Punctuation and Capitalization exercise for HSC

Punctuation and Capitalization

Punctuation and Capitalization exercise and answer of all education board of Bangladesh. 

Chottogram 2024

9. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors: 0.5x14=7

Have you seen your mother Jerry I see her every summer She sends for me I wanted to cry out Why are you not with her How can she let you go away again He said She comes up here from Mannville whenever she can She doesnt have a job now.

Rajshahi Board 2024

Jerry: You look like my mother
Writer: Do you meet your mother frequently when have you met her does she visit you
Jerry: she often visits me She sends gifts for me Did you see the skates I put on yesterday
Writer: Why do you not live with her doesn't your heart bleed for her
Jerry: Im fated to live alone

Dhaka Board 2024

Sumi said to Rumi what will you do after hse exam ill take preparation for varsity admission whats about you said Rumi

Dinajpur Board 2024

Student: May I come in, sir
Headmaster: Yes come in.
Student: Good morning sir.
Headmaster: Good morning. What do you want
Student: Sir I want a transfer certificate.
Headmaster: A transfer certificate Why do you need a transfer certificate Its the middle of the session.
Student: My father has been transferred from Dhaka to Khulna.
Headmaster: oh I see. Cant you stay here for the rest of the session
Student: Sorry sir, I cant. My father is unable to afford me here.
Headmaster: Don't you have any relative here?
Student: No, I havent.
Headmaster: Where is your application?
Student: Here it is,sir.
Headmaster: Have you cleared your tuition fees?
Student: Yes, sir. Here is the receipt.
Headmaster: Meet the head clerk.
Student: Thank you, sir.

Jashore Board 2024

Jerry: I can chop some wood today
Writer: But Ive a boy coming from the orphanage.
Jerry: Im the boy
Writer: You But youre small
Jerry: Size doesnt matter chopping wood, some of the big boys dont chop well Ive been chopping wood for a long time. Writer: Very well theres the axe go ahead see what you can do

Barisal 2024

Son: Did you keep a diary during the Liberation War
Father: Yes I did.
Son: Can I have a look at it.
Father: Im afraid, Ive lost it.
Son: Can you remember anything about it.
Father: Yes I remember one event there were lots of sounds and bangs outside one night. You wanted to look out but we didnt let you.
Father: Because it was very dangerous. You were only four years old.
Son: I cant remember anything.
Father: Its natural. No one can remember all from early childhood

Sylhet Board 2024

Ratan said to his father I want to go outside for sometime. Why is it not the suitable time for going out. I need to meet my friend Shimul. Now it is 8 PM. You should not waste time doing this type of activities father replied. III come back before 9 O clock said Ratan. This is the last time I think father said.

Cumilla Board 2024

Yasha: What happened to you Meem Youre not looking normal.
Meem: you are right my friend. Im really very upset today.
Yasha: But why Wont you say me the reason
Meem: Why not A road accident took the life of our Chairman yesterday He was a well known person in our village. How pathetic it is for his family
Yasha: Oh Thats very shocking. 
Meem: Its very sad that such accidents are occuring frequently in our country. 

Mymensingh Board 2024

Rahim: We are about to finish our HSC examination are you thinking about your future
Karim: Yes, What about you
Rahim 1 want to pursue higher education. What are your plans
Karim: I rather follow some vocation course to make my career.
Rahim: Really have you thought of any particular vacation
Karim: Yes I would like to join the fashion design course. This career has a prospect these days.
Rahim It is suitable for boys.
Karim: Why not Boys are as good as girl in many profession now a days. Whats your future plan
Rahim I would like to go for teaching. 
Karim: lts good profession for a studious boy like you.

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