Tones in Statements Class 9 | Class 9 English Page 56 | Answer of the questions.

Class 9 English 4.3.4 Question Answer | Tones in Statements Class 9 | Class 9 English Page 56

Class 9 English 4.3.4 Question Answer | Tones in Statements Class 9 | Class 9 English Page 56

This topic helps class 9 students to identify author's hidden feelings and emotions by answering a few questions on page 56. This  lesson is intended for the students of Bangladesh  who are in class 9. This lesson provides solutions to exercise 4.3.4 on page 56 where students will read a text and answer some questions based on the text provided, identifying author's hidden feelings and emotions. We've discussed class nine English chapter 4, "Tones in Statements" based on the 2024 class nine English book published by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB).

Tone of statement

The author's attitude and feelings towards Mr. Collins are characterized by a mixture of irony, criticism, and perhaps a touch of amusement. মিঃ কলিন্সের প্রতি লেখিকার মনোভাব এবং অনুভূতি বিদ্রূপ, সমালোচনা এবং সম্ভবত বিনোদনের একটি মিশ্র ছোঁয়া দিয়ে চিহ্নিত করা হয়। The author uses language that conveys a negative and mocking perspective on Mr. Collins' character, upbringing, and education. লেখিকা এমন ভাষা ব্যবহার করেন যা মিঃ কলিন্সের চরিত্র, লালন-পালন এবং শিক্ষার প্রতি নেতিবাচক এবং উপহাসমূলক দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি প্রকাশ করে। Phrases such as "not a sensible man," "deficiency of nature," "illiterate and miserly father," and "self-conceit of a weak head" highlight how the author wanted to portray Mr. Collins. "একজন বুদ্ধিমান মানুষ নন", "কাণ্ডজ্ঞানের অভাব", "অশিক্ষিত এবং কৃপণ পিতা" এবং "একজন দুর্বল মস্তিষ্কের আত্ম-অহংকার" এর মতো বাক্যাংশগুলি লেখিকা মিঃ কলিন্সকে কিভাবে চিত্রিত করতে চেয়েছিলেন তা তুলে ধরে।  The portrayal of Mr. Collins' humility is initially countered by self- conceit, and his association with Lady Catherine de Bourgh is shown with irony. মিঃ কলিন্সের নম্রতার চিত্রটি প্রাথমিকভাবে আত্ম-অহংকার দ্বারা প্রতিহত করা হয়েছে, এবং লেডি ক্যাথরিন ডি বার্গের সাথে তার সম্পর্ক বিদ্রুপের সাথে দেখানো হয়েছে। While the text remains primarily a mockery, there's an underlying layer of amusement in the portrayal of Mr. Collins'. যদিও পাঠ্যটি প্রাথমিকভাবে বিদ্রূপমূলক, মিস্টার কলিন্সের চিত্রায়নে বিনোদনের একটি অন্তর্নিহিত স্তর রয়েছে।

Answer the following questions

a) What specific words or phrases did the author use to describe the character of Mr. Collins?
b) How did the author use those words or phrases to describe Mr. Collins' character?
c) How does the author's language affect your idea of Mr. Collins' character?
d) What emotions did you experience while reading the text? Was it positive, negative, neutral, or sarcastic?

The answers of the above questions are given below.

a) What specific words or phrases did the author use to describe the character of Mr. Collins?

The author uses the following specific words or phrases to describe the character of Mr. Collins:

"weak head"
"not a sensible man"
"deficiency of nature"
"illiterate and miserly father"
"self-conceit of a weak head"
"self-importance and humility"
"pride and  obsequiousness,"

b) How did the author use those words or phrases to describe Mr. Collins' character?

The author uses those words and phrases to describe Mr. Collins' character. They highlight his lack of intelligence ("not a sensible man"), deficiencies in natural abilities ("deficiency of nature"), negative aspects of his upbringing ("illiterate and miserly father"), and arrogance despite his initial humility ("self-conceit of a weak head") Now we can clearly say that using these words and phrases, the author tries to paint a picture of Mr. Collins as lacking in intelligence, influenced by his father's negative traits, having an inflated ego despite his lack of real accomplishment, and exhibiting contradictory characteristics of pride and humility.

c) How does the author's language affect your idea of Mr. Collins' character?

The authors language creates a negauve impression of Mг. Collins, portraying him as a flawed and somewhat ridiculous character. Using negative language and sarcasm, the author creates a negative impression of Mr. Collins, emphasizing his flaws and limitations. The use of terms like "illiterate," "miserly," and "self- conceit" suggests his shortcomings, while phrases like "pride and obsequiousness" and "self-importance and humility" highlight his contradictory nature.

d) What emotions did you experience while reading the text? Was it positive, negative, neutral, or sarcastic?

While reading the text, the emotions experienced may range from amusement at Mr. Collins' absurdities to disdain for his lack of self-awareness and inflated ego.  I also experienced negative and sarcastic emotions after realizing the author's tone of irony and mockery towards Mr. Collins. Overall, the tone may lean towards negative or sarcastic, given the critical portrayal of Mr. Collins.

e) Did the tone of the text change at any point? If yes, describe it.

The tone of the text remains consistently critical and somewhat mocking throughout, without significant shifts in tone. However, there was a moment when the tone shifted slightly to include a touch of amusement in the portrayal of Mr. Collins' character. Despite this, the underlying tone of criticism and mockery remained consistent. The author maintains a satirical tone in their portrayal of Mr. Collins, highlighting his flaws and contradictions

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