Textbook page 47 & 48 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit two: Art and Craft || Lesson 4 craft || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary ||

Textbook page 47 & 48 || Class eleven and twelve || Unit two: Art and Craft || Lesson 4 craft || English first paper || Bangla meaning, mcq, short questions and summary || 

While art is considered intuitive and visionary, craft is seen to be a practical application of certain skills for producing objects of everyday use that are often beautiful to look at, such as pottery, metal and wood work, cane and bamboo items, jewelry, musical instruments like ektara, dhol or flute and textile items. People who practice a craft are called crafts persons or artisans who pick up their skills under the guidance of older and more experienced artisans. The training they receive is thus on-the-job, and artisans often come from the same family.

Bangladesh has a rich tradition of craft as the country has been, until very recently, dependent on agriculture, and most people lived in villages. Rural communities relied on artisans to supply them with necessary household items. But communities also needed objects to help them with social occasions such as weddings, religious rituals, festivals and personal use. They also needed items for use in trade and commerce. Craftworks thus range from winnowing baskets to clay oil lamps, from hand held fans to metal coins. As artisans worked with their hands to produce domestic and decorative objects, these came to be known as handicrafts.

An artwork bears the signature of its creator, and the value of a painting, graphic art or sculpture depends on the stature of the artist. No such thing happens in case of craftwork. The maker of a terracotta doll or a shatranji (cotton floor mat) remains anonymous but the work retains a personal touch. When we look at a thirty year old nakshikantha we wonder at its motifs and designs that point to the artistic talent of its maker. The fact that we don't know her name or any other details about her doesn't take anything away from our appreciation of the maker's skill. Indeed, the intimate nature of the kantha and the tactile feeling it generates animate the work and make it very inviting.
A craftwork is a dynamic object-always evolving and always abreast of changing tastes and needs. Changes in lifestyle and material conditions have an impact on craftworks and their production. But certain forms, motifs, styles and aesthetic preferences change little over time, suggesting that a craftwork can function as a stable signifier of community values and preferences over time

Here is a list of 35 important words from the passage with their meanings in Bangla, parts of speech, synonyms, antonyms, and pronunciation:

Word Meaning (Bangla) Part of Speech Synonym(s) Antonym(s) Pronunciation
Art শিল্প Noun Creativity, Masterpiece None /ɑːrt/
Intuitive অন্তঃকরণী Adjective Instinctive, Perceptive Reasoned, Logical /ɪnˈtjuːɪtɪv/
Visionary দৃষ্টিভঙ্গী Noun/Adjective Imaginative, Dreamer Practical, Realistic /ˈvɪʒəneri/
Craft হস্তশিল্প Noun Handwork, Skill Art, Science /krɑːft/
Practical বাস্তবিক Adjective Functional, Useful Impractical, Theoretical /ˈpræktɪkəl/
Application প্রয়োগ Noun Use, Implementation Theory, Inaction /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃən/
Skill দক্ষতা Noun Expertise, Ability Incompetence /skɪl/
Object বস্তু Noun Item, Thing None /ˈɒbdʒɪkt/
Everyday প্রতিদিনের Adjective Daily, Routine Special, Rare /ˈɛvrɪdeɪ/
Beautiful সুন্দর Adjective Attractive, Pretty Ugly, Unattractive /ˈbjuːtɪfəl/
Pottery মৃৎশিল্প Noun Ceramics, Earthenware None /ˈpɒtəri/
Metal ধাতু Noun Alloy, Steel Non-metal /ˈmɛtl/
Wood কাঠ Noun Timber, Lumber None /wʊd/
Cane বাঁশ Noun Reed, Bamboo None /keɪn/
Bamboo বাঁশ Noun Cane, Reed None /ˈbæmbuː/
Jewelry গহনা Noun Ornaments, Gems None /ˈdʒuːəlri/
Musical সঙ্গীত Adjective Harmonic, Melodic Disharmonic, Discordant /ˈmjuːzɪkəl/
Instrument যন্ত্র Noun Tool, Device None /ˈɪnstrəment/
Wedding বিবাহ Noun Marriage, Ceremony Divorce /ˈwɛdɪŋ/
Ritual আচার-অনুষ্ঠান Noun Ceremony, Tradition None /ˈrɪtʃʊəl/
Festival উৎসব Noun Celebration, Event None /ˈfɛstɪvəl/
Personal ব্যক্তিগত Adjective Individual, Private Public, General /ˈpɜːsənəl/
Trade বাণিজ্য Noun Commerce, Business None /treɪd/
Commerce বাণিজ্য Noun Trade, Business None /ˈkɒmɜːs/
Winnowing উত্তোলন Noun Separating, Sorting Mixing /ˈwɪnəʊɪŋ/
Handicraft হস্তশিল্প Noun Craftwork, Art Mass-produced goods /ˈhændɪkrɑːft/
Artwork চিত্রকলা Noun Painting, Creation None /ˈɑːtwɜːrk/
Signature স্বাক্ষর Noun Autograph, Mark None /ˈsɪɡnətʃər/
Stature মর্যাদা Noun Reputation, Prestige Disreputation /ˈstætʃər/
Value মূল্য Noun Worth, Importance Worthlessness /ˈvæljuː/
Tactile স্পর্শজনিত Adjective Sensory, Touchable Non-tactile /ˈtæktɪl/
Dynamic গতিশীল Adjective Energetic, Active Static, Inactive /daɪˈnæmɪk/
Evolving বিকাশমান Adjective Developing, Progressing Stagnant, Fixed /ɪˈvɒlvɪŋ/
Material উপকরণ Noun Substance, Element Immaterial /məˈtɪəriəl/
Condition অবস্থা Noun Situation, State Disorder, Chaos /kənˈdɪʃən/
Impact প্রভাব Noun Effect, Influence Cause, Origin /ˈɪmpækt/
Lifestyle জীবনধারা Noun Way of life, Habits None /ˈlaɪf.staɪl/

Here are some  choice questions (MCQs) based on the passage, along with their answers:

1. What is the main difference between art and craft?

  • a) Art is a practical application, while craft is intuitive
  • b) Art is intuitive and visionary, while craft is practical for everyday use
  • c) Craft is more beautiful than art
  • d) Art is only for decorative purposes
  • Answer: b) Art is intuitive and visionary, while craft is practical for everyday use

2. What is an example of a musical instrument mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Guitar
  • b) Violin
  • c) Ektara
  • d) Piano
  • Answer: c) Ektara

3. What is the role of a crafts person?

  • a) To create paintings
  • b) To produce objects of everyday use using certain skills
  • c) To teach art
  • d) To write books
  • Answer: b) To produce objects of everyday use using certain skills

4. How do most artisans learn their skills?

  • a) Through formal education
  • b) Through training from older and more experienced artisans
  • c) By attending workshops
  • d) Through online tutorials
  • Answer: b) Through training from older and more experienced artisans

5. What is a common feature of the items produced by artisans in Bangladesh?

  • a) They are only useful for decoration
  • b) They are made only from wood
  • c) They are often beautiful and serve practical purposes
  • d) They are made only for export
  • Answer: c) They are often beautiful and serve practical purposes

6. In the past, what was the primary source of livelihood for most people in Bangladesh?

  • a) Craftwork
  • b) Industry
  • c) Agriculture
  • d) Trade
  • Answer: c) Agriculture

7. What role did artisans play in rural communities?

  • a) They provided medical services
  • b) They supplied necessary household items and items for social occasions
  • c) They worked in agriculture
  • d) They only made decorative items for the rich
  • Answer: b) They supplied necessary household items and items for social occasions

8. What is a common item that could be made by artisans?

  • a) High-tech gadgets
  • b) Pottery, jewelry, and musical instruments
  • c) Furniture only
  • d) Food items
  • Answer: b) Pottery, jewelry, and musical instruments

9. What are handicrafts?

  • a) High-tech objects made in factories
  • b) Items created using digital tools
  • c) Domestic and decorative objects made by hand
  • d) Food items made by hand
  • Answer: c) Domestic and decorative objects made by hand

10. What is a major characteristic of craftwork?

  • a) It is made only by famous artists
  • b) It always has the creator's signature
  • c) It is always evolving according to changing needs and tastes
  • d) It is never appreciated for its aesthetic value
  • Answer: c) It is always evolving according to changing needs and tastes

11. What does the passage suggest about the maker of craftworks?

  • a) The maker's identity is very important to the value of the work
  • b) The maker's identity is often unknown, but the work retains personal value
  • c) The maker is often famous
  • d) The maker's name is always written on the work
  • Answer: b) The maker's identity is often unknown, but the work retains personal value

12. What is a nakshikantha?

  • a) A type of pottery
  • b) A type of fabric
  • c) A cotton floor mat
  • d) A type of clay doll
  • Answer: b) A type of fabric

13. What does the passage say about the designs of craftworks?

  • a) They never change
  • b) They are always evolving but certain forms remain stable over time
  • c) They are always based on foreign designs
  • d) They are not important
  • Answer: b) They are always evolving but certain forms remain stable over time

14. Which of the following is a type of metalwork mentioned in the passage?

  • a) Clay oil lamps
  • b) Winnowing baskets
  • c) Coins
  • d) Musical instruments
  • Answer: c) Coins

15. What kind of objects did rural communities need for social occasions?

  • a) Clothes
  • b) Kitchen tools
  • c) Items for weddings, religious rituals, and festivals
  • d) Books and educational materials
  • Answer: c) Items for weddings, religious rituals, and festivals

16. What was the East India Company's role in Panam Nagar?

  • a) They built new houses
  • b) They made it a center of muslin trade
  • c) They destroyed the city
  • d) They changed its culture
  • Answer: b) They made it a center of muslin trade

17. How were craftworks traditionally passed on?

  • a) Through books
  • b) Through online classes
  • c) Through family tradition and on-the-job training
  • d) Through universities
  • Answer: c) Through family tradition and on-the-job training

18. What is a common feature of craftworks according to the passage?

  • a) They always carry a signature of the maker
  • b) They are made using advanced technology
  • c) They are dynamic, always adapting to new trends
  • d) They are mass-produced in factories
  • Answer: c) They are dynamic, always adapting to new trends

19. What kind of item is NOT mentioned as a craft in the passage?

  • a) Cane and bamboo items
  • b) Musical instruments like dhol and flute
  • c) Wooden carvings
  • d) Computers
  • Answer: d) Computers

20. What is one effect of changes in lifestyle and material conditions on craftwork?

  • a) Craftwork remains unchanged over time
  • b) Craftworks disappear completely
  • c) Craftwork production evolves and adapts
  • d) Craftworks become more expensive
  • Answer: c) Craftwork production evolves and adapts

21. What is the meaning of "artisan"?

  • a) A scientist
  • b) A person skilled in a craft
  • c) A farmer
  • d) A writer
  • Answer: b) A person skilled in a craft

22. What does "motif" mean in the context of the passage?

  • a) A theme or design element used repeatedly in craftwork
  • b) A color used in fabric
  • c) A type of fabric
  • d) A type of tool
  • Answer: a) A theme or design element used repeatedly in craftwork

23. What is the meaning of "tactile"?

  • a) Related to sight
  • b) Related to hearing
  • c) Related to touch
  • d) Related to taste
  • Answer: c) Related to touch

24. What does "dynamic" mean in the passage?

  • a) Unchanging
  • b) Always evolving
  • c) Always the same
  • d) Never used
  • Answer: b) Always evolving

25. What does "signifier" mean?

  • a) A person who creates art
  • b) An object or symbol that represents something else
  • c) A type of decorative object
  • d) A tool for making crafts
  • Answer: b) An object or symbol that represents something else

26. What is the role of art in relation to craft, according to the passage?

  • a) Art is more practical than craft
  • b) Art is intuitive, while craft is practical for everyday use
  • c) Art and craft are the same
  • d) Art is only for decoration
  • Answer: b) Art is intuitive, while craft is practical for everyday use

27. What historical event influenced the development of Panam Nagar?

  • a) The arrival of the British
  • b) The Mughal conquest of Sonargaon
  • c) The creation of a new port
  • d) The independence of Bangladesh
  • Answer: b) The Mughal conquest of Sonargaon

28. Why is the identity of the maker of craftworks often unknown?

  • a) Craftworkers never reveal their identities
  • b) Craftwork is usually made by many people
  • c) The focus is on the object itself rather than the maker
  • d) The maker is always anonymous
  • Answer: c) The focus is on the object itself rather than the maker

29. What does the passage say about the craftwork produced in Bangladesh?

  • a) It is produced only for export
  • b) It is of low quality
  • c) It reflects the community's values and needs
  • d) It is only produced for decoration
  • Answer: c) It reflects the community's values and needs

30. What does the passage suggest about the value of a craftwork?

  • a) Its value is based on the fame of the maker
  • b) Its value is based on its practical and aesthetic qualities
  • c) Its value is determined by its cost
  • d) Its value is not important
  • Answer: b) Its value is based on its practical and aesthetic qualities

31. Which of the following items would most likely be made by a crafts person in rural Bangladesh?

  • a) A cell phone
  • b) A bamboo basket
  • c) A computer
  • d) A microwave oven
  • Answer: b) A bamboo basket

32. How did Panam Nagar function during British rule?

  • a) It was a center of military activity
  • b) It became a center of muslin trade
  • c) It became a religious hub
  • d) It was a site of political meetings
  • Answer: b) It became a center of muslin trade

33. How does the passage describe craftwork in relation to art?

  • a) Craftwork is less valuable than art
  • b) Craftwork is practical and evolving, while art is static
  • c) Craftwork is only for decoration
  • d) Craftwork and art are the same
  • Answer: b) Craftwork is practical and evolving, while art is static

34. What does the passage suggest about the importance of community values in craft?

  • a) Community values are irrelevant to craftwork
  • b) Craftwork reflects the community's values and preferences over time
  • c) Craftwork only reflects the personal taste of the maker
  • d) Craftwork ignores the community's preferences
  • Answer: b) Craftwork reflects the community's values and preferences over time

35. Why might the identity of a craftworker be less important than the craft itself?

  • a) The craft is more important than the maker's fame
  • b) Craftwork is only valuable if the maker is famous
  • c) The identity of the maker is always known
  • d) Craftwork is only about the maker's personal life
  • Answer: a) The craft is more important than the maker's fame

Short Questions and Answers
  1. What is the difference between art and craft?

    • Art is considered intuitive and visionary, whereas craft is a practical application of skills for producing objects of everyday use. Craft objects are often beautiful and functional, like pottery, metalwork, and musical instruments.
  2. What are some examples of craft items mentioned in the passage?

    • Some examples include pottery, metal and woodwork, cane and bamboo items, jewelry, musical instruments like ektara, dhol, flute, and textile items.
  3. Who are called artisans or crafts persons?

    • People who practice a craft are called artisans or crafts persons. They usually learn their skills under the guidance of experienced artisans, often within their families.
  4. How do artisans typically learn their craft?

    • Artisans typically learn their craft through on-the-job training under the guidance of older, more experienced artisans, often within the same family.
  5. What was the role of artisans in rural Bangladesh?

    • In rural Bangladesh, artisans were essential for providing household items, objects for social occasions, and items for trade and commerce, such as baskets, oil lamps, and musical instruments.
  6. What are handicrafts?

    • Handicrafts are domestic and decorative objects made by artisans by hand, such as clay oil lamps, hand-held fans, and woven mats.
  7. How is the value of art different from craftwork?

    • The value of art is often determined by the artist's stature, and artworks carry the signature of their creator. Craftworks, however, do not bear the creator's signature, and the artist remains anonymous, but the work still retains a personal touch.
  8. What makes a nakshikantha unique?

    • A nakshikantha, a traditional embroidered quilt, is unique due to its intricate motifs and designs, which reflect the artistic skill of the maker, even though the creator's identity is unknown.
  9. Why do people appreciate craftwork even without knowing the maker?

    • People appreciate craftwork like nakshikantha because of its artistic value and the personal touch it carries, which makes the work inviting and full of character, despite not knowing the maker's name.
  10. How does craftwork evolve over time?

    • Craftwork is dynamic and evolves according to changing tastes, material conditions, and lifestyles, while still preserving certain traditional forms, motifs, and styles.
  11. What does the passage suggest about the stability of craftwork over time?

    • The passage suggests that while some aspects of craftwork change over time, certain forms and aesthetic preferences remain stable, signifying community values and traditions.
  12. What is meant by 'craftwork retains a personal touch'?

    • It means that, even though the maker of a craftwork is unknown, the object still conveys a sense of intimacy and personal skill through its design and craftsmanship.
  13. Why is the maker of a terracotta doll or a shatranji anonymous?

    • The maker of such objects remains anonymous because, unlike art, craftwork is often produced collectively or within families, without the emphasis on individual identity.
  14. How does the passage describe the nature of craftwork?

    • The passage describes craftwork as dynamic, always evolving with changing needs and preferences, but also retaining elements that reflect community values and traditional aesthetics.
  15. What are some of the roles craftwork plays in society?

    • Craftwork plays various roles in society, including providing essential household items, facilitating social rituals, contributing to trade, and reflecting the values and cultural identity of communities.

Summary of the passage 

The Essence of Craft and Art

The passage distinguishes between art and craft. Art is intuitive and visionary, while craft involves practical skills for creating everyday objects, such as pottery, jewelry, and musical instruments. Craftsmen or artisans learn through hands-on training, often passed down in families. In Bangladesh, crafts have deep roots in rural communities, where artisans create items for daily use and social events. Unlike art, craftwork doesn’t have a signature creator, but still reflects the maker’s skill. Craft evolves with time but retains traditional forms, reflecting community values and preferences.

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