English 2nd Assignment Questions and Solutions



3rd week

English 2nd Assignment.


Write an Essay on “Difference Between Online Class and in Campus Class

Write within 300 words.

You have to include:


What do online and in-campus classes mean?

The emergence of on-campus classes during.

Pros and cons of on-campus and online classes.

Share your experience during the Covid-19 pandemic examples.


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The solutions of the second assignment.


English 2nd Assignment Questions and Solutions
English 2nd Assignment Questions and Solutions

         Difference Between Online Class and in Campus Class

Before Covid-19 most students, especially the students of a developing country like Bangladesh, do not know much about Online Class. They are very much acquainted with institutional regular campus classes. Due to the pandemic situation to continue the academic activities, the government has taken the decision to hold an online class for all the students. Once the Online classes were for the special or advanced students. But now it has turned into a regular class for all the students.



What do online and in campus classes mean.

An online class is a class conducted by a teacher remaining away from the students through the internet. We can compare it with distance learning. As the learning process takes place through the internet, the student can attend the learning session from the comfort of their home anytime from anyplace in the world. Here the courses run through a learning management system in which students can view their syllabus, academic progress and communicate with their fellow student and their teacher only through the internet. On the contrary, in a campus class mean engaging in an activity of the educational institution where students are required to attend regular classes in the institution where he has enrolled.


The emergence of on-campus class during.

The emergence of on-campus class are:

        I.            Easily build community

     II.            Have a fixed timetable

   III.            Have an appeal to all

  IV.            Make the class lively.

     V.            Get the answer then and there

  VI.            Learn through giving and receiving process.



Pros and cons of on campus classes.

In campus classes, we meet face to face with our teacher and our fellow mates and learn by exchanging our feelings and thought by sharing our understanding and error. It also provides the opportunity to develop the relationship and build community with our teachers and students. In this traditional classroom setup, we have the opportunities to have an in-person conversation with our teachers or classmates to better understanding or wondering about. But the on-campus classes, the worst disadvantage is the scheduled time that we have to follow strictly every day.

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Pros and cons of online classes.

In online classes, the best advantage is that the classroom and the teacher are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Here we have the flexibility to spend time with work, family, friends, or anything we like. We get more freedom but less benefit from online classes. Freedom may be dangerous if we do not handle it carefully. An online-based course demands that our development depends on our personal time management skills. If someone does not manage his time properly, one day he will find himself buried beneath a seemingly insurmountable mountain of coursework.


My experience during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the campus classes have been shifted into online classes across the whole world of which I never thought to be faced. Before the situation, I was completely unaware of online classes. My online learning experience is completely different than what I was used to doing in a physical classroom. Though online classes are a good teaching method, I like to be in campus classes more delightfully than in an online learning environment. To keep the students, the future leaders safe and sounds, the government has directed that the teachers should teach the students to remain at home so that the students can continue their studies from home.

According to the government's order, our teachers have already started online to continue our study and try their best to our concept clear. As we are new to the process, many of us do not know the process of using the online class-related device effectively. With time now almost every student enjoys the online class more eagerly than before. My teachers are working hard to improve the interface and quality of the lecture. The teachers interact with the students with cool and interesting manners. Sometimes our teachers solve our quires through messenger or writing comments.

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So far as on-campus learning has a few disadvantages, it remains an impactful learning experience that helps us to develop better relationships with our peers, make us punctual, keep us busy to maintain time limit, engage in meaningful discussion and cater to our unique learning style. Though on-campus learning is backdated, it is more effective than online classes.

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