Expressing a Solution to a Problem | Class 9 English Page 62 Class 9 English 5.2.1 Solution 2

Class 9 English 5.2.1 Solution 2 | Expressing a Solution to a Problem | Class 9 nglish Page 62

Class 9 English 5.2.1 Solution 2 | Expressing a Solution to a Problem | Class 9 nglish Page 62

This topic  is about 'Expressing a Solution to a Problem' on page 62. This  lesson is intended for the students of  Bangladesh who are in class 9. This  provides solutions to exercise 5.2.1 on pages 62 and 63 where, in groups, students will find out some issues and suggest possible solutions to those problems. In this content, we've discussed the topic "Mobile Phone Scams." We've discussed class nine English chapter 5, "Expressing a Solution to a Problem" based on the 2024 class nine English book published by the National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB).

Class nine

Problems that need to be solved immediately

1. Peer Pressure (সতীর্থ/বন্ধুদের চাপে নেতিবাচক কাজে প্রভাবিত হওয়া)
2. Littering (যেখানে-সেখানে আবর্জনা ফেলা)
3. Phone/Mobile Scam (মোবাইল ফোনের মাধ্যমে প্রতারণা)
4. Reckless Driving (বেপরোয়া গাড়ি চালানো)
5. Anxiety and Depression in Young People (তরুণদের মধ্যে দুশ্চিন্তা এবং বিষন্নতা)
6. Child Labor (শিশু শ্রম)
7. Abusive Behavior (অভদ্র আচরণ)
8. Cleanliness and Personal Hygiene (পরিচ্ছন্নতা এবং ব্যক্তিগত স্বাস্থ্যবিধি)
9. Drug Addiction (মাদকাসক্তি)
10.Obesity (স্থূলতা)

Group 1:
Group 1 consists of 4 students. They are Srabon, Monir, Sager and Fahim. Let's find out about the problem they've picked from the box, their discussions, and their solutions to the problem.

Mobile (phone) scam:
Why it's a problem?
Why it needs to be addressed?
What are some immediate solutions?

Group 1:

Srabon: My brother recently got a call from an unknown caller. He offered him (my brother) a work-from-home job. It sounded so convincing, but my brother knew it was a scam. Mobile phone scams are getting out of control!

Monir: That's scary, Srabontee. I've been hearing about these frauds more and more. It's not just annoying; it's dangerous. They can cause people to lose a lot of money.

Srabon: One thing we could do is raise awareness. Many people fall for these scams because they are unaware of such frauds. We could start by educating our friends and family about common scam tactics.

Monir: Good point, Srabontee. We should also share tips on how to know if a call is a scam, like contacting the company directly using their official contact number instead of the number displayed in the call

Sager: Yes, and we could use social media to spread the message. Creating posts and videos mentioning various scam scenarios could reach a wider audience and help more people avoid these traps.

Fahim: Absolutely. These scams are getting more advanced, and it's becoming harder to tell what's real and what's fake. What can we do to fight against this problem immediately?

Srabon: One thing we could do is raise awareness. Many people fall for these scams because they are unaware of such frauds. We could start by educating our friends and family about common scam tactics.

Monir: Good point, Srabontee. We should also share tips on how to know if a call is a scam, like contacting the company directly using their official contact number instead of the number displayed in the call.

Sager: Yes, and we could use social media to spread the message. Creating posts and videos mentioning various scam scenarios could reach a wider audience and help more people avoid these traps.
Fahim: I think it's also important to report these scams. If we report scam calls to our mobile carriers and the authorities, they can take action to block those numbers and possibly track down these bad actors.

Srabon: These are all excellent suggestions. Let's work together to implement them immediately.
Monir: Let's start by creating a detailed post on social media about common phone scams and how to avoid them. We can also include links to report scams and download call-blocking apps.
Srabon: Perfect! We can tackle this issue and protect ourselves and others from mobile phone scams. The sooner we act on it, the sooner our solutions will be effective.

Everyone: Let's do it!

Possible Solutions:

1. Educate our friends and family.
2. Spread awareness on social media.
3. Report scams to mobile operators and authorities.
4. Track and prosecute scammers.

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