্ষ
  5. Ancient (adjective) - প্রাচীন
  6. Expression (noun) - অভিব্যক্তি
  7. Combination (noun) - সমন্বয়
  8. Traditional (adjective) - ঐতিহ্যবাহী
  9. Ordinary (adjective) - সাধারণ
  10. Appealing (adjective) - আকর্ষণীয়
  11. Dialect (noun) - উপভাষা
  12. Rural (adjective) - গ্রামীণ
  13. Environment (noun) - পরিবেশ
  14. Manifestation (noun) - প্রকাশ
  15. Spontaneous (adjective) - স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত
  16. Inequality (noun) - বৈষম্য
  17. Poverty (noun) - দারিদ্র্য
  18. Supernatural (adjective) - অতিপ্রাকৃত
  19. Metaphor (noun) - রূপক
  20. Genre (noun) - ধারা
  21. Variety (noun) - বৈচিত্র্য
  22. Interaction (noun) - পারস্পরিক ক্রিয়া
  23. Chorus (noun) - দলীয় সঙ্গীত
  24. Reflection (noun) - প্রতিফলন
  25. Distinctively (adverb) - স্বতন্ত্রভাবে
  26. Mystical (adjective) - রহস্যময়
  27. Cultural (adjective) - সাংস্কৃতিক
  28. Compose (verb) - রচনা করা
  29. Practice (noun) - অনুশীলন
  30. Explicit (adjective) - স্পষ্ট
  31. Emotive (adjective) - আবেগপ্রবণ
  32. Inspiration (noun) - অনুপ্রেরণা
  33. Participation (noun) - অংশগ্রহণ
  34. Festival (noun) - উৎসব
  35. Reflection (noun) - প্রতিফলন

ফোক সংগীত হলো এমন গান এবং সঙ্গীত যা কোনো সম্প্রদায়ের ঐতিহ্যবাহী সঙ্গীত রীতির অংশ, যা কোনো উন্নত সঙ্গীত নিয়ম বা মানক সঙ্গীত শৈলীর প্রভাবিত নয়। বাংলাদেশের একটি সমৃদ্ধ ফোক সংগীত ঐতিহ্য রয়েছে, যা ধর্মীয় এবং পৃথিবীসংক্রান্ত গানের সমন্বয়ে গঠিত।

ফোক সংগীতকে প্রাচীন সময়ের সঙ্গীত বলা যায়, যা একটি সম্প্রদায়ের অন্তর থেকে উদ্ভূত, যা তাদের প্রাকৃতিক অভিব্যক্তির ভিত্তিতে রচিত এবং ক্লাসিকাল সঙ্গীত বা আধুনিক জনপ্রিয় গানের নিয়ম দ্বারা প্রভাবিত হয় না। যেকোনো সঙ্গীতের সৃষ্টি হতে পারে সুর, কণ্ঠ এবং বাদ্যযন্ত্র/নৃত্য একত্রিত হলে। ফোক সংগীত হলো গান, সুর এবং নৃত্যের সমন্বয় যা সাধারণ মানুষের (ফোক) ঐতিহ্যবাহী সংস্কৃতির অংশ। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, বাউল গান হলো সুর, সঙ্গীত এবং নৃত্যের একটি সংমিশ্রণ যা বাংলা অঞ্চলের বাউল ঐতিহ্যের সাথে সম্পর্কিত।

ফোক সংগীতের নিম্নলিখিত বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে: (১) এটি গ্রামীণ জনগণের দ্বারা প্রাচীন নিয়মের ভিত্তিতে রচিত, যা মৌখিকভাবে প্রচারিত; (২) এই প্রাচীন সঙ্গীত নিয়মগুলি ক্লাসিকাল বা আধুনিক সঙ্গীত দ্বারা প্রভাবিত নয়; (৩) ফোক গান এককভাবে বা দলবদ্ধভাবে গাওয়া হতে পারে; (৪) ফোক সংগীতের জন্য নিয়মিত চর্চা প্রয়োজন হয় না; (৫) এটি অশিক্ষিত বা আধা-শিক্ষিত লোকদের দ্বারা রচিত এবং পরিবেশিত হয়; (৬) এটি অনুভূতি এবং চিন্তার এক স্বতঃস্ফূর্ত প্রকাশ, সহজ ভাষা, স্থানীয় উপভাষা এবং সরল সুরে রচিত; (৭) শব্দ এবং সুর উভয়ই আকর্ষণীয়; (৮) যদিও এর সার্বজনীন আবেদন রয়েছে, এটি স্থানীয় উপভাষা ব্যবহার করে; (৯) এটি প্রকৃতি এবং গ্রামীণ পরিবেশের উপর নির্ভরশীল; (১০) এটি দৈনন্দিন জীবনের আনন্দ এবং দুঃখের স্পষ্ট প্রকাশ; (১১) এটি সহজ এবং প্রাকৃতিক ছন্দ ব্যবহার করে; এবং (১২) এতে মানবিক ভালোবাসা এবং বিচ্ছেদের একটি শক্তিশালী আবেগপ্রবণ প্রকাশ রয়েছে।

বাংলাদেশে ফোক সংগীতের বিশাল বৈচিত্র্য রয়েছে, যেখানে সংস্কৃতি, উৎসব, জীবনের দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি, প্রকৃতির সৌন্দর্য, নদী এবং গ্রামীণ এবং নদীভূমির জীবন নিয়ে গান রচিত হয়েছে। এই গানে সামাজিক অশান্তি, দারিদ্র্য, পৃথিবী ও অতিপ্রাকৃত বিষয় নিয়ে কথা বলা হয়েছে। মিস্টিক গানে নদী এবং নৌকার রূপক ব্যবহার করা হয়েছে। যেহেতু বাংলাদেশ একটি নদীমাতৃক দেশ, ভাটিয়ালি ফোক সংগীতের একটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ধারাটি গড়ে উঠেছে। প্রকৃতি ফোক সংগীতের বিষয়বস্তু এবং ছন্দ সরবরাহে ভূমিকা পালন করেছে। বাংলাদেশের ফোক সংগীত অঞ্চলে অঞ্চলভেদে পরিবর্তিত হয়, যা প্রকৃতির পরিবেশ এবং লোকজনের ব্যবহৃত উপভাষায় পরিবর্তন প্রতিফলিত করে। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, উত্তরাঞ্চলের ভাওয়াইয়া, পূর্বাঞ্চলের ভাটিয়ালি এবং দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিমাঞ্চলের বাউল গান।

বিভিন্ন জাতিগত সংখ্যালঘু জনগণের সংস্কৃতি এবং জীবনযাত্রা, যেমন চাকমা, মণিপুরি, সান্তাল বা ত্রিপুরিদেরও ফোক সংগীতে প্রভাব ফেলেছে। তাদের বাংলা সংস্কৃতি এবং জীবনযাত্রার সাথে যোগাযোগে এই প্রভাব স্পষ্টভাবে আমাদের ফোক সংগীতের ঐতিহ্যে প্রতিফলিত হয়েছে।

ফোক গান এককভাবে বা সমবেতভাবে গাওয়া হতে পারে। এককভাবে গাওয়া ফোক গানের মধ্যে বাউল, ভাটিয়ালি, মুরশিদী এবং মারফতি অন্তর্ভুক্ত, এবং সমবেতভাবে গাওয়া গানগুলির মধ্যে কবিগান, লেটো, আলকাপ এবং গম্ভীরা অন্তর্ভুক্ত। কিছু গান আঞ্চলিক চরিত্রের, তবে কিছু গান বাংলাদেশ এবং পশ্চিমবঙ্গ উভয়েই সাধারণ। একইভাবে, কিছু গান একটি ধর্মীয় সম্প্রদায়, যেমন হিন্দু বা মুসলিমদের জন্য বিশেষ, আবার কিছু গান ধর্মীয় সীমানা অতিক্রম করে। কিছু গান শুধুমাত্র পুরুষদের জন্য, কিছু গানের মধ্যে পুরুষ ও মহিলারা উভয়ই অংশ নেন। উদাহরণস্বরূপ, শুধুমাত্র মহিলারা ব্রতগান এবং মেয়েলি গীত রচনা এবং গায়, কিন্তু পুরুষ ও মহিলা উভয়ই পুরানো ছাদ-ধরার গান গায় যা ছাদ শক্ত করার সময় গাওয়া হয়।

C. Answer the following questions:

a. How is folk music defined in the excerpt? Can you add some thoughts of your own to the definition provided?

b. What are the characteristics of folk music?

c. According to the excerpt, folk music has great variety in Bangladesh. Do you know about any other variety of folk music in our country? Which aspects of our folk music do you like?

d. The excerpt mentions several types or classes of folk songs from different regions of Bangladesh. How many of these are you familiar with? Give a brief assessment of them.

a. Definition of Folk Music:
Folk music in the excerpt is defined as the music created by a community, which is not influenced by sophisticated musical rules or modern popular styles. It is a natural, spontaneous expression of the people’s feelings and life experiences, passed down orally through generations.
Personal Thought: Folk music is more than just a genre; it represents the soul of a community. It embodies their traditions, emotions, and stories, allowing people to connect with their heritage and identity.

b. Characteristics of Folk Music:

Composed by rural folk based on ancient rules passed orally.

Not influenced by classical or modern music.

Can be sung individually or in groups.

No regular practice is needed.

Composed and performed by illiterate or semi-literate people.

A spontaneous expression of emotions in simple language.

Appealing words and tunes.

Uses local dialects.

Reflects nature and rural environments.

Expresses joys and sorrows of daily life.

Uses simple and natural rhythms.

Strong emotive expressions of human love and separation.

c. Variety of Folk Music in Bangladesh:
The excerpt mentions different types of folk music, such as Bhawaiya, Bhatiyali, and Baul songs. I also know of other varieties, such as the folk music of the Chakmas, Manipuris, and Santals. These diverse traditions reflect the rich cultural and ethnic tapestry of Bangladesh.
Personal Preference: I particularly like Baul songs, as they are deeply philosophical and often focus on themes of love and spirituality.

d. Familiar Folk Songs:
I am familiar with the following types of folk songs:

Baul: Known for their spiritual and philosophical themes.

Bhatiyali: Songs related to river and boat life.

Murshidi: Songs associated with devotion and mysticism.

Gambhira: Associated with rural festivities and social issues.
These songs are meaningful in their emotional depth and connection to nature, reflecting the everyday lives and values of the people in Bangladesh.

  1. What is the synonym of "sophisticated" as used in the passage?

    • a) Complex
    • b) Simple
    • c) Classical
    • d) Standard
      Answer: a) Complex
  2. What is the synonym of "unaffected" in the passage?

    • a) Modern
    • b) Primitive
    • c) Influenced
    • d) Untouched
      Answer: d) Untouched
  3. What is the synonym of "manifestation"?

    • a) Revelation
    • b) Suppression
    • c) Disguise
    • d) Concealment
      Answer: a) Revelation
  4. What is the synonym of "appealing" as mentioned in the passage?

    • a) Boring
    • b) Attractive
    • c) Complex
    • d) Unattractive
      Answer: b) Attractive
  5. What is the synonym of "explicit" as used in the passage?

    • a) Implicit
    • b) Clear
    • c) Vague
    • d) Hidden
      Answer: b) Clear
  6. What is the synonym of "traditional"?

    • a) Modern
    • b) Old-fashioned
    • c) Progressive
    • d) Futuristic
      Answer: b) Old-fashioned
  7. What is the synonym of "spontaneous" in the passage?

    • a) Planned
    • b) Unpredictable
    • c) Predefined
    • d) Rigid
      Answer: b) Unpredictable
  8. What is the synonym of "influenced" as used in the passage?

    • a) Ignored
    • b) Affected
    • c) Resisted
    • d) Supported
      Answer: b) Affected
  9. What is the synonym of "semi-literate"?

    • a) Fully educated
    • b) Illiterate
    • c) Partially educated
    • d) Highly educated
      Answer: c) Partially educated
  10. What is the synonym of "emotive" in the passage?

  • a) Logical
  • b) Rational
  • c) Emotional
  • d) Scientific
    Answer: c) Emotional

2. Antonym Questions (10)

  1. What is the antonym of "illiterate"?
  • a) Educated
  • b) Semi-literate
  • c) Unaware
  • d) Ignorant
    Answer: a) Educated
  1. What is the antonym of "spontaneous"?
  • a) Impromptu
  • b) Unplanned
  • c) Planned
  • d) Unorganized
    Answer: c) Planned
  1. What is the antonym of "appealing"?
  • a) Attractive
  • b) Unattractive
  • c) Desirable
  • d) Pleasing
    Answer: b) Unattractive
  1. What is the antonym of "natural" as used in the passage?
  • a) Artificial
  • b) Organic
  • c) Real
  • d) Simple
    Answer: a) Artificial
  1. What is the antonym of "ancient" in the context of the passage?
  • a) Modern
  • b) Old
  • c) Old-fashioned
  • d) Traditional
    Answer: a) Modern
  1. What is the antonym of "unaffected"?
  • a) Simple
  • b) Influenced
  • c) Untouched
  • d) Strong
    Answer: b) Influenced
  1. What is the antonym of "simple" as used in the passage?
  • a) Complex
  • b) Easy
  • c) Clear
  • d) Direct
    Answer: a) Complex
  1. What is the antonym of "expressive"?
  • a) Silent
  • b) Emotional
  • c) Plain
  • d) Inexpressive
    Answer: d) Inexpressive
  1. What is the antonym of "distinctively"?
  • a) Clearly
  • b) Commonly
  • c) Uniquely
  • d) Differently
    Answer: b) Commonly
  1. What is the antonym of "local"?
  • a) Domestic
  • b) International
  • c) National
  • d) Global
    Answer: b) International

3. Critical Thinking Questions (10)

  1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of folk music as described in the passage?
  • a) It is composed by rural folk.
  • b) It is influenced by classical music.
  • c) It is based on natural expressions.
  • d) It reflects the joys and sorrows of daily life.
    Answer: b) It is influenced by classical music.
  1. Which of these genres of folk music is associated with the riverine culture of Bangladesh?
  • a) Bhawaiya
  • b) Baul
  • c) Bhatiyali
  • d) Murshidi
    Answer: c) Bhatiyali
  1. Which ethnic group’s lifestyle influenced folk music in Bangladesh?
  • a) Santal
  • b) Chakma
  • c) Manipuri
  • d) All of the above
    Answer: d) All of the above
  1. What distinguishes "Bratagan" and "Meyeli Git" from other folk music genres?
  • a) They are sung by men only.
  • b) They are composed exclusively by women.
  • c) They are sung in groups.
  • d) They are based on river metaphors.
    Answer: b) They are composed exclusively by women.
  1. What role does nature play in folk music?
  • a) It provides content and rhythm.
  • b) It restricts the theme of songs.
  • c) It dictates the rules of composition.
  • d) It limits the variety of tunes.
    Answer: a) It provides content and rhythm.
  1. What can be inferred about the emotional expression in folk music from the passage?
  • a) Folk music has a shallow emotional appeal.
  • b) Folk music represents universal emotions in a local dialect.
  • c) Folk music only expresses sorrow and pain.
  • d) Folk music is not based on any emotional expression.
    Answer: b) Folk music represents universal emotions in a local dialect.
  1. Why are folk songs often sung in a simple, easy language?
  • a) To make them easier to remember and perform
  • b) To adhere to classical music rules
  • c) To show the superiority of the language
  • d) To impress the audience with linguistic complexity
    Answer: a) To make them easier to remember and perform
  1. What is the cultural significance of the Baul songs in Bangladesh’s folk music tradition?
  • a) They represent the influence of Western music.
  • b) They combine tune, music, and dance in a unique style.
  • c) They are primarily sung in religious ceremonies.
  • d) They are mostly instrumental, without vocals.
    Answer: b) They combine tune, music, and dance in a unique style.
  1. Why do folk songs reflect the socio-economic issues of the community?
  • a) Because they only focus on nature.
  • b) Because they are composed by educated musicians.
  • c) Because they express thoughts on poverty and social inequality.
  • d) Because they avoid discussing real-life issues.
    Answer: c) Because they express thoughts on poverty and social inequality.
  1. Which of the following is a characteristic feature of folk music in Bangladesh?
  • a) It is performed only by professional musicians.
  • b) It uses complex instrumental arrangements.
  • c) It is closely tied to the environment and natural surroundings.
  • d) It ignores cultural and social issues.
    Answer: c) It is closely tied to the environment and natural surroundings.

4. General Knowledge and Comprehension (20)

  1. What is the key feature of folk music composition?
  • a) It follows strict classical rules.
  • b) It is spontaneous and natural.
  • c) It is composed only in modern styles.
  • d) It involves complex instrumentation.
    Answer: b) It is spontaneous and natural.
  1. What does the term "Bhatiyali" refer to in Bangladeshi folk music?
  • a) A mystical form of music
  • b) A genre related to river life
  • c) A song performed during religious festivals
  • d) A modern form of music blending classical and folk styles
    Answer: b) A genre related to river life
  1. Who composes folk songs in Bangladesh?
  • a) Only professional musicians
  • b) Illiterate or semi-literate people
  • c) Classical music experts
  • d) Famous poets and writers
    Answer: b) Illiterate or semi-literate people
  1. What is a unique feature of the Gambhira folk songs?
  • a) They are sung only by women.
  • b) They are sung by both men and women in groups.
  • c) They are always sung individually.
  • d) They are composed by classical musicians.
    Answer: b) They are sung by both men and women in groups.
  1. What is the role of the rivers in Bangladesh’s folk music?
  • a) They are only mentioned in songs for beauty.
  • b) They are metaphors for mystical themes.
  • c) They provide rhythm and content for the songs.
  • d) They have no significant role.
    Answer: c) They provide rhythm and content for the songs.
  1. Which folk music genre is associated with mystical and spiritual themes?
  • a) Baul
  • b) Bhawaiya
  • c) Gambhira
  • d) Bhatiyali
    Answer: a) Baul
  1. What is the importance of "Alkap" in folk music?
  • a) It is sung individually.
  • b) It is sung in chorus and involves group participation.
  • c) It is associated with spiritual themes.
  • d) It is a song of sorrow.
    Answer: b) It is sung in chorus and involves group participation.
  1. What does the word "Kabigan" refer to in the context of folk music?
  • a) A form of folk dance
  • b) A style of narrative poetry and song
  • c) A type of instrumental music
  • d) A type of religious chant
    Answer: b) A style of narrative poetry and song
  1. Which folk music genre is associated with the socio-economic struggles of the community?
  • a) Bhawaiya
  • b) Murshidi
  • c) Baul
  • d) Bhatiyali
    Answer: b) Murshidi
  1. What influence has the interaction with ethnic minorities like Chakma and Santals had on folk music?
  • a) It has simplified the tunes.
  • b) It has enriched the folk music.
  • c) It has completely transformed the genre.
  • d) It has restricted the themes of the songs.
    Answer: b) It has enriched the folk music.
  1. How does the folk music of Bangladesh reflect the culture of rural life?
  • a) It mostly focuses on urban experiences.
  • b) It portrays the struggles, joys, and beauty of rural life.
  • c) It focuses solely on the political situation.
  • d) It avoids discussing nature and the environment.
    Answer: b) It portrays the struggles, joys, and beauty of rural life.
  1. Which folk music form is a combination of music, dance, and song tied to the Baul tradition?
  • a) Gambhira
  • b) Baul songs
  • c) Bhawaiya
  • d) Murshidi
    Answer: b) Baul songs
  1. Which folk song style is common in both Bangladesh and West Bengal?
  • a) Gambhira
  • b) Bhawaiya
  • c) Bhatiyali
  • d) Kabigan
    Answer: b) Bhawaiya
  1. Which of the following best describes the dialect used in folk music?
  • a) It uses standard literary language.
  • b) It uses local dialects.
  • c) It is a combination of many languages.
  • d) It uses only Sanskrit.
    Answer: b) It uses local dialects.
  1. Which of the following best reflects the mood of folk music in Bangladesh?
  • a) Strict and rigid
  • b) Happy and joyful only
  • c) Emotional, spontaneous, and reflective of life
  • d) Complex and sophisticated
    Answer: c) Emotional, spontaneous, and reflective of life
  1. Folk music in Bangladesh often discusses which of the following themes?
  • a) Modern technology
  • b) Nature, love, separation, and social issues
  • c) Political revolutions
  • d) Global issues
    Answer: b) Nature, love, separation, and social issues
  1. The folk music of Bangladesh is based mainly on:
  • a) Classical music principles
  • b) Oral transmission and local traditions
  • c) Imported musical styles
  • d) Written scripts and scores
    Answer: b) Oral transmission and local traditions
  1. How does the folk music of Bangladesh connect to the environment?
  • a) It ignores environmental factors.
  • b) It is directly influenced by natural surroundings like rivers and fields.
  • c) It focuses mainly on urban issues.
  • d) It is based on theoretical concepts rather than nature.
    Answer: b) It is directly influenced by natural surroundings like rivers and fields.
  1. What is a defining characteristic of the Baul tradition in folk music?
  • a) It emphasizes religious themes only.
  • b) It blends music, dance, and song with a unique style.
  • c) It follows strict classical music rules.
  • d) It is performed solely in temples.
    Answer: b) It blends music, dance, and song with a unique style.
  1. Which of the following is a genre of folk music sung in chorus?
  • a) Baul
  • b) Bhatiyali
  • c) Gambhira
  • d) Murshidi
  • Answer: c) Gambhira

Here are 15 short questions, including 5 critical thinking questions, based on the passage about folk music in Bangladesh:

Short Questions

  1. What is folk music?
    Answer: Folk music is the traditional music of a community, composed without following sophisticated musical rules, and passed down orally.

  2. What is the origin of folk music in Bangladesh?
    Answer: Folk music in Bangladesh originates from the traditional culture of ordinary people and is influenced by their rural environment and lifestyle.

  3. What is the role of nature in Bangladeshi folk music?
    Answer: Nature, particularly the riverine environment, plays a key role in shaping the content and rhythm of folk music in Bangladesh.

  4. Name two common themes found in Bangladeshi folk music.
    Answer: Common themes include the celebration of life, love, and separation, as well as social issues such as inequality and poverty.

  5. What is the difference between folk songs sung individually and those sung in chorus?
    Answer: Individual folk songs are sung alone, like Baul and Bhatiyali, while chorus songs are sung in groups, such as Kabigan, Leto, and Alkap.

  6. Who typically composes and performs folk music in Bangladesh?
    Answer: Folk music is usually composed and performed by illiterate or semi-literate people, often from rural areas.

  7. What is the Bhatiyali genre in Bangladeshi folk music?
    Answer: Bhatiyali is a folk music genre that is associated with the riverine culture of Bangladesh, often reflecting themes of rivers, boats, and the emotions of the people living near them.

  8. What is the significance of the Baul tradition in Bangladesh?
    Answer: Baul songs are a prominent part of Bangladeshi folk music, blending tune, music, and dance, and reflect spiritual and emotional themes.

  9. How does folk music in Bangladesh vary from region to region?
    Answer: Folk music in Bangladesh differs by region, with different dialects, rhythms, and themes reflecting the local environment and culture, such as the northern Bhawaiya or the southwestern Baul songs.

  10. What role do ethnic minorities play in Bangladesh's folk music?
    Answer: Ethnic minorities like the Chakmas, Manipuris, and Santals have contributed to the richness and diversity of Bangladeshi folk music through their cultural influences.

  11. What is the primary characteristic of folk songs in Bangladesh?
    Answer: Folk songs are characterized by simple, emotive expression in local dialects, with appealing words and tunes that reflect the everyday lives of ordinary people.

  12. Name two types of folk songs that are sung by both men and women in Bangladesh.
    Answer: Roof-beating songs and songs related to festivals are sung by both men and women.

  13. What is the primary function of folk music in rural communities?
    Answer: Folk music serves as a spontaneous and emotional expression of the joys, sorrows, and experiences of daily life.

  14. Which type of music in Bangladesh is connected to mystical themes?
    Answer: Mystical songs, often linked to metaphors of rivers and boats, are part of Bangladeshi folk music.

  15. What is the relationship between folk music and religion in Bangladesh?
    Answer: Some folk songs are connected to specific religious communities, like Hindus or Muslims, but many songs cross religious boundaries.

Critical Questions

  1. How does folk music reflect the social realities of the people who create it?
    Answer: Folk music reflects the social realities of the people through themes like poverty, inequality, and daily struggles, offering a window into the emotions and challenges of rural life.

  2. In what ways do the regional differences in Bangladeshi folk music contribute to the country's cultural diversity?
    Answer: The regional variations in folk music highlight the distinct dialects, rhythms, and environmental influences, showing how local cultures and lifestyles shape the music in unique ways across the country.

  3. How does the inclusion of ethnic minority influences in folk music enrich Bangladeshi culture?
    Answer: The integration of ethnic minority cultures, such as those of the Chakmas and Santals, introduces different musical traditions and perspectives, creating a more diverse and inclusive cultural heritage in Bangladesh.

  4. Why is it important to preserve folk music in Bangladesh?
    Answer: Preserving folk music is important because it represents the cultural identity, historical experiences, and traditions of the people, offering valuable insights into the country's heritage.

  5. Do you think modern music influences folk music in Bangladesh? How?
    Answer: Modern music may influence folk music by introducing new instruments, rhythms, or themes, but folk music retains its unique character by staying rooted in traditional expressions and local dialects.

Summary of the passage 

Folk music in Bangladesh reflects the culture and lifestyle of rural communities. It is simple, emotional, and based on ancient, oral traditions, unaffected by classical or modern music. Folk songs often express joys, sorrows, and daily life, with themes like nature, rivers, and social issues. They vary regionally, with genres like Bhawaiya, Bhatiyali, Baul, and songs from ethnic minorities. Folk music can be sung individually or in groups and is an essential part of Bangladesh's cultural heritage.

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