Textbook page 114, 115, 116 & 117 || English first paper || Unit Seven: Youthful Achievers Lesson 1 Brojen Das: On Crossing the English Channel || Bangla meaning with synonym and antonym , line by line Bangla meaning, text questions and solution , short questions and summary ||
Lesson 1 Brojen Das: On Crossing the English Channel || Bangla meaning with synonym and antonym , line by line Bangla meaning, text questions and solution , short questions and summary ||
Here are some important words from the passage with their Bangla meanings, synonyms, and antonyms:
Meaning: অস্পষ্ট
Synonym: Weak, dim
Antonym: Clear, strong -
Meaning: ক্লান্ত
Synonym: Tired, drained
Antonym: Energized, refreshed -
Meaning: প্রতিরোধ
Synonym: Resistance, conflict
Antonym: Support, agreement -
Meaning: সঙ্গী
Synonym: Attendant, accompanying
Antonym: Abandoned, alone -
Meaning: জাহাজের অধিনায়ক
Synonym: Captain, helmsman
Antonym: Passenger, follower -
Meaning: ঝলক
Synonym: Glimpse, gleam
Antonym: Darkness, dullness -
Meaning: উপলব্ধি
Synonym: Understood, recognized
Antonym: Ignored, overlooked -
Meaning: উত্তেজিত
Synonym: Excited, thrilled
Antonym: Unmoved, indifferent -
Meaning: চেষ্টা করা
Synonym: Struggling, laboring
Antonym: Resting, relaxing -
Meaning: উত্তেজিত করা
Synonym: Pushed, urged
Antonym: Discouraged, dissuaded -
Meaning: বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা
Synonym: Betrayal, deceit
Antonym: Loyalty, faithfulness -
Meaning: পরাজিত
Synonym: Beaten, conquered
Antonym: Victorious, triumphant -
Meaning: জোয়ারের স্রোত
Synonym: Currents, waves
Antonym: Calm, stillness -
Meaning: সহনশক্তি
Synonym: Endurance, strength
Antonym: Weakness, fatigue -
Meaning: দমন করা
Synonym: Overcome, conquer
Antonym: Surrender, yield -
Meaning: ষড়যন্ত্র করা
Synonym: Plotted, schemed
Antonym: Cooperated, assisted -
Meaning: দুঃখময় ভাগ্য
Synonym: Misfortune, bad luck
Antonym: Good luck, fortune -
Meaning: চূড়ান্ত
Synonym: Ultimate, conclusive
Antonym: Initial, beginning -
Meaning: ঘুম
Synonym: Rest, slumber
Antonym: Wakefulness, insomnia -
Meaning: উদ্বেগজনক
Synonym: Troubling, upsetting
Antonym: Comforting, reassuring -
Meaning: সাময়িক
Synonym: Provisional, uncertain
Antonym: Decisive, final -
Meaning: ফেরি
Synonym: Boat, vessel
Antonym: Land transport -
Meaning: সমুদ্রবিরক্তি
Synonym: Nauseous, queasy
Antonym: Stable, comfortable -
Meaning: অপরিসীম
Synonym: Huge, enormous
Antonym: Small, tiny -
Meaning: নিখুঁত
Synonym: Flawless, ideal
Antonym: Imperfect, flawed -
Meaning: ডুব দেওয়া
Synonym: Dive, dip
Antonym: Rise, float -
Meaning: অসচেতন
Synonym: Unaware, indifferent
Antonym: Aware, conscious -
Meaning: চিন্তিত
Synonym: Anxious, concerned
Antonym: Calm, relaxed -
Meaning: স্থিতিশীল
Synonym: Stable, consistent
Antonym: Unstable, erratic -
Meaning: খুব ক্ষুধার্ত
Synonym: Hungry, starved
Antonym: Full, satisfied -
Meaning: সামর্থ্য রাখা
Synonym: Be able to, manage
Antonym: Be unable, lack -
Meaning: শক্তি
Synonym: Power, strength
Antonym: Weakness, inability -
Meaning: অস্বীকার করা
Synonym: Declined, rejected
Antonym: Accepted, agreed -
Meaning: ফুলে ওঠা
Synonym: Inflated, bloated
Antonym: Deflated, shrunken -
Meaning: চেষ্টা
Synonym: Endeavors, attempts
Antonym: Laziness, inaction -
Meaning: প্রান্ত
Synonym: Border, brink
Antonym: Center, middle -
Meaning: উল্লাস
Synonym: Applauding, encouraging
Antonym: Booing, criticizing -
Meaning: গতি
Synonym: Energy, drive
Antonym: Inertia, stagnation -
Meaning: খাঁজ কাটা
Synonym: Jagged, rough
Antonym: Smooth, even -
Meaning: প্রবচনী
Synonym: Common, well-known
Antonym: Unknown, rare -
Meaning: ঝুলানো
Synonym: Hung, swung
Antonym: Rested, fixed -
Meaning: ভাঙা
Synonym: Shatter, crack
Antonym: Mend, fix -
Meaning: পূর্ণ করা
Synonym: Accomplished, achieved
Antonym: Unfulfilled, failed -
Meaning: উচ্চাকাঙ্ক্ষা
Synonym: Goal, aspiration
Antonym: Apathy, indifference -
Meaning: ব্যর্থ হওয়া
Synonym: Be unsuccessful, fall short
Antonym: Succeed, thrive -
Meaning: দেশ
Synonym: Nation, state
Antonym: Foreign, outsider -
Meaning: ভক্তরা
Synonym: Supporters, followers
Antonym: Opponents, critics -
Meaning: খ্যাতি
Synonym: Prestige, standing
Antonym: Disreputation, dishonor -
Meaning: ট্রফি
Synonym: Award, prize
Antonym: Loss, failure -
Meaning: সাহস
Synonym: Bravery, valor
Antonym: Fear, cowardice
Here is a set of multiple choice questions based on the passage, including vocabulary-based questions:
1. What time was it when Brojen Das heard faint voices?
a) 2:00 AM
b) 4:00 AM
c) 6:00 AM
d) 8:00 AM
Answer: b) 4:00 AM
2. Who was accompanying Brojen Das on the motorboat?
a) His family
b) His friends
c) His manager, skipper, and observer
d) His competitors
Answer: c) His manager, skipper, and observer
3. What did Brojen Das realize when he saw flashes on the shore?
a) He was lost
b) He was far from the shore
c) He was close to the shore
d) He needed more energy
Answer: c) He was close to the shore
4. What did Brojen Das ask when he saw the flashes?
a) The time and distance left
b) Where his manager was
c) Whether he had broken the record
d) If he was swimming correctly
Answer: a) The time and distance left
5. What energized Brojen Das when he was told about the world record?
a) The thought of crossing the channel
b) The belief he could win
c) The possibility of setting a new world record
d) The cheers from the crowd
Answer: c) The possibility of setting a new world record
6. What did Brojen Das consider the most difficult part of the swim?
a) The first half of the swim
b) The waves
c) The second half of the swim
d) The lack of food
Answer: c) The second half of the swim
7. Why did Brojen Das refuse the feed during the swim?
a) He didn’t feel hungry
b) He wanted to break the world record
c) He didn’t trust his team
d) He was too tired to eat
Answer: b) He wanted to break the world record
8. What mistake did Brojen Das later regret?
a) Not eating during the swim
b) Swimming too slowly
c) Not preparing enough
d) Not resting enough
Answer: a) Not eating during the swim
9. How did Brojen Das feel after taking the feed?
a) Weak
b) Strong
c) Sick
d) Relieved
Answer: b) Strong
10. What did Brojen Das notice when he was nearing the shore?
a) He saw clear water
b) He saw sharp rocks
c) He felt calm
d) He felt cold
Answer: b) He saw sharp rocks
11. How much time did Brojen Das save when breaking the record?
a) 10 minutes
b) 15 minutes
c) 20 minutes
d) 30 minutes
Answer: b) 15 minutes
12. What was Brojen Das' primary goal in swimming across the Channel?
a) To beat his personal best
b) To prove his stamina
c) To break the world record
d) To help others
Answer: c) To break the world record
13. What was the weather like on the day Brojen Das swam across the Channel?
a) Stormy
b) Perfect
c) Raining
d) Cloudy
Answer: b) Perfect
14. What was the main reason for Brojen Das' failure in previous attempts?
a) Lack of stamina
b) Sea sickness
c) Weak weather conditions
d) Poor training
Answer: b) Sea sickness
15. Which of the following did Brojen Das NOT mention in the text?
a) His long-distance swimming practice
b) His manager’s name
c) His fear of failing
d) The people who cheered him
Answer: b) His manager’s name
16. The word "goaded" in the passage is closest in meaning to:
a) Encouraged
b) Forced
c) Pushed
d) Disappointed
Answer: c) Pushed
17. The phrase "like the proverbial carrot" means:
a) Something easy to achieve
b) Something tempting but difficult to reach
c) Something that is always out of reach
d) Something that is symbolic
Answer: b) Something tempting but difficult to reach
18. The word "subdue" in the passage most nearly means:
a) Overcome
b) Improve
c) Appreciate
d) Understand
Answer: a) Overcome
19. The antonym of "oblivious" in the passage is:
a) Aware
b) Confused
c) Tired
d) Indifferent
Answer: a) Aware
20. The word "grit" in the context of the passage means:
a) Weakness
b) Courage and determination
c) Disappointment
d) Speed
Answer: b) Courage and determination
21. The word "ambition" in the passage is closest in meaning to:
a) Desire
b) Skill
c) Duty
d) Fear
Answer: a) Desire
22. The word "conspired" in the passage refers to:
a) Lying
b) Joining forces
c) Fighting
d) Waiting
Answer: b) Joining forces
23. The word "famished" in the passage means:
a) Hungry
b) Thirsty
c) Exhausted
d) Happy
Answer: a) Hungry
24. "The momentum was building up" means:
a) Losing strength
b) Gaining speed
c) Remaining steady
d) Losing confidence
Answer: b) Gaining speed
25. "I had fixed the tentative date" means:
a) Final date
b) Chosen date
c) Uncertain date
d) Unavailable date
Answer: c) Uncertain date
26. What does the phrase "a little prayer" refer to in the passage?
a) A promise
b) A moment of reflection
c) A wish for success
d) A meditation
Answer: c) A wish for success
27. "The last drop of energy" refers to:
a) The final boost of energy
b) The maximum effort
c) The starting point of swimming
d) The first stage of the swim
Answer: a) The final boost of energy
28. What is meant by "getting my teeth into the strokes"?
a) Giving up
b) Intensifying the effort
c) Slowing down
d) Relaxing
Answer: b) Intensifying the effort
29. The phrase "the shore it was" suggests:
a) Brojen Das finally reached the shore
b) He had lost his way
c) He was tired of swimming
d) He had given up
Answer: a) Brojen Das finally reached the shore
30. What does "swollen eyes" symbolize in the passage?
a) Overcome by exhaustion
b) Being happy
c) Not feeling the pain
d) Calmness
Answer: a) Overcome by exhaustion
31. Which country did Brojen Das represent?
a) Pakistan
b) Bangladesh
c) India
d) France
Answer: b) Bangladesh
32. Brojen Das' swim was from which two locations?
a) Italy to France
b) England to France
c) France to England
d) India to England
Answer: c) France to England
33. The word "craggy" refers to:
a) Smooth
b) Sharp and uneven
c) Soft
d) Calm
Answer: b) Sharp and uneven
34. What does the term "final shot" imply in the context of the passage?
a) The last effort
b) A photograph
c) A reward
d) The last chance
Answer: a) The last effort
35. The word "stamina" in the passage refers to:
a) Speed
b) Mental toughness
c) Physical strength
d) Flexibility
Answer: c) Physical strength
36. What is meant by "ill luck" in the passage?
a) Bad weather
b) Misfortune
c) Mistakes
d) Accidents
Answer: b) Misfortune
37. What is the meaning of "near perfect" in the passage?
a) Very bad
b) Close to flawless
c) Totally perfect
d) Acceptable
Answer: b) Close to flawless
38. Brojen Das had to deal with what type of weather conditions?
a) Calm and pleasant
b) Unpredictable and harsh
c) Clear skies
d) Windless
Answer: b) Unpredictable and harsh
39. Who filmed Brojen Das after he finished his swim?
a) His manager
b) The BBC-TV cameramen
c) His friends
d) His fans
Answer: b) The BBC-TV cameramen
40. What did Brojen Das reflect upon after his swim?
a) His physical pain
b) The difficulty of the swim
c) His country's pride
d) The weather conditions
Answer: c) His country's pride
41. What was Brojen Das' state of mind before jumping into the water on his sixth swim?
a) Nervous but hopeful
b) Full of fear
c) Indifferent
d) Angry
Answer: a) Nervous but hopeful
42. What type of feeling does "being on top of the world" convey?
a) Confidence
b) Exhaustion
c) Sadness
d) Confusion
Answer: a) Confidence
43. What role did his manager play in Brojen Das’ swim?
a) Supporter and advisor
b) Observer
c) Trainer
d) Critic
Answer: a) Supporter and advisor
44. Brojen Das' swim was mainly about:
a) Proving his physical strength
b) Breaking records
c) Enjoying the journey
d) Spreading awareness
Answer: b) Breaking records
45. The term "feed" refers to:
a) The amount of food he consumed
b) A break from swimming
c) Water intake
d) A refreshment break during the swim
Answer: d) A refreshment break during the swim
46. "Treachery of Weather" refers to:
a) The predictable weather
b) The impact of weather conditions on the swim
c) A change in strategy
d) The difficulty of swimming
Answer: b) The impact of weather conditions on the swim
47. What does "Plunge and After" refer to?
a) The start and finish of the swim
b) The struggle during the swim
c) The excitement before the swim
d) The post-swim celebration
Answer: b) The struggle during the swim
48. How long did Brojen Das swim in total?
a) 11 hours and 48 minutes
b) 10 hours and 15 minutes
c) 6 hours
d) 8 hours
Answer: a) 11 hours and 48 minutes
49. What is "the King of Channel" trophy?
a) A sports competition trophy
b) A trophy given for a record-breaking swim
c) A trophy for best swimmer in the UK
d) A community award
Answer: b) A trophy given for a record-breaking swim
50. The passage mainly describes Brojen Das'
a) Journey to France
b) Channel swimming attempts
c) World record achievements
d) Challenges in his personal life
Answer: b) Channel swimming attempts
Model Question on Lesson 1 Brojen Das: On Crossing the English Channel
Here are important critical short questions based on the text, with their answers:
1. What time was it when Brojen Das heard faint voices from the other side of the world?
Answer: The time was about 4:00 in the morning, on September 22, 1961. He felt tired and exhausted while fighting against the strong tide.
2. Who was in the accompanying motorboat with Brojen Das during his swim?
Answer: The motorboat was carrying his manager, Quazi Mohammad Ali, skipper Len Hutchinson, and the official observer, Mr. J. U. Wood.
3. What motivated Brojen Das to continue swimming despite feeling exhausted?
Answer: He was motivated by the possibility of setting a new world record for the France-to-England swim, which electrified him and revived his determination.
4. What obstacles did Brojen Das face during his swim across the English Channel?
Answer: He faced strong tides, biting cold water, unpredictable weather, and waves that tested his stamina and courage throughout the swim.
5. What did Brojen Das say about the weather's impact on channel swimmers?
Answer: Brojen Das mentioned that the weather is unpredictable and often worsens after a swimmer enters the Channel, making it a major challenge for swimmers, and that weather and ill luck had defeated him several times.
6. What was Brojen Das' feeling after failing to set the world record on September 8/9, 1961?
Answer: He felt disturbed by the thought that he had failed his country, friends, and fans despite his best efforts, even though he was physically tired after swimming for 11 hours and 48 minutes.
7. How did Brojen Das feel after his sea-sickness during his earlier attempts?
Answer: He experienced severe sea-sickness, which was the main reason for his failure to set the world record on his previous attempts, including in 1960 and September 8/9, 1961.
8. What did Brojen Das do to prepare for his sixth attempt?
Answer: He rested at the Cap Gris Nez hotel, felt rejuvenated, and prayed for good weather before attempting his swim again on September 21, 1961.
9. What record did Brojen Das set before his sixth swim?
Answer: Brojen Das set a record by attempting his sixth swim just 12 days after his fifth swim, which was remarkable.
10. What was Brojen Das' mindset while swimming in the Channel?
Answer: Once in the water, Brojen became oblivious to time, distance, and direction, focusing only on making it through and ensuring good weather for the rest of the swim.
11. How did Brojen Das handle the second half of his swim?
Answer: Brojen Das kept his speed at a steady pace to conserve energy, understanding that the second half of the swim was always more difficult and required every ounce of his strength.
12. What mistake did Brojen Das make regarding the feeding break?
Answer: Brojen Das initially refused to take a feeding break, believing it would cost him time. He later regretted this decision, as he could have possibly finished the swim in less than 10 hours and 15 minutes, breaking the world record.
13. How did Brojen Das feel when he saw the Kent shore?
Answer: Brojen Das felt a surge of excitement and relief as he saw the flashes on the Kent shore, realizing he was very close to achieving his goal of breaking the world record.
14. What was the significance of the rocks Brojen Das felt towards the end of his swim?
Answer: The sharp, craggy rocks were a clear sign that he had reached the shore, marking the end of his record-breaking swim.
Model Question on Lesson 1 Brojen Das: On Crossing the English Channel
15. How did Brojen Das feel after breaking the world record?
Answer: Brojen Das was overwhelmed with gratitude, thanking God for fulfilling his life's ambition. He also remembered his parents, feeling that he had not failed his country.
16. What did the weather on September 21, 1961, do for Brojen Das?
Answer: The weather on September 21 was near perfect, which gave Brojen Das the opportunity to attempt his swim under favorable conditions after previous difficulties.
17. Refer to Brojen Das' feeling after being told about the world record possibility. How did this affect his performance?
Answer: The possibility of setting a new world record electrified Brojen Das, giving him the motivation and energy to continue swimming despite his exhaustion.
18. According to Brojen Das, what mental qualities are essential for swimming the Channel?
Answer: Brojen Das highlighted that besides stamina and long-distance swimming practice, grit, determination, and courage are essential to overcome the challenges of the Channel.
19. Refer to Brojen Das' determination. How did it help him overcome his sea-sickness?
Answer: Brojen Das’ mental toughness and determination helped him push through his sea-sickness and continue swimming, even when waves and the sea made it harder for him.
20. What lesson did Brojen Das learn from his earlier swims that helped him during his successful attempt?
Answer: He learned to maintain a steady pace to conserve energy, especially during the second half of the swim, which was crucial to his successful record-breaking attempt.
Model Question on Lesson 1 Brojen Das: On Crossing the English Channel
Summary of the passage
In this passage, Brojen Das describes his emotional and physical journey of attempting to break the world record for swimming across the English Channel in 1961. Despite facing extreme exhaustion, harsh weather, and sea sickness, he remained determined to achieve his goal. He reflects on his struggles and the mental strength required to push through, especially after several failed attempts. His perseverance paid off when, on September 22, 1961, he successfully completed the swim and set a new world record. The passage emphasizes themes of resilience, determination, and the importance of never giving up, even when faced with adversity. It also highlights the pride he felt in making his country proud, fulfilling his lifelong dream.
Purpose: The purpose of this passage is to inspire students to develop perseverance, resilience, and determination in the face of challenges.
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